Have My Baby: Baby and Pregnancy Romance Collection

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Have My Baby: Baby and Pregnancy Romance Collection Page 45

by Jamie Knight

  “Come, my love,” he says. “Let’s get lunch.”

  “I want a tuna fish sandwich with chips and a pickle,” she says at the top of her voice.

  “Anything for you, sweetheart,” he says.

  He patiently follows her out the door.

  My heart breaks. So beautiful, I think, and here I am at the top of my world and I’m bitchin’ about stupid shit?

  I want to tear up but refuse to do so. I’m a fuckin’ man and not a fuckin’ wimp.

  “Mr. Drake,” the nurse says and leads me into the examining room. “Amanda will be right with you.”

  I just smile and watch her walk out the door as it closes smoothly and automatically behind her.

  I look at the charts on the wall about the muscular system and then look out the window. Again, I’m not feeling so great about going to Texas, but I need to deal with it.

  Amanda comes in and gives me a smile.

  “How are you doing?” she asks.


  She looks at me and frowns but says nothing more.

  She looks over my chart.

  “So, any new developments?” she asks and crosses her arms.

  “Um, yeah,” I say and scratch my chest.

  Suddenly I feel so hot and itchy.

  “And what would those be?” she asks.

  She pierces me with her eyes.

  And then I remember.

  “Oh, my eyes,” I say and laugh.

  “Go on,” she says and sits down on the mobile stool in front of the laptop on the desk.

  She moves the mouse and types something up.

  “Yeah, the doctor said all I need is glasses.” I dig my hand under my t-shirt and scratch my shoulder. “Or even maybe laser surgery.”

  Amanda says nothing and comes over to me.

  “Do you have a rash?” she asks.

  “I don’t know.”

  She grabs my t-shirt at my waist and begins to pull it off me. I raise my arms and let her remove it.

  I blush. Here I am a guy known for going half-naked in the ring and elsewhere and I’m embarrassed in front of this girl.

  She isn’t just any girl, though. That much is for sure.

  She places her stethoscope in her ears and listens to my heart. She then places them on my back and listens again.

  “You’re fine,” she says. “You just seem a little stressed out.”

  I say nothing and put my shirt back on. I don’t know why I’m so embarrassed in front of her.

  She goes back to the laptop and types something in.

  I clear my throat.

  “You know, the doctor says I’ll be OK if I stop fighting.”

  “Oh?” she asks without turning around.

  “Yeah,” I say and cough again.

  “Well, that’s up to you,” she says. “It seems to be the same story with your knee, if I remember your records right.”


  I don’t feel so satisfied with her response, but I guess that’s between me and my ophthalmologist. He’s so old school, anyway. I really don’t like him and don’t want to listen to him. Just like I didn’t like when the other doctors told me to stop fighting due to my knee. It’s why I hate going to doctors.

  “Listen,” I say and move around on the crinkly paper. “I know this ain’t so professional, to ask during an appointment, but I want to take you out again.”

  She says nothing and clicks away at that fucking computer. I just want to throw it out the window.

  “I mean, like, on a real date, for helping me so much.”

  She turns around and comes over to me.

  “I did nothing.”

  “Yeah, you did,” I say.

  She adjusts the collar and sleeves of my t-shirt which had bunched up after I put it back on so quickly. She places her hands on my shoulders.

  “So, is it a date?” I ask.

  “Well, like I said, I really can’t be dating my clients,” she says and walks over to the window.

  She’s studying some guy who looks as if he’s locked himself out of his car.

  “Maybe someone should call security,” she says lowly and to herself.

  “Well, what do you say?” I ask. “Let’s make it like I’m your personal trainer and this is a business lunch. Maybe we can get more burgers but do them keto style and skip the buns.”

  She looks at me for a moment and then walks to the door and places her hand on the knob.

  “OK,” she says. “I would like to lose a few pounds.”

  “I didn’t mean that,” I hurry to tell her. “You look great as you are. Please don’t lose those curves.”

  She smiles and opens the door.

  “See you then,” she says and walks out the door as it glides smoothly shut behind her.

  You bet I will, I think to myself.

  I push down my erection I’ve had ever since she touched my chest and walk out the door hoping no one sees how hard I am.

  Chapter 12 - Lincoln

  I head out to the parking lot, I hope, without incident. I can’t help feeling that everyone is staring at my crotch. Not to be a braggart about it, but I have to admit I do have a huge cock and balls. It really is a kind of a joke.

  Whenever the media cover me for a weigh-in or as the fight is about to start and I’m just in my tight briefs, it’s always about how “Lincoln Drake is packing!”

  I start to get into my truck.

  “Lincoln!” I hear a little sweet voice behind me. I turn around. It’s Amanda.

  “Lincoln,” she says, as she runs up to me, a bit breathless.

  “Yeah,” I say and cross my arms.

  I’m wondering what she has for me now.

  She grabs onto my elbows.

  “I just want to know if you think it’s still a good idea about going to Odessa. Maybe I blurted out that suggestion a little quickly and I know you weren’t okay with the idea at first, so I don’t want anything to be awkward between us.”

  I look away and rub the stubble on my chin. I know she’s waiting for an answer and I don’t want to disappoint her, but I don’t feel so comfortable about saying yes. Fucking Texas. My fucking hometown. My less than stellar mom. All of it feels me with dread.

  “Do you not want to go?” she asks.

  “No, it ain’t that,” I say and clear my throat.

  I want to go with her. And I certainly don’t want to have to have the douchebag Troy as my temporary physical therapist.

  I’m struggling for something to say.

  “What is it then?” she asks.

  I clear my throat again and shove my hands in my pockets.

  “It’s just that…” I say.

  I don’t know how to continue.

  “Are you embarrassed to be seen with me?” she asks and pouts.

  “No, not at all!”

  “Then what is it?” she asks and crosses her arms.

  I look her directly in the eyes.

  “It’s just that I’m afraid I would embarrass you.”

  Or that where I come from would embarrass you, I think to myself. My mom. The house. All of it.

  “What?” she says and places her hands on my shoulders. “Of course you wouldn’t.”

  I draw her toward me.

  “I ain’t as close to my parents as you are. And they’re pretty… different.”

  “Is that all?” she asks and smiles.

  I peck her on the cheek.

  “No one has perfect parents,” she says. “Everyone has issues in their families.”

  “Listen,” I say. “Let me take you out and we can talk about it later.”

  Her eyes brighten.

  “Sure! What did you have in mind?”

  “I want to hang out with you and Rexie again somewhere that allows dogs.”

  “How’s he doing?” she asks and places her hand on my left bicep, a move that does not go unnoticed by yours t

  “He’s doing fine but I think he misses you.”

  “So, do you want to come over for dinner with him or….” She twirls her hair.

  “No way,” I say. “You had me over so I’m taking you and Rexie out to the park for a picnic so we can all be together.”

  She puts both hands to her mouth.

  “Oh, that is just so romantic!” she says.

  “I thought you would like that.”

  “I do.”

  “Amanda!” a voice in the distance calls her.

  She turns around.

  “Are you working your shift or what?” some guy asks her.

  “Be right there!” she says. She turns back to me. “Gotta go.”

  “OK,” I say. “Don’t get into trouble.”

  “Seems I can’t avoid that. So, will you let me know when?” she asks as she walks away.

  “Sure thing,” I say.

  She jogs back to the front door of the clinic. I can see her squabbling with the guy who called her back.

  I don’t want her to get into any trouble.

  But I think I may have gotten myself into a heap of trouble.

  I need to figure what I’m going to do, but I like the idea of a picnic. I’ll figure it out.

  And it will be nice to have Amanda, Rexie, and me hang out for a while again.

  Plus, this will be our third date. Maybe I’ll get to score.

  Chapter 13 - Amanda

  Lincoln shows up at my apartment today as he had promised.

  I can’t wait to tell Catharine that things are progressing between us quite well, just as she’d hoped.

  I hear the doorbell ring and I know it’s him, so I linger for more than a few moments. I check out my hair and makeup in the mirror beside the door. (Margie insisted on putting it there for, as she says, “one can never lose a moment looking good where a man is concerned.”)

  And that’s a funny thing for her to say, given how independent she is.

  I guess her good influence is beginning to rub off on me.

  I open the door and see Lincoln standing there. He has his right arm up with his hand holding the top of the door jam. His left foot is crossed over his right. He’s wearing a wife beater, tight jeans, and worker boots.

  He looks hot. I can’t help but stare at his chest hair tufting over his wife beater and his underarm hair as it juts out.

  I feel myself getting excited, but I need to appear calm.

  “Hi,” he says.

  He straightens up, crosses his arms, looks at me and laughs.

  “Your chariot awaits, my princess.”

  I laugh. He’s being goofy but I know he’s trying.

  He grabs my hand and walks me to his Jeep. As I approach it, I see that monster of a sweet dog shoving his head out the window and panting.

  “Rexie!” I call out.

  I go up to Rexie and put my hand up to his nose. He sniffs it and starts whining.

  “Told ya he missed you,” Lincoln says.

  I pat Rexie’s head and he wags his tail and shakes his body. He’s a big German Shepherd looking thing, all black and brown and beige and white.

  I have to admit that I pretty immediately fell in love with him and every time I see him, the feeling is even more overpowering.

  Rexie, that is. Not Lincoln.

  Or maybe Lincoln, too.

  “OK, enough,” Lincoln says.

  He leads me around to the passenger side of the Jeep, opens the door, and hoists me in with a pat on my ass.

  “Careful,” I say.

  He places his hands on his hips.

  “Careful?” he asks and squints. “I’m just getting started.”

  I sit down and Rexie starts panting and wagging his tail in the space behind the back seat of the Jeep. He starts to howl.

  Lincoln gets in the driver’s seat and starts the Jeep.

  “Enough, Rexie,” he says. “We’ll be there in a minute.”

  Rexie yawns, paces around the small space at the very back of the Jeep and lies down.

  He then lets out an enormous sigh.

  “Good boy,” Lincoln says, as Rexie emits one last whine and then grows quiet.

  Lincoln drives to the public park on the other side of the city near the Rio Grande river. It’s a pretty place with lots of nice spots to enjoy a picnic and a bit of privacy given the clumps of trees dotting the landscape here and there.

  We park. Lincoln lifts the hatchback of the Jeep and lets Rexie out. He leaps out of the Jeep onto the ground. In one great sprint, he runs and runs aimlessly. He runs up to us and then back and runs up to us and then back. Each time he approaches us, he nudges my hand and emits a baby growl.

  “He really likes you,” Lincoln remarks.

  He goes to the back seat and unloads a couple of coolers and a bag of other stuff.

  “Let me help you,” I say.

  He smiles.

  “Sure thing.”

  By this point, Rexie has worn himself out and comes up to us panting and whining. Lincoln takes a dog bowl out of the bag and fills it with a bottle of spring water.

  “There you go, boy.”

  I smile and feel butterflies inside. It’s a funny feeling, but I’m thinking, here is Mr. Tough Guy MMA who’ll beat your brains out until you bleed, and he’s thought of what the dog needs as we picnic.

  It’s just so sexy!

  We move over to a grove of trees and I take the bag from him. He’s packed blankets and plastic utensils and paper plates.

  He opens up the coolers and takes the food out one at a time.

  “For the first course,” he says, “I have some of your wonderful gray cheese.”

  I laugh.

  “It’s Gruyere.”

  “Whatever,” he says.

  “And also,” he says as he takes out a long loaf of bread wrapped in a paper bag featuring the red, white and blue of a French flag and café. “A lovely baguette.”

  My heart is just bursting. What a romantic guy!

  “Let me help,” I say.

  I take the bread and cheese and clumsily cut it with the plastic knife and place it on the paper plates.

  “Sorry for the mess,” I say.

  “Not at all,” Lincoln says.

  We sit on the blanket and enjoy the cheese and bread.

  “And to drink,” he says. “A nice crisp white wine.”

  He opens the bottle. The cork seems to stick and his neck and arm muscles bulge as he removes it. It’s really hot.

  I grab the wine glasses from another bag and hold them up.

  He pours the wine and then smiles at me.

  “Cheers,” he says.


  We clink glasses, sip, and then look at each other.

  We remain silent and he leans into me and kisses me on the lips.

  Just then Rexie howls.

  We break apart and laugh.

  “Rexie,” I say. “We love you too.”

  Lincoln takes out some fried chicken, tears it up with his hands, places it in Rexie’s dog bowl and he devours it.

  I laugh and take another sip of my wine.

  “So, I wanted to ask you about going back to Odessa,” I finally tell him. “I’m feeling really stupid for ever bringing it up.”

  He shakes his head.

  “Now is not the time, my love,” he says. “Let’s just enjoy the moment.”

  I don’t push the issue. This date is going so well that I don’t want to ruin anything.

  He reaches into the cooler and starts to prepare our meal.

  After we’ve eaten fried chicken, cole slaw, and fresh soft rolls, we’re drowsy from the food and wine.

  Lincoln lies on his side, propping himself up by his left elbow, and pats the blanket next to him.

  I scoot over and lie by his side.

  He grabs onto me and lies down.

  My head is lying on his
strong, taut chest, and my ear is pressed to his pecs. I can hear his rhythmic breathing and his strong heart pounding.

  I wake up and look around. Lincoln is still drowsing while Rexie has laid down under one of the oak trees and is fast asleep.

  I look up at the setting sun, the squawk of harsh birds, and feel the light breeze play with my hair that has become unloosed.

  I place my head back on Lincoln’s chest and wrap my arms around his neck.

  For the first time in a very long time, I can say I’m truly happy.

  I close my eyes for a moment and hear the breeze, the low roar of the river in the background, and those annoying but adorable birds.

  Life is filled with happiness and conflict. Those birds are just asserting their place in the world, just like all of us.

  I can’t blame them.

  I look up at Lincoln snoring. He’s sound asleep. I’m resting on his hard chest. Although I’ve seen it in person, I want to feel it. I untuck his t-shirt wedged tight in the waist of his jeans and pull it out. He moves slightly.

  “Can I peek?” I ask him, feeling as if I might burst if I don’t take this opportunity.

  “Mmm hmmm,” he says, smiling slightly. “Do whatever you want to me.”

  He mumbles it drowsily, before he’s soon back to sleep.

  I pull it up and see his hairy pecs and chest. He is so strong. I lightly caress his pecs, his nipples, and then I lead down toward his groin. I stick my hand under the waist of his tight jeans and stop.

  I lick my lips as he groans and readjusts himself.

  I unbuckle his big brown belt and I breathe heavily. I unbutton his jeans and lower his zipper and see his cock. He has no underwear on, and it doesn’t surprise me that he goes commando.

  His big cock is already hard and grows, and throbs, and stands up.

  I decide to surprise him with a little after-dinner treat and so I start sucking it. I go slowly at first, taking the head, and then move up and down his shaft. I smell his manly, outdoorsy scent and I stop as I suck and rest my head against his cock and balls. They are so sexy that I just want to lie here and stare at them.

  He wakes up.

  “Whoa! Hey! Whoa!” he says. “What’s goin’ on?”

  “Nothing,” I say. “Just lie back down and let me enjoy my dessert.”

  He looks at me and smiles.

  “Is this really happening?” he asks, incredulously.


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