Lucius's World

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Lucius's World Page 10

by Robert Ian Wilson

  “It's made from a rare mineral that came from your home-world, druid.”

  I handed the key to Sedgwick who mauled it between his fingers and tested the roughness of the material. He nodded like he was in an agreement with himself; he said: “No, not from my world. Technically it came from another that is far away and amongst the constellations. It was carved from a meteorite, which destroyed one of the Druid’s main telescopes on impact. My people were incredibly advanced in science, technology, mathematics, algorithms, agriculture, and so on. Personally, I wish I knew how they carved the thing or how it actually works...”

  I asked the ley-line rider a question, one that had been lingering since we’d met the bird. It was a sensitive subject. “Sedge... if I may ask; what happened to your people?”

  He looked about his surroundings like he was searching for an answer amongst the trinkets. His reply was slightly disturbing and resonated with a similarity to the Greek inventor, Icarus; a metaphor we would use to describe, mistreated power, which would surely end with disaster.

  He answered, “They flew too close to the sun...”

  I looked to the abnormally large crow, who seemed transfixed with my prize.

  I gave the Key to the Gnome because I knew I could trust him; besides, in theory, the Key was his inheritance. “Thank you, Lucius.”

  “What now?” I asked, thinking of another long journey ahead and the risks of venturing through time once more. The prospect of that thought was tiring, and I think Sedgwick felt the same way, but our troubles were about to get worse.

  The Crow gestured for us to look through a particular mirror, framed in Ivory. It showed an all too familiar shadow, beneath a dark cloud. It moved like a ghost through a rustic town, filled with German soldiers. What came next was a complete shock; the disembowelment of the entire company. There was nothing left, except for the limpness corpses, who plagued the town of Alaise. It evaporated through the French bricked houses and came to a woodland, situated on the outskirts; the vampire of Maylok was close by.

  “Darkness is close. He has the taste of your blood and seems to have tracked you down, like a hound from hell. He will not stop until his task is complete. Your next choice, will decide your fate with this creature.” The Crow tilted his head, “What will it be?”

  We couldn't run from this fiend forever and we knew our paths would have crossed sooner or later. The only concern I had, derived from the encounter in the future, but Maylok had encased that world and gave more power to the servants of the dark. The vampire would not be at the same level, but its power was still a force to be reckoned with.

  “We will meet it, in the woods when the sun is at its brightest. It will be shaded, but we can create an opening through the treetops and filter the light in.”

  “I can do it! Caw!” squawked the bird.

  “Thank you, Crow. You will be very helpful. The light should affect the darkness somehow. Remember the swarm in Turin who reacted towards the artificial light? The sun will cripple the creature, but destroy it completely, I do not know.”

  It was a risk, but one, we had to take. The location of our fight was out of our hands, the vampire had made it into the sanctuary of the shade and the possibility of outrunning it was slim. The mirrors were an option, but the Crow's life would’ve been in danger and time itself; the minion would have unlimited access to all Telluric currents and could potentially course a disastrous chain of events.

  “How do we defeat our enemy?” I pondered.

  “Look to your friend, he hasn't shown his true form, yet... Caw!

  Sedgwick and I exchanged our confused expressions, and we began our plan.

  From the attic corner of buried trinkets and valuables, the Crow produced us with a change of attire. Sedgwick wore a collection of aged clothing belonging to the unfortunate children, who were forced to drum or hold a flag during the civil wars of the past. He did resemble shades of the American Civil War; his tunic was green, and trousers were pale white.

  I've always been a good size, the size that fits all and so, I had the pick of the bunch. In the end, I chose the sensible option. I would be heading back to my era, so it was only fitting, to wear the British military uniform; the olive wool tunic and trousers; stiff peaked hat and brown boots.

  The Crow was true to his word and he managed to create huge gaps within the treetops, by grappling onto the branches with his sharp talons. The morning light filtered into the woodland and gave the ground vegetation the warmth it’s been craving for years. The sunlit reflected off our ingenious weapons, usually, one would expect to be armed with something dramatic, we were armed with silver shields. They were perfect for reflecting the sun’s rays, with the hope of burning the creature, seemed nothing physical could damage the beast.

  The sun gave us an advantage and the option to retreat, if needed, I was sure we’d utilize it to our advantage. In theory, the Maylok creature's power would not be at full strength, unlike its future remnant.

  All that was left to do, was to wait in the sunspots and watch the shadows...

  Chapter Fourteen - Maylok Comes

  The Crow had retreated to the treehouse. We didn't expect the large bird to stick around for long; I didn't hold it against him, not everyone is built for such things...

  We waited patiently in the circled light, my eyes darted around at every movement and I felt the nerves in my stomach; I shook from the anticipation. We held our shields close and seemed to reflect the mid-day sun with ease and they created a beam of light, which could’ve been mistaken for a modern flashlight.

  With every passing second, the sense of something supernatural was close by and its glare was intense. The hairs on my neck rose at attention and a rustle of leaves came from my left; a fox ran towards us and stopped. Its dark eyes scanned the aliens, who sweated in the warmth. Nothing was said, but the awareness of danger was clear to see. The animal tamely sniffed the air and decided, we weren't the threat its instincts had detected. The fox fled into the dimness of the French woodland and I hoped it found a sanctuary to hide in; part of me was jealous of its freedom and I’d wished I could have joined the critter. I could settle for that, I thought.

  “You okay Sedge?”

  “Not really, the wait is killing me. I think the vampire is toying with us.”

  “Vampire... to think one even exist, is beyond ludicrous; sometimes, I have to slap myself to see if I'm still poisoned by the pretty plant. The timekeepers had fun with that one, didn't they Iobar?”

  The little bird popped his head out of his new pocket; the top pocket of Sedgwick tunic. We had urged the Timekeeper to seek solace with the Crow, but he was stubborn, one reason why my two friends got along.

  Not far away, the sound of twigs crunching under feet was clear. I held my shield tightly and directed the sunlight in the direction of the noise.

  We saw a slight disturbance that caused the wildlife to flee. Footsteps got closer, but there was an oddity, which threw us off. The sound had multiplied and enclosed us...

  A figure came into view and I expected the creatures Bat features to manifest in front of us, but a German Soldier directed his gun towards my chest. Four more came out of the shrub and surrounded us. It was incredibly unexpected and I'm sure they felt the same; to come across a pair of strangers who resembled history and armed with shields. It would confuse anyone.

  “Wer bist du?” commanded the first German, who appeared from the shadows. He was young, most likely younger than me. “Sprich, oder ich schieße!”

  Fear was spread across their faces. Normality would have been lost to them, due to the events prior to our meeting. The Maylok minion had terrorised these men; like a dog, to sheep.

  Sedgwick thought, this was more than a coincidence and he whispered: “This is planned... the vampire has caused the remaining soldiers of Alaise to retreat into the woodland, to draw us away from our advantage; the sun. He wants us in the shadows.”

  The German soldier repeated himself and fired
a warning shot at the ground; it was close to my right foot, but I didn't flinch.

  The Gnome spoke like a natural linguist: “Wir sind Bauern, die etwas Unnatürlichem entgangen sind.”

  The young man's gun slightly dropped, at the word Unnatürlichem (unnatural). His rifle coasted between us and then it was aimed at my head. This time, he directed his questions at me. “Bist du ein Bauer? Hast du es auch gesehen...”

  Sedge tried answering for me but was shushed by the Soldier to his right. The young man kept his gaze on me and sweat began to pour down his face. We were silent for a few seconds, until he shouted, “Answer!”

  “I can't...”

  At those two simple words, the soldiers went hysterical and screamed, “Spione! Spione! Spione!”

  Amongst the crazed men, a pair of red eyes’ glowed beneath a tree and its smile spread like a Cheshire cat; it brandished its teeth and licked its lips. The Maylok Minion watched the soldiers push and shove us, from out of our safe zone and into the shadows. My blood drained from my face and I felt faint. Sedgwick was pale, especially when our shields were taken from us.

  We walked and the vampire followed with a taunting grin. His Bat features were prominent within the darkness and he appeared more whole than ever before. The holes created by the Crow were too far away for any kind of retreat and the area of forest we ventured into, was too dense to let the sun through; we were trapped and one by one, the German's disappeared into the darkness. Their screams filtered out and my heart frantically pumped.

  “We must head back!” commanded the Gnome.

  The opportunity had arrived, as the young Soldier was the only German standing. He understood and followed us back to our original plan. That’s when we heard its voice; the high-pitched tone of a hungry creature. The situation brought me back to the day I stabbed Dante, when all was devoured by the Entity who still lives.

  “Give me the key... I must set him free...” whispered the Minion, in a devilish tone.

  “Keep going!” I shouted, but our path was blocked. The Soldier screamed and fled in the opposite direction; he was gone and probably safe because the vampire stayed with us.

  “Give - me - the Key!”

  “Why! To bring him back! Your master!”

  The creature stared with an expression of pure malice.

  “Answer me!!!”

  There was a short pause before he spoke again.

  “A God never truly dies, and my Master wishes to be whole again. This world, like all others that have fallen from his touch, will reignite his power and Dante will rise once more and search for a new vessel, worthy enough to travel between realms.”

  “We won't let you...” bravely said by Sedgwick; even though we were completely defenceless, and our enemy knew, all too well.

  He advanced and we stepped back. His smile was chilling, and he swooped across the earthen ground and picked me up by my throat. Sedgwick tried to strike the creature, but his fists passed through the being. My neck began to swell from the pressure of being choked and I couldn't breathe. My friend watched helplessly and could only repeat my name, with a sob.

  Everything became blurry, I was dying, and my life became a film of the most important memories. The people who I loved came before me and my parents held my hand. Mr and Mrs Domhill, innocent people who were sacrificed, so that the chain of events would indefinitely unfold, and my heart would be tampered by darkness; so, I could become a vessel for not just one, but two Celestials.

  What was the point? If I go now, then all this was for nothing. Think... think! Damn you!

  Nothing came to mind, except for the slow pain, which was inflicted on me.

  The heavens opened and I felt the warm embrace upon my face. This was it and my time to enter a domain of peace had come, but with a scream...

  My eyesight regained focus and I breathed fresh air. I dropped to the ground and the sun shone through the canopies. The vampire burned and I looked up to see the Crow, squawking triumphantly!

  “To the house! I will protect you! Caw!”

  We ran, with the creature in pursuit, but with every step it took, a hole appeared above. The Crow was trying his hardest to keep the enemy from advancing. The vampire climbed up the trees and ferociously swiped at the bird's talons; he had his full attention. That gave us the advantage and in no time at all, we found the Sundial and the treehouse.

  “We must go now, the option of destroying this thing looks slim; I say we travel and hope we end up somewhere close to Eve's door.”

  I worried about the Crow, but Sedgwick was right, we had to move and hope for the best.

  We found No-Mans-Land and ran up the tree-house stairs. Just as we entered, the bird flew down the hidden chimney and came out covered in soot. He shacked his big feathers that bled and the room was coated red.

  “He is coming! Caw!”

  The house shook and the attic door flew open; the beast clawed his way up, following the familiar smells.

  “Quickly now! Through the mirror, you shall return to your country!”

  “But how?!” I asked. “How can you be sure?”

  “I can use what power I have left to direct you; please, you must put this right!”

  He pointed towards a mirror, framed in acorn's and the vampire was upon us. We jumped through, but the Maylok minion followed. We weren't quick enough, but at least the Crow was safe, unlike us.

  We appeared through one of the most unlikely places I could think of, but the Fairfax Farm always had that special something, especially the windmill, which was used for housing the animals; mostly domesticated. There was a hidden room in the windmill; well, not so secret room to me, Idle, and Kara. We knew of its existence and used it as a childhood den. Our seats were still there, covered in cobwebs and the strange stoned picture on the wall, which we passed through.

  I've never understood the story, until now. I looked upon a family of small people, who sat in front of a doorway and inside, were the stars. I had a sudden flashback of the realm where I met Ullpli for the first time. The derelict castle housed a similar picture, within a fireplace...

  The time to observe the carved story was limited; the vampire was close behind. We hoped the Crow could’ve altered the creature's course, but that was futile. He materialized from the picture in a fit of rage and randomly swiped his long claws. We dodged his aggressive attack and Iobar flew from Sedgwick's pocket and out of a small triangular window.

  “Go Iobar! Flee!” shouted the Gnome, who looked partially happy, his little friend had escaped the ruckus.

  We found the exit and pushed through the stacks of hay. The squared straw blocked our every move. We squeezed along the narrow gaps and watched the hay be torn to shreds. Our enemy destroyed the harvest in a desperate attempt to catch us. His voice became even more frantic.

  “Where are you! You, human filth! Give me the Key!” it shrilled.

  Out of the barn we went and unfortunately, into the night.

  The barn door was ripped off from its hinges and clattered against the bridge in front of us; it was the only exit. A moat surrounded the premises and it was rather deep, I knew from experience.

  There was nothing more to do, but to turn and finally face our fate, but we wouldn't go without a fight. Sedgwick picked up part of the door and wrapped some cloth around the top. The gaslight that had hung on the door was on the ground and he used the dwindling flame to ignite his handmade torch; I replicated his actions and we stood our ground, like a small mob during a witch hunt; all we needed was some pitchforks to complete the scene.

  The clouds dispersed and the moon came out to play. I expected to hear a howl from the nearby forest or a creature from Mary Shelly's Frankenstein to appear. What we got, was an ugly mutated Bat, who was out for more than just blood, but the chance for redemption and favouritism from the Darkness.

  It was a standoff and the cold came right on cue. There was no cliché tumbleweed or a siren to commence battle; we had a Cockerel named Jarvis and his un
characteristic night-time call.

  The bird started our showdown.

  Chapter Fifteen - An Arrow to the Heart

  Our enemy attacked with a ferocious flurry of swipes and clashed against our wooden torches. The flame sizzled on contact and the fire singed the vampire's shadowy skin; he backed off and examined his arm. Steam floated from his wound and evaporated in the cold air. His roar disturbed the cows within the separate barn and the farmhouse lights turned on.

  Kara came out of the building with her Mother and Father, Mr & Mrs Lillyford who were the spitting image of their children. Mr Lillyford once had a black beard, but now turned a light grey. It certainly showed his age. Mrs Lillyford had the genetic bright red hair that was passed onto Idle. Their eyes were as brown as barley.

  “Get back inside!” I yelled. They were confused and rightly so.

  “Lucius? I thought you were in Scotland?” said Mr Lillyford; his attention soon turned to the large Bat. The Maylok Minion darted its gaze between me and my surrogate family; the people who were there since the start and gave me the opportunity to grow in an environment of love and freedom.

  His intentions were clear, and the vampire brandished his sharp fangs. It was a situation, I wanted to avoid at all costs, and I led it here.

  I went first and tried desperately to reach the farmers, but he was too quick; I wasn't going to make it and Sedgwick chucked his torch with the hope of stopping the creature in his tracks. My friend’s eyes reflected the horror that had mentally buried to back of their skulls and there was nothing, I could have done; but the commotion had attracted a much-wanted adversary, who entered the ring.

  Bjorn roared with power and stamped the ground with authority, with Thea on his back. Sammy and Hamish were close by.

  The Bear seemed to have prolonged his deterioration into a normal animal.

  “Get back you beast!!!” commanded Thea, who was in her dressing down; a clear indication of settling into her new home.


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