Stolen Minds

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Stolen Minds Page 23

by Pthasse Amadeus

  Chapter 12

  Hannah awoke to find her body speeding through the air and she wondered how she got there, but her attention was distracted by approaching Guardians in GenGo AT-1s, very similar in design to the one Hannah once had... Ignoring Hannah, they sped past her, heading towards the Sky Hub and Hannah considered going back to help Duke and the others. The thought left her mind when she saw the approaching Rebu Mother Ship.

  “Daniel, Rohan…” Hannah started to say via her communicator.

  “We see it,” Daniel interrupted and Hannah saw their Sentinel forms race towards the Mother Ship, while she continued her approach to the Sentinel Base, with a nagging desire for answers… Suddenly, she saw a Sentinel fly out of the base on a course to intercept Daniel and Rohan.

  “Watch your back,” Hannah said to Rohan and Daniel.

  “Don’t worry about us, just take care of John,” Rohan replied, as Hannah descended down the exit chute, entering the Sentinel Base. Hannah immediately spotted John, who had his back to her on the other side of what appeared to be a glass window. His attention was focused on the console he was operating and he didn’t hear Hannah approach.

  “Hold it right there,” Hannah commanded, holding her sidearm pointed at John.

  “Ah… How nice of you join me Annabelle, or is it Hannah? It must be very confusing for you…” John said, without turning to face her.

  “Step away from the console,” Hannah said.

  “Why?” John asked. “Are you going to shoot me?”

  “Don’t tempt me John,” Hannah said.

  “Go ahead,” John replied and as he turned, the lights in the room changed colour, giving the room a red hue. Suddenly, the window between Hannah and John darkened, becoming more reflective and Hannah saw visible surges of some kind of field surround her. She passed her gaze around the room searching for a way out and then finally her eyes rested on the window that had now become a mirror, and she saw her new face.

  “What is this?” Hannah said in disbelief, touching her face with her fingers. She looked just like a Rebu and then the feeling of separation began once again. Even though she strained to do so, she was unable to lift her hand and then she lost consciousness.

  “You fool!” Hannah’s mouth screamed in a voice that wasn’t hers.

  “Ah, Annabelle, thank goodness. I was getting bored talking to that impressionable A.I.,” John said.

  “A.I…” Annabelle said.

  “Don’t you recognise it? It’s your creation after all,” John said.

  “What are you talking about?” Annabelle asked.

  “My, my, isn’t this a joy! You really don’t remember the beginning of your torment?” John said, while returning the glass window to normal.

  “You planned this…” Annabelle said.

  “Well, not so much planned, but hopefully expected,” John said.

  “Answer me, how did I get to Safe Haven?” Annabelle asked.

  “Curious you didn’t ask about Hannah, the personality that has contained you all these years,” John said. “I see from your expression that you don’t remember, allow me to enlighten you during your final moments. Hannah is an A.I. that you completed shortly before our arrival on Earth, but what you hid from the Council was that you were designing her to improve and become self-aware, which of course you knew they wouldn't approve. When you defied the Council and you were arrested, it was decided that the totality of your actions deserved the most severe punishment; you were after all also accused of treason. So it was decided that your mind would be digitised and locked, since they didn’t think that the mind control would be sufficient. All that you were remained within your physical form, but your identity was hidden within your implant,” John continued. “The A.I. called Hannah, was downloaded to your implant, which of course networked with your brain. The Council gave her a history and full recollection of past experiences that were made up based on your own personality profile, so that the transition would be simpler; and she became the driver of your body and warden of your identity. The manipulation of outward aesthetics were much simpler and that was also done to me, so that I could move freely within the population. It’s ironic isn’t it? That the Council that you had fought so hard to protect in the past, were the same ones who sentenced you to such a fate…” John finished just as a new Sentinel fully armed made its way out the chute. Annabelle was in shock, she couldn’t believe the Council would do something like that her, and she felt compassion for Hannah.

  She heard Hannah’s voice in her head, screaming as she too heard the truth about her existence and it brought more sadness to Annabelle, she despaired; and unconsciously she relinquished control of her body to Hannah.

  Suddenly the ceiling collapsed and two Sentinels came crashing through; one Sentinel knocked the other and a sharp metal object descended on Hannah, who remained transfixed and in a state of shock. With no further warning the sharp point of the object pierced the left side of Hannah’s chest and she felt it tear open her heart. She gasped disbelieving and she was afraid, she didn’t want to die but yet she felt the grip of death surround her. She was unable to move and she felt like she was going into a deep sleep:

  “So this is what death feels like…” Hannah thought as she saw flash before her eyes all the memories of a past, which she now knew to be false and with that she gave her last breath.

  Annabelle quickly regained control of her body and took a deep gulp of air, stabilizing her breathing before removing the object that had pierced her left heart. She knew that she didn’t have a lot of time before the ruptured heart started causing problems to her second heart. She looked up to see that the shield, which had trapped her was now reversed; it now kept John Grayson contained and he was frantically working the controls on his console.

  “You don’t like being trapped do you?” Annabelle said to John, while looking around to see a dead Sentinel beside her and the Sentinel Armour capsules beyond it.

  “Now I remember everything Bloody General and as you’re busy, I’ll be taking back my ship,” Annabelle said, while walking to a capsule and retrieving the Armour contained within.

  “I’m glad that you finally recognise me, so, let’s put this bad business behind us; we are both Rebu after all,” John said.

  “No,” Annabelle said. “I think I’ll leave you to whatever fate the Humans decide,” Annabelle added as she secured the Sentinel helmet over her head.

  “No! Don’t leave me here!” John screamed but Annabelle ignored him and prepared to exit the chute. “You think you’ve won?! If I am going to die here, then so will you!”

  “You need to get out of there, the Mother Ship is about to open fire!” Hank screamed out through Annabelle’s communicator.

  “I’ll get her, just try to stop that cannon from firing,” Daniel said.

  “I’m already on it,” Rohan said and Annabelle promptly exited the chute, while John continued raging behind her. Annabelle watched in horror as the deep red light beneath the Mother Ship grew, signalling the rising power in its cannon. She watched as Rohan flew directly in front of it and fully activated a concave, reflecting shield, just as the cannon opened fire.

  “Rohan!” Annabelle screamed. Rohan’s body arched in silent pain and even though his shield deflected the cannon, he felt a good portion of the tremendous power of the partly charged cannon. As the laser beam from the cannon dispersed, Rohan slowly descended to the ground, his suit badly damaged, with parts of it missing.

  “Rohan!” Annabelle heard Sophia scream before seeing her whisk past her, towards Rohan’s falling form. Suddenly, Daniel opened fire and Annabelle was forced to take evasive measures.

  “Hold your fire! It’s me, Annabelle,” Annabelle broadcasted to all communicators. “Hank, keep control of the Command Centre, it’s time for me to end this,” Annabelle added without waiting for a reply as she descended back into the Sentinel Base. However, as she entered the base, she saw that Nathan was already there with Lola, holding a
smoking side arm pointed at John, who was no longer shielded. Before Annabelle could utter another word, Lola charged at John and split him down the middle with her sonic blade.

  “Duke…” Annabelle heard her implant say within her mind.

  “Hannah is that you?” Annabelle asked.

  “Yes… But I thought… I thought that I was dead,” Hannah said to Annabelle’s senses.

  “I see… It would seem your identity remained preserved inside the implant,” Annabelle said.

  “Please, let me speak to Duke,” Hannah pleaded and Annabelle allowed her to do so.

  “Duke,” Hannah said while removing the Sentinel helmet covering her head. “It’s me Hannah… I…” Hannah started to say.

  “Hannah what happened to you?” Nathan asked as he approached her Rebu appearance.

  “I’ll go help Dan,” Lola said, leaving the Base.

  “I guess everyone was right, this is Annabelle’s body and I am merely a code contained in her implant,” Hannah said. “Everything that I thought that I experienced was false.”

  “No Hannah, I disagree,” Nathan said. “When I killed all those Guardians, I thought that I had been deceiving myself by choosing never to use violence again, but I know now that all of it has been part of my experience, even those that I murdered; no matter the righteousness of my cause,” Nathan continued as he rested a palm on her tall Sentinel armour. “Your experience with me wasn’t false and neither were the ten years after that, and certainly not the actions that led us to this point. Even if the experience of having false memories is in itself part of your experience, which ultimately led to you bringing salvation to Safe Haven. A.I. or not, it was you Hannah that I fell in love with, your identity, your personality, the person that you are…” Nathan said.

  “Duke… Thank you…” Hannah said.

  “Now you, Annabelle and the others have got to take care of that Mother Ship, and I’ll take care of the citizens of Safe Haven,” Nathan said.

  “We will,” Hannah replied. “I had brought you here to help the citizens adapt to their new world, but it seems you’ve already taken the job for yourself. No matter what happens, I will always love you Duke,” Hannah said as she relinquished control of the body to Annabelle.

  “I would never have thought it possible, but she really does love you,” Annabelle said to Nathan. “I can feel her, her thoughts and emotions within my implant.”

  “I know that she does…” Nathan said.

  “Annabelle, Atlas’s shutdown will be complete in two minutes...” Hannah spoke to Annabelle within her mind.

  “Nathan, you have two minutes until Atlas shuts down,” Annabelle said. “Hannah wants me to tell you that Select will be completely eradicated in eight hours, until then it is up to you to get the people together and keep them safe. You’re going to have to get the Guardians on your side, you’ll have Lola, the Sentinels and whatever is left in Safe Haven or at Fort Freedom to help you.”

  “Where are you going?” Nathan asked.

  “Taking my people back home,” Annabelle said as she dropped her Sentinel helmet and ascended via the chute.

  She slowly approached Daniel, Lola and Sophia, who were standing around Rohan.

  “Annabelle…” Rohan said in a weak voice. “I’m glad to see that you’re alive.”

  “I am honoured to have fought beside such a great soldier; we will never forget you Rohan,” Annabelle said.

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way,” Rohan replied with a weak smile.

  “If you knew you were going to die then why did you go!?” Sophia sobbed.

  “My love… I couldn’t bear the thought of more innocent deaths staining the hands of the Rebu,” Rohan said.

  “It’s my fault you joined the Freedom Army, you wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for me…” Sophia said.

  “Don’t blame yourself, I didn’t do this just for you or for myself, but for our race…” Rohan started before coughing up blood. “How many other races have we done this to… The Rebu can no longer continue down this path, it will only lead to our downfall…” Rohan added between breaths before coughing up more blood. Annabelle rose to her feet and called the others away, giving Sophia and Rohan some space.

  “Please Rohan hold on, I can still save you,” Sophia urged and Rohan smiled.

  “As always, never giving up, all the way to the very end…” Rohan said trying to catch his breath, while blood oozed out of his lungs. “It is time for me, Sophia, I… Love… You…” Rohan said and the last word trailed off with his final breath.

  “No! Rohan!!” Sophia screamed and Annabelle moved her gaze to the Mother Ship, which now hovered silently over Safe Haven.

  “It was about to fire its cannon again, but then it stopped, I’m not sure what’s going on in there,” Daniel said when he saw Annabelle’s gaze.

  “The Bloody General had a neural interface with the main console via his implant and now that he’s dead his hold on the ship is gone; and now I can use my interface to retake control of my ship,” Annabelle said. “Lola, leave the rest of it to us. Dan, can you carry Rohan?” Annabelle added and Lola nodded in response.

  “Yes I can, but what do you mean your ship?” Daniel asked.

  “The Orion is how I got here; although, back then I thought I was coming to Earth for a completely different reason,” Annabelle replied, while proceeding slowly towards Sophia. “Let’s go.”

  “Where?” Sophia asked.

  “Home,” Annabelle replied. “The only problem remaining is the team of Sentinels left on the ship, on Orion.”

  “I think I can help with that,” Hannah voice spoke in Annabelle’s mind. “I have been able to network with them now that Atlas’s control is fading and I think that they will now respond to your orders.”

  “Is that so? Order them to stand down,” Annabelle said to Hannah.


  “How can you do this?” Annabelle asked.

  “I didn’t know it then but while I was interfaced with Atlas, my sub-routines were copying key programs in his database,” Hannah said and Annabelle smiled.

  “How many are left?” Annabelle asked Hannah.


  “That will do,” Annabelle replied to Hannah. “Dan, Sophia start making your way to the Orion,” Annabelle said. “Can you get me ship wide communications?” Annabelle asked Hannah.


  “Defenders!” Annabelle said and her voice was transmitted throughout the Mother Ship. “I am Annabelle Maxim, the Bloody General is dead and I have taken control of Safe Haven and its Sentinels; surrender and join me,” Annabelle said as she flew into the Mother Ship closely followed by Sophia and Daniel, who was carrying Rohan’s lifeless form.

  “Captain Maxim, the Mother Ship Orion is at your command,” a defender welcomed Annabelle as her party entered the ship.

  “Good, begin repairs and prepare to exit the atmosphere,” Annabelle ordered, while Sophia continued through the ship with Daniel, to lay Rohan’s body in a quiet room.


  Hank, Daniel and Annabelle stood around the main console in the Command Centre, while discussing their next course of action. After Annabelle took command of the ship she promptly repaired her ruptured heart and then later accessed the main console, solidifying her neurological link between her and the Orion. The Mother Ship Orion was now completely in her control and its crew was a mix of its original defenders and those members of the Freedom Army that decided to return to the Home World.

  “So, that makes you Head of Security, Hank,” Annabelle said. “And you Daniel, my First Officer,” she added with a smile.

  “Right well, I’d better make sure my department is up to scratch. There’s no telling what kind of resistance we might face once we reach the Home World,” Hank said as he exited the Command Centre.

  “Are you sure you won’t get bored of having me by your side?” Daniel joked.

  “It would be a welcome break from
being apart,” Annabelle replied, trying to curb the emotions she felt building up inside her. “Where’s Sophia?”

  “Oh, she’s at Medical, tending to the wounded,” Daniel replied.

  “What about the Rebu that were imprisoned in the Penitentiary?” Annabelle asked.

  “Some decided to remain on Earth, but most of them are now on-board.” Daniel replied.

  “It's sad to think of all those deaths we have caused...” Annabelle said quietly.

  “Annabelle, I’m sorry to interrupt but Atlas is completely disabled and Select has been completely eradicated,” Hannah said to Annabelle, from her new home within the Mother Ship’s systems.

  “That’s good news, now the Humans should be able to rebuild their civilisation,” Annabelle said.

  “Annabelle, I want to help them,” Hannah said.

  “I see…” Annabelle replied. “When I completed your original code, I also started building an android body for you. It’s not yet fully functional but it is operational and I’m sure that you can finish the rest.”

  “Really?!” Hannah asked sounding excited.

  “Yes,” Annabelle replied with a smile. “Here, I’m giving you access to the androids internal systems now, you can begin downloading your program.”

  “Thank you so much Annabelle!” Hannah exclaimed.

  “Oh, and one more thing, when you return to the surface, take the Sentinels and whatever you need with you. Earth may very well need their strength in the years to come,” Annabelle said and Daniel smiled at her.

  “Ok, I will,” Hannah responded and Annabelle could no longer restrain her affection for Daniel.

  “Clear this deck and don’t return until I order you to do so,” Annabelle said. “Not you Dan,” she added, as the personnel within the Command Centre filed out the room and Annabelle activated the privacy mode.

  “Finally we’re alone,” Daniel said.

  “Dan…” Annabelle started to say before Daniel stepped in, grabbed her and gave her a passionate kiss, filled with longing and desire. They frantically undressed each other and lay together on top of a console.


  Hannah tested out her new android body, flexing her muscles as she stared at her face in the mirror. The body originally lacked a skin, so Hannah synthesised one, which now covered her entire body, returning her appearance to what is was before. Annabelle had told her that the body wasn’t fully functional and Hannah could see the specifics that required upgrades, but she was more than pleased with her form; and without further pause she took command of the remaining Sentinels and led them back to the surface.

  It didn’t take her long to find Nathan, as he was with the surviving population of Safe Haven, at a place that she knew well. As she landed with the Sentinels, she heard him shout her name, while he ran towards her and caught her in a warm embrace.

  “Duke…” Hannah started.

  “Hannah… But how?” Daniel said, but Hannah ignored his question and kissed him deeply; their fears, worries and questions fell aside. They joined and their love was all.


  Thank you for reading my book. If you enjoyed it, please take a moment to leave me a review at you preferred retailer. You can also visit my site at Thanks!


  Special thanks to my fans and supporters, you have motivated me to keep writing and to continue improving the worlds that I create. Special thanks to my maker, my family, my friends and my partner, who continue to encourage me to pursue my art. Last but not least, special thanks to my editor, your assistance was much appreciated. I'd like to dedicate this novella to all those that have left this world. Although you are no longer beside us in the flesh, you will not be forgotten and so you will live on in our hearts.


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