The First Culling

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The First Culling Page 19

by Michael Eicherly

  “Father, can you please unleash these straps? I really have to use the toilet.”

  Kelly giggles, but it still appears it’s her original self. Father McCourt looks her over curiously. Can he trust her? Could he trust her? She doesn’t seem mischievous, he thinks.

  “Not a good idea, Kelly. You’ve been very violent. You hurt quite a few people,” says Father McCourt."

  “Father, you want me peeing in the bed? Let me loose, I want to tell you everything. It wasn’t me. I’m better now promise. I won’t hurt anyone. I’ll make you a deal. Let loose the straps, and we’ll talk. I promise to tell you everything, Father. Where I was. ‘What it felt like.’ I can still see it in my mind. It’s like a movie, Father. It will never go away.”

  Father McCourt is a bit intrigued by Kelly. She would be the first human to ever remember an exorcism in detail. Especially, if she’s seen hell. He would be famous. He would write a book. Christianity would have a place in this world again. Everyone would know that God truly exist. He thinks it over for a second and agrees.

  “You sure you remember everything, Kelly?” asks Father McCourt.

  “Father, I have to go to the bathroom. Look into my eyes, Father. Do I look crazy?”

  Kelly smiles gleefully at Father McCourt. The Father removes the straps and Kelly trots on her toes to the bathroom.

  Father McCourt has that warm and fuzzy feeling move about his body. He also can’t help to admire Kelly’s beauty and fragile figure. She can’t hurt me, even if she was possessed. She has beautiful black hair, blue eyes, she’s perfect in every way. Father McCourt thinks of how well she’ll do in the public’s eyes. The media would love her, he thinks.

  Doctor Chu is speaking to one of the night nurses about a patient. He mentions to the nurse what drugs to administer. He looks at his watch, then speaks to his nurse.

  "I need to check on Room 440. God help us with that patient. It’s already been almost 4 hours.

  Doctor Chu gets to the elevator and pushes floor number 4. He waits as ‘Frank Sinatra’s New York, New York’ plays over the intercom. Doctor Chu exits the elevator and walks down the hall whistling. The doctor is now in front of room 440. He reaches for the doorknob and his cellphone rings. Doctor Chu answers.

  “Hi. Mm mm, well, I’m not sure, honey. Because we’re short on staff tonight. Yes, I like your pot roast. And for god’s sake. Get me a bottle of scotch. It’s been a really rough week baby. I’ll try. Ok. Ok, then. Bye. Damn that woman.”

  Doctor Chu reaches for the doorknob and walks through the door. He drops his clipboard to the ground and gasps. Kelly sits on the hospital bed Indian style and naked. Kelly is playing with herself. She plays with the head of Father McCourt. She giggles and laughs as she throws the head up in the air and catches. His body lay next to the bed with blood sprayed all over the walls. Behind Kelly, draped in blood, is an upside-down crucifix. Kelly looks at Doctor Chu and smiles.

  “We’ve been waiting for you.” She chuckles.

  The door slams behind Doctor Chu. He tries to escape. The door won’t open. All Doctor Chu can do is fall to the ground as Kelly walks towards him grinning.

  Chapter Sixteen

  It’s now Halloween at the Walbrecks’ home. Cindy walks through the front door, walking towards the kitchen. She’s wearing a black dress with the cross and sunglasses Kelly gave her. Usually during Halloween, Cindy’s happy. This year, she’s depressed. In spite of their disagreement, for Frank; the party must go on. Frank like parties, he always has. There’s plenty of booze and women. Cindy prays he doesn’t make a fool out of himself this time. Cindy has returned from Tara’s funeral. Rachel was there along with many other kids she knew. She felt it was more of a fashion-gossip show than funeral. This really upset Cindy. When Cindy woke, she looked in the mirror and noticed she’s much older. More mature than a few days ago. I can probably date twenty-year old’s she thinks.

  Matthew sits at the dining table. He stuffs his face with Halloween candy. There are decorations all over the home. Carved pumpkins, lighted skeletons hanging from the ceiling, streamers, orange and black string lights, and automated light-up monsters that stand in the hallway. Cindy likes these the best. Frankenstein, Dracula, and Wolfman. Cindy admires Dracula. She touches his fangs and looks at the prop right in the face. “I want to suck your blood,” she says aloud.

  Cindy sees Matthew as he sits at the dining table. He shoves chocolate in his face laced with Halloween Peeps.

  “Dude, you are so disgusting,” says Cindy.

  “Hey, man, this is winner take all,”

  “Save some for the guests, you pig,” replies Cindy.

  Matthew opens his mouth and shows Cindy chocolate and orange marshmallow. He makes a growling noise and slowly spits the marshmallow from his mouth.

  “You’re such an ass,”

  “So how was the funeral?” asks Matthew.

  “It was a funeral, dummy. What do you think? It sucked! You’re such a moron!” exclaims Cindy.

  Cindy shakes her head at her brother’s stupidity and walks to the refrigerator. She pours a glass of orange juice. She wipes her mouth with her hand and looks at Matthew again.

  “It would have been nice if you went to the funeral. You knew her also. And always made a jerk of yourself chasing her around the house. At least Steven had enough class to go. It was embarrassing for me. Mom and Dad did not go.”

  “Which reminds me, where is Grandma?”

  “Dad drove her to Santa Ana. You know her friend from Hungry. That weird white-haired woman called Irma.”

  “I remember her. Man, her house is creepy. Every picture on her wall is of someone, who is dead. You can’t touch anything, you sit anywhere? And she always puts out candy then slaps your hand if you touch it.” Matthew laughs, then stuffs in face with a Milky Way bar.

  “What happened to your glasses?” asks Matthew.

  “Well, I don’t need them anymore. Kind of weird though, I was used to them. Maybe I’m starting to mature,”

  “Maybe it’s your boobs that are maturing,” says Matthew. Bigger the boobs, the bigger the eyes."

  “You’re such a fag, Matthew.” Matt responds again by showing Cindy a mouth full of chocolate.

  Frank walks in the house from the back yard. He’s excited about the party and already sucking down beer.

  “Dad tell Matthew to stop acting like a fag. He’s being irritating,”

  “Matt, stop irritating your sister. And stop being a fag.”

  “The party starts at 5:00 pm. Better get ready. Dad bought really cool fog machines and a strobe light. I hope hot chicks are coming.”

  Cindy finishes her orange juice, rolls her eyes, and shakes her head. “You’re such an idiot.”

  Cindy looks at the wall clock. It reads 4:00 pm. Cindy sighs and watches Matthew shove more chocolate in his face.

  “Dad, this party is a big mistake,” states Cindy.

  “What ya saying, pumpkin. It will be butt kicking. It is every year. I mean, look at this place, awesome!” says Frank. I’ve been on it all day."

  “If that’s what you both think. I’m reluctantly going upstairs to get ready,” solemnly says Cindy.

  “Whatever,” replies Matthew.

  Frank goes to the refrigerator and looks it over. “Mm mm, I need to place the crap beer in the refrigerator. Good beer hides in the garage. Blood-sucking assholes.”

  It’s about 8:00 pm. The party is now festive at the Walbrecks’ home. The whole downstairs is filled with adults and teenagers with costumes. There is a big trampoline in the back yard. Women with oversized breast are enjoying the ride. Matthew stares, eyes wide open, watching as women jump up and down.

  Frank is in charge of the beer keg and barbeque, of course. He cooks burgers and hot dogs dressed like a vampire.

  “I want to suck your hot dog,” he says. People laugh at Frank. Frank just doesn’t get it. Frank is drunk and says stupid things.

  “Hey, Cindy, get the barbecue sauce,”
Says Frank.

  Cindy sits at the dining table with her friends. It’s covered with a black tablecloth and huge bowl of candy. Cindy is dressed like a witch. She wears no hat but a black wig. Cindy walks quickly to the refrigerator and grabs the bottle of sauce. She stands at the sliding glass door.

  “Hey, Dad, catch!” Yells Cindy.

  “Don’t throw it, no. Shit,” says Frank.

  Cindy sits back down in the dining area. She grabs a full-sized chocolate bar from the bowl. Three Musketeer. It’s one of her favorites. Rachel walks up behind Cindy. She places her hands over Cindy’s eyes.

  “Happy Halloween,” Rachel says.

  Rachel is dressed like a pirate. She sits down next to Cindy. The music plays in the background. The song is ‘I put a spell on you.’ Cindy and Rachel hear Frank yelling from the back yard about the food. “Dogs and burgers, dogs and burgers. Don’t touch the music or I’ll kick your ass.”

  “Can life get any more brutal than this?” Cindy asks Rachel.

  “You haven’t heard from Kelly yet?”

  Linda is in her bed. Her hand trembles as she reaches over and grabs another Lude. Four of them are laid out in the nightstand with a bottle of red wine. Linda struggles sitting up. She takes a pill and listens to the noise outside. She speaks to herself.

  “That bastard. Son of a bitch.” She takes a drink of wine straight from the bottle and places her oversized pillow over her head. Rachel and Cindy sit downstairs admiring the costumes. More and more patrons keep coming in the front door.

  “It’s going to be a large gathering this year. I don’t know if I can handle the noise. I haven’t heard from Kelly. With all the crap going on, Frank turned the phone off.”

  Rachel looks over at Cindy and rubs her on the shoulder.

  “You need to relax, Cindy. You’ve always liked Halloween. Hey, I have an idea,” says Rachel.

  “Please don’t say bobbing for apples. Dad set that up also.” Rachel laughs and removes a marijuana cigarette from her bra. Bully Timmy walks by the dining table and comments about Cindy. Timmy is dressed like a mummy.

  “Hey, Cindy, what are you supposed to be, the wicked nerd of the west? And what are you, a poop pirate?”

  “Fuck off, Tim!” yells Rachel.

  “Ohhhh, I’m scared,” replies Timmy.

  “Gosh, I wish he was dead,” says Cindy.

  “Pay no attention to that creep. He’s a little shit and always will be. Let’s go upstairs and smoke this joint. It will do us both good. Oh yeah and check this out.”

  Rachel opens her backpack and takes out the Indian necklace they found in her yard.

  “You remember the box, right? Well, I opened it at my house. I put the necklace inside for tonight. I did some research at the school library. It’s written that different boxes have been buried throughout America. One of them is called ‘Dybbuk.’ It’s rumored that some nutcases in Missouri buried it. Anyway, there are different boxes cursed with evil. You’re never supposed to open them. Pretty fuckin’ bitchin’, right?”

  Cindy curiously looks over the box, then hands it back to Rachel.

  “Seriously, Rachel, I’ve had enough of spells, ghost stories, and everything. I’m still bugging over Tara and Kelly. I think I’m going to get wasted tonight. Miss school and then go see Kelly.”

  Cindy looks over the party and places her head in her hands.

  “At this point, I couldn’t care less about the box. The necklace does look cool. It was probably left from the original settlers in the area. At this point, who, what, where, how, why? I couldn’t care less.”

  The music changes. Frank plays Lucretia My Reflection. “Hey yeah, I love this song!” Frank yells out.

  “Let’s go upstairs now,” says Cindy to Rachel.

  Cindy and Rachel stand up from the table and Rachel takes her backpack. Cindy takes Rachel’s hand as they walk through the party people. Many people are drinking, dancing, and having fun. The stairway is blocked by yellow police-style ribbons. Cindy tears through the ribbons as they walk upstairs. The noises at the party continue to escalate. Someone turns on the strobe lights. Frank walks into the family room area.

  “Let’s get this party going. It’s fuckin’ Halloween!” One of Frank’s favorite neighbors walk by. “Hey, Bob, like the costume. Let me guess, you’re a big pussy.” Frank pats Bob on the shoulder and walks away. An attractive woman dressed like a gypsy with double sized C breast walks by. Frank takes a shot of whisky and follows her to the other room.

  Cindy and Rachel lay on her bed. They stare at the poster on the ceiling of Bon Jovi, smoking the marijuana cigarette.

  “Do you think Tara is in heaven?” asks Rachel.

  “Of course, she is. What a screwed-up question. Good friend you are,” says Cindy.

  Rachel holds the joint in Cindy’s mouth, she takes a hit.

  “She’s Catholic, I think. If she killed herself, she goes to hell, period. Remember what the Ouija said that night.” Rachel takes another hit of marijuana after her statement.

  “Screw the board,” says Cindy. “You knew Tara as well as I did. She would never kill herself. Damn it, Rachel, why do you always worsen my mood.”

  “I’m sorry,” Rachel says. “I can’t help it. I think about these things. Dark thinks, all the time. Maybe my brain doesn’t work like everyone else. I mean, everyone around us is so fuckin standard. It makes me sick.”

  Rachel takes her backpack. She takes out the old box found in her back yard. She takes the Indian necklace from the box. She lays back and watches it hangs from her hand.

  “Trippy, uh? This necklace. Nothing standard about this,” says Rachel.

  “It is pretty cool. Don’t lose it,” replies Cindy. “What if it’s worth a lot of money? We can be rich.”

  “Yeah, rich would be nice. We can leave this shithole neighborhood.” Rachel leans over and kisses Cindy on her lips.

  “What’s that for?” asks Cindy.

  “’Because we’re best friends,” Says Rachel. “My mother has this weird boyfriend from Sweden.”


  “And he has this green bottle of liquor. It’s called Absinthe. Let’s do a few shots.”

  Cindy takes the last hit of marijuana. Cindy leans over Rachel and exhales in her mouth. They both look at each other and giggle.

  “OK, Absinthe it is,” replies Cindy.

  “Wait a second, what does this shit do?”

  “My mom says it makes you feel really sexy.”

  Downstairs, two over-sexed adults are sitting on the living room couch. They drink martinis and laugh. One is dressed as a farmer, and the other a farm girl, with pig tails, jean shorts, with red and white blouse.

  The coffee table in front of them displays over fifteen bottles of hard liquor. The man on the couch leans over to French kiss the woman. In doing so, he knocks over a few bottles of booze. They fall over and pour alcohol all around the coffee table. The woman on the house tries to wipe up the mess, her date takes her by the hand, pulls her to him, and continues making out. Frank changes the song on the stereo. He plays ‘Trip Like I Do, Crystal Method.’

  The strobe light continues flashing. Frank is at his bar. He stands with two women. One a sexy French maid, the other dressed like Cat woman. He gives each woman a shot of booze.

  “This is my special recipe. Enjoy, ladies.” The woman drink as Frank laughs and places his arms around each woman. The home is almost at max capacity. If fact there are way too many people. It’s beginning to smell like sweat and smoke, booze and body order.

  Frank brought in people from over forty miles away. All over the first-floor, people are dancing and bumping into each other, spilling drinks everywhere. People keep walking through the front and side doors. The back yard is also packed with patrons. Some are jumping in the swimming pool naked.

  Frank kisses on each woman’s neck. He places his hands on their buttock and pulls them forward. Frank begins to place his tongue in Cat woman’s mouth as he stro
kes the breast of the French maid.

  “Fuckin great party, isn’t it!” yells Frank.

  Frank begins to kiss the French maid, as he unsnaps her garter belts.

  The living room is totally dark now. All but disco lighting and strobe lights are seen. The stench of marijuana, cigarettes, and human sweat loom in the air.

  A couple is kissing on the large couch. The man holds a cigarette in his hand. The woman sits atop the man as they continue to kiss. She obstructs the view of the ashtray, making it hard for man to ash. She sits on top of the man, garter belts showing, grinding her hips. The man drops the cigarette as he begins to suck on the woman’s extended tongue. People are bumping into each other as booze continues to spill. A man dressed like a caveman bumps into a man dressed like a zombie. He spills his thirty-two-ounce Long Island iced tea on the carpet. The man on the couch flips his cigarette towards the coffee table. The cigarette stays on the edge of the glass table until one of the partygoers hits the table with their leg. The cigarette lands on the soaked carpet. A sudden burst of flame shoots up from the carpet.

  The woman on the couch takes her coat and tries extinguishing the flames. She is unsuccessful. The coat catches fire, burning her arms. Due to the extreme pain, her natural reaction is to throw the coat in the middle of the living room.

  A party patron ignites on fire. People panic as they try to put him out. He falls to the ground and starts rolling, only to ignite a bigger fire. The saturated carpet with laced with tequila, gin, vodka, and 151 lights up like a match. The man stands up screaming for his life as he continues grabbing other partygoers. With each touch, he ignites another human to a fiery death. A man dressed like a vampire is on fire; he tries running towards the family room. He trips and falls. His body ignites quickly. People try to exit the front door, it will not open. People kick the door, they run into the door. The fire spreads quickly. The windows throughout the house all lock by themselves. Sliding glass door leading to the pool slams by itself and locks. People run screaming for their lives trying to escape. A man tries to break open the sliding glass door with a chair with no success. A woman dressed like a pirate runs to the bar. Her upper torso in on fire. She jumps the bar and lands in Frank’s private booze collection. Frank’s booze collection falls over by themselves. They open and the alcohol spills all over the paver-tile floor. The floor ignites. The pirate woman ignites behind the bar. She screams bloody murder and jumps on another patron begging to be saved. The other cat woman jumps on Frank and wraps her legs around his waist. She holds on to him for dear life as they both are engulfed in flames. The woman falls of Frank as he tries to find an exit out of the bar area.


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