Fortress (Forde Family Series Book 2)

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Fortress (Forde Family Series Book 2) Page 21

by nikki blaire

  In a few moments another table was ready for them.

  “Can you close the doors?” He nodded and in another moment the gentle breeze that floated around them was gone after the doors to the balcony were closed.

  “Better.” Marcus asked, as he sat back down at the table.

  She nodded a subtle “thank you,” then went back to her salad, embarrassed by the scene she just caused.

  “You know, you say you’ve been tired...and that whole smell thing with your stomach…”

  Marcus started to chuckle after starting back in on his salad. “I’d say you were pregnant if I didn’t know any better.”

  “Pregnant?” The word made the hairs on Charlisse’s arms stand up. “No, impossible. There’s no way. We’ve always,”

  She started to say they always used protection, but immediately remembered several times where they had not. That also included their first couple of round when they first met.

  “And I guess I never asked if you were on birth control.” Marcus placed his hand under his chin. “I just assumed…”

  “I am.” She replied. “But, we should probably,”

  “Be more careful. Yeah. Most definitely.” Marcus finished his salad.

  As soon as he sat aside his fork, an attendant came to collect the plate and rattled off a number of entrees for them to choose from.

  “Sorry, baby, but I need some meat tonight.” He ordered the short ribs then turned to her. “Are you ready to order?”

  “Sure. I’ll have the spinach bucatini pasta.” She smiled at the attendant, who nodded then scurried off to fill their orders.

  “We should probably get tested together too.” Charlisse forced herself to say once they were alone again.

  “Yea, that too. I’m fine,” He started.

  “Me too.”

  “But we should do it together.” He reached for her hand. “Any day that works for you is fine with me.”

  Marcus lifted it to his lips to leave a soft peck on her knuckles.

  “Now, onto some good news. I’ve been waiting to tell you this all night.” His eyes gleamed so brightly that it made Charlisse excited as well.

  “Sports Illustrated wants to do a feature article on me. Damien is on the next cover, but now, with everything that’s happened, they want to do a story.”

  His grin was from ear to ear and Charlisse loved to see him so happy.

  “When?” She beamed right back at him.

  “I’m not sure. It’s still being scheduled.”

  “Wow, first The Post and now Sports Illustrated. You’re going to be a household name, Marc Forde.”

  “I guess.” He shrugged. “I’m more excited about new clients, but the household name thing is cool too.”

  He stared into her eyes. “And I owe it all to you. You believed in me and pushed me, baby. I can’t thank you enough.”

  “No need to thank me anymore.” She was starting to blush. “Having an entire restaurant to ourselves is more than enough. You did not need to do all of this.”

  “But I did.” His expression was serious. “It’s the least I could do for you. You started my life over. Shit, it’s actually my life now. I don’t know if I could ever repay you for that.”

  “Well,” Charlisse giggled. “Good thing I’m not keeping a running tab.”


  Terry’s eyes were glued to the back of Charlisse’s head. She could feel him watching her every move like a hawk over its prey.

  “What?” She spun around to catch him in the act, but Terry wasn’t even trying to hide his gawking.

  “Nothing at all.” He clicked his teeth and then turned back to his cameraman who was setting up in one of the expertly decorated, yet empty rooms in Marcus’ home.

  “I bet you know just where the cups are, don’t you?” Terry’s snide comment came from the side of his mouth.

  Charlisse rolled her eyes at him, but did laugh.

  “What is your problem, Terry? I get you the interview of a lifetime and you repay me with snarky remarks?”

  “Oh, I’m not being snarky, Sis. I’m jealous as hell. Look at this place.” He waved his hands around him. “And look at that man.”

  They both looked in the direction of the doorway, while Marcus walked in charcoal suit and red-tied down. Charlisse had to agree that he was sight, as he approached the both of them. But his eyes were directly on her.

  “This looks good. This is what I’m wearing.” His powerful voice sounded like a statement, but Charlisse knew that it was, in fact, a question.

  “It does. I like it. It’ll look good on camera.” She motioned for him to sit in the chair that she and Terry had perfectly positioned to show both the room and the rolling luscious green lawn outside.

  The image that she saw for Marcus was personal, yet polished. That was why she had chosen to have the interview in his home instead of his office.

  Despite Marcus taking over, the office of Forde Financials, Inc. still conjured up images of his father. The cold and modern lines of his office didn’t add any of the touches of personality that she was looking for.

  “Sit there and let me get a couple of test shots.” She motioned for the cameraman to roll for a few minutes, while she reviewed it. “Perfect.”

  She smiled at what she saw. Marcus was made for the camera with his smooth dark skin and perfectly sculpted features. She felt a small flutter in her chest at the sight of him adjusting his cufflinks. She was sure that they cost more than anything she owned.

  “Charlisse,” He called out her name, which made her look up from the camera lens.

  “Yes.” She had to stop herself from using a term of endearment.

  Marcus was no longer her client, but she did need to have a decorum of professionalism during this interview.

  “Can I talk to you for a moment?” He stood and then walked out of the room with her right behind him.

  “Are you ready?” She followed him into a nearby powder room.

  Her eyes roamed over him and her hands just needed to run over his chest. She straightened his already straight collar just to give herself an excuse to touch him.

  Their relationship had unfolded into something more than she even knew that she ever wanted. Spending evenings together for dinner turned into staying the night at each other’s places. Murmurs of sweet nothings during their most intimate moments turned into sharing their most private thoughts.

  His hands slid down below her waist and gripped her bottom. It was his favorite place to rest his hands when they were close.

  “As ready as I’ll ever be. You prepared me well, baby.”

  He bit his bottom lip in frustration at not being able to lift her against the nearest object and dive inside of her.

  “You handling this whole thing is making my dick hard.”

  He still hadn’t learned the art of finessing his words when they were alone, but she had done a damn good job of getting him ready for the public eye.

  “Honey, what are your long-term goals for the firm?”

  She knew that if he could recite the response that she had prepared for him while his blood was rushing away from his brain, then he’d be just fine in this interview.

  “To invest in community, rebuild our integrity, and diversify our investments. Do I get a reward?”

  He leaned down for a kiss, but Charlisse ducked away just in time.

  “We can’t. I don’t want any traces of my lipstick showing up on the camera.”

  “Fuck that camera.” He sneered then pulled her in again, but Charlisse had learned most of his tricks, so she ducked him again.

  “Marc, focus. Think of this as practice for Sports Illustrated. Got it?” She put space between them then grabbed the door handle to leave when she felt a hard smack on her rear.

  “Marc, seriously?” She spun back around, but wished she hadn’t once she saw the mischievous look on his face.

  Charlisse simply shook her head then opened the door. She left first and then
Marcus followed behind her shortly after. Yes, Terry knew about their relationship, but there was no need to parade it around just yet.

  For Charlisse, the anonymity of her dating Marcus made it a safe space for her, while they worked out the details. She knew that once it became public that everyone would circle around them like vultures. This was their time to build a solid foundation before the world came in for the kill.

  But Marcus was less guarded, especially since word was apparently getting around his family. He had told Charlisse about how Tremaine had guessed that they were dating. Tremaine knowing meant that Ayda knew, or had at least guessed, which also meant that the rest of the Fordes would find out sooner or later.

  There was nothing Charlisse could do about that, so she chose to let it be. However, she still had not shared much about her newfound relationship with her father. Alphonse was a nice man, but he was also very critical.

  Any discussion about seeing someone seriously would lead to her having to answer a line of questioning like she was on a witness stand. That kind of interaction with her father took a lot to prepare for and she wasn’t ready yet.

  “Okay, we’re ready. Let’s get started.” Terry’s voice carried from the room, just as Charlisse walked back in.

  Marcus came in a few moments after her then sat back down.

  “Alright, let’s get this over with.” He sighed, but Charlisse knew it was mostly out of nervousness.

  Usually, Marcus’ father had been the one to handle press and present during special events. Now, Marcus was taking on that role, while still dealing with the realities of why he had to. Many assumed Marcus was over his father’s betrayal, and while superficially, he was, Charlisse knew that those wounds would take a long time to heal. Thirty-six years of adoration didn’t just fall away in a few months.

  She watched him closely, as he swallowed hard while the cameraman made a few adjustments.

  “I thought you weren’t working for the firm anymore?” Terry came up behind her with a whisper.

  “I’m not.” She shot back, knowing where this was going.

  “Mmhmmm,” Terry cut his eyes at her. “You’re just working him. I see.”

  Charlisse playfully hit his shoulder. “Now, you know how I get down, Charlisse. Nothing is off limits. We discussed this.”

  “Yes, we discussed it.” She nodded confidently.

  She had prepared Marcus for any curveball that Terry could throw at him. “He’s ready.”

  She looked on at him with an unmistakable shine in her eyes. Marcus Forde was transforming right in front of her. Skies were the limit for him if he continued moving forward. wandering, as it often did when she day-dreamed of him.

  “Alright,” Terry took his seat across from Marcus. “We’re going to be rolling in 5...4...3...2…”

  The interview kicked off without a hitch. Marcus sailed smoothly through questions, even the tough ones about his father, and managed to showcase his charm and humor.

  Charlisse looked on dutifully from behind the camera, nodding when he had done well, smiling when his answers were perfect.

  “That about wraps us up, Marc, but will you oblige me on a few more questions?” Terry asked, as Marcus took a sip of water.

  He shot a glance over at Charlisse, who shrugged nonchalantly. The worst seemed to be over, so why not? Plus, Terry was her close friend. What could he possibly ask?

  “Now, you’ve got a reputation for being a bachelor, Marc. The social scene is very used to you and your many escapades, but the world of business is conservative. It’s very formal. Do you plan on settling down anytime soon?”

  Terry’s good.

  Charlisse thought to herself at hearing Terry’s question. Tidbits about Marcus’ dating life was surely going to be clickbait for the article.

  “Yes, I do.” Marcus responded, his eyes roaming over to Charlisse for a quick moment then going back to the camera.

  “Even with your parents recent debacle? You still believe in marriage?”

  Marcus wasn’t prepared for this and Charlisse’s chest started to tighten. Still, Marcus was a quick thinker and honest answers sometimes made for the best quotes.

  “My thoughts on marriage have changed. So have my expectations. Now, I know what it takes to hold a marriage together and what can break it apart.”

  He took a moment to chuckle, “My reputation with women makes things difficult, but I’m not just rebuilding the integrity of the firm. I’m also investing in my own integrity. So, I can be that man for someone someday.”

  Charlisse’s heart swelled and her palms grew sweaty.

  Is he talking about me?

  But Marcus kept his eyes on Terry, never once looking her way.

  “So, that leads me to my last question. Inquiring minds want to know, Marc. Are you currently seeing someone?”

  Tension sucked the air out of the room. Charlisse definitely felt like she couldn’t breathe. The sky-high ceilings felt like too little space and the walls felt as if they were closing in.

  She couldn’t move to signal the end of the interview, she couldn’t speak to yell “cut,” and she surely couldn’t think of what she would have liked Marcus to say. Her brain sparred with what either response would mean for the two of them.

  A “no” respected her constant pleas for privacy. But a “yes” would be magical.

  And she wanted to hear him say “yes.” The truth suddenly consumed her. Admitting her feelings for Marcus had been difficult, but allowing herself to want to be with him had been like pulling her own teeth.

  Now, here she was, standing and watching him, waiting for a response that she hadn’t even realized she wanted to hear. It was excruciating.

  “As in?” Marcus narrowed his eyes at Terry, trying to deflect.

  Charlisse could tell that he could feel the tension too, but he didn’t look her way for help.

  “As in a relationship. Is there a special lady in your life?” Terry leaned in.

  “Oh, yes.” Marcus gave a wry grin.

  His response nearly lifted Charlisse off of the ground. That is, until Marcus continued.

  “My mother. She’s getting all of my time and attention these days.”

  Charlisse was thudded back to the cold, hard floor.


  “Thanks, man.” Terry and Marcus shook hands, while the cameraman put his equipment away.

  “No problem. Great interview. I’m excited to get this up and running.” Terry averted his eyes to Charlisse who had been unusually quiet since the interview wrapped.

  She was probably reviewing it in her mind and would have notes for him on how to do better once Terry was gone.

  “We’ll talk, Charlisse.” Terry gave her a hug then headed out of the door with his cameraman in tow.

  “So, what’d you think?” Marcus waited until the front door closed to ask. “Don’t tell me everything that I need to work on all at once.”

  He laughed, as he pulled her in for a hug and kiss. He had been dying to touch her since their interlude in the bathroom. Too bad he had promised his mother that he would stop by afterwards to watch the movers get all of his father’s things out of the house. Otherwise, he would have had that emerald green dress off of her in a matter of seconds.

  “It was great.” She eyed him with a shiny, glossy look that he didn’t recognize.

  “Really? That’s it? No comments, no critiques?”

  He ran his hand over his chin. “Damn, baby, you’re a good teacher then if I’m doing that well already. I thought I had some shaky parts.”

  He thought back to the last question. That one had been a doozy. Some friend Terry was to ask Marcus if he was seeing someone with his girlfriend standing right there.

  But then again, Marcus knew that Charlisse was private. There was a chance that she hadn’t told Terry yet. He knew that she hadn’t been as forthcoming with her “people,” as he had been with his. Truthfully, his had dragged it out of him after already guessing, so he didn’t f
eel as if comparing was fair.

  Charlisse had more to lose, so he respected her taking her time with revealing their relationship to others.

  But damn.

  He shook his head at the tension that filled the room once Terry asked him if he was seeing anyone. He was proud of himself for thinking of such a clever response so quickly. And since Charlisse wasn’t ripping him a new one , he must have come up with something good.

  “Charlisse, baby, can you do me a favor?” He pulled out his keys then took his house key off of the ring.

  “Can you lock up if you’re going to hang around for a bit? I’ve gotta get to my mother’s house to help her with my dad’s shit. Movers are coming to take everything today and she needs some moral support.”

  “Of course.” Charlisse slowly reached for the key.

  She had started to come around so often that he really thought of just making her a copy, but didn’t want to push her. They were doing well and going at a steady pace, so he didn’t want anything else to rock the boat.

  As a newcomer to this “relationship” thing, Marcus was truly winging it. Even worse, he didn’t really have anyone to run his thoughts by. He had few acquaintances, and there were even fewer people that he could trust to tell them about him and Charlisse. The list boiled down to his brother, Dwele, but Marcus knew better than to ask him.

  Where Marcus had just never come across anyone that he wanted to take seriously, Dwele was a true commitment-phobe. He had dated a girl for a while in law school, but it didn’t work out. Ever since, he was completely love-scorned.

  Dwele carried himself as if he never thought about dating and was happy when those around him found someone, but internally Dwele was bitter. Marcus was one of the few people who knew that. So, he definitely wasn’t knocking on Dwele’s door for advice.

  “Alright, thanks, baby.” He left a PG-rated kiss on Charlisse’s lips.

  “No problem.” She smiled. “Make sure you get to that special lady.”

  She said, while he headed out of the door.

  “Oh yeah.” He caught the reference to his interview and laughed. “Good save, right?”

  “Great.” She grinned back at him just before closing the door.


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