The Selected Letters of Thornton Wilder

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The Selected Letters of Thornton Wilder Page 68

by Thornton Wilder

  Steindorff, Paul, 44

  Steiner, Herbert, 377

  Sten, Anna, We Live Again, 267

  Stendhal, 198

  Oeuvres Intimes, 631

  Stern, Isaac, 603

  Sterne, Laurence, 556

  Stevens, Wallace, 521

  Stevenson, Robert Louis, 81

  Stewart, Rosalie, 396n65, 397

  stock market crash (1929), 230

  Stockton, Frank, 306

  Stokowski, Leopold, 389

  Stone, Carol, 444

  Storrs, Sir Ronald, 365–66

  Strachey, Lytton, 238

  Eminent Victorians, 218

  Strasberg, Lee, 627

  Strauss, Richard, 683

  Ariadne auf Naxos, 698n219

  Strehler, Georgio, 692

  Strindberg, August, The Dream Play, 167

  Strunsky, Simeon, 77

  Sturges, Preston, 278n99

  Sullivan, Frank, TNW letter to, 560–61

  Swanberg, William A., TNW letter to, 658–59

  Swift, Claire Dux, 625

  Swift, Jonathan, Gulliver’s Travels, 473–75


  Taft, William Howard, 23

  Tal, Lucy, 320

  Talma, Louise, 481, 482, 554, 566, 600

  and Alcestiad, 483, 536n105, 550–53, 562–63, 565–68, 580, 598, 622

  TNW letters to, 544–45, 550–53, 561–63, 565–68, 578–80, 593–95, 601–4

  Taos, New Mexico, 206n141, 266, 272, 273–74, 283–84, 286n120, 389n52

  Tappan, Arthur, 2

  Tappan, Lewis, 2

  Tarkington, Booth, 307, 380, 553, 650

  Taylor, Elizabeth, 498

  Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre, 654

  Tennyson, Alfred, Lord, Enoch Arden, 683

  Terence, 238

  Terry, Ellen, 520

  Thacher, Sherman D., 16n16, 30, 172

  Thacher School, California, 4, 172

  TNW’s letters from, 26–34

  Thackeray, William Makepeace, The History of Pendennis, 143n18

  Theatre Arts Magazine, 165n62, 177n83

  Theatre Guild, 86n152, 178, 360, 562

  Théâtre Marigny, Paris, 458

  Thimig, Helen, 251n31, 346

  TNW letter to, 352–54

  Thomas, Dylan, 442–43

  Thompson, Dorothy, 379, 381, 384

  Thompson, Lawrance, 642n125

  Thoreau, Henry David, 494, 512

  Thucydides, 17

  Tibbett, Lawrence, 276

  Tibby, John K., Jr., TNW letter to, 645–46

  Tinker, Chauncey B., 7, 102, 496, 556, 615, 616n69

  TNW letter to, 219–20

  Todd, Jimmy, 114

  Todd, Michael, 490

  Toklas, Alice B.:

  death of, 626n89

  estate of, 499n39

  TNW letters to, xxxvii, 302–4, 319–20, 371–74, 446–48, 462–65

  TNW’s friendship with, xxxvi, 233, 297, 325, 495, 560

  Tolstoy, Leo, 275, 278, 634, 635

  Torrey, Frederic C., 47

  Toscanini, Arturo, 299, 467

  “Town Crier” (radio), 307n153

  Townley, John A., TNW letter to, 226–27

  Townson, Andrew, 188n104, 192–97, 202n131

  Townson, Douglas C., 196n117, 216, 218

  Tracy, Russell, 33

  Trask, Phyllis, 251

  Traube, Shepard, 390

  Traubel, Helen, 456

  Traugott, Harry J., TNW letter to, 431–33

  Trego, Nina, 115

  “Confession,” 112n185

  at Oberlin, 6, 100, 101, 112

  Trolley, June, 452

  TNW letter to, 451, 453–54

  Trolley, Leonard, 440n129, 452, 473

  TNW letter to, 451, 453–54

  Troxell, Gilbert McCoy “Trixie,” xxxvi, 7, 155

  TNW letter to, 564–65

  Troxell, Janet, TNW letter to, 564–65

  Tully, Jim, 194

  Tunney, Gene, 130, 223, 227, 228

  TNW letter to, 675–77

  Tunney, Polly Lauder, 676n171

  Turgenev, Ivan Sergeyevich, 695

  Tyler, Marion, 86, 116

  Tynan, Brandon, 77n133


  UNESCO, 480

  Union Pacific (film), 350

  United Nations, 441

  University of Chicago:

  Dramatic Association, 231

  Hutchins as president of, 231, 247, 288, 294

  TNW’s teaching duties in, 231, 232, 233, 239, 247, 250, 252, 254, 260, 262–63, 287, 291–92, 294–95, 309, 342, 357

  University of Michigan, 205

  University of Texas Review, 609

  Ure, Mary, 693

  Uxbridge, Charles Henry Alexander Paget, earl of, 450


  Valéry, Paul, 314, 315

  Vanderbilt, Consuelo, 200

  Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 156

  Van Vechten, Carl, 448n147

  Varden, Evelyn, 328n200

  Variety, 337

  Varney, Ellwood, Jr., 37n72

  Vaughn-Williams, Ralph, 684

  Vautel, Clément, Mon Curé Chez le Riches, 549

  Vega, Lope de, TNW’s studies of works of, 360, 361, 439, 449, 460, 462, 479, 480, 483, 487, 495, 539–41, 595, 598

  Verdi, William Francis, 219n163

  Vico, Giambattista, 413n92

  Victoria, Tomás Luis de, 489

  Villon, François, 86

  Vivian Beaumont Theater, New York, 651

  Viviani, Emilia, 144

  Voltaire, Candide, 389


  Wager, Charles H. A., 80, 110, 116

  as Oberlin professor, 6, 52, 60, 83, 84–85, 95, 102–3, 108, 616n69

  TNW letters to, 113–14, 151–52, 185–86

  Wagner, Charles, 218

  Wagner, Richard, Parsifal, 76

  Waley, Arthur, 634–35

  Walker, Coleman, 200

  Wall Street explosion (1920), 135

  Walpole, Hugh, 223, 246

  Walter, Bruno, 297

  Walter, Heinrich, TNW letter to, 476–77

  War Industries Board:

  Advisory Board Exam, 120

  TNW’s letters from, 117–22

  Warren, Robert Penn, 602

  Washington Square Players, 86

  Waska, Ganna, 207n144

  Waters, Ethel, 546n125

  Watson, Robert, 82

  Weeks, Edward, TNW letter to, 209–10

  Weidman, Charles, 389n53

  Weissman, Herman, 396

  We Live Again (film), 278–79

  Welles, Orson, 270, 337n215, 390, 394

  Werfel, Alma Mahler, 496, 701

  Werfel, Franz, 496, 701

  Wertheimer, Amy, 180, 199

  TNW letters to, 186–90, 638–39

  TNW’s friendship with, xxxvi, 217

  Wescott, Glenway, 129, 192–93, 220

  TNW letters to, 459–61, 599–601

  West Indies, TNW’s travels to, 234, 312–13, 564–65, 582, 670

  Wharton, Edith, 171, 220

  Whistler, James Abbott McNeill, 119

  Nocturne: Blue and Gold, 42

  White, Charley, 135–36

  Whitehead, Alfred North, 571

  Whitehead, Robert, 532n97, 533

  Whitman, Walt, 494

  Whitney, Marian, 172

  Whitney, William Dwight, 140

  Wiggin, Frederick H. “Fritz,” 276n95, 316

  Wiggin and Dana, 276n95, 471

  Wilde, Oscar, 119

  The Importance of Being Earnest, 29–30, 528, 631

  Wilder, Amos Niven (brother), 10, 71, 187, 675, 696

  awards and honors to, 499n41

  birth of, 2

  in Europe, 125, 126

  and father’s control, xxxv

  on Hamilton faculty, 230, 261n67

  health problems of, 292

  Imagining the Real by, xxxv

  marriage to Catharine, 233

mentioned in TNW’s letters, 50, 97, 159, 249, 261, 305, 402, 684, 693

  at Oberlin, 5, 36–37, 43, 44–45, 46

  poetry by, 182—83, 185, 358, 505

  and religion, 106, 126, 127, 140, 141, 182, 184, 358

  retirement of, 582

  schooling of, 4

  summer work of, 5

  as tennis player, 50, 58, 148

  TNW letters to, 44–45, 73–74, 105–7, 111–12, 139–41, 182–85, 252–54, 299–300, 442–43, 468–71, 505–6, 513–15, 630–32

  in World War I, 6, 80n140, 106, 114n192, 116, 125

  at Yale, 5, 7, 38–39, 43, 46, 127, 645

  Wilder, Amos Parker (father), 71, 187

  birth and background of, 1

  in China and Hong Kong, 3, 10n6, 23n34

  as controlling father, xxxv, 5, 30, 38n73, 43, 105, 125

  death of, 234

  as editor, 1–2, 3, 127, 157, 230

  health problems of, 4, 5, 21, 230, 233, 261, 267, 305

  interests of, 2

  marriage of, 2

  as public speaker, 2–3, 142–43

  TNW letters to, 10–14, 16–17, 18–20, 21–23, 26–29, 32–34, 36–38, 47–55, 58–66, 74 -76, 83 -85, 87–90, 92–93, 95–98, 101–4, 107–8, 109–11, 120–22, 137–39, 141–43, 146–48, 150, 152–53, 176–77, 289–90

  TNW’s descriptions of, 105–6, 174, 183, 219, 645–46

  Wilder, Amos Tappan (nephew), 675

  birth of, 373n21

  childhood of, 506, 515

  schooling of, 505n52

  TNW letters to, 512–13, 557–59, 571–72, 615–16, 628–30, 674

  Wilder, Amos Todd (great-nephew), 674, 675

  Wilder, Catharine Dix “Dixie” (niece), 326, 675

  schooling of, 505n52, 515n71, 535

  TNW letters to, 534, 535, 636–37, 664–65, 693–94

  Wilder, Catharine Kerlin (sister-in-law), 233, 373

  TNW letters to, 299–300, 505–6, 513–15, 630–32

  Wilder, Charlotte Elizabeth (sister), 10, 40 birth of, 2

  in Boston, 127, 153n33

  in Europe, 125, 126, 140

  mental breakdown of, 358, 422–23, 463, 511n65, 514

  mentioned in TNW’s letters, 39, 46, 97, 139, 147, 153, 156–57, 159, 174, 218, 326, 463, 497, 513–15, 604, 646

  at Mount Holyoke College, 6, 46, 118

  schooling of, 4, 5, 17, 24, 34, 125

  on Smith College faculty, 230, 358

  TNW letters to, 55–58, 78–79, 208–9, 310, 510–12

  and vacations, 27

  on Wheaton College faculty, 127, 208, 230

  writings by, 79n138, 164, 310n166, 326, 358, 373, 422n104

  at Yaddo, 248, 422n104

  Wilder, George D. (no relation), 11n8

  Wilder, George Durand, Jr. (no relation), 115

  Wilder, Isabel (sister), 10, 40, 187, 675, 699

  birth of, 2

  childhood of, 4

  health problems of, 486n4, 562

  mentioned in TNW’s letters, 54, 97, 137, 159, 163, 173, 174, 175, 197, 201, 213, 249, 253, 261, 279, 326–27, 350, 373, 449, 463, 464, 557–59, 627, 686

  and mother’s death, 444

  public lectures of, 261

  schooling of, 90–91

  TNW letters to, 11–12, 14–16, 37–38, 63–64, 66–67, 90–91, 97–98, 107–8, 195–99, 216–18, 252–54, 278–79, 314–18, 321–22, 395–97, 403, 407–8, 420–21, 423–27, 497–99, 604–6, 624–26

  and TNW’s work, 230, 351, 358, 395, 406, 407–8, 409, 412, 430, 440, 531, 553, 624n82, 653, 697, 703

  travels of, 125, 126, 130, 163, 359, 360, 482, 495, 582, 583, 584, 585, 677

  writings by, 149n31, 249n27, 272, 279, 327

  at Yale School of Drama, 127–28

  Wilder, Isabella Niven (mother), 10, 40

  children of, 2, 10

  in China, 3–4

  death of, 359–60, 443–44, 447

  interests of, 2, 38–39, 114

  marriage of, 2

  TNW letters to, 11–12, 14–16, 20–21, 23–25, 29–31, 37–38, 63–64, 68–70, 72–73, 79–83, 85–86, 93–95, 97–98, 107–8, 143–45, 148–49, 154–65, 168–75, 179–82, 192–93, 195–202, 222–24, 241–44, 249–54, 278–79, 314–16, 321–22, 383–85, 403–5, 418–21, 423–27

  TNW’s descriptions of, 97, 105–6, 249, 261, 267, 327, 443–44

  travels of, 2, 4, 125, 130, 146, 350

  Wilder, Janet Frances (sister), 10, 187

  as biologist, 267, 327, 350

  birth of, 3

  childhood of, 5, 40

  in high school, 128

  marriage of, 358, 403n77

  mentioned in TNW’s letters, 67, 97, 261, 327

  on Mount Holyoke faculty, 358, 373

  as Mount Holyoke student, 230, 233, 261

  TNW letters to, 14–16, 37–38, 63–64, 97–98, 107–8, 195–99, 312–13, 573–75

  travels of, 125, 126, 130, 350

  Wilder, Julian (uncle), 73n129

  Wilder, Margaret (no relation), 115n195

  Wilder, Max (cousin), 73

  Wilder, Robin Gibbs (wife of Amos Tappan Wilder), 674, 675

  TNW letter to, 674

  Wilder, Theodore (no relation), 45

  at Chefoo, 4, 6, 11, 14

  at Oberlin, 6, 41, 42, 50, 59, 108

  TNW letter to, 114–16

  Wilder, Thornton Niven, 10, 40, 71, 101, 137, 187, 268, 305, 333, 397, 547, 566, 603, 675, 696, 699

  acting, 348, 349, 355, 356, 359, 360, 444n142, 445, 482, 483, 490, 546n125

  advice for writers, 629–30

  aging, 630, 641, 663, 676–77, 679, 689, 703

  awards and honors to, 165n62, 436, 465, 479–80, 482, 494n25, 499n41, 511, 582, 584, 628, 653–54

  and biographies, 642–43, 661–63, 687n196, 701–2

  birth of, 1, 2, 636

  career of, xxxiii—xxxiv, xxxvii

  childhood of, 3–4

  death of, 586

  in Europe, 192–97, 228, 229, 233, 295–304, 314–22, 357, 360–61, 480–83, 503–8, 527–33, 548, 651

  and fame, 130, 131

  as head of household, 358, 361, 395

  health problems of, 129, 583, 585, 586, 637n111, 658n149, 661, 679, 701

  and “The House the Bridge Built” (50 Deepwood Drive), xxxv, 230, 248, 260

  income of, 129, 223, 231, 232–33, 242, 260, 266, 275, 337, 350–51, 357–58, 397, 582

  as lecturer, xxxiii-xxxiv, 223n174, 229, 231, 232, 234, 242, 246–47, 469

  on letter writing, xxxiv, 74–75

  Lope de Vega studies of, 360, 361, 439, 449, 460, 462, 479, 480, 483, 487, 495, 539–41, 595, 598

  military service of, 357, 359, 423–27, 424, 431–33, 436, 439, 447, 452

  Pulitzer Prizes to, xxxiii, 130, 234, 359

  schooling of, 4, 5, 34, 40, 125

  as screenwriter, see Hollywood summer work of, 5, 37–38, 51–52, 54–55, 64–65, 99, 126

  as teacher, see Lawrenceville School; University of Chicago

  Time cover story on, xxxvi

  as translator, 129, 216, 231–32, 234, 356, 360, 361, 441n131, 470, 539–40, 543

  as tutor/camp tutor/paid companion, 128, 129, 130, 163, 170, 171, 172–73, 177, 188, 192–97, 213, 216–18

  and World War II, see World War II on youth movements, 647–48

  Wilder, Thornton Niven, articles and lectures by:

  address to Goethe Bicentennial Festival, 361

  “The American,” 494n25

  “The American Character as Mirrored in Literature,” 360

  “The American Characteristics of Classical American Literature,” 495n26

  “The American Loneliness,” 495n26

  “Culture and Confusion,” 532n98

  “Culture in a Democracy,” 482

  “Emily Dickinson,” 495n26

  “English Letters and Letter Writers,” xxxiii

  at “An Evening with Thornton Wilder,” 582, 596n22

  “Giordano Br
uno’s Last Meal in Finnegans Wake,” 609n59

  “Goethe and World Literature,” 466n173, 470n180

  “James Joyce, 1882–1941,” 502n44

  “The Language of Emotion in Shakespeare,” 56

  “Lope, Pinedo, Some Child Actors, and a Lion,” 462n166

  military training films, 357

  “Modern Literature and the Inner Life,” 508n57

  “New Aids Toward Dating the Early Plays of Lope de Vega,” 462n166

  Norton Lectures, Harvard, 479, 480, 483, 494, 495n26, 501, 502, 542

  “Religion and Literature,” 356

  “The Shelley Centenary—A Notable Exhibition of Shelleyana at the Brick Row Book Shop,” 161n48

  “Some Thoughts on Playwriting,” 355–56

  “Towards an American Language,” 495n26

  “World Literature and the Modern Mind,” 361, 466n173

  Wilder, Thornton Niven, works by:

  “The Advertisement League,” 36

  The Alcestiad, see Alcestiad, The, or A Life in the Sun

  American Characteristics and Other Essays, 495n26, 502n44

  And the Sea Shall Give Up Its Dead, 159, 162n49

  The Angel That Troubled the Waters and Other Plays, 191n110, 222n170, 231

  “Arabian Nights,” 327n197

  “Archangel’s Fires,” 56

  Bernice, 464n171, 545, 546n125

  “The Breaking of Exile,” 121n213, 239n8

  The Bridge of San Luis Rey, see Bridge of San Luis Rey, The “Brother Fire: A Comedy for Saints,” 56, 64

  The Cabala, 128, 154n34, 179–80, 184n100, 186, 188, 189–90, 191n109, 191n111, 197, 200n127, 202, 203, 240, 302, 632–33, 650, 702

  Childhood, 483, 581

  The Collected Short Plays of Thornton Wilder, 531n96

  “The Diamond of Baghdad,” 327n198

  The Drunken Sisters, 482, 546n125

  The Eighth Day, 574n169, 584, 625n86, 643n126, 650, 653n142

  Elizabeth Grier and Her Circle, 163, 165

  “The Emporium,” 361, 480, 483, 495n27

  The Ends of the Worlds (working title), 356

  “A Fable for Those Who Plague,” 55, 56n103, 63

  “Four Minute Plays for Four Persons,” 481

  “Geraldine de Gray,” 180

  “The Graves Family,” 55, 56n103

  The Happy Journey to Trenton and Camden, 231, 251, 366n9, 593, 691n203

  “Haroun al-Raschid,” 327n197

  Heaven’s My Destination, 222n171, 232, 233, 256, 261, 283, 528, 568, 650, 702

  “The Hell of the Vizier Kabäar,” 327n197, 407n82, 434–35

  “Homage to P. G. Wodehouse,” 327n198

  The Ides of March, xxxiv, 144n19, 359, 360, 440n127, 459n163, 483, 543n117, 582, 622, 625

  Infancy, 581–82

  The Journals of Thornton Wilder: 1939–1961, 546n125


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