First Love: A Single Dad Second Chance Romance

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First Love: A Single Dad Second Chance Romance Page 49

by Amy Brent

  As I pushed two fingers inside of her and carefully fingered her, my tongue circled around her nub, and she screamed out, her back arching upward as her body began to shudder. She came hard, her juices flowing out of her over my hand. I lapped at her softly as she rode the waves of pleasure, her body finally falling back onto the bed. I kissed her pussy lips and pulled myself up, taking off my boxers, and sliding over her and intertwining my fingers with hers above her head. I looked deeply into her eyes and pressed my lips against hers as I shimmied my hips forward, pushing my cock into her and letting her juices guide me the rest of the way.

  She gasped, feeling me sinking into her, and pulled her head back and locked her eyes with mine. My hips began to move, forward and back, but I was entranced by her gaze like I had been the first time with her. The passion between us was thick and strong, and I couldn’t pull my face away from hers. She was so wet and so tight, and it aroused me even more. I thrust my hips faster, groaning as my cock felt every inch of her silk. She breathed heavily, pulling up her hips and grinding them against me as I sank deep down inside of her. She leaned her head up and kissed me, sucking on my bottom lip as she pulled away, laying her head on the pillow and closing her eyes. She whimpered, opening her mouth and moaning in short bursts to match my ever-quickening thrusts. I grabbed her thigh and pulled her leg up my side, pushing up with my hands and slamming my hips into her, my cock going as deep as I could get it. She growled, opening her eyes and gritting her teeth, the need flooding through both of us. I released her hands and began to thrust harder and harder into her, reaching up and grabbing onto her tits. She ground her hips against me, whimpering with want.

  I pulled my legs out from under me and lay forward, wrapping my arm under her back and rolling until she was straddling me, looking down. She flung her head back, tossing her beautiful hair down her back and pushed her palms down on my chest. I grabbed her waist and moved her body, keeping myself pressed deep inside of her. She moaned loudly, using my body to rub across her clit. She leaned forward and began to swirl her hips passionately against me, her body frantic for release. I groaned, reaching down and holding onto the mattress, trying to hold back myself. I wanted to feel her come so badly, and I could tell she was getting close. She leaned her head back and screamed, grasping tightly to my chest as she came hard. I pushed my hips upward and released, my cock pulsing against her tightening pussy as we sunk into climax together.

  When our bodies relaxed, she rolled over to the side and lay against me, rubbing her hand over my chest. It was the best feeling in the entire world. I ran my fingers down her back and looked down as her eyes shot up to mine.

  “How did you find me? I mean, I know Camden isn’t that big of a town, but I’m not listed,” she said.

  “Tell me about it.” I laughed. “You seriously were the hardest woman to track down ever. I paid for searches, called around, did everything I could to try to find you, but you were like a ghost. I was starting to think you really didn’t live here. You know what did it?”


  “There was one of your cards lodged under my couch.” I chuckled. “I had taken the day off to do deep cleaning around the house. I do it like once a month to keep up with the apartment as a single dad. It was the day that I was going to vacuum and shampoo all the carpets. I moved the couch to clean up all of Sicily’s toys that end up down there in the cave under the couch and almost threw your card in the trash. The bright colors caught my attention, and I looked to see who’s it was. I just about died when I saw your name on it.”

  “Oh my god.” She laughed. “I was rushing out and spilled my purse. I had thrown my cards in that purse forever before for storage and didn’t realize it when I went out that night. My purse exploded on your floor, and I thought I got all of them. It must have slipped under there.”

  “It was fate.” I smiled and leaned down to kiss her lips.

  “I think it was,” she said, smiling. “I want you to know that I had every intention of coming to find you, to tell you about the baby.”

  “I know you did,” I said. “I didn’t exactly leave you with much to go on either. Seeing you pregnant was a bit of a surprise but not a bad one. It was a flutter in my chest, not a sinking of my stomach. And you looked so beautiful standing there in the sun the first time I saw you. It was like a message telling me I had to be part of your and the baby’s life.”

  “I’m really glad you feel that way,” she said. “I was worried how you would react. Of course, at that point, I still thought you were married. I pictured myself having to tell you and your wife at the same time. It was awful.”

  “Well, thankfully, you do not. It’s just me,” I said, rubbing her head.

  “We should spend some time getting to know each other, as long as you’re here,” she said. “There’s so much we don’t know about each other. It’ll be like speed dating, only you already knocked me up before the dating began.”

  “You put that so eloquently.” I laughed. “But yes, I agree. We should get to know each other. Take our time, and I will promise to be a perfect gentleman this time around.”

  “You better,” she said, shaking her finger at me and laughing. “So, if you’re here, then where’s your daughter? Or does she stay at the school too?”

  “No, it’s not a boarding school,” I said. “My mother lives near us, and she gets her to school and is taking care of her while I’m away. She’s there to help wherever she can, and when she heard me talking about this woman who I thought was unbelievable, she was more than happy to send me packing in your direction. She wants me to be happy, and so does my daughter, so they’re back home rooting me on.”

  “They sound like they really love you,” she said.

  “They do, and I’m a very lucky man for having them in my life,” I said. “And now for having you in my life.”

  I watched as she stood up and moved around the room, collecting her clothes. Slowly, she got dressed, blushing when she noticed my eyes on her. She fixed her dress and looked at herself in the mirror, combing her hair with her fingers. She was stunning, and I couldn’t take my eyes off her. She walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge of it, taking my hands in hers. I loved the way it felt to be holding her tiny little hands in mine. She was so strong, yet so fragile at the same time.

  “I want you to know,” I said, “no matter what happens between us, I will be there for that child. We will always figure out a way to make things work. A child is a blessing, no matter how long or short of a time that I knew you before we conceived. There’s a purpose for all of this, I can feel it. I will never abandon our child, and you’ll always be taken care of. I don’t want you to ever have that worry again. It’s important to me that you know I’m a good, decent man.”

  “It’s really good to hear that,” she said, smiling.

  I leaned up and ran my hand through her hair and cupped the back of her neck. I pressed my lips against hers and pulled her close, passionately showing her I meant every word that I said and more. She was the most beautiful woman in the world and the only one I wanted. I may have been moving fast in my own head, but when I knew it was right, there was nothing that could really change that. She was the right girl for me, and now I was able to relax and really get to know her.

  We pulled apart and she smiled, running her hand over her belly. It was that moment that it all really hit me. I was going to be a father to another child. I was going to have a baby with this woman. I was so happy about that fact. While other men would be running for the hills, all I could do was run straight toward Emma. She and that baby were my future, along with my daughter, Sicily.

  “This was meant to be,” she whispered.

  “I agree,” I said, pulling back and stretching. “Meet me for dinner tomorrow night.”

  “I will,” she said writing her number down and giving it to me. “Just in case. But I have to go. I have work in the morning. Sweet dreams.”

  I watched her walk out of the ro
om, and I lay back on the bed. I had done it. I had found her, and my feelings were stronger than ever. This was definitely a surprise, especially with the baby, but I was floating on cloud nine.

  Chapter 20


  Work had seemed to creep by, and I found myself staring at the clock every five minutes. I couldn’t believe Brandt was there in Camden and that I was going to see him in a few hours. I left work right when the clock hit five to meet Caroline and Gillian at my house so they could help me get ready for my dinner date. My hands were shaking, I was so nervous, and I had especially enlisted Caroline to help me pick out my clothes. I had a lot of clothes. What girl didn’t? But not all of them fit even before I was pregnant and showing. I was always a really simple girl, with really simple taste, at least when it came to fashion. I had a few pieces that Caroline liked, and most likely she had bought them for me. She looked through my closet, pulling out different items and holding different tops up to them. She turned around and smiled at me.

  “Here. Try these jeans and this flowy top.” Caroline tossed me a pair of jeans.

  I put down the jewelry in my hand and pulled the jeans on, hopping to get them to come over my ever-widening hips. I took in a deep breath and tried to close them, but I couldn’t. Caroline and Gillian watched me as I struggled, trying to even get the zipper up.

  “Maybe if I lie down,” I said.

  “No, no,” Caroline replied. “We don’t want to suffocate that poor child. I’ll find something else.”

  I struggled to get them back off and threw them across the room in frustration. I sat down on the edge of the bed and pouted. Gillian raced over and put her arm around my shoulders.

  “Damn it. None of my jeans fit anymore,” I said.

  “Here,” Caroline replied. “Wear this. It’s super cute.”

  I slipped on the blue and yellow long strappy sundress and was happy to see that it still hit the floor on me. I looked in the mirror and smiled, happy with the choice. It wasn’t like I was trying to hide my pregnancy. Brandt and the entire town already knew all about it. What I was really trying to do was look as hot as I could for him.

  “I love that,” Gillian said.


  “Yes,” Caroline replied, handing me a silver bohemian necklace of hers. “Wear this with it and pull your hair back and up in a loose bun. You will look like a sun-kissed queen. Oh, and these sandals, even though you really can’t see them in that dress.”

  I pulled the necklace on and looked at myself in the mirror, smiling. I looked like I should have walked off some California beach, smelling like suntan lotion and telling surfing stories. I liked it, and I was sure he would really like it too.

  “So, tell us about what’s happened,” Gillian said. “All we know is he showed up last night.”

  “Yeah,” I said, sitting down on the bed. “So that picture was from over two years ago. His wife is now his ex. Apparently, she got up one day and just left him and his daughter without a word from her that entire time. He said she came by last week, and his daughter wanted nothing to do with her.”

  “What a bitch,” Gillian gasped. “The ex, not the little girl.”

  “So, he’s not married?” Caroline asked.

  “No,” I said. “Apparently, he’s been looking for me ever since I left his apartment. The only reason he found me is because I dropped an old business card, and he found it under his couch. He got right on a plane and flew here to find me the same day. He said he saw me a day or so before but couldn’t get to me in time. He happened to be out looking for me when he saw me walking to the café yesterday.”

  “That is nuts,” Gillian said. “And so romantic.”

  “I know.” I fell back on the bed. “But terrifying too.”

  “No,” Caroline said. “You will not talk yourself out of this. This is so amazing, Emma. This guy makes you light up like no one I have ever met before. It’s like he can change the way you feel just by being around you. You need to open up to him, give him a real chance this time.”

  “If nothing else,” Gillian said. “Even if you aren’t crazy about him, which we can tell you are, do it for the baby. That child will want to know about its father.”

  “As far as me being crazy about him, I’m not,” I said. “I’m getting to know him. And you guys are right. I need to give him a chance, for no other reason than I’m pregnant with his child.”

  The truth was I had butterflies floating all through my stomach and up into my chest. I knew they were more for the fact that I liked him so much than anything to do with the baby. I didn’t want to tell the girls that, though. I didn’t want to get mine or their hopes up, just in case nothing about this worked out in the end. Sure, last night was amazing and hot, but it wasn’t reality. Reality was me barfing every other morning and looking like hell when I woke up. We hadn’t gotten that far, and that would be the tester if it really was meant to be.

  Caroline sat me up and did my hair, pulling a few wavy pieces to the front. I finished up my makeup with a little light gloss on my lips and smiled, swirling around at the sound of Gillian’s gasp. She was standing at my bedroom window looking down at the street.

  “He’s here,” she said excitedly

  “Ahh,” Caroline squealed. “Okay, let me see you. Emma, you look amazing.”

  “Okay, let’s go.” I turned to grab my clutch.

  I made my way down the stairs listening to the girls tromp down behind me, giggling and talking all the way down. They were more excited about my date with Brandt than I was, which was hard to do since I was ecstatic about it. I opened the door and smiled at Brandt.

  “Wow,” he said. “You look beautiful.”

  “Thank you,” I replied, looking back at the girls as they giggled.

  “You ready?”

  “Yep,” I said.

  “Bye, ladies,” Brandt said.

  “Bye,” they said in unison. “Have fun, you two.”

  We went into town to a nice restaurant that hadn’t been there very long. It was my first time inside, and I was surprised by how busy it was. Luckily, I didn’t recognize anyone I knew. The hostess sat us in the corner, and Brandt pulled out my chair for me, pressing it in as I sat. He was such a gentleman. He passed on the wine since I wouldn’t be able to drink any, and we both had iced tea and water instead. He was being incredibly sweet, especially when he ordered almost all the appetizers because I couldn’t decide what I wanted. The waiter looked at us like we were crazy but went ahead and put the orders in, knowing it would yield him a nice tip at the end of the night.

  “That night I met you in New York, it was one of the best nights of my life,” he said. “Before you left, of course. I’ll tell you a secret. I saw you when you first arrived. I was so overcome by you that I just stared, dead in the middle of a conversation with another woman. She eventually walked away.”

  “Oh, no.” I laughed. “That’s terrible.”

  “Yeah, well, it was worth it,” he said, taking my hand. “I stood around watching you for a while, trying to get up the nerve to talk to you. When I walked up to the bar, I thought I’d lost you in the crowd.”

  “But there I was,” I said, smiling.

  “There you were,” he replied. “From the next day until the moment I saw you in front of that café, I couldn’t get you off my mind. My friends thought I was nuts. Hell, I thought I was nuts, but I had to see you again.”

  “I thought about you a lot too,” I said. “It’s been hard here, and I had a whole master plan to find you, but you found me first.”

  “I’m sorry I haven’t been here for you,” he said. “Especially with the baby. I’m sure it has been difficult for you thinking I was married. You were pregnant, and I know you probably felt all alone. It hurts me to know I could have been there for you, been happy with you when you got the news.”

  “So, you are happy?”

  “How could I not be? I’m going to have a child with an amazing woman,” he said. �
��Children are a blessing, and I don’t know what I would do without my Sicily. She holds the house together. Hopefully, you’ll meet her soon.”

  “I would like that,” I said. “Where does she stay when you aren’t there?”

  “I moved my mother from upstate to live in the same complex,” he explained. “My father died when I was younger, she was all alone, and we needed her after Josie left. She helps take care of her a lot, especially with my company being so crazy. Cogent takes a lot of love and care.”

  “Wait,” I said, shaking my head. “You own Cogent Technologies? I didn’t know you owned something so huge.”

  “Yeah.” He laughed. “I started it right out of college. I went to Yale and got my degree in IT. Started Cogent the day I graduated. It’s really been something watching it grow and blossom into what it is today.”

  “That’s great,” I said. “I’d like to have my own graphic design firm one day.”

  “That’s an amazing idea,” he said.

  I went on about my ideas, laughing, talking and getting to know each other more. It was an amazing dinner, and I didn’t want it to end. We ate our food and then got dessert, again ordering everything on the dessert menu because I couldn’t decide. When we were done, he paid the bill and drove me back to the house, holding my hand tightly in his. He came around and opened my door and helped me out of the car, giving me his arm as he walked me to my door.


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