Have My Baby: Baby and Pregnancy Romance Collection

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Have My Baby: Baby and Pregnancy Romance Collection Page 63

by Jamie Knight

“What could?”

  “Making a movie.”

  “Why are you psychic?” I asked, only half kidding.

  “Twenty-four years of consistent friendship, darlin’. I can read you like a blog.”

  “What am I thinking now?” I inquired.

  “Goodness! You kiss your son with that mouth?”

  “Only on the forehead. Speaking of which - ”


  “My son.”

  “Tease,” Amy smirked.

  “Can you pick him up from school? It looks like I am going to have to work late tonight. There is some kind of big account coming available and the overlords want it.”

  “Of course!”

  “Great, thanks, hopefully I won’t be too late.”

  “Come by for breakfast if you’d like, I love little Mattie.”

  “The feeling is mutual. Whenever I come and get him it’s Amy this and Amy that.”

  “He enjoys having someone he can teach.”

  I had never really thought about it before, but she had an interesting point. My baby, who was actually eight, was already following the family tradition of brilliant eccentrics.

  Chapter Three - Kingsley

  It was almost a meditative state. It tended to happen when I was deep in work. What I was doing was the only thing I was able to see. It was a large part of how I managed to get into West Point, despite the stiff competition.

  There was also the fact that my area of interest was rather unique and, no doubt, stood out among the others. Engineers, while certainly part of the military industrial complex, were not a widely acknowledged one.

  The music, always European, usually Metal, added a soundtrack to my personal movie, usually veering between an engineering tutorial and sci-fi. Even though the prototype had been built mostly for demonstration purposes. But there were always adjustments to be made, like editing a book after it is written, only with a lot more money and metal involved. The proverbial drawing board wafting in and out of the process a lot more than many let on.

  “Sir!” Amanda shouted to be heard over After Forever.

  “What?!” I cried.

  “S-sorry, you have a phone call,” she sputtered.

  “Tell them I’m not here,” I said, already resetting my mind.

  “I tried that, sir. She said she could see you on the cam.”

  “This mystery caller, did this happen to be Ms. Greene?”

  “How did you know?” Amanda asked, amazed.

  “Lucky guess. Did you tell her I was coming to the phone?”

  “I said I would come and see if you were available.”

  “Go tell her I am coming.”

  “Yes sir!” Amanda enthused, actually saluting.

  I had hired her right out of college. She had never had a job before but was certainly eager. She was also a genius when it came to all aspects of engineering. From design to prototypes.

  She had actually been the build-lead on the prototype itself. It was when she was required to talk to other humans that she could get a bit goofy. I planned to hire a trained receptionist when a suitable candidate presented themselves.

  Amelia Greene was the president of Greene Planet vehicles. The civilian company behind the domestic release of the design I had initially done while on contract with the military. Adaptation to urban roads the main area of adaptation required for the new model.

  It was called The Pilgrim. An all-terrain sport-style SUV/Camping vehicle that had a three-prong fuel source with gasoline, ethanol and electric sources, basically always able to run. Run was exactly what it was designed to do, as it was initially intended for long-term military patrols in hostile environments, allowing troops to remain in an area for up to two weeks without needing to go back to base. The idea Greene had was to roll it out, so to speak, as the ultimate camping vehicle, particularly for the 4th of July holiday.

  “You might want to cut back on her coffee a bit,” Amelia Greene said from the other end of the phone.

  “Yeah, sorry about that,” I said, not having the time or inclination to explain things.

  “Listen, Marten, I have news.”

  “Really? Do tell.”

  “Smith & Smyth are interested in investing.”

  I could almost feel the blood flee from my face as my knees turned to jelly. Quick thinking and sharp reflexes were the only thing keeping me from literally falling to my knees in awe of her sheer awesomeness.

  “You don’t say,” I said, somewhat regaining my equilibrium.

  “I do say. They still want us to give a presentation. Really lay it out.”

  “Sounds amazing.”

  “I’m glad to hear you say that because we want you to give the presentation.”


  I was an ideas guy. I always had been. Think deeply and speak little, that was me. In the military, it was speak when spoken to, which was absolutely fine with me and made me popular with the commanders.

  “O-okay,” I said, wanting the project to be a success, even at the cost of my pride.

  “Oh, I wasn’t asking. We want you to do it so you will. The presentation is in two days. Make sure you are prepared.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” I said, but she had already hung up.

  It was both the shortest and the longest distance in the world. The tile was squeaking under my sneakers as I returned to my office. The lab was in my name, but it was bought with Greene’s money. Everything was.

  There had been other projects and other contracts, I was a billionaire after all, but Greene had me beat in all ways. If it wasn’t for my burning desire to do the project, the drive to create the prime directive for my entire life up to that point, I would have quit. As it was, Ms. Greene was the boss, mistress of my immediate success, and I had to do what she bid.

  “I brought you some tea,” Amanda said, putting the tea-service onto the desk.

  “Thank you, Amanda. I’m sorry for yelling at you before.”

  “That’s okay, boss, I surprised you. Was everything okay with Ms. Greene?”

  “Better than okay. Thinks are really looking up.”


  “Could you go and take some pictures of the prototype for me?” I asked, still in a kind of daze.


  “Digital pictures,” I clarified, just in case.

  There was no known way to make a Power-Point out of polaroids.

  “Is there any other kind?” She asked, dashing off to fulfill my request.

  It was amazing to think how far I had come since high school. Everything I had ever dreamed of coming into glorious reality. Well, most things.

  There was still that one problem. The matter of the hole in my soul and ache in my heart. A state created by a moment of youthful foolishness more than a decade old. Not that it hurt any less. ‘Time heals all wounds’ was so much bullshit.

  Ada and I had only been kids, really, but I had loved her. Ironically, it took losing her to realize just how much. It seemed logical at the time. We stayed together through college. West Point was only about an hour from Manhattan. It meant I had to get a car in a hurry but, we were still able to spend most weekends together as well as all major holidays. We barely felt the distance.

  The problem came after graduation. She was staying in town, and I was going overseas and not sure when or if I was going to be coming back. We were both still young and I didn’t want her to be forever tied to a memory. I had seen it happen before with one of my aunts and it wasn’t pretty. I thought I was setting her free.

  I couldn’t help but marvel at how monumentally stupid I had been and kicked myself in retrospect. No woman ever affected me the way Ada had, and I had been given lots of opportunity for comparison. First, in the Army, the few women around seemed to be drawn to me by some unknown force. Not just my colleagues in R&D, but some from the combat branch as well, including a few commanders.

  Nothing eve
r happened. I just wasn’t feeling it. I seemed incapable of thinking or feeling anything for anyone except Ada, my first love. Besides, there were various anti-fraternization regulations to think of.

  I might have looked like a jarhead but still thought like a milquetoast. The kind of guys who grew up to be soldiers were bullied in school, which had happened to me up until I hit my growth spurt.

  I grew a full six inches seemingly overnight. My metabolism also seemed to go into overdrive, and I was packing muscle as easily as some people breathed.

  My nickname went from Meekly Marten, an admittedly clever play on my name, to Killer Kingsley, even though I never actually got into a single fight my entire academic career.

  Ada was the highlight of school days. The first friend I ever really made. The first, and it would turn out only, girl I dated, as well as many other firsts that turned out to be the only. We were truly in love, until I ruined it.

  There it was again. The same subtle swell that happened every time I even thought about beautiful Ada. My pants, while tailored to fit, suddenly felt at least two sizes too small.

  There were cameras in the office. They were put there by Ms. Greene so she could monitor my progress. I had also spotted them the first time I came in and figured out a quite effective jamming signal I had coded onto my phone.

  Getting into a more comfortable position, I typed the required keys and codes, and watched the tiny red lights go dark. Replacing my phone to the pocket of my jacket, I unzipped my fancy suit pants and carefully took out my cock.

  It was big, particularly when it was hard, and required a three-step process in order to get it free of its carefully tailored prison. I shuddered with pleasure as the cool air touched the glistening head.

  Now it was time for me to indulge in my only fantasy: Ada.

  Chapter Four - Kingsley

  We were deep in the woods. Ada had come out for a reading break and we had decided to go camping. Both city kids, we had never really gone camping properly and West Point was only a hop and a skip from Connecticut, which was spoiled for choice when it came to leafy and green locals.

  Where we went wasn’t officially a campground, but the zoning put it as state land that allowed for camping if one was brave enough to try. I had already gone through survival training and fancied our chances, even though the main way I knew to start a fire was with a match.

  Ada watched out the window like a kid going to Disneyland as civilization fell behind us, giving way to magnificent wilderness as the ventured further into the heart of the world that had existed long before monkeys started walking upright. Entire planets were notoriously difficult to destroy, except maybe for the Vogons. Most of the rhetoric about ‘save the planet’ really expressed a desire to ‘save the humans.’ But, as Michael Stipe astutely pointed out, it could very be the end of the world as we knew it and that would be fine.

  When you really thought about it, the world, as it was known to exist, ended all the time. Just ask the Germans, going from a Monarchy to a Democratic Republic, to a fascist dictatorship, to a divided Democracy/Communist state, back to a unified Democratic republic within the span of eighty years from WWI to the Fall of the Berlin Wall.

  The hike hadn’t been too bad for an unbeaten path. There was the occasional deceased tree to traverse, but we were both young and neatly specimens of our type, well up to such a task. The real test came when we tried to put up a tent. I hadn’t gotten to that point in the training and neither of us had actually seen one before.

  Two hours and some ingenuity later, the tent was up, at least partly supported by bungee cords hooked onto nearby trees, the notion of tent pegs and guide wires not really having occurred to us.

  “I need to get cleaned up,” Ada had said.

  “There’s plenty of water,” I said.

  “H-here?” she asked, looking around nervously.

  “Just you, me and the trees, baby,” I reassured her.

  I put down a plastic tarp for her to stand on and Ada started slowly took off her clothes as I loaded the rest of the gear into the tent. When I finished, she was quite naked, awkwardly scrubbing herself down.

  “Do my back?” She asked, proffering the washcloth in my direction.

  Of course I would! Scrubbing the dirty and sweat from her back so it was as squeaky clean as the rest of her, I couldn’t help but put my arms around her. It got my clothes wet, but I didn’t care. I just had to touch her.

  “Anywhere else need cleaning?” I asked, gently kissing the back of her neck.

  I could feel it as she nodded. She often went quiet when we were intimate. Even if we weren’t having sex. Seeming to go into a sort of fugue state caused by pure pleasure.

  “Where might that be?” I asked.

  “Here,” she managed, guiding my hand down between her damp thighs.

  She was really excited. Warm and really wet and not just from the bath. I could tell she wanted it but decided to make her wait a little to really build up the anticipation. I continued kissing her neck as I lightly stroked the outside of her pussy. She hummed with contentment, putting her head back so I could kiss her sweet mouth as well. I was about a foot taller than her, so this really wasn’t much of a challenge.

  Eventually, after a bit of teasing, stroking her tender pussy lips, I slid a finger up inside her, making her moan. Holding her tight with my other arm, I fingered her until she came, falling back against me and shuddering hard. I held her close and we kissed, letting our love be shown.

  When she was ready, I released her enough that she was able to sink to her knees in front of me. Turning to face the massive bulge in the front of my cargo pants, she drew down the zipper and gently coaxed my throbbing cock from its prison and into her warm, loving hands.

  Working up a good rhythm, her other hand massaging my balls, Ada took my cock into her sweet, warm mouth headfirst, getting almost halfway down the full length before nearly gagging. We were both pretty new to the sexual side of our relationship, but what we both lacked in experience we more than made up for with enthusiasm.

  Holding fast, darling Ada sucked me hard, pulling up every drop of cum from my balls, swallowing it all down with relish and grace, opening her mouth wide after the fact to show me she had swallowed it all. Guiding her up into my embrace, we kissed passionately and deeply, Ada still stroking my cock.

  Her grip maintained even when I turned her around and bent her over. Guessing what I was going for, she began stroking the head of my cock against her tender, pink pussy lips, filling me with unknown pleasures.

  Finally relinquishing when my head was all the way inside her, Ada up her other had down and pushed up onto her tiptoes, lifting her ass even higher, making the perfect position for me to fuck her deep.

  My hands firmly on her well-developed hips, I started to pump, working my cock deep inside her pussy. The angle such that each smooth, soft thrust hit both her clit and her g-spot at the same time. I could feel it as he pussy tightened around me as we fucked. I wondered if maybe she had been learning Kegels.

  “Kegels?” I asked, as I fucked her softly.

  “N-no, it just feels, really good!”

  I pulled out just in time. Her pussy was so good I didn’t want to leave, but neither of us had thought to bring condoms and Ada’s system was too delicate for birth control so we were down to withdrawal as our only option.

  Taking me in hand once again, Ada accepted my load into her mouth, swallowing it all down as she had before. Again, opening her mouth to show me she had taken it all. I stroke her cheek gently.

  “Good girl.”

  I got her dry and dressed in fresh clothes, then it was my turn to take a shower, Ada was as gentle with me as I had been with her, leading to much the same result.

  “Goodness, it's still hard!” she marvelled, tenderly stroking my cock.

  It was part of a game. She knew full well how long I could stay hard and how easily she got me in that state. But we
both liked to pretend that it wasn’t the case. I usually did the same with how wet she got and how tight her pussy was.

  “Can you help?” I asked, playing along.

  “Of course! I will kiss it all better!”

  And indeed, she did, smoothing my monster cock with soft, wet kisses, all up and down the thick, throbbing shaft before taking it back in her mouth for another enthusiastic round of sucking.

  She took it even harder and deeper than before, almost throat fucking herself, unable to get enough. Keeping her eyes on mine the entire time. Her look of love and desperation made my heart break just a bit.

  Finally, I came, flooding her mouth with my load. She closed her eyes, sighing in sweet relief as she accepted it in. She kept going after I had finished sucking me clean. I stroked her as she did so, the warm feelings between us almost palpable on the air.

  She kept sucking until I had unleashed another load down her throat, Ada again showed me what a good girl she was and swallowed it all down, still not relinquishing her hold of my cock. Instead moving back in and sucking my balls one at a time while stroking my cock to yet another massive orgasm, which she barely got into her mouth in time. Some of it got onto her lips and ran down her chin.

  I wiped it away with my thumb, which she then sucked nearly as hard as she had sucked my cock, not wanting to waste a single drop of my thick, hot, tasty cum.

  Coming back to the cold, clinical reality, I carefully cleaned up using some of the tissues I always kept with me, stowed my spent cock, zipped up my fancy pants, and wondered, not for the first time, what might have been.

  Chapter Five - Ada

  It was like something out of an apocalypse flick. The massive building was all but empty. The only sound was the distant squeak of the cleaning trolly.

  I could see how most people would find it creepy, but I mostly found it to be relaxing, which was a relief because I wasn’t staying late for my health. The company was about to make a massive acquisition. The kind of account that could well bump them up from number three to number two overall.


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