Everyone Deserves a Second Chance: A Billionaire Romance Box Set

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Everyone Deserves a Second Chance: A Billionaire Romance Box Set Page 28

by Tara Brent

  He's right, of course, and neither of us can deny it. I say nothing in reply as I’m sprawled out on one of Ethan’s huge couches at his apartment. Mia’s nipped out to one of her restaurants, so Ethan’s watching his daughter. They refuse to get a nanny; what's with their do-it-all-yourself attitude. Mind you, I wouldn’t want a nanny either. I’d want to be with my children and watch them grow up, wouldn’t I? Then again, I wasn’t always like that. Yeah, Nico sure is right, there was a time when I might not have had the patience for such things as being a father. Thank god I'm more mature now, aren’t I!

  Still, Tiffany had no right not to tell me.

  “It’s not fair on the boy, either, not to grow up with his father,” I add in my defense.

  “You two were crazy to make it big time," Nico continues his argument. "I can remember how selfish you both were. No way would you have dropped the opportunities you had, not for any woman.”

  “You know he's right, Calvin. We didn’t care about anything other than making it big time. At least I met Mia after we were successful. You couldn’t have coped with being tied down. We had too much energy then, and we poured it all into growing the business. At best you’d have sent her money to satiate your conscience.” Ethan was only adding more fuel to my character assassination.

  I get up off the couch. My brothers are right. All I cared about was our success.

  “I agree with you both," I say, raising my arms in submission. "Though Tiffany had five years to contact me,” I defend myself again, unable to stop feeling angry with her.

  “How could she have done that? She wouldn’t have known where you were or what you did. You'd only been together a few weeks,” Nico reminds me.

  I’m about to answer him back with some quip about who's side he's on, when my phone rings. It’s Tiffany!

  “Hi, you okay?” I ask, remembering our last meeting.

  “I’m trying to be mature about this situation, Calvin. Ali says I’m reckless for not allowing Callum to know his father, and in a way, I agree with her.”

  “Well, I agree too. I have a lot to give in that role, but there’s no point if his mom being unhappy,” I tell her. I'm well aware of how this situation is all a real strain on her emotions.

  It’s not about me or you, though, it’s about our son,” she says and I can hear a tremor in her voice.

  “I only want to do what’s best, Tiffany,” I reply as I walk into one of the bedrooms for some privacy. Ethan and Nico smile back at me, a little relief on their faces. I love having a supportive family.

  “Look, I understand how things have worked out as they have,” I try to reassure her. “But, can’t we be a team in this thing?”

  “It’s not a thing, Calvin. It’s not teamwork like in your business. And, it involves a very precious little life, so we have to do it right,” she says and I hear her swallow hard. I wonder if she’s crying at the other end. A vision pops into my mind of holding her in my arms and stroking her uncontrollable red hair.

  “Tell me what you want, Tiffany, and give me a chance,” is all I can think to say. I want to try and do this her way. “You have more experience than me at this, so why not guide me?”

  She laughs and that makes me smile.

  “I’m not joking around here,” I say in a serious tone, but she knows it’s my way to lighten the mood. “You have a guy before you who needs help.”

  “I know, and I’m excited for you both, but there are certain fears I have, Calvin, and we must talk about them. Meanwhile, you can see your son but I want to be there. In fact, I want as many people there as possible, so he doesn’t feel any tension in the air.”

  “I agree. You, your mom, Ali, Nico, Ethan, Mia and Lily, and anyone else who you consider family can be there. Is that enough people?”

  “You not coming then?” She asks, feeling a little more positive about this now.

  “You couldn’t keep me away,” I tell her, and it’s true. “Everything can be out in the open and we can use family for our guide. How about that?”

  “It’s perfect, thank you, Calvin,” she says. “I thought everything would get deep and depressing but I like the sound of that. When do want to meet then?”

  I’ll organize a car to pick you up at the weekend for a meal at Mia’s place. Oh, you’re not working are you?”

  “I’m good with that, but we do need to talk, you and I.”

  “Yeah. We’re the grown-ups now. No mommy and daddy for us to lean on,” I joke. Luckily she takes it the right way, telling me that she’s a grown-up, but she doesn’t know about me.

  When we finish talking it's like a lead weight lifted off my shoulders. The thought of seeing Tiffany again, as well as my son, is exhilarating. I can’t help but feel in a good mood as I go back to tell my brothers that they're about to meet my son.

  Chapter 19

  This is Your Daddy

  “Is it today, mommy?” Callum comes running at me in his pj’s, pretending to be an airplane. “Do I get a daddy today?”

  Mom and I look at each other and she gives me a warm smile. She knows how hard this is for me.

  “Sure, honey,” I tell him as he almost crashes into me. “You excited?”

  “Yep. My friend, Jacob, doesn’t have daddy, so maybe he’ll get one too.”

  “Come and eat breakfast or you won’t be going anywhere,” my mom tells him.

  I’ve sort of put it out of my mind and put my head into work for the past week. Now, the day has finally arrived and I'm not sure how to take it all. Calvin gets to meet Callum. Every day Calvin has contacted me to give me reassurance that he will not take my beautiful son away from me. If only I could believe him. People, especially couples, can fall out so easy. Then where will we be?

  “Do as grandma says and then we can go get dressed. I’ve set your new suit out on my bed, so we can dress up together.”

  “Can I wear my Minecraft t-shirt, mommy? That’s my favorite,” he says, between mouthfuls of chocolate cereal.

  “No Minecraft today, Callum,” my mom tells him. “You wear that all the time so there’s nothing special about it anymore.”

  “You’ve got a new outfit for today, Callum. Don’t you want to look your best for daddy?" He ignores me and continues to eat his breakfast, but I can tell he’s sulking. “Oh, and you’re meeting your baby cousin, Lily, so we’ve got a gift for her,” I try to take his mind off the tee-shirt.

  “If she likes Minecraft, I’ll play with her,” he says before jumping off the stool. “Come on, mommy. Let’s go dress up for daddy.”

  Without another word, he shoots off and up the stairs. I hear the door bang as he charges into my room, so I quickly follow.

  “What’s this?” he asks me as I enter the bedroom. With a puzzled look on his face, he shows me the offending item. It's a small tie with elastic, for fastening around his neck.

  I rub my fingers through his hair, “You're going to look so handsome today,” I say. “Shower first, off you go.”

  In no time at all, we are all dressed and ready to go. Callum looks cute in his little suit with matching waistcoat and trousers. I want to show him off as my big boy. My motherly instincts kick in and I can’t stop cuddling him. It’s hard to let go but I know it’s time. Time for my son to have a father figure in his life.

  A huge luxury car arrives to pick us up, driven by a guy in a uniform and cap. Calvin spared no expense, he really must be as rich as he says. We were going to have a long talk but we never got around to it. He’s told me that he’s wealthy and I told him of my fears if we fall out. That’s as far as we’ve gotten over the phone. It’s not easy to discuss deep personal stuff over a phone.

  I want today to be a success, for Callum’s sake. I don’t think he understands exactly what’s going on. I suppose it’s like getting a new toy to him. That's another worry I have. I don’t want Calvin lavishing my son with expensive gifts to try and overcompensate for the missing years. So far, Calvin has agreed to all my requests, let’s see how
long that lasts.

  We arrive at one of Mia’s smaller restaurants and she’s closed it for the occasion. I'm racked with nervous tension, even though I know everybody who’s going to be there. Somehow we have to get through this and come out the other side as friends.

  Ali comes over to greet me as soon as we enter the restaurant. I can see everyone else has arrived and Callum becomes suddenly shy, clinging to my leg. He has a big grin for Ali though and runs up to her. She picks him up and swings him around. Ali has always been a bit rough with Callum but it did toughen him up a bit. Mom and I are far too soft with him.

  “I’m getting a daddy today,” Callum tells Ali.

  “Well, guess what?” she says back to him as he hangs upside down on her back. “My daddy has come for dinner too.”

  I can see my mom and Ali’s dad greeting one another. Once again, I feel a knot in my gut and I take a deep breath. I hope that Calvin lives up to his son’s expectations.

  I follow Ali and Callum as we head towards the tables that are set up lavishly for the occasion. There, I’m greeted by Mia. The men are standing around drinking and laughing. Thank goodness the mood is light.

  Calvin approaches me and hands me a glass of bubbly. I take another deep breath and call Callum over. Ali carries him as she comes to join us. She had promised she would be by my side when the time came.

  “Callum, Sweetie,” I say with a forced lightness in my voice. “This is your daddy.”


  “Do you have any superpowers?” Callum asks me.

  I’m not sure what he means, not being able to think like a five-year-old kid yet.

  “I fly in airplanes,” I reply on the hope that this will impress him.

  “Are you a pre...vert?” He asks and Tiffany nearly chokes on her bubbly.

  “Callum, whatever made you ask that question?” Tiffany butts in before I have a chance to answer my son.

  “Joseph’s mommy says that all men are pre...verts,” he replies, and I can’t help but laugh, though I hide it behind my hand.

  “Well, maybe Joseph's mom has reason to say that,” I say, trying to stop myself from showing that I'm amused. “Though it's not true that all men are pre...verts, and I promise you that I am most definitely not.”

  Callum glares at me with a little suspicion knitted in his brows. I’m going to have to work hard on gaining his trust.

  “You know what, I have a little present for you," I tell him, changing the topic. "Do you want to see it?”

  Callum’s face lights up at the thought of a present. I knew I wasn’t allowed to bring anything expensive, Tiffiny had insisted. I hand him a small plain bag with no-fuss wrapping. He tears at the paper and pulls out a child’s cape.

  “Mommy, it has Batman on the back, look! Can I wear it?”

  “I don’t see why not,” I say before Tiffany has a chance to say otherwise.

  Callum runs off with his cape flowing up behind him. It does look a little out of place with the suit he’s wearing but he doesn’t seem to care. I shrug my shoulders when Tiffany scowls over at me. I should tread more carefully if I want this work.

  At least the others stand around smiling too, as Callum plays out his Batman fantasy.

  “Shall we take our seats?” Mia calls out. “Callum, come over and meet your cousin, Lily. We’ll put her pushchair by you so you can speak with her when she wakes up.

  “I never had a cousin before,” he tells Mia, and she looks at him fondly, telling him that he’s got one now. Not only that but she'll make a great playmate when she gets older.

  “Does she like Minecraft?” Callum blurts out enthusiastically, making everyone in the room bursts out with laughter.

  I take my seat on the other side of Callum, so we can chat as father and son. Tiffany places herself well away from us. I’m not sure why but I accept her decision, after all, she has way more parenting experience than I do.

  To me, my son looks more like me than he does his mom, I’m glad to say. His hair is thick and dark and his eyes are deep brown, the same as mine. He’s a sweet boy and his mom’s taught him good manners. I begin to wonder what input I will have on his life from now on. There are many questions to be answered, but for now, I want to enjoy him and learn all about his little growing character.

  Lily wakes up so Callum and I pull silly faces at her. He’s pretty good at it, far better than me. He’ll make a great cousin for Lily. Tiffany's watching us from a distance and I'm okay with that. At least she's giving Callum and me some space to get to know each other.

  The family gathering is coming to a close and Tiffany approaches me to collect Callum.

  “Mommy, I like having a daddy,” Callum informs her. “He’s funny.”

  She raises her eyebrows in disbelief.

  “I can be funny,” I tell her, mirroring her raised brows. “Sometimes I make mommy laugh too.”

  “Why aren’t you coming home with us?” Callum asks.

  “Daddy has to go to work,” Tiffany is quick to step in and answer him.

  “Mommy’s always at work but it’s okay ‘cos I go to school now,” he says. “Did you know I’m at school, daddy?”

  “I did and I would love to come and pick you up from school one day if that's okay with mommy of course?” I tell him.

  I’m excited to get involved in everything he does. A part of me doesn’t want to separate from him. Being with him for this short time has given me a whole new perspective on life.

  “Can Daddy come to dinner tomorrow after his work, mommy?” Callum asks.

  “I would love to,” I'm quick to answer before his mom can say no. I could see the doubt in her eyes, so I decided for her. “Then we can have that chat we keep meaning to have,” I try and placate her.

  These are the two most important people in the world to me, and I want to be with them every possible moment I can manage. She smiles and agrees. Then far too soon they leave and I feel a little bereft. Tomorrow cannot come soon enough.

  Chapter 20

  Cloak and Denim

  “Grandma’s cooking a special dinner for daddy tonight,” Callum shouts as he runs up to me upon arriving home from my day shift.

  “Good thing, little buddy,” I say encouragingly, but the nerves screwing up my tummy make food the last thing on my mind.

  I don’t know why, but every day I see Calvin it feels almost like the first day. This Italian guy has captured my heart and soul. I hope now that he doesn’t break it.

  While I’m drying down after my shower, I hear the doorbell ring. That’s got to be him. Glancing at my bedside clock I see he’s a little early. Does that mean he’s as keen to see me as I am to see him? Stop it, Tiffany? It's about Callum, not you, I remind myself.

  What to wear, that's the dilemma. It can’t be anything too sexy, my son is at this dinner, as is my mom. A pair of denims should do it, and a loose-fitting shirt. Casual is good, so long as it shows my figure off.

  Mom looks at me with surprise when she sees I've let my hair down. I shrug as I pass her, and she smiles ruefully as she continues her cooking. Calvin loves my hair so he's getting a full eyeful of it tonight.

  “Smells delicious, as always, mom,” I say because that always cheers her up. She loves caring for me and my son.

  Entering the living room I put on a cheerful face.

  “Hi, Calvin. I see your son has greeted you already,” I say, watching him attempting to put the Batman cloak over Callum’s head. “He won’t leave that cloak alone. You even take it to bed, don’t you, baby?”

  Calvin looks up and smiles, “You look nice, denim always did suit you and I love it when your hair's down."

  That was the compliment I sought, and that was what I got. It makes me feel pleased with myself that he noticed all the little efforts I put into presenting myself to him.

  Dinner goes well, Calvin alternated his attention between Callum, me and mom, just like the gentleman he is. He was as charming as I remembered. Afterward, Calvin and Callum
sit around the TV and play Minecraft. Callum is over the moon to have someone to play with, he was always cajoling me to join him but I could never get the hang of it. They are so engrossed in the game they would probably play all night. I have to say, they look good together. I know Calvin is going to make a great dad. That was never my worry. In the end, I have to break up their little party and mom takes Callum off for his bath. He promises us that he’ll come back down to give us a goodnight kiss.

  And, at last, we're alone.

  “Look, I’m just going to say this straight up because I'm fed up with not getting to tell you something. I've been trying to tell you something for the last few days,” he tells me, now looking serious.

  “Oh, okay, what’s so urgent?”

  “I am very wealthy, Tiffany. That boat is mine. I own many houses in many cities around the globe. I’m president of a huge conglomerate of businesses. My family owns vineyards in Italy, and Nico owns huge cattle ranches. There! I’ve spit it out at last.”

  “Come on, Calvin, you don’t have to do this. I know you've done well so you don't need to exaggerate your wealth to impress me. You’ve been successful and I’m pleased for you. Callum will accept you no matter what you're like. Though he’d probably prefer you to be a superhero if you ask my opinion. Next, you’ll be telling me you own a private jet!”

  “I do,” he replies, still looking very serious at me. “I’m not fantasizing, Tiffany. I have lived the life of erm...a jet-set playboy, for want of a better expression. I want us to be open and honest with each other.”

  As the information sinks in, I look back at him dumbfounded. He is being deadly serious. I can’t speak as my throat clenches up it's so dry, or is there a huge lump in there, I don’t know. I’m completely thrown at the thought of what Calvin's telling me.

  “You...you can’t put this on Callum,” I stutter, suddenly all my fears returning. “I mean, he’s lived a simple life in comparison. You can’t do this to us, Calvin!”


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