Need Me

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Need Me Page 4

by Shelli Stevens

  Unfortunately—or fortunately—there were no walls nearby.

  Wincing, he tucked his erection gingerly back into his trousers and fastened them again. He scowled and set out to head back to the lodge. And if Nika had any sense, she’d best be well hidden from him.

  Arriving back at the warm building, he was disappointed to discover the mysterious blonde was indeed nowhere in sight.

  “Back again?”

  He spun, his hopes rising only to fall again when he saw Wanda leaning against the counter near the reception desk.

  She strolled forward and grabbed the front of his shirt. “Been thinking of me, have you?”

  A flush rose to his neck as he watched her eyes drop to his still-hardened cock.

  “I can help you with your little problem.” Her tongue swiped across blood red lips.

  Wanda offered the possibility of a quick tumble. To have a guaranteed release. He ran his gaze over her. Large tits, tiny hips. An hour ago he would have fucked her on the spot.

  And yet now…now, he wanted nothing to do with her. The only pussy he wanted to bury his cock in had run upstairs to hide.

  The realization raised his irritation a notch, and he let out a frustrated groan.

  Wanda must have interpreted his response to be encouraging, for she gave a soft laugh and pressed herself closer.

  “I bet we could get a room—”

  “This lodge does not rent rooms by the hour,” Molly’s voice rang out firmly. “You’ll have to do your fornicating elsewhere, Miss Wanda.”

  Brendon let out a sharp laugh and stepped back, his amusement rising as Wanda’s face turned red enough to match her hair.

  Emmett stepped out of the restaurant just then, eyebrows raised as he took in the scene.

  “Thank you, Wanda,” Brendon said quietly. “But I’ll have to pass anyway.”

  Wanda’s eyes rounded and her mouth flapped. “Well! Your loss, soldier.” She spun around and faced the owner of the lodge. “And you. Maybe if you loosened up a bit—perhaps made your own attempt at fornicating—you would not be such an uptight bitch.”

  Emmett stepped forward, his expression incensed. “Now listen, that was quite uncalled for.”

  “Oh, go fuck yourself. Or her, she obviously needs it,” Wanda snarled and strode out the door of the lodge.

  Brendon winced and strode over to the owner, clasping her hand. “I apologize, Molly.”

  She forced a smile, but he could tell Wanda’s words had hit their mark. Which was sad. The poor girl didn’t deserve such a bitter attack.

  “Say, Molly, you didn’t happen to see a lady pass through here a few minutes ago?” he heard himself ask before he could fathom whether it was a good idea. “Blonde, blue dress?”

  Molly’s gaze dropped, and she shook her head. “Sorry, Brendon. I have not.”

  He sighed and looked away. “Thank you. Perhaps I’ll see if she went into the restaurant.”

  Even as he went into the restaurant to check, he knew. She’d gone, and he was shit out of luck unless he went door to door upstairs to find her.

  And he knew without a doubt Molly would never allow that. No, he was stuck with a raging hard-on, and a temper just as fierce.

  From beneath her lashes, Molly watched Brendon disappear into the restaurant and immediately felt guilty for lying.

  But Rebecca had asked her to, when she’d hurried in through the doorway, calling out a harried, “Please, if anyone asks, you did not see me!” as she passed.

  Interesting that Brendon, one of Molly’s favorite customers, had been the one she’d been fleeing from.


  She glanced up, forgetting she was not alone. Emmett, another one of her regulars, stood near the desk, his expression drawn tight with concern.

  “Are you all right?” He stepped forward and shook his head. “She shouldn’t have said what she did. It was downright spiteful.”

  “Oh.” Her cheeks heated with color. So he’d heard that bit, had he? For some reason it made her stomach sink with humiliation. Maybe because there had been truth to Wanda’s words. “It’s quite all right. I shouldn’t have said what I did to her.”

  “Well, if you ask me, it’s no more than she deserves.” Emmett scowled and reached out to touch her hand.

  A spark of heat tingled through her arm, and she licked her lips in surprise. She stared at his dark hand covering hers, and a tremble of awareness ran through her body.

  Lifting her head, she met Emmett’s dark-brown gaze. Something hot flickered in his eyes, and her stomach flipped.

  He did not remove his hand from hers, and the heat from his touch continued to spread through her body. What was this? She’d never noticed Emmett in such a manner before.

  Liar. Of course she had. On the days when he would come in with his friends she’d always find her attention drawn unwillingly to him. To the quiet, dark-skinned man with the sexy, husky laugh.

  “How is work?” she asked quickly, the words nothing more than to fill the thickening silence.

  Amusement flashed in his gaze now. “Work is well. Quite uneventful.”

  “Which is a good thing, is it not?” she quipped and allowed herself a smile. “Would you wish us another battle like the one we had two years ago?”

  His expression sobered, and he shook his head. “Never.”

  Guilt stabbed, and her smile faltered. “I should not jest about such events. I’m sorry.”

  “No harm done.” He hesitated, his gaze searching hers. “I should rejoin the men for dinner.”

  A twinge of disappointment twisted inside, but she covered it with a quick nod.

  “Yes. I have things that must be done.” She paused and added, “Thank you, Emmett, for your kind words.”

  Surprise registered across his face. “You know my name?”

  Her cheeks warmed, but she straightened her spine and tried to shrug it off with a light flirt. Winking, she murmured, “I make it my business to know the names of my customers. Especially my regulars.”

  She pulled her hand free with regret and gave him another wide smile. “Have a lovely night.”

  Walking away, for she intended to check on Rebecca, she felt his gaze following her. Burning a trail over her body.

  Turning into the stairwell, a rush of warmth filled her blood, and once she was out of his view she let out a soft sigh. Leaning against the wall, she closed her eyes and shook her head.

  Developing a mild crush on one of her customers could not be a good thing. Not since her husband had died three years ago had she felt the stirrings of desire for a man.

  Until Emmett.

  But there was nothing to be done. There was no indication that he returned her interest. Was there? Well…even if there was, running the lodge alone left her little time for a social life. Let alone one that involved sex.

  Sex. Her mind flickered with the image of Emmett on top of her. His muscled body lay between her thighs as his large hands cupped her breasts… Her nipples tightened, and a long-forgotten ache bloomed between her legs.

  “You’ve gone mad, Molly. Absolutely mad,” she hissed to herself and hurried up to the second floor to check on her boarder.

  Rebecca did not answer the door after her first knock, so she knocked again.

  “Rebecca? It’s Molly.”

  She heard the locks release and then the door hissed open. Rebecca stared at her curiously before her gaze slipped beyond her, almost with suspicion.

  “I am alone,” Molly assured her. “May I come in?”

  Rebecca hesitated before giving a short nod, stepping back. “Forgive me, Molly. I thought you were…someone else.”

  Molly stepped inside and gave her a sympathetic glance. “Would this someone be a local soldier who towers above most others?”

  The other woman’s expression turned wary. “Possibly.”

  Molly glanced around the room, happy to see her guest had settled in already.

  “I don’t mean to intrude,” Mol
ly said quickly. “And I promise not to stay. I simply had to come assure you that you have nothing to fear with Brendon. He’s a right decent man.”

  “Is he, now?” Rebecca looked away and gave a slight nod. “Perhaps a decent man who feels himself entitled to every woman on this planet.”

  “He is a bit of a flirt,” Molly conceded, and then her mouth flapped in alarm. Had she misread the situation? “Oh gods, has he done something to you against your will? Are you quite all right?”

  Rebecca’s expression flickered between amusement and guilt. “I am fine. Truly. It was nothing but a…misunderstanding.”

  Molly studied the other woman closely, watching to see if perhaps she lied and had indeed been subjected to something awful. After a moment she realized the woman spoke the truth. Or something close to it.

  No. Whatever had happened outside the lodge may not have been something Rebecca wanted to dwell on, but Brendon had done nothing too awful. Nor could Molly have imagined he would have.

  “I know I said as much earlier, but please don’t hesitate to come to me if you need anything.” Molly turned toward the door and hesitated before leaving. “He did ask about you. When he came into the lodge.”

  Rebecca blinked and tilted her head. “Did you…”

  “I told him I had not seen you.”

  The other woman visibly relaxed and she nodded. “Thank you. For everything, Molly.”

  “You’re welcome.” She opened the door and slipped out, with a final, “Perhaps we could have lunch tomorrow?”

  Rebecca nodded and Molly watched her eyes light up with anticipation before she carefully schooled her expression again.


  “Sleep well,” Molly murmured and slipped from the room.

  For some reason she was drawn to her guest. She sensed in the woman a vulnerability beneath that hard exterior. Quite hard in fact.

  Yes, Rebecca wanted the world to perceive her as confident and tough. But though the woman wouldn’t admit it, Molly could sense the hunger in her for friendship.

  Strolling back down the hall, she wondered what—if anything—Rebecca might have to hide.


  The door shut behind Molly, and Nika bit her lip and jammed a hand through her hair.

  Gods, she felt ridiculously guilty for deceiving a woman she barely knew. Every time Molly had called her Rebecca, Nika had felt like even more of a fraud.

  Which you are, you fool! She turned on her heel and went into the bathing chamber to wash her face.

  She was not on this planet to have sex or make friendships, though she’d come damn close to accomplishing both tonight. And she hated to admit it, but the notion of nurturing this budding friendship with Molly held far too much appeal.

  She hardened her resolve. It was too much of a risk. And mistakes such as these could cost her the mission. Could even expose her planet as the sponsor behind the past larcenies.

  Nika turned on the faucet, her blood chilling at the thought. Never could she be the one to blow the cover on years of illicit missions. In fact, she knew the result if she were to be captured or her identity was at risk of being discovered. Her life would be taken. One black pill, the size of a melon seed, would ensure it.

  She ran her palms under the water and then splashed it across her face. Looking up in the mirror, she watched the droplets run down her chin and fall onto the counter.

  The moment out on the trail with Brendon flickered through her head and a tremble ran though her. Guilt pricked lightly inside her, but she stomped it out. Obviously, he’d been all too eager to continue with their little moment. But knowing that she could stop him, that she had the power, had been such a rush.

  And power was everything. If there was one thing she’d learned being a damn Rosabelle, that was it. Because she’d had none.

  Still, it was a silly thing to do. Letting him touch her out in public and achieving the ultimate pleasure. What had possessed her? It was as if she’d gone mad.

  She’d orgasmed. Never had a man brought her to orgasm, seeing as her owners had never tried. And the pitiful moments during their rutting had brought her no pleasure. Thank gods the men had lasted no longer than a couple of minutes each.

  Her stomach clenched at the memory and she shook her head to dispel it. Why was she reliving such atrocities? Sadly, it happened more than she wished it would.

  It had only been two years since Belton had defeated Zortou’s surprise attack. Two years since she’d been given her freedom.

  And now you seek to steal from the very planet that liberated you, a voice mocked in her head. She thrust aside any feelings of shame. There was no time for it. Surely the planet would not miss a few samples of semen. Granted, it was like the gold standard of the stuff, but still. The bottom line was it was still just some men’s spend.

  You are a professional. You trained for years for this mission. And you will not blow it. Success is the only option.

  All soft thoughts and ideas of lovers and friendships vanished from her mind. What remained was only steely determination to complete this mission. Tomorrow she would make her first attempt to discover the details of the lab, perhaps even risk a first raid.

  Stripping off her dress, she climbed into bed and attempted to fall asleep.

  Gods, how could she have fallen asleep for so long? If she was late with supper they would kill her. Or make her wish they’d killed her.

  Donika rushed around the small housing unit, setting the table just so, before returning to the kitchen to check on the meat.

  Any minute now the brothers would return from work and demand their food. Why, there was dust upon the teletron.

  Opening the door to the oven unit, she cut into one thick slab of meat. Damn, it still needed at least five more minutes.

  There was a loud shrill beep and she winced, glancing sharply over her shoulder to where the door to the unit lay.

  The two men entered the unit, speaking quietly to each other as they removed their jackets and closed the unit door again.

  Then they turned toward the kitchen, their matching gazes on her.

  “Where’s my food?” Mac asked gruffly, pulling out a chair at the table.

  “Almost ready,” she said quickly, smoothing her dress down her legs.

  “Almost?” Ron repeated, his gaze narrowing as it moved over her. He licked his thick lips and rubbed his belly. “What have you been doing all day?”

  Her cheeks filled with color. “I’ve…”

  Ron’s hand glanced across her cheek and her head snapped to the side with the blow.

  “Never mind,” he muttered and gripped her shoulder. “How long?”

  “Five minutes,” she whispered.

  “Well, then, for five minutes you can suck my cock.” He pushed her to her knees and pulled his short, fat erection free from his pants.

  No choice. She never had a choice. Only to please. Wanting this to be over as soon as possible, she took him in her mouth and zoned out while she brought him to climax.

  Ten minutes later she set a plate of food in front of the men and then filled up a plate of food for herself. When she went to sit at the table Mac pushed her away.

  “You cannot be rewarded for being late with our supper, Donika.” He gestured to the corner of the small room.

  Swallowing against her humiliation, she went to the corner and sank down to the floor, eating quietly by herself while the men devoured their food.

  Gods. Was this truly all there was to life? Every day to live and serve these vile men? No matter how much she tried to please, to prove herself, it was never enough. She was never good enough.

  Though her throat tightened with emotion, no tears burned her eyes. Crying brought no results.

  “Get up.”

  She blinked, not realizing Mac had crossed the room to stand in front of her.

  Beneath his trousers his erection was obvious. Her stomach sank with dread. Gods, he must have become turned on watching his brother
with her moments ago.

  And she had not yet finished her meal. Not that it mattered. When they demanded, she gave.

  Standing, she set her plate upon the counter and followed Mac into the bedroom. Whereas Ron would take her in any manner and any place in the housing unit, Mac always used a bed.

  With a grunt, he pushed her backward and lifted her dress to her hips. And then he was inside her, riding her while she stared at the ceiling of the unit.

  It was over a moment later. When he rolled off her he rubbed his belly and sighed.

  “Better hurry and clean up the kitchen, girl,” he muttered. “Work was a bit hard and Ron and I would like massages.”

  Of course they did. A hysterical laugh bubbled in her throat. It was like the same day. Over and over and over—

  “Oh, and I nearly forgot.” Mac paused in the midst of fastening his trousers and leered down at her. “Happy anniversary to us all.”

  Nika gasped and jerked upright in bed. Her hair hung in damp strands around her head and she shoved them aside, looking wildly around the room to rid herself of the disorientation.

  It had just been a memory. Or a nightmare. They were one and the same.

  But that was not her life anymore. Thank the gods, that was not her life. She’d moved on and now she was the one in control. Of everything. And without control, she was nothing.

  With a grim smile, she swung her legs out of bed and prepared for the day.

  Nika left the lodge early. Once outside the building she found a local washroom to alter her appearance.

  She needed to look the part of an attractive female. Even more dressed up than last night. Which was a bit difficult, as she hadn’t done such since she lived on Zortou.

  Today, it was essential that her femininity be pronounced, and that there wouldn’t be the slightest reason to connect her appearance with the shapeless disguise she’d wear as a thief.

  She wore an amethyst dress that was cut low and had a white tie beneath her breasts. It accented her curves and highlighted her chest.

  Her hair she kept down, combed into a long sleek wave that fell past her shoulders.


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