Have My Baby: Baby and Pregnancy Romance Collection

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Have My Baby: Baby and Pregnancy Romance Collection Page 101

by Jamie Knight

  Pausing for a second to adjusted to having her sweet pussy filled again, I went further, getting my cock about a third of the way inside her before stopping again. Before I could start, Alex took the initiative, rocking her hips, caressing her pussy along my cock. I took her lightly by the hips as she pumped, mostly just trying to keep up with her tempo, the two of us moving in sweet union.

  The trembles started softly. Rising up like Roman Candles as they exploded in bright burst of orgasmic bliss. I wasn’t far behind, Alex moaning beautifully as I filled her with my load.

  Gently withdrawing from her sweet glory, I helped Alex onto the bed, laying her on her side, as she continued to quiver in the afterglow. Getting onto the bed with her, I pulled the blanket over both of us, our satisfied bodies coming together in a warm embrace.

  “I love you,” I whispered.

  “I love you too,” she murmured.

  Alex then gasped, her hands going down to hold her belly.

  “What, is something wrong?”

  “No, she’s happy,” she said, relaxing, “here feel.”

  Alex took my hand and put it down on her belly. Sure enough, the baby was kicking.

  Our afternoon nap didn’t last long. I woke up to Alex’s moan, her hands on her belly. I took a feel but there wasn’t any kicking.

  “I’m just hungry,” she said.

  The digits on the clock said it was just before five. Leaving her underwear off for the sake of comfort, I got Alex back into her dress and we worked together to reconstruct my suit, we went for an early dinner.

  It was odd seeing the Blue Room again. I hadn’t been back since what happened at the resort but it still had some positive memories and seemed appropriate.

  Pulling out her chair for her like a proper gentleman, I took my place across from her, our hands reconnecting as soon as I was down. I would have kissed her but knew how uncomfortable Alex was with public displays of affection.

  I ordered pretty light, having just had lunch a few hours ago but Alex went full on. Ordering basically three courses of food. She was never a light eater but things had also changed. Isolde was growing nicely and Alex had to keep her energy up.

  Waiting for just the right moment, I reached into my pocket and brought out the box. Laying it on the table between us.

  “What’s that?” she asked.

  “A late birthday present.”

  “How did you - ”

  “I know a lot of things. I was a bit surprised to find out you’d turned twenty but also happy.”

  She picked up the box and carefully unwrapped it, revealing the small, hinged box covered with black velvet. There were few things it could be and the seconds were already beginning to fall. Alex guessing where I was going. As she opened the box, I got down on one knee.

  “You are the only woman it in the world for me. You are the only one I want. The only one I think about. Will you do me the honor of spending the rest of your life with me.”

  “Of course.”

  No sooner did I get the ring on her finger than a familiar shriek came up from somewhere in the restaurant. It took me a moment to see Elsa raging toward us, all the fires of Hades in her eyes.

  “What the fuck is this?”

  “I - ”

  “You know what? Don’t bother. You’re obviously only marrying her because she’s knocked up. It’s probably not even more. You haven’t seen the little slut in months. Who knows what she’s gotten up to in that time. Your mom was right, she’s just a gold-digger.”

  I rose to my full, commanding height, Elsa taking two full steps back away from me. I did my best to keep my voice calm and even.

  “Don’t you ever talk about my fiancée like that again, or I will get a restraining order. Do not think for a second I will hesitate to have you arrested if you violate it.”

  Elsa retreated with her tale between her legs and I hugged Alex to comfort her. No longer caring we were in public.

  “It’s not true.”

  “I know, it just hurt to hear. I’m not a slut. I haven’t been with anyone.”

  “I believe you, honestly I haven’t either. I meant what I said. You are the only one I want. You have been since the first time at the Christmas party. You are my world, sweetheart.”

  We kissed tenderly, and I sat back down while we waited for the food to come, my appetite even less than it was before.

  Getting Alex comfortable on the couch when we got back home, I got out my call and started to dial.

  “Who are you calling?”

  “My mother, I want to tell her the good news.”


  “All of it.”

  My beautiful Alex squeezed my hand and rested her head on my shoulder as the phone started to ring.

  “Finally come to your sense have you?” mom asked, picking up on the first ring.

  “In a manner of speaking, yes, I have.”

  “What are you talking about, dear?”

  “Alex is pregnant, the baby is mine, and we are engaged to be married,” I said, letting it all out at once, not giving her time to cut in.

  We hadn’t spoken since I told Elsa off when she came into the office. I felt about bad about how we had left things. She drove me crazy sometimes, but I never doubted that she loved me. At heart, I think she really just wanted what was best for me. Trying to save me from the pain she had gone through when dad walked out.

  “That’s wonderful, honey.”

  “It is?” I asked, truly gobsmacked by her reaction.

  “Of course it is, baby. I’m so sorry I tried to dictate your life like I did. I-I just wanted you to be happy, but I see now that you are. I was just to blinded by my own expectation to realize it before.”

  “Would you like to come to the wedding?”

  “Of course! I’m sure Astrid will come too if she can get the time off. She’s almost a doctor you know. I am so proud of her.”

  Alex and I looked at each other, our eyebrows raised. It was certainly a new development but one that made me happy nonetheless. I finished the call with my mom and commence snuggling with Alex.

  “That went well,” Alex said, sounding pleased, “I doubt my mom will come around like yours did.”

  “At least we can have a relationship with one of them, which is honestly more than I thought.”

  “Always looking on the bright side,” Alex joked.

  “Not really but even if things hadn’t worked out all we need is each other.”

  She held me tighter, and then we just stayed quiet for a while. Watching our little Izzy move.

  Chapter Thirteen - Alex

  I’d been a little off with my due date. Our little bundle actually coming into the world in November. It wasn’t the easiest birth in the world, partly because I was so young, and they had to a C-section. Though, in the end, after some drama, we had a health baby girl, and I had a scar that would soon fade to almost nothing.

  Klaus wasn’t allowed in during the procedure but was right there by my bed when I came to and then when they brought in Izzy for us to hold. She was a perfectly healthy, full-term, and we were able to go home in a few days.

  “Welcome home,” Sara said.

  “What did you do?” I asked, in wonderment.

  “Got everything ready of course.”

  “She’s a great supervisor,” Aaron said, coming out of the master bedroom and kissing Sara on the cheek.

  “What’s going on?” Klaus asked.

  “We’re setting up the nursery of course. The bedroom was more than big enough.”

  Klaus and I looked at each other before rushing into the bedroom. Sure enough, half of the massive room stood as it had always been. The other have transformed into a beautiful nursery.

  “What do you think?” Sara asked, coming in behind us.

  Gently passing Izzy over to Klaus, I gave my old friend a heartfelt hug, trying to show my appreciation. We had just planned
to have Izzy sleep in our bed, not actually believing any of the usual concerns about doing so but the nursery section was even more beautiful than we could have imagined, and I was still right there to feed Isolde when she needed.

  It was the first family Christmas I’d had since I was a kid. There were lots of presents for Izzy, mysterious dropped off under our mailbox. Though it seemed most of them were more for us than her, Isolde seemingly more interested in the wrapping than the presents themselves. There were a few things that made me curious, because they just smacked of mom.

  Klaus and I exchanged gifts as well of course, getting a crash course in what each other like over the last few months since he proposed. As it turned out we had a lot in common, or were at least interested in each other’s interests. The only thing he liked I really couldn’t get into as Finnish Black Metal music even thought it was a lot nicer than I would have assumed and I actually kind of liked Marras. It was mostly the death scream vocals and band names like Impaled Nazarene and Goats of Doom that really put me on edge. Klaus had joked that if my mother came to the wedding we should play some for our wedding dance as a kind of joke. I liked the idea but wasn’t sure I could go that far.

  “Speak of the devil,” I muttered as a familiar knock came to the door.

  “Not literally I hope,” Klaus joked as I went to answer the door.

  It was like seeing a ghost. Mom’s skin deathly pale and her expression as contrite as I have ever seen. I realized, with dismay, it was the first time in recent years anyway, that I had seen her completely sober.

  “How do you know where I live?”

  “Sara told me.”

  “Good old Sara,” I snarked.

  “She was trying to help. I-I want to apologize. I should have treated you a lot better. I don’t really think you’re a who - what I said. It’s not an excuse, but I was drunk, I’m getting help though. I’ve been in AA for the past few months.”

  “Is this the making amends step?” I asked.

  “Yes and no. I mean, I would have done it anyway. I really don’t want to lose you and would love to see my granddaughter if you think you can let me.”

  “How did you know we had a - Sara again?”

  “Yeah, I asked though,” mum blushed.

  “You’d better come in then,” I said stepping aside.

  “Look who is here,” I said, as I led mom into the festively decorated living room.

  “Hello,” Klaus said, trying to be civil.

  “You must be Klaus,” mom said, sitting down on the floor with him.

  “Indeed and this is Isolde,” he said, picking Izzy up from a pile of wrapping.

  “She loves Christmas but is mostly interested in the wrapping,” I said.

  “Reminds me of you at that age,” mom grinned.

  As though she knew who she was, Izzy reached her little arms out to mom. Probably thinking she sounded like me.

  “May I hold her?” mom asked, looking to me.


  Klaus passed her over and mom took Izzy with all the experience of a grandmother. Her material instincts apparently kicking back in.

  “Did you get the gifts I sent,” she asked.

  “We did,” Klaus confirmed.

  “Did you keep them,” mom asked, a pang entering her tone. Letting me know she had been honest about trying to make amends and do better in the mom department.

  “Of course we did,” I said, glossing over the fact my first instinct was to donate them.

  I sat down in the space left between mom and Klaus, actually feeling like it might actually work out.

  “I’ll get it,” Klaus said, giving me a gentle kiss on my forehead.

  “He’s seems nice,” mom said.

  “You have no idea,” I beamed, “that wasn’t a swipe by the way. I really do love him.”

  “I can see that,” mom said mildly, “have you set a wedding date?”

  “Sara again?” I asked.


  “My ears are burning,” Sara announced, common into the living room with Klaus close behind.

  We hugged and Sara greeted Izzy, who was cooing happily as mom played with her, waving a bit of wrapping paper above her as Izzy lay on her back.

  Sara had even more gifts with her, carried in by Aaron and Izzy was delighted with all the new wrapping.

  “Thanks, for everything,” I said.

  “What are friends for?”

  Epilogue - Alex

  Snow covered the world in a sparkling blanket. The year past in a wonderful blur, settling back in the Yuletide season. We had thought about getting married earlier but decided it was appropriate to get married at Christmas since that was when we had first connected two years before. I was 21 and feel very mature, especially for my age, and Isolde had grown up beautiful into a rambunctious one-year-old, baffling pediatricians and family members alike with her impressive walking skills. She was running about the room, scattering the petals from her little wicker basket, understanding the basic idea of being a flower girl but not the timing.

  “Should we do something?” Sara asked, as she helped me into my dress.

  “No, she’s fine,” I said, beaming down at my little darling.

  The organ rucked up, and I knew it was time to get the show on the road. Picking up the flawless with all three of us helping, I picked up Izzy, and we met Aaron by the door to the sanctuary. Sara looked great in her maid of honor dress and Aaron was dashing in his best man tux. It was a bit of an unorthodox choice but neither Klaus nor I had fathers or brothers available, and Aaron really ad down a lot for our little family. Besides which, he and Sara had recently gotten engaged, so it seemed like a nice overlap. We had already broken tradition a bit, only having one bridesmaid, Klaus’s sister Astrid flying over for the ceremony.

  “Ready?” Sara asked.

  “Better be,” I grinned.

  I passed Isolde to Astrid, as Aaron opened the doors and I then looped my arm through his. Taking it one step at a time, we made our way to the altar where Klaus was waiting, towering over the poor minister like an ice giant.

  It was honestly all I could do not to cry as we went through the ceremony, which was a combination of my mom’s Christian traditions blended with pagan wedding rituals representing Klaus’s background. I was just so full of such happiness and love I thought I might burst from sheer joy.

  We got through it without any major incidents, and before I knew it I was sitting with Klaus at the reception, Izzy bouncing happily on his knee. I kissed first him and then her, making Klaus smile and Isolde giggle at her silly, sentimental mommy. She was taking after her daddy already. We hadn’t even had any cake yet.

  Klaus still thought it might be fun to have a Black Metal slam session for our first married dance. It would be different but nothing else. I convinced him against it, compromising on “Nymphetamine” by Cradle of Filth. At least there were sections we could slow dance.

  By the end of the evening Izzy had tuckered out, and we left her in the able hands of her grandmothers, as the left over cake was packed up and Aaron helped Sara load the wedding presents into the back of the Rolls.

  “Thanks guys,” I said as we came up.

  “What are friends for?”

  “Manual labor apparently,” Klaus joked, making Aaron laugh.

  “Later,” Sara said, giving me a big hug.

  “See you at the office when we get back,” Klaus said, going in for a handshake.

  Sara looked at the hand and burs out laughing before taking him in a friendly hug. After a moment of nesting I’ve stiffness,, his back going perfectly straight, he relaxed and hugged her back.

  Helping me up in the passenger seat, the car being a bit too high for even me though I could see why it would appeal to him, he started home.

  Not one to eschew all traditions, Klaus carried me from the car all the way up to our bedroom, setting me down on the edge of the king-sized b
ed. My dress had a fairly simple, modern design, requiring only one zipper to undo it. Klaus did exactly that, easing the top of my dress down around my waist, his hands going straight to my tits as though drawn there by magnets. I hadn’t worn a bra or panties, knowing we would probably want to get right down to business on our wedding night.

  I took my dress the rest of the way down, stepping easily out of it as Klaus continued to fondle and suck my hard and ready nipples. Pulling him up to me, we kissed passionately as he caressed a hand up my thigh and between my legs, lightly cupping my pussy. I opened my legs wide, giving him full and unfettered access to my pussy as Klaus sank to knees before me.

  With his war hands lightly on the tops of my thighs, My new husband caressed his tongue the length of my delicate pink pussy lips, drawing a moan from deep inside my being, vibrating from my soul. I lay back on the mattress feeling like I was melting rom the relaxation. Klaus’s talented tongue, filling me with pure joy.

  Slowly, he sped up his lapping speed devouring my pussy, stroking my clit with his thumb as he did so. I moaned and screamed freely, letting out my unbridled pleasure, relieved to be able to do so without disturbing Izzy or the neighbors who had gone away for the holidays.

  I absolutely exploded with orgasm, coming all over his face. Unperturbed, Klaus kept going, gently licking me clean as he worked a finger inside me to maintain contact. Taking him by the shoulders I pulled him to me and kissed him greedily. Usually I would have sucked him off at that point, but I was so revved up I needed him inside me stat. Klaus didn’t seem to mind much, easing the head of his cock into my tight pussy, after getting me into a good position. My legs were over his shoulders and he was holding me by my hips giving him almost total control of my body. I’d never been into kind in terms of the rough stuff, but I had always been really submissive. Giving myself over entirely to my partner, letting him do whatever he wanted with me, part of why trust was so important to me. Even when I wasn’t sure if we would be permanent, I trusted that he would never harm me.


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