54-40 or Fight

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54-40 or Fight Page 5

by Emerson Hough



  There is a woman at the beginning of all great things. --_Lamartine_.

  A quarter of an hour later, we slowed down on a rough brick pavement,which led toward what then was an outlying portion of the town--one notprecisely shabby, but by no means fashionable. There was a single lampstationed at the mouth of the narrow little street. As we advanced, Icould see outlined upon our right, just beyond a narrow pavement ofbrick, a low and not more than semi-respectable house, or rather, row ofhouses; tenements for the middle class or poor, I might have said. Theneighborhood, I knew from my acquaintance with the city, was respectableenough, yet it was remote, and occupied by none of any station.Certainly it was not to be considered fit residence for a woman such asthis who sat beside me. I admit I was puzzled. The strange errand of mychief now assumed yet more mystery, in spite of his forewarnings.

  "This will do," said she softly, at length. The driver already hadpulled up.

  So, then, I thought, she had been here before. But why? Could thisindeed be her residence? Was she incognita here? Was this indeed thecovert embassy of England?

  There was no escape from the situation as it lay before me. I had notime to ponder. Had the circumstances been otherwise, then in loyalty toElisabeth I would have handed my lady out, bowed her farewell at her owngate, and gone away, pondering only the adventures into which thebeckoning of a white hand and the rustling of a silken skirt betimeswill carry a man, if he dares or cares to go. Now, I might not leave. Myduty was here. This was my message; here was she for whom it wasintended; and this was the place which I was to have sought alone. Ineeded only to remember that my business was not with Helena von Ritzthe woman, beautiful, fascinating, perhaps dangerous as they said ofher, but with the Baroness von Ritz, in the belief of my chief the allyand something more than ally of Pakenham, in charge of England'sfortunes on this continent. I did remember my errand and the gravity ofit. I did not remember then, as I did later, that I was young.

  I descended at the edge of the narrow pavement, and was about to handher out at the step, but as I glanced down I saw that the rain had lefta puddle of mud between the carriage and the walk.

  "Pardon, Madam," I said; "allow me to make a light for you--the footingis bad."

  I lighted another lucifer, just as she hesitated at the step. She madeas though to put out her right foot, and withdrew it. Again she shifted,and extended her left foot. I faintly saw proof that nature had carriedout her scheme of symmetry, and had not allowed wrist and arm toforswear themselves! I saw also that this foot was clad in the daintiestof white slippers, suitable enough as part of her ball costume, as Idoubted not was this she wore. She took my hand without hesitation, andrested her weight upon the step--an adorable ankle now more franklyrevealed. The briefness of the lucifers was merciful or merciless, asyou like.

  "A wide step, Madam; be careful," I suggested. But still she hesitated.

  A laugh, half of annoyance, half of amusement, broke from her lips. Asthe light flickered down, she made as though to take the step; then, asluck would have it, a bit of her loose drapery, which was made in thewide-skirted and much-hooped fashion of the time, caught at the hinge ofthe carriage door. It was a chance glance, and not intent on my part,but I saw that her other foot was stockinged, but not shod!

  "I beg Madam's pardon," I said gravely, looking aside, "but she hasperhaps not noticed that her other slipper is lost in the carriage."

  "Nonsense!" she said. "Allow me your hand across to the walk, please. Itis lost, yes."

  "But lost--where?" I began.

  "In the other carriage!" she exclaimed, and laughed freely.

  Half hopping, she was across the walk, through the narrow gate, and upat the door before I could either offer an arm or ask for anexplanation. Some whim, however, seized her; some feeling that infairness she ought to tell me now part at least of the reason for hersummoning me to her aid.

  "Sir," she said, even as her hand reached up to the door knocker; "Iadmit you have acted as a gentleman should. I do not know what yourmessage may be, but I doubt not it is meant for me. Since you have thismuch claim on my hospitality, even at this hour, I think I must ask youto step within. There may be some answer needed."

  "Madam," said I, "there _is_ an answer needed. I am to take back thatanswer. I know that this message is to the Baroness von Ritz. I guess itto be important; and I know you are the Baroness von Ritz."

  "Well, then," said she, pulling about her half-bared shoulders the lightwrap she wore; "let me be as free with you. If I have missed one shoe, Ihave not lost it wholly. I lost the slipper in a way not quite plannedon the program. It hurt my foot. I sought to adjust it behind a curtain.My gentleman of Mexico was in wine. I fled, leaving my escort, and hefollowed. I called to you. You know the rest. I am glad you are less inwine, and are more a gentleman."

  "I do not yet know my answer, Madam."

  "Come!" she said; and at once knocked upon the door.

  I shall not soon forget the surprise which awaited me when at last thedoor swung open silently at the hand of a wrinkled and brown oldserving-woman--not one of our colored women, but of some dark foreignrace. The faintest trace of surprise showed on the old woman's face, butshe stepped back and swung the door wide, standing submissively, waitingfor orders.

  We stood now facing what ought to have been a narrow and dingy littleroom in a low row of dingy buildings, each of two stories and so shallowin extent as perhaps not to offer roof space to more than a half dozenrooms. Instead of what should have been, however, there was a widehall--wide as each building would have been from front to back, butlonger than a half dozen of them would have been! I did not know then,what I learned later, that the partitions throughout this entire row hadbeen removed, the material serving to fill up one of the houses at thefarthest extremity of the row. There was thus offered a long and narrowroom, or series of rooms, which now I saw beyond possibility of doubtconstituted the residence of this strange woman whom chance had sent meto address; and whom still stranger chance had thrown in contact with meeven before my errand was begun!

  She stood looking at me, a smile flitting over her features, herstockinged foot extended, toe down, serving to balance her on herhigh-heeled single shoe.

  "Pardon, sir," she said, hesitating, as she held the sealed epistle inher hand. "You know me--perhaps you follow me--I do not know. Tell me,are you a spy of that man Pakenham?"

  Her words and her tone startled me. I had supposed her bound to SirRichard by ties of a certain sort. Her bluntness and independencepuzzled me as much as her splendid beauty enraptured me. I tried toforget both.

  "Madam, I am spy of no man, unless I am such at order of my chief, JohnCalhoun, of the United States Senate--perhaps, if Madam pleases, soon ofMr. Tyler's cabinet."

  In answer, she turned, hobbled to a tiny marquetry table, and tossed thenote down upon it, unopened. I waited patiently, looking about memeantime. I discovered that the windows were barred with narrow slatsof iron within, although covered with heavy draperies of amber silk.There was a double sheet of iron covering the door by which we hadentered.

  "Your cage, Madam?" I inquired. "I do not blame England for making it sosecret and strong! If so lovely a prisoner were mine, I should doublethe bars."

  The swift answer to my presumption came in the flush of her cheek andher bitten lip. She caught up the key from the table, and half motionedme to the door. But now I smiled in turn, and pointed to the unopenednote on the table. "You will pardon me, Madam," I went on. "Surely it isno disgrace to represent either England or America. They are not at war.Why should we be?" We gazed steadily at each other.

  The old servant had disappeared when at length her mistress chose topick up my unregarded document. Deliberately she broke the seal andread. An instant later, her anger gone, she was laughing gaily.

  "See," said she, bubbling over with her mirth; "I pick up a stranger,who should sa
y good-by at my curb; my apartments are forced; and this iswhat this stranger asks: that I shall go with him, to-night, alone, andotherwise unattended, to see a man, perhaps high in your government, buta stranger to me, at his own rooms-alone! Oh, la! la! Surely theseAmericans hold me high!"

  "Assuredly we do, Madam," I answered. "Will it please you to go in yourown carriage, or shall I return with one for you?"

  She put her hands behind her back, holding in them the opened messagefrom my chief. "I am tired. I am bored. Your impudence amuses me; andyour errand is not your fault. Come, sit down. You have been good to me.Before you go, I shall have some refreshment brought for you."

  I felt a sudden call upon my resources as I found myself in thissingular situation. Here, indeed, more easily reached than I had daredhope, was the woman in the case. But only half of my errand, the easierhalf, was done.


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