Have My Baby: Baby and Pregnancy Romance Collection

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Have My Baby: Baby and Pregnancy Romance Collection Page 22

by Jamie Knight

  Reece came hard, filling me up for the second time making me moan. I lay back against him so our bodies touched and he put his arms around me and we kissed, both of us massaging my baby bump. I couldn't have been happier.



  It was like déjà vu all over again. There were differences, of course, but it felt kind of weird to be going to Maya's condo for a Halloween party again this year.

  Catharine and Amanda were there, wearing the same costumes they had before, and I was there with Reece, only we were an official couple now of course, and he was carrying little Amber, dressed up like a ladybug, in a snuggly baby carrier on his chest.

  I'd been right about him being an amazing dad. Amber and I wanted for nothing and we were all really happy together.

  "Hey, you sexy witch," Maya said, taking me in a big hug.

  "Hey," I said, returning her embrace.

  "No tights this year," she said, looking down at my legs.

  "Nope, older and bolder," I said, "the place looks great."

  "Thanks, I did my best. I'm just sorry you couldn't do it, with the baby."

  "You did fine and you're at the top of my waiting list when I get off maternity leave."


  "Hey!" Catharine said, sidling up next to us, Amanda close behind her.

  "That baby is so cute!" Amanda gushed.

  "And imagine Reece carrying her around; how cool is that."

  "He's a snag, alright," I said.

  "A snag?" Maya asked.

  "Sensitive, new age guy," I elaborated, "at least when he's not putting corporate raiders into sleeper holds."

  "Did I hear he's running a charity now?" Amanda asked.

  "Yeah, he mostly does housing down payments and start up cash for female entrepreneurs."

  "Yourself included, I hear," Catharine said.

  "Mostly for advertising, but yeah, he really did help, and business is booming now. I'm going to have a lot of work when we can get Amber off the boob. Reece said he would take over from there."

  "Is it true he quit?" Amanda asked.

  "He is no longer head of the company, though he still has stock options. He is focusing on the charity now, which is a lot of work too, though he works from home now. He even got a standing desk so he could keep Amber close while he decides where to donate his billions to improve the lives of others."

  "I think I'm in love!" Amanda exclaimed.

  "Back off, he's mine," I said, with mock anger.

  We all laughed. It was really nice to see my friends again. They had thrown a baby shower for me and had each come to meet the baby when she was born, but it was rare to be able to socialized with them like this.

  "So, it's not so bad, having money?" Maya said.

  "It certainly can have its advantages. Especially if you can stay humble like Reece does."

  "Hey, honey," Reece said, kissing me on the cheek.

  "Speak of the devil," Catharine said.

  "Irony," Amanda sang.

  "Hey, cuz," Maya said.


  They hugged, Maya standing on her tip ropes to reach, and kissed cheeks.

  "Who are you supposed to be?" Maya asked.

  "Patrick Bateman," Reece said, putting his hands into the pages of his black suit, his longish hair done in an over-gelled '80's style, "scariest bastard I can think of."

  "Good call," Maya said.

  "Oh, and who is this?" Maya said to Amber in the snugglie, Reece's height putting them at eye level.

  “A ladybug!” I said.

  Amber giggled and bounced a bit, the antenna on the little hat bouncing like crazy.

  "I think she likes me," Maya said rhetorically, "do you like your auntie Maya?"

  Amber giggled and bounced again, her face pure delight.

  "I think we all like you," I said, getting her attention, "we are family now, after all."

  Maya got a bit misty, taking me into a bit of a sloppy hug, the wine from her glass splashing onto me a bit. I hadn't touched alcohol since I had gotten pregnant and didn't really miss it anymore, joining Reece on the wagon.

  He had explained to me that he had dealt with his dad’s mistreatment of him by drinking too much. He hadn’t touched the stuff since he rebuilt his company, and didn’t plan to, ever again.

  I didn’t mind that Maya drank though, of course, and neither did Reece. I was glad Maya and I had made up. It was pretty rocky there for a while, particularly after I had first broken it off with Reece, and we had avoided each other for quite a while, but she had come around quickly when Reece and I had gotten back together. I think she was just trying to take his side, out of a sense of familiar loyalty.

  The night went on and Amber started getting cranky and it was clear what she was asking for in her own special way.

  "Uh oh, looks like someone needs to go to bed," Reece said.

  "Yeah, I think you’re right," I said, meaning it in more ways than one.


  I drove slowly back to the mansion. I had wanted to fuck, and I had thought Gia did too, but I wasn't going to risk speeding with Amber in the back. She had already gone to sleep, which was a relief. All we really had to do once we got home was unbuckle the car seat from the seatbelt and carry the whole thing in.

  Placing the car seat by the crib, Gia lifted Amber out, holding her close, and lowered her into the crib, pulling the blanket up over her, laying a hand on her tiny belly. I hugged Gia from behind and kissed her on the cheek. She turned her head and kissed me back, my hand up under her skirt, feeling only her smooth pussy.

  "Good girl," I said, cupping her tender young lips.

  She gasped and rose a bit from the contact. I gently sucked her earlobe the way I knew she liked. When she hummed contentedly and sank back against me, I took it as a green light and swooped her up into my arms and carried her across the hall to our room, kissing her all the way.

  Laying Gia out on the King-sized bed, I stared unlacing her boots, tossing them over my shoulder one by one as they came away. This was followed by her sexy knee socks, while I was planting soft kisses down her legs and then her feet as I pulled the socks down and off.

  I took a moment to gently suck each of her big toes, which I had never done to her before, but which she seemed to really like. Caressing and kissing my way back up her body, Gia softly trembling in my wake, I pulled her dress up and off over her head.

  She fumbled with her bra, now that it was even bigger than it had been before, and I helped her get it unclasped and off, unveiling her gorgeous tits. Unable to help myself, I dove in, massaging, licking and sucking her tender flesh until she moaned with delight.

  Keeping my hands softly on her tits, I licked and kissed my way back down beer belly, making a clear route for her pussy Gia was spreading her legs in preparation for my arrival. I licked her like I hadn't done it in a month. We had kept up oral and anal during Gia's pregnancy, even after I could no longer fuck her pussy, but I would never get tired of licking her. Not least because of the tremendous pleasure it obviously gave her.

  She never failed to cum when I licked her and, unlike anal and to some degree pussy sex, I didn't worry at all about hurting her. I had tried everything I knew, pleasuring her pussy with my fingers and tongue, and she had taken it all with moans of pleasure.

  She came fast and hard, shoving her pussy down harder on my tongue and finger. When she had recovered, I licked her clean, took off my suit and got up on the bed beside her. Rallying quickly from her orgasmic high, Gia pounced on my lower half, applying tender, loving care to my balls while pumping my cock, already hard from the beautiful sight of her luscious pussy.

  It wasn't long before I needed to cum, though Gia seemed to know this, dropping her mouth onto my shaft and sucking until I filled her mouth with my cum. She swallowed it all down like a good girl. I stroked her cheek to show my approval.

  Keeping her hand around my coc
k, Gia angled it into position and, pulling out the butt plug she had been wearing all night, lowered herself down onto it, easing my shaft up her beautiful ass. This was the way we both preferred it and had agreed would be our main mode.

  We didn't want another baby just yet and it seemed the safest way. It also made her cum like a banshee. After a few practice bounces to find the best position, Gia started to ride me. Slow and soft at first, but then gaining in speed until she was pounding up and down on me, ramming my huge cock into her sweet little asshole.

  I covered her mouth to muffle the screaming so that she wouldn’t wake Amber. She held on tight to my wrist. Partly for emotional support but also so that I couldn't take my hand away, as if I was planning to.

  She stopped suddenly, my cock buried deep in her asshole, as she was taken over by a full-body shudder. I came hard into her asshole.

  Then she lay down on top of me and we kissed. Gently pulling out of her asshole, still massaging it with my fingers, I lay Gia on her side.

  “I love you,” I told her, meaning it with every breath I had.

  “I love you, too,” she said. “I’m so glad we got back together and had Amber.”

  “I fully plan to be with both of you forever,” I informed her.

  “Good,” she said. “Because I plan the same.”

  We kissed again and then we snuggled until we fell asleep, sure that Amber would wake us up in a few hours with cries of hunger, but loving every second of it nonetheless.


  Bun in the Oven

  A Thanksgiving Baker and Billionaire Secret Baby Romance

  Copyright © 2019 Jamie Knight Romance.

  Jamie Knight –

  Your Dirty Little Secret Romance Author

  All rights reserved.

  Chapter One - Mike

  My best friend Reece and his girl, Gia, lived in a fucking palace.

  Okay, not really, but it seemed like one, I thought, as I got out my Aston Martin and headed up to the front gate of this “palace” for the baby shower the happy couple had invited me to.

  I sometimes forgot how big the house was. All of us in our circle of friends were rich, but Reece was stupid rich. Richer than anyone I’d ever known, and that was saying something, since I was richer than anyone most people had ever known.

  When I said stuff like that, people would always think I was bragging. And I guess I was proud of my rise to billions, thanks mostly to my tech genius, although my family was already kind of well off to begin with, so that helped.

  But really, I would probably brag anyway, because I was a boastful New Yorker. It was what we did. If you were a kid from Brooklyn who made it anywhere in this world and you were not bragging, then I’d say there was probably something wrong with you.

  Most Americans, as far as I knew, didn't tend to have stately mansions as homes, and in New York City, they were even harder to come by. The best I had managed to do in my 20’s was a three-floor condo on the Upper West Side. To get a detached house anywhere near Manhattan required next level wealth, which I hadn’t acquired until my 30’s.

  Reece had all that, and even more, but the kid was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, thanks to his grand-dad’s money. Mine had mostly been made the “new money” way: with the sweat I poured into my keyboard as I coded.

  Once I got to Reece’s huge house, I handed the keys of my ride to the valet and made my way up the stairs, turning my collar up against the gathering autumn cold.

  I was always happy to see Reece and the guys, but I hadn’t done so in a while and these particular circumstances were a bit of a weird way for us to reunite. I had never been to a baby shower before.

  The way I understood it, they were supposed to be female only affairs, the “baby rabies,” as my sister Ava referred to that stage where every woman wants to have a baby, just bouncing around everywhere and even dripping off the walls.

  Not that this was a bad thing, mind you. I wasn’t sexist. I'd just been to many male-only gatherings and thought baby showers were usually female-only, is all. I'd never heard of such a crossover — a co-ed baby shower — and wasn't sure how it would work.

  I didn't know much about babies. It had been so long since I had been one and, as a single guy doing my best to avoid having a baby, I wasn’t really that interested in learning about them.

  I just hoped there would be booze. If I couldn't hide out at home and be depressed, like I was used to doing these days, then I could at least drink and be depressed.

  "Jäger is on the table," Reece said, taking my coat.

  "How did – "

  "Lucky guess," he said, heading for one of his many bedrooms.

  "Thanks," I said, heading for the drinks table a bit too quickly to be dignified.

  I hurried to get myself good and drunk, so I would feel less out of place, and also so that I would have liquid courage to successfully dodge – or answer, if I had to – all the questions I was anticipating people would ask me. Everyone had been really worried about me lately. And some people were just fucking nosy.

  I didn't know what the medically recommended number of Jäger shots was, but I was pretty sure it wasn't six.

  "Don't," my good friend Simon said, literally covering the bottle to stop me from pouring my lucky number seven.

  "What are you - "

  "Stopping you from making an even bigger mistake," he replied.

  "Yeah, you’re probably right," I said.

  "Are you still, you know, down in the dumps?" Simon asked.

  That was one way to put it. It was quite a nice euphemism, if you really thought about it. I sometimes did feel as if I was in some garbage pile somewhere, no one noticing me down there as more trash continued to be dumped on top of me.

  Simon knew better than to go into specifics. Particularly about my "On The Go" app. That was more than could be said for others.

  It was part of why I was relieved to see that our friend Derek hadn't shown up. He was always asking me nosy questions.

  It had been a brilliant idea. Basically, it was a celebrity tabloid meets Wikipedia meets Snapchat meets Facebook’s or Yelp’s “Check In” feature, in which people could tag themselves out and about with whomever they happened to be cavorting with, and dish the dirt on themselves and others.

  It was like Facebook without the shame. And more popular, too, as it turned out everyone liked to pretend they were online “social media influencers” and famous in some way or another. I should have made millions but She Who Shall Not Be Named stole it out from under me – cut me out of my own invention, despite the fact that I fucking programmed it from the ground up.

  That was almost as bad as when I found out she was cheating on me after letting all the money and power got to her head. She actually wanted me to stay with her when I found out. Mostly to save face, of course. She never gave a shit about me or anyone else. She was a stone-cold social path through the and through.

  "Not really," I finally answered Simon, understating my feelings on the issue.

  The truth was that I still felt like shit and the fact that so many people were chatting and laughing together just made it worse, because I didn’t feel like doing any of those things. All the men here looked like they had thrown together their outfits in a fit of panic, not sure what to wear to such an event – or maybe that was just me.

  The women, though, had worn cute outfits and looked great. Reece’s cousin Maya was here, as were her friends Catharine and Amanda. Gia was here, of course. And there were other people I knew but I tried not to look in their direction, for fear they would come over and try to talk to me about She Who Shall Not Be Named – although her parents did name her, Jessa.

  "Can you believe what the Rangers are doing this year?" I asked Simon, for purposes of changing the subject, of course.

  "Not at all, man, it's ridiculous. Where I'm from, the fans would have rioted by now," Simon agreed.

  "We don't tak
e our sports as seriously over here," I joked.

  "Apparently not. It is more of an ancient grudge situation, more to do with regional rivalry. Sunderland and Newcastle have hated each other since the 18th century."


  "We can certainly hold a grudge," Simon conceded.

  I wasn't sure if he meant anything by that but couldn't help but wonder. Simon could be very dry and somewhat hard to read sometimes. Perhaps it was a cultural difference.

  "Hey guys," Reece said, sidling up to the drinks table.

  "Hello," Simon said.

  "Hey," I said, not meeting his eyes.

  "Is everything, alright?" Reece asked.

  "Yeah," I said, pouring a fourteenth shot of Jäger while Simon was preoccupied and couldn't stop me.

  "I’m kind of surprised – in a good way, of course – to see you here,” Mike continued. “I know you've been avoiding big social events. It’s hard to avoid the app, when everyone is using it."

  I didn't know what to say. Part of me wanted to tell him to go fuck himself for bringing up the thing I didn’t want to talk about. Some host he was. Another part wanted to punch him in the jaw but he was my friend, so I refrained from both and did nothing.

  "You're not wrong," is all I could muster up the thought to say.

  "That's why I invited you here,” Reece said. “It's just friends and family, yeah? Nothing to be scared of or self-conscious about."

  "Yeah," I said, unable to keep from feeling self-conscious, despite his assurances.

  Graciously removing myself from the party, I made my way into the quiet sanctum of the massive kitchen. It was pleasantly cool in there, with its spacious tile counter-tops and top-of-the-line appliances.


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