First Love: A Single Dad Second Chance Romance

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First Love: A Single Dad Second Chance Romance Page 31

by Amy Brent

  I kissed her senseless and then started moving down her body with my mouth. Her nipples were hard and ready for me and I sucked one into my mouth before I told her to touch herself. Madeline’s hand darted between her legs and I moved to watch her as I kept sucking at her, hearing her whimpers and moans as she found her clit. I’d never forget this sound. I watched until she was making herself come before I rolled onto my back and told her to get on my face and put my cock in her mouth. Madeline moved quickly, and I was soon tasting her sweet juices on my mouth. She claimed me with her mouth, taking me deep inside of her throat as I jerked against her.

  I licked her folds, getting all of her before I found her clit and sucked it into my mouth. Madeline moaned around me and the vibrations made me harder as I forced myself to remain still. I wanted nothing more than to fuck her face as I made her come with my tongue and teeth but held back. I’d do that later. We moved together, and I shot deep down her throat just after I made her come with my teeth on her clit.

  I reached for a condom and rolled her to her back, spreading her legs wide. “I am going to fuck you now.”

  “Please,” Madeline begged me, her body reddened from my ministrations. I rolled the latex over me and moved between her legs, positioning myself in front of her. I took her with one slow thrust as we both cried out, feeling the way that I filled and stretched her. Madeline rocked with me as she wrapped her legs around me, both of us seeking a release again.

  It was raw and careless as we moved, my cock buried inside of her. She felt amazing and I kept moving, pressing my face into her neck to inhale her sweet citrus scent. I felt like a younger man that could fuck her all night as I rocked inside of her, hearing her cry out as she tightened further around me. Madeline came with my name on her lips and I followed a few thrusts later. I slowly rolled away from her to get my weight off and pulled her close against me as my emotions struggled. I knew that there was more than sex with this woman, but I didn’t want to go in too deep, even as my body tingled now.

  I got up to get us some water as well as an open bottle of wine and dropped back into bed. Madeline looked a little dazed and I offered her a bottle of water. She took a long sip and moved up to the pile of pillows as she gazed at me. “Do you want to spend the night? I can wake you up in time for your shift.”

  “I’d like that,” she replied as I smiled and offered her the wine. Madeline took a long sip of that, laughing as I moved back to her to draw a nipple into my mouth. She arched her back and I slipped my hand between her legs to find her wet and warm for me. We worked ourselves back to her on top of me, riding my cock like her life depended on it. I gripped her hip and slowly joined her, raising my hips to drive myself inside of her just as she slid down. Madeline started to moan as her head dropped back and I took her hander before she trembled above me. I came again and marveled at the feeling as she dropped over me, her damp skin pressed against mine as she kissed my neck. We slowly made our way to our sides and sipped some more cold liquid before I set the alarm and watched her fall asleep.

  I watched her for a while, seeing the peace in her relaxed smile. I knew that she was happy and possibly getting more emotionally involved with me, but I didn’t know what to personally feel. I was still conflicted, so I curled up under the covers and closed my eyes. I barely woke up when the alarm went off and she slipped out of bed to dress and go home. Madeline could lock the door on her way out, so I kissed her softly before she left to get ready for work, looking forward to sleeping in for a while.

  I dreamed about in the early morning hours, waking up with a start. It wasn’t that she seemed angry in the dream but there was a sense of loss in my heart as I blinked and looked around the empty room. I knew that I was up for the day and pulled on some shorts to walk downstairs to make coffee. I glanced across the living room at the mantel where all the pictures of my wife sat, reminding me of another time that was gone. I sipped my coffee as I walked to the small table by the window to look outside at the expansive backyard. I should decide what to do by the summer since this was a paradise with the pool and room to entertain. I worked too much to do that and looking back, we’d only managed a couple of parties in the years that we lived here.

  I read the paper as I ate some toast and enjoyed another cup of coffee. It was going to be an easy day and all I wanted to do was go for a run or maybe hit the gym later. I’d eaten a lot last night and could stand to work it off even with the sex last night.

  I ended up getting called into the hospital due to some sick staff and showered and dressed quickly. The fact that I was a general surgeon made this a common occurrence and I dressed quickly before driving in. I walked in quickly, bumping into Madeline near the room where we kept our stuff and had the break room, looking down at her as she gave me a surprised gaze. “You’re here.”

  “I got called in,” I told her as I walked through the door to my locker, needing to be away from her heat. I hung up my jacket and got ready to hit the floor, looking over to see her gone as a wave of regret hit me.

  Had I been cooler than necessary since we were here at the hospital?

  I went to the board and went over what surgeries I was going to take over for the missing doctors, working along with the ones that were there or covering. I ended up with five long but easy ones to get me through the day, along with anything that might come up and we all went to talk to the patients.

  I completed the first two and went to sip some coffee before my pager went off. I saw that it was from the ER and took one last sip before walking over to find out what was going on. Madeline was in the room with the patient with the bust appendicitis and I shuffled around my surgeries to fit them in immediately.

  Holly was one of the nurses in the ER that I was familiar with over the years and she was also a flirt. I could feel Madeline watching us as we talked to the ER doctor and kept my face neutral. I couldn’t fall into the drama at work when there was nothing going on.

  I left to book an OR and didn’t look back. I’d explain myself later even though I tried to tell myself that there was no reason. I already explained that I didn’t sleep around and that I’d been faithful in the past. We weren’t together like that to begin with, were we?

  I finished my shift and reached for my phone after I slipped my jacket on. I only had a few hours to sleep but I sent a text to Madeline asking if she was off and wanted to come over. I felt like I needed to clear things up with her and I was in my driveway when she sent back a message that she was just finishing until the morning. She offered to pick up some dinner and we agreed on Thai before I went in the house to shower. I dressed in shorts and a t-shirt before going downstairs and waiting for the knock at the door with a fresh bottle of wine.

  I answered it, seeing her still in her scrubs as she held a large bag of food in her hands. There was a smile that didn’t reach her eyes and I knew that what she saw earlier was still bothering her.

  “Do you work tomorrow morning?” Madeline asked me as she followed me to the kitchen, watching me nod. “Shouldn’t you sleep? You worked a long time on your day off.”

  “I’ll be fine. We both need to eat, and I wanted to talk with you.” She frowned as I took out plates and she poured the wine, moving to the table.

  “What is it?”

  “I am just friends with Holly. She is just a flirt like a lot of the staff but that means nothing to me. I didn’t give in to it before and I won’t now.” I surprised myself with the words as she gave me a wide-eyed stare. “I could tell that it bothered you.”

  “I can’t touch you at work and we’re sleeping together. Maybe I should start flirting with you,” Madeline murmured before sipping her wine.

  “There’s no need. There is already plenty of heat when I’m in the room with you. I am almost surprised that nobody has noticed it first.” I was honest, and she looked at me again before moving her eyes to the window. “This is new to both of us. I’ve never dated at the hospital, just watched couples crumble around me. I don’t
want things to ever be uncomfortable with us.”

  “We’re adults. They won’t be.” Madeline smiled before reaching for a container. “I’m starving.”

  We ate and silently hurried to the bedroom where I stripped her of her scrubs and pushed her back to the bed to taste her. Even after working a long shift, Madeline tasted sweet as honey and I teased her before focusing on her clit and making her come for me.

  After that, she moved to her knees and took me in her mouth until I told her to get in front of me. Madeline was shaking as she moved, raising her ass in the air for me as I massaged her skin gently, making my way to her glistening pussy. I slipped a finger inside as she pushed back against me, gripping me as I reached for the drawer.

  We fucked hard as she learned to rock with me, bringing me even deeper inside. I told her to finger her clit and Madeline screamed when she came, her juices dripping down her legs once I pulled out of her. She collapsed to the bad and sucked in air as she recovered, looking spent in front of me.

  “That was so different,” Madeline gasped as I leaned down to kiss her damp back.

  “It’s my personal favorite.” I assured her before going to get us some water. I sat back down beside her, still on her stomach and took on her sexy body, toned from our trips to the gym. She was already beautiful, but her curves were looking great now, and her ass was amazing.

  She rolled over, moving to the pillows to sit up and drink the bottle nearly in one sip. Madeline laughed and wiped her face as drops slid down her chin. “I am a mess today.”

  “A hot mess. Stay there and we can do it again,” I told her as she looked down at my cock, starting to stiffen again.

  I ended up on top of her, kissing her deeply until I was sheathed and inside of Madeline again. We rocked together slowly, enjoying every moment as our skin slapped together. We came together, and I closed my eyes as her warmth washed over my body as I jerked inside of her.

  I never did that with Laura and I dropped over Madeline as I struggled with the reality that I was facing.

  Chapter 14


  I passed out once we were done and I knew the alarm clock was set. I was exhausted at that point. Every single time got better with Declan and I woke up feeling refreshed when the alarm sounded what felt like five minutes later. I really needed to work on staying home and getting some real sleep but for now I just headed home to shower and change into fresh scrubs after a morning kiss.

  Kelly looked at me as I walked in, a smile forming on her face. “You’ve been walking in here glowing for the last few weeks. What’s going on outside of this chaotic place in your life, Madeline? I know it isn’t this hospital.”

  She didn’t realize how far from the truth she was.

  “I’ve been seeing someone casually, but it isn’t serious.” I shrugged and checked the computer to see what patients we had.

  “Have you? I knew that some man would get to you. Do I know him?” I almost choked at her words and tried to reach slowly for my coffee to sip it.

  “No, he doesn’t work here. I met him at my gym.” That wasn’t completely a lie.

  “I’ll bet you’re getting a great work out both in and out of the building then. That’s a great way to release some of the stress that comes along with this place.” Kelly said with a laugh as she looked up. “Hello there, Doc. What can I do for you?”

  I looked up to see Declan and heat immediately washed over my body. I glanced back down and pretended to focus on the computer as he told Kelly that he heard there was an ulcer patient and she took him to the bed as I looked up to see him staring back at me. He probably heard all of that and hopefully caught on to my cover story as I heard the phone ringing. I went to answer it and went into trauma mode with the announcement of a multiple shooting at a school coming in. I hated these stories and pages were sent out to get all hands-on deck as we formed a group by the emergency room doors.

  There were only two fatalities but a lot of critical patients that swarmed through our doors that day. I helped as needed and moved on to the next one until it was quiet again and we all dropped into seats. “I’d be happy if we didn’t get another patient today.” Kelly spoke from the desk and I looked around to see the janitors cleaning up after the madness. “I hate those calls. I don’t understand.”

  “Can I take a short break?” I asked as she looked at me with a soft smile and nodded. I went outside and found a private spot to call my mom. I started to cry when she answered and told her about the last couple of hours as she sat and listened. When I was calm, she told me that I was here to help all sorts of people through some terrible things. We could cry as nurses and mourn the things that we’ve seen if we kept helping people.

  I ended the call by thanking her and slipped my phone back into my pocket. I glanced over to see Declan watching me before he walked over. “Are you okay? I heard about the call. It’s all over the news and the media might be flooding this place soon, if you want to hide from them.”

  “Things like this are so hard. Those poor people that never deserved this…I suppose this is one of the tough times in being in this field.” He sat down beside me and nodded as I looked around. “What if we’re seen?”

  “It sounds like you covered that with the gym story.” I nodded and glanced at him. “It was a good one. It will keep people happy.”

  We stayed outside for a few minutes and then went in when the news vans began pulling in. The representative went to speak to them, giving vague details about the survivors. A few of them were still in critical condition and we were all waiting for news. I left a few hours later and walked to my car, seeing just a couple of vans still parked. I was tired beyond just the physical and I needed to sleep for about a week, but I only had the following day to do so. I was just getting in my car when I looked down at my phone that was vibrating in my pocket. I pulled it out and read the text from Declan telling me to come over and sleep with him. He knew that I didn’t want to be alone and he didn’t work until the afternoon of the following day. I agreed and drove to my house to get some things before going to his house.

  We took a hot bath together and decompressed before he washed my hair for me. It felt so good with his hands in my hair and I closed my eyes as I fell for him a little harder. We dried off and he gave me a big t-shirt to wear and we went to his room and turned on the TV.

  We did make slow, sweet love before falling asleep. It was the healing kind and I snuggled in his arms afterward, fighting sleep. We slept in the following morning, making love again before we made a feast for breakfast before we sat around on the couch watching movies until he had to return from work.

  I drove to my house and resumed watching movies alone on my couch. I felt better but knew that I was falling harder for Declan. I didn’t know if he wanted that or even I wanted that. I was supposed to be focusing on my career.

  My mom called later to make sure that I was okay, and I assured her that I was. I was strong enough to get past the hard times to help the kids like Suzie and see them go on to live their lives, even though there was a great deal of tragedy in that story. I had to focus on the good. She also asked about my relationship with Declan and I told her that we were sleeping together. Mom was surprised, knowing how much I focused on school and then work. She never insisted that I save myself for anybody but did urge me to save it for someone special. “Is he special?” She asked as I smiled sadly.

  “He is, Mom. I just don’t know what he wants from this, or even what I want. I never wanted to save myself for marriage, but I don’t know if this is just going to pass.” I sighed and slumped against the cushions.

  “Maybe it will but he sounds like he is taking care of you. He is in a rough place, Maddie. He doesn’t know the right move to make but I think he’s trying with you.” She fell silent on the other end. “I hate the idea of you being hurt but you need to live life. This is a part of it. I still want to pack you up and bring you back to me sometimes.”

  “I’m doing
fine, Mom. I just need to sort through it all. I am sure that nothing will come from this.” We chatted for a bit longer until we hung up and I ordered a pizza for dinner. I just wanted to sit here alone for the day and take everything in.

  I woke up the following morning and showered, ready for a new day. I dressed in my favorite pink scrubs and did my hair in a French braid. I added a little makeup to my face and left the house to go to my car, taking a deep breath of the chilly air.

  Thanksgiving was coming soon, and I would be going home to see my mom and aunt. I couldn’t wait and thanked Kelly every day for giving me the time off, and she assured me that it would be good for me to see my family. I didn’t have anyone here and there were plenty of people willing to work all holidays. I had less than a month before I flew out and I started my car with a smile on my face.

  Chapter 16


  I thought about the night with Madeline for a couple of days. I went to her when I knew that she needed someone despite knowing that it would draw us closer. I couldn’t help myself. I knew that she probably needed some time alone and our schedules were different this week. Maybe that was best.


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