First Love: A Single Dad Second Chance Romance

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First Love: A Single Dad Second Chance Romance Page 65

by Amy Brent

  When the song ended, we walked around, looking at all the food, including the pig on a spit in the ground. We got some food and walked around eating it, feeding more than our bellies. The music vibrated through me, and I really hoped the night never had to end. In fact, I never wanted the vacation to end, though it was only a vacation for me. This was how Caroline lived her life, getting the most from her experiences everywhere she went. When we were done eating, she threw our plates away and took me by the hand.

  “Go for a walk with me,” she whispered, her lips so close to mine I could feel her breath.

  “Absolutely,” I replied, squeezing her hand tightly.

  I let her lead me down away from the party and further down the beach. Truly, at that moment, I would have let her lead me anywhere.

  Chapter 7


  “You should see the end of the summer luau,” I said, walking down the beach. “There are fire jugglers and more music, and they do two or three bonfires. Everyone from the town comes out, and it’s a huge celebration.”

  “That sounds amazing. Maybe I will have to come back,” he said.

  “You should. That would be so much fun,” I said excitedly. “This place is like my soul all wrapped up in a beautiful package.”

  “Tell me about you,” he said, smiling. “I want to know more.”

  “Well, my parents own a real estate conglomerate,” she explained. “They moved me to Camden when I was a baby, wanting to give me a more ‘normal’ childhood. They’re nice, but they hate that I don’t have any interest in their business. They have a trust for me. They gave me half when I turned eighteen, and it’s enough to probably keep me in whatever lifestyle I want until I die. That’s how I do all of this, the money they gave me. It might sound spoiled, but I love my life, and I know how lucky I am.”

  “No, not spoiled, just blessed,” he said, smiling. “My parents are in business and obviously agree with my career. I like it, but it wasn’t what I originally set out to do. Things change, and I don’t regret any of the choices I’ve made. I’ve only been in one serious relationship, and that was in college.”

  “What happened?”

  “I broke it off when Brandt went through hell with his girlfriend,” he said. “And then Josie, his ex, kind of put me off of love for a long time.”

  “I can see that,” I said nodding.

  “I have big aspirations to travel. It’s what I’m working so hard toward, but I have to wait until I’m comfortable enough with my finances to retire young,” he said, laughing. “Or younger than most people.”

  “I told you before, slaving away at your job will never be what’s on your mind when you take those last breaths,” I said. “Times like these will be, and you should fill your life with these kinds of moments so there are no regrets.”

  “I agree with you.” He laughed. “But unfortunately, to make moments like these, to dance at luaus, and to do whatever I want whenever I want to do it, I have to slave away for a little while. Like I said, you’re incredibly lucky to be where you are. I envy you, and I hope to be there one day, preferably sooner than later.”

  “I’m sure with a job like yours, you’re getting close,” I said.

  “Closer,” he replied with a chuckle. “New York is expensive.”

  “Yeah, I’m sure it is,” I replied. “I’ll keep the sand warm until you get here.”

  “Thank you,” he said, stopping and turning toward me. “I’ve had an amazing time here with you. I can’t even express it in words.”

  “Then don’t,” I said, leaning up and kissing his mouth.

  I stepped forward into his arms, giving in to the pull between us and sinking into our kiss. He was so strong and so warm, and I couldn’t imagine a more perfect moment, even if I tried. His hands moved down my arms and to my hips, pulling me into his. I could feel his erection pulling at his shorts, and I ground my body against it, a small gasp escaping my lips. I grabbed his hand and pulled him up away from the surf to an inlet of rocks jutting out into the water. The moon was full and bright in the sky, and I stepped up, pulling the straps of my dress down, letting it fall to my feet. He picked it up and laid it on the stone next to us as he walked forward and pressed his mouth against my breasts. I ran my hand through his hair, leaning my head back and taking in the warmth of his mouth.

  He stepped back and unbuttoned his shirt, tossing it to the side. I reached out, untied his board shorts, and tugged, watching as the moon kissed his skin. I stepped forward and grabbed onto his cock, rubbing my hand up and down it, listening to him groan softly into my mouth. He hooked his thumbs into my panties and pulled them down, helping me step out of them. He stepped up onto the stone and backed me up against the rock wall, holding his hand behind my head. He kissed me wildly, running his fingers down my stomach and cupping my wet mound. I groaned, feeling him push his fingers through my folds, my legs stepping wider apart. He rubbed through my juices and pushed two fingers inside of me.

  He leaned his head forward as he stroked my pussy, fingering me deeply. I opened my eyes and looked up at the bright moon and the empty beach, embracing the excitement of doing it out in the open like that. Anyone could come along and catch us, but it was exciting, and I became more and more aroused. He pushed his fingers into me and flicked the tips of them, sending vibrations of heat into my belly. I clasped tightly to his shoulders, moaning into his skin as he pulled me closer to orgasm. I reached between us and stroked his cock, increasing the speed as he did. I moaned loudly, pushing my head against the smooth rocks behind us. He leaned forward and kissed me again, his tongue exploring my mouth as I moaned even more into his throat. He growled, pulling back and gyrating his fingers inside of me. I closed my eyes and arched my back, sensing the explosion building in my stomach. I gripped tightly to his shaft as I climaxed, waves of pleasure blowing through my body. My thighs shook as my pussy tightened and my juices flowed.

  He pulled his hand out and kissed me passionately, reaching around me and picking me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled his cock forward, rubbing it up and down my pussy. I moaned as it passed over my pulsing nub and then pushed it down, pulling him deep inside of me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and closed my eyes while he pushed me firmly against the rock before beginning to drive upward, thrusting deeper inside of me. I screamed out in pleasure as he filled me, the bare stone behind me cooling my body. He bounced me up and down on his cock over and over, groaning loudly and breathing heavily in my ear. I bit my lip and held on tightly, letting him take the lead. I could feel him pushing deeper and deeper as he pulled my legs tighter around him.

  I reached up from his shoulders and grabbed onto the top of the rock, helping to support my weight. He loosened his grip slightly and thrust his hips up and down as I bounced. I growled loudly, throwing my head back as his mouth found my tits. It was so hot and so erotic, and I couldn’t stop myself from wanting more and more. He pulled me toward him, tightening his grip once again. I let go of the rocks and wrapped my arms around him as he stepped back and down off the stone. He kept me close, his cock shaft still in me as he walked toward the edge of the surf. He dropped down on his knees and lay back, pulling his legs out from under him and helping me sit up straddling him.

  The water washed up around us, splashing up on my body. He groaned, rubbing his hands up over my breasts as I put my palms down on his chest and started to grind against him. The coolness of the water and the friction of my clit against his skin was a wild sensation, and it started a blaze in my belly. I leaned back, tossing my hair out of my face and closing my eyes as I twisted my hips hard against him. He ran his wet hands all over my body, filling me with lust and pleasure. My nerves stood on high alert as he rolled my nipples between his fingers. I could feel myself getting closer to orgasm, so I started to ride him, bouncing up and down on his long, hard shaft. He grabbed my waist and helped, pulling me up and down, thrusting upward to meet me in the middle.

  I screamed, feel
ing him thrusting deep inside me, filling me with his huge cock. I released, letting him take control, tossing my body up and down for several moments before pushing me down hard on his cock. I arched my chest and threw my head back, coming hard and fast. I could feel his cock pulsing inside of me as my juices ran down his shaft. He lifted me up off of his cock and stroked it fast against my belly, his hot seed shooting upward and over my skin. I whimpered and breathed heavily as I rubbed his explosion across me until his arms collapsed at his sides. I rolled off and washed myself off in the water, feeling his stare. He sat up and kissed my shoulder.

  “Come back to my place tonight,” he whispered.

  I nodded my head yes, and we got up and got dressed. It was quiet but not awkward. It was a silence that was filled with the need to be as close to each other as possible. We went to my house, jumped in his car, and headed over to the resort he was staying in. We walked quietly around to his oceanfront room and went inside. I smiled at the luxuries of the place, definitely preferring my house to the resort life.

  “I’m going to jump in the shower and wash the sand off me,” he said, kissing my neck.

  “No one likes a sandy butt.” I chuckled.

  “Truth,” he yelled, turning on the shower and climbing inside.

  I walked around the room, looking at the different pictures of the Hawaiian sunsets hooked onto the walls. I sat down on the edge of the bed and ran my hand across the cool, soft comforter. I looked over on the nightstand as his phone buzzed loudly. I glanced up at the shower and then back at the screen that read, “Eliza.” I had never ever done anything to intrude on someone else’s privacy before, but in that moment, I couldn’t help myself. I picked up the phone and pressed the message, surprised he didn’t have any security setting on his phone. The message read:

  “Whatever, Trevor, it’s your loss. You’re a player, and you always have been. Chasing down whatever you think is the best at that moment, making them feel special. You need to get your shit together before you miss out.”

  I put the phone down on the stand and sat there for a moment, thinking about what I had just read. I sighed and shook my head, realizing that this might not have been as perfect as it seemed. I had made a huge mistake, not thinking about the reality of everything. I had let myself go with this guy, thinking I was actually falling in love with him. I was disappointed in myself, and I felt bad for whoever this girl was. I never wanted to be that girl, brokenhearted by a lying man. I shook my head and stood up, writing him a quick note and grabbing my bag. I walked gently to the door and eased it open, looking back at him in the shower.

  As I walked out of the resort, I couldn’t help wondering if I’d ever actually find someone who would make me happy. Maybe it was time I realized only I could do that for myself.

  Chapter 8


  The breeze was cooler that morning than it had been since I got there. I had pulled on my sunglasses to avoid anyone staring at my bloodshot, tired eyes. I stabbed a piece of fruit and put it in my mouth, no longer in wonder at the beautiful flowers and fresh smells floating around me. I sat at a table in the resort restaurant away from the big windows, not wanting to watch the surf. I’d had enough of the fantasy I was living in. Everything had fallen apart in the blink of an eye, and I reminded myself that fairy tales didn’t happen to guys like me. They only happened to people like Emma and Brandt, who’d had to go through hell to find their happily ever after.

  “Can I get you more coffee, sir?”

  “Yes, thank you,” I said, needing all the coffee I could get to survive the flight back.

  My bags were packed and sitting next to me at the table. I hadn’t put much thought into packing and left all the floral printed shirts and board shorts in the trash can in my room. What would I need them for in New York City? I had ceremoniously put my khakis and button-up shirt on for the flight back, realizing that my life was now going to go back to normal. I had no choice in the matter. For the first time in my life, I messed up a relationship, and I wasn’t even trying to. In fact, I was trying desperately not to mess this up, but I did anyway. I had this knack for chasing anything that was good out of my life and replacing it for what was good at the moment like alcohol and one-night stands. I put my fork down and rubbed my face, thinking about the night before.

  Everything had been so perfect, so real. We had made love under the full moon and then gone back to my hotel room. I got in the shower, excited to spend the evening with Caroline, thinking about what to do next while I washed the sand off me. I thought I had heard the door but figured it was the neighbors coming and going. I climbed out of the shower and dried off, walking into the room, calling for Caroline, but she was gone. I stood there for a second, thinking that maybe she had just run to get something, but then I saw the note. I sat down on the edge of the bed and read it.


  I had a really great time these last few days. It has been amazing, but I figured we might want to end it before anyone got hurt. Things would never work out in the real world, outside the magic of this place. We both know that. You’re a ladies’ man, a player through and through, and I won’t lie to myself thinking that could change. Have a safe trip back to New York.


  She told me to have a nice trip back to New York? I had just spent the most amazing three days with anyone ever in my life, and she was going to end it just like that. I picked up my phone and looked at the screen. There were texts from Eliza, and I immediately knew that Caroline must have read them. Of all the moments to bite me in the ass and for all the reasons, I couldn’t believe it was that. I got dressed and combed my hair, replaying the last few days over and over. I wasn’t going to let things end like that. It wasn’t going to be the way this story played out.

  I left the resort and drove over to her place, parking and running up the stairs. I knocked on the door, but there was no answer, so I walked around to her balcony door and looked inside. The lights were off, and everything was the same as it was when we had left for the luau. She had obviously not come back to her place. I ran down the steps and jogged down to the beach, standing in the sand on the edge of the beach, looking over at the luau still going strong. I searched the crowd, but I didn’t see her anywhere. I turned and walked out of sight, figuring it was better that no one found me looking for her. I didn’t want to have to explain what had happened. It was hard for me to even wrap my head around, much less explain to a group of strangers I had met once.

  I left there and started walking the beach, not caring how far I got or where I was even at for that matter. I crossed back and forth in front of her bungalow several times, hoping to see her return, but the lights were always off, and there was no change. When I came back across the rocks we had made love against earlier that night, I sat down and kicked my feet in the sand. I leaned back running my hand over something. I picked it up and looked at it, it was an earring, Caroline’s earring. She must have lost it while we were out there. I pushed it into my pocket and watched the waves roll up almost to my feet. The shells scattered across the wet sand and the foam dissipated enough to be replenished as the surf hit the sand again. I pulled my phone out and stared down at the message from Eliza, not believing that of all people, she was the one to ruin this for me.

  I had met Eliza at a bar about a year before, and we had hit it off, just like I did with so many before her. We had gone back to her place and fucked several times, and I fell asleep there after having way too much to drink. When I woke up in the morning, she had made breakfast, and I felt obliged to stay. I quickly noticed that in the daylight, she seemed a bit more neurotic than she had the night before. She was almost treating me like I was her boyfriend, and it freaked me out. I texted Brandt, and he got me out of the situation, calling me with a fake emergency at work. Seeing as it was Sunday, I was sure she didn’t believe me, but I didn’t care. It got me out of her apartment. I thought that would be the end of it, but somehow, she had gotten my info a
nd had been stalking me ever since. It was fucking exhausting, and I couldn’t believe she was the person who’d fucked everything up.

  In the past, this could have really been something that was true, but it was honestly just really bad timing. If I had been there, I could have explained to Caroline what was going on. I could have scrolled through the hundreds of unanswered texts where she went from begging me to come back to cursing the day I was ever born. Sure, I made a mistake by sleeping with her and staying the night, but I was a single guy, and I didn’t give her any indication that it was anything more than one night. I had sat there on that rock until the sun came up, staring at the texts and telling myself not to do anything rash. I wanted to call Eliza and scream at her, but eventually, I just got up and came back to the resort, packing my things and finding myself right where I was sitting, picking at breakfast and moping in my cup of coffee.

  “Will there be anything else, sir?” the waiter asked.

  “No, thank you,” I said with a smile, handing him a tip.


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