A Mistletoe Match For The White Duchess (Historical Regency Romance)

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A Mistletoe Match For The White Duchess (Historical Regency Romance) Page 30

by Patricia Haverton


  Alexandra wanted to jump into the conversation, but as she had not been introduced, it would have been improper.

  “Just look at the condition they have left me in,” the Duchess pointed to bruises on her arms. “Dragged me from my own carriage as if I was a common scullery maid.” She sighed heavily but then her gaze fell upon Alexandra. “I do not believe we have met.”

  “Oh, how rude of me. Let me introduce you. This is my …” Lady Chatterley paused awkwardly. No doubt unsure how to introduce Alexandra. “This is Miss Alexandra Evans; she is one of the most formidable matchmakers in all of London.”

  “A matchmaker? At Almack’s? How curious.” The Duchess eyes her, clearly assessing her outfit for clues as to how a commoner had made it past the rigorous inspections of the Lady Patronesses.

  “I have the good fortune of being acquainted with the Duchess of Marlborough. She was kind enough to extend me an invitation. She is a most generous woman.”

  And if I ever get the chance to actually meet her, I shall tell her so myself.

  The Duchess rolled her eyes. “Ah. Mary. She has always had the heart of a commoner.”

  Alexandra cleared her throat and forced herself not to let her sharp tongue get in her way, for she had many a cutting response to the Duchess’s cruel remarks. Alas, she was here for business and so had to swallow her words.

  “It may well be that this commoner is the answer to your problems, dearest Duchess,” Alexandra said in the sweetest tone she could muster.

  “Oh?” The old woman picked up her teacup and eyed her as she sipped the tea.

  “We could not help but overhear your conversation earlier, in regards to your search for a wife for the Duke,” Lady Chatterley explained. The Duchess did not take her eyes off Alexandra as she spoke. “Miss Evans is most skilled at finding the right match. Perhaps she could be of assistance.”

  “A matchmaker is what you say you are? And you are the one who made Lady Isabella Brown into the Marchioness of Chatterley?”

  “Indeed, I am. I am also the one who created the match between the Duke of Glowester and Lady Mary Hester, the daughter of the Marquess of Dunstable. I am responsible for the forthcoming wedding between the Earl of Cheshire and the daughter of the Earl of Yona. In addition…” The Duchess raised her hand.

  “I understand. You are very accomplished.” She thought for one moment. “Those are indeed magnificent matches and I must admit, I fear I may lack the stamina to thoroughly examine each prospective lady that may wish to wed the Duke. Perhaps employing a matchmaker would be simpler. Especially one who appears skillful enough to receive an invitation to Almack’s, as a commoner at that.”

  She took a sip of tea, watching Alexandra carefully over the rim of the cup. She dabbed the corners of her mouth with a handkerchief when she was done and folded her hands in her lap.

  “Alright. I shall arrange a meeting between myself, the Duke, and you. We will discuss the requirements for a wife. As you can imagine, she would have to be of impeccable upbringing, unquestionable reputation, educated, well-mannered, and have a significant dowry. I would expect someone from a respectable family. Does this sound like too much for you? I’d rather you tell me now that waste our time with …”

  “Your Grace, excuse me for the interruption, but I already have a young lady in mind that I believe is an ideal candidate.”


  Alexandra leaned back with a cup of tea and sipped, a wide grin on her face.

  “I believe, Your Grace, you will find the young lady a perfect match for your son. Are you familiar with the Earl of Cladbourough?”

  The Duchess eyes widened with surprise. “Why, of course. He is but one of the most respected members of the House of Lords. A strong man, very resourceful.”

  “Well, as it happens, his daughter, a lovely, well-educated young lady, has just recently become a client of mine and is in search of a suitable husband. I believe your son just might be it.”

  The Duchess leaned back, teacup in hand and a sly smile on her face. “Well, that is very fortunate indeed. Now we must only convince my son of this match and all shall be well.”

  “Fret not, Your Grace. I will ensure the match is successful. As are all my matches.” Well, most of them. We shan’t speak of the unfortunate incident with the governess…

  Alexandra looked at Lady Chatterley who’d watched the exchange with interest.

  “Indeed,” the Lady confirmed. “Indeed, they are.”

  * * *

  Alexandra spent the rest of the evening feeling rather pleased with herself. Not only would she be able to present Lord Cladborough with a match for his daughter when she met him later in the week, but she’d impressed the Duchess of Gatterlen enough to earn herself an introduction to several other ladies at the ball. This in turn resulted in her recruiting a small but impressive roster of new clients.

  By the time she left for the night, Evans United Hearts had gained four new lady clients, an earl, and two wealthy viscounts. In addition to the duke who was, of course, the biggest accomplishment of the evening. She would be very busy for the next few weeks. However, her focus had to be on the Duke of Gatterlen and Lady Frances. This match had to be a success, for it would cement her reputation and ensure her future. Perhaps she’d even be able to purchase a property closer to Mayfair and increase her visibility among the upper class.

  Want to know how the story ends?

  Tap on the link below to read the rest of the story.


  Thank you very much!

  Also by Patricia Haverton

  Thank you for reading A Mistletoe Match for the White Duchess!

  I hope you enjoyed it! If you did, may I ask you to please write a review HERE? It would mean the world to me. Your insightful comments and honest feedback help me get better!

  Some other best sellers of mine:

  Perfectly Mismatched with the Duke

  A Game of Chess with the Marquess

  The Haunted Knight of Lady Canterley

  The Last Lady of Thornhill Manor

  Also, if you liked this book, you can also check out my full Amazon Book Catalogue HERE.

  I am honored to have you by my side on this wonderful journey!

  Patricia Haverton

  About the Author

  Born the oldest of three children, Patricia Haverton grew up believing that she’d follow in her father’s footsteps and pursue a career in science. However, her worldview changed when she decided to explore her British mother’s roots. The trip to her ancestral lands solidified her conviction that she had found her true calling in the romanticism of the Era of Kings and Queens.

  A hopeless romantic and a firm believer in the idea of soulmates, Patricia changed the course of her life and decided to get her degree in Creative Writing and Psychology. As she jokingly says ever so often, “she lives in the past now, where love shows the way and Dukes save the day!”

  When she’s not weaving tales of love that prevails, Patricia enjoys spending time with her husband, roaming the British countryside, where they have been living in for the past decade.

  Now would be the time to let yourself go and experience the true magic of the Regency Era! Let your imagination run wild, live amazing adventures through the eyes of brave heroes! Like the legendary wise wizard, Patricia will be your guide!

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