Everyone Deserves a Second Chance: A Billionaire Romance Box Set

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Everyone Deserves a Second Chance: A Billionaire Romance Box Set Page 32

by Tara Brent

  Chapter 27

  Money Talk

  What a night I had with my Italian lover! First the proposal, and then amazing sex. I still can’t believe he asked me! In my heart, it was all I ever wanted. I can see now that he wants me too. All those worries over him taking Callum from me were my own crappy insecurities. We're the perfect match and I see a lifetime of happiness ahead of us.

  Over the next few days, we enjoy the white-sandy beaches of Carmel Bay and watching surfers on the Pacific Ocean waves. We agree that the best place for our son to learn to swim will be the pool on the boat. If we try the ocean it might scare him. I’m now sat watching them both and Callum is taking to it very well. He hasn't quite got the hang of it yet. He's comfortable enough to dog paddle around the pool with water wings on and his daddy by his side. What a wonderful sight they are together. I imagine when Calvin bought this boat that this wasn’t the lifestyle he envisaged. There would have been plenty of glamorous parties in the past, but now he teaches his son to swim.

  We go ashore to enjoy the local attractions and mom goes off to the local golf club with Jed, the captain of the boat. I’m wondering if a friendship is going to blossom there. Jed's a good guy and they seem well suited. I suppose I could be reading too much into it because love and romance are in the air. It would be pretty amazing if we both found love on this vacation. The holiday of love...

  Forgive my mind for wandering but I am, after all, in love.

  So, we go on to enjoy the quirky buildings in the village. The sun is hot and we end up in a courtyard café bar where the three of us enjoy a cool drink.

  “This is amazing,” I say to my new fiancé. “I don’t think I’ve had such a good vacation in all my life.”

  “Mommy, what’s a wedding?” Callum blurts out.

  “It’s when two people are in love and they buy rings for each other. Then, they have a very special party called a wedding,” I answer, very smartly.

  “Daddy, are you coming to mommy’s wedding?” He turns to Calvin with a curious frown on his brow.

  “I wouldn’t miss it for the world. Not even if you paid me a million bucks,” he craftily replies.

  “Wow, I wish I had a million bucks,” our little boy says, most likely imagining how many toys he could buy with lots of money.

  Of course, I don’t mention that as it happens, his father has got quite a few million bucks. This line of discussion allows me to bring up a specific topic I've been wanting to discuss.

  “That’s something we haven’t talked about yet,” I say, picking up on the mention of money.

  Callum runs off pretending to fly, still using his Batman cape. That was one mighty good investment Calvin made there.

  “I’m used to being my own boss,” I attempt to explain my comment “Such as having my own money and paying my own bills. I’m not sure how to adjust to...well...you know...your wealth.”

  I whisper the last two words as if I’m talking about dirty sex. Hmmm...I wish I was, but alas, it’s only money talk.

  “You’re worrying too much over this. Sure, it's a game-changer for both you and Callum, but we’ll work it all out at any pace you want to go by.” He pauses and looks over at me as if he’s trying to gauge my reaction. He must have decided he's got the green light and continues. “Although, we can do that house move you’ve been wanting to do. It’s only a case of deciding where you want to go?”

  “Oh, it’s a bit too soon,” I reply, shocked at the thought of planning that so quickly. “I haven’t even started to look for work yet, what with this vacation. And now, well, there’s the wedding to plan.”

  “Why don’t you look for work after we move?” he dares to suggest. "You said it yourself; babies are born everywhere. That means there'll be no shortage of work wherever we end up."

  I ponder his suggestion and realize that he's still observing me.

  “You’re in thinking mode aren't you," he says. "I can tell because you’re twitching your mouth. I'm getting to know all your little quirks quite well, and each one makes me love you all the more."

  “Hahaha...,” I laugh a little nervously at his comment. I too am noticing all the little habits he has, such as stroking my hair whenever he’s close to me. “Let’s not talk about moving just yet. Give me time to adjust to everything. It's a lot to take in.”

  And so we agree to postpone the subject and enjoy the remaining time we have left on our last day.

  The next morning we head back to San Francisco Bay. I thought it would take a few days as it can be rather choppy out there. Captain Jed assures us all's well and we will get home in one trip.

  When we dock in the marina later that day, Mia and Ethan are waiting to greet us.

  “I hear we have a lot of planning and celebrations to do!” Mia says to me as soon as we greet one another.

  I’m so excited to have someone to talk to about the wedding that I walk off absently with Mia, to the Limo that’s waiting for us. I climb in as if it’s the most natural thing in the world for me to do. Wow! Am I getting used to this lifestyle so quickly?

  Tearful Tiffany

  As soon as we enter Ethan's apartment, I head towards the balcony to escape the chatter about the wedding. My son very wisely follows me outside.

  On my way, I take Lily from Mia and cradle her in my arms, and then it hits me what I did. Only a few months ago I would never have held a kid, at least not voluntarily. Now I’m a father and it seems quite natural. It might be nice to have another baby, we still have time. And if it’s a girl that would complete our little family unit.

  Lilly is busy scrutinizing my face as she’s much more aware now. She’s a real beauty and will no doubt be a looker when she gets older.

  “I can see your ma and pa are going to have to keep a close eye on you, young lady,” I whisper to her and she rewards me with a smile.

  “So, have you a plan yet?” I hear Mia ask Tiffany as they sit on the huge sofas. Then I notice Pauline isn’t there.

  “Where’s your mom?” I shout through the doors.

  “She felt tired after the trip so she’s gone home to rest awhile,” Tiffany replies as if she's just remembered my presence.

  “Good idea," Mia says. "It’s going to be a busy time for her soon. Okay, so when and where are the weddings to be and where are you all going to live? These are the burning questions.”

  They both look over at me for some sort of answers but I have none to give. As I shrug back at them I kiss Lilly’s fat little cheek to get myself out of the conversation.

  “I...I don’t’ know anything. I’m so confused,” Tiffany says, and unexpectedly burst out into tears. “Crap, I...I’m, sorry, I don’t know where this has come from,” she tries to explain herself by apologizing.

  Callum goes to the rescue and jumps on his mom’s lap to hug her.

  Mia suggests a light cocktail to lighten the mood. By the time she returns with some colorful drinks, Tiffany has dried up her eyes. I’m now sitting by her side on the couch.

  “You have to stop work,” Mia says to Tiffany as she hands her the cocktail glass.

  I stand back up again and make my way back towards the balcony door, attempting to get out of this discussion. I’d prefer Tiffany didn’t work, but I’m not going to tell her that.

  “What?” Tiffany says, shocked at Mia’s suggestion. "I c...can’t do that, Mia, I love my job.”

  “I know, I loved mine too but something has to give or you'll explode,” Mia tells her. “Learn to be a wife and continue being a great mother, then start to think about what you want out of your new life.”

  “This is all too much. I can’t imagine life without my work,” Tiffany says, almost on the verge of another outburst of tears.

  “Look, let’s concentrate on the wedding, for now,” Mia suggests as she shuffles up to be by Tiffany’s side. She puts an arm around her for comfort. “This should be an exciting time for you and not involve tears unless they’re the happy type. Now then, let’s focus. We need t
o consider venues, receptions, and honeymoons.”

  “Honeymoons!” Tiffany cries out again. “I can’t go anywhere without Callum, so that can't happen.”

  Mia looks over at me sympathetically as she notices me watching the discussion. She seems to understand my dilemma; Tiffany is going to need a lot of gentle persuasion to accept her new life.

  “No worries,” Mia says. “We can work on that one later. You do know that now Callum will be surrounded by his family. He’ll never get a moment’s peace and quiet. Everyone in the family will want to meet him and once they do, they'll love him.”

  I smile at Mia, pleased that she’s helping me with this. Give me a billion-dollar business deal and I’m your man. Give me an emotional and unstable woman and I’m useless.

  “You’re right, Mia,” Tiffany agrees. “In the past, it’s only been Callum, mom and me. Oh, and pa when he was here. Now though, he's gained lots of new relatives and I know that Calvin’s family is a close-knit one. Callum will never be alone ever again. Mom won’t have to be his constant sitter. In fact, you’re right about work too. I can finally get to spend more time with him. I don’t have to work, do I? I can be with my gorgeous husband and my handsome little boy for every moment of every day.”

  I look over at Mia and nod my thanks to her. It’s taken her less than an hour to make Tiffany see sense when I’ve been trying for days. I’m going to have to improve on my empathy skills.

  “Come on, Callum, let’s take baby Lilly outside for some sunshine,” I say to my son as I stand in the doorway.

  He darts from his mom’s knee and over to me. We leave the women alone so they can talk. Sometimes, it’s best to accept when you’re out of your depth, and I’m man enough to do that. If Mia can help Tiffany come to terms with her new life, that’s fine with me.

  Chapter 28

  And...Another Surprise Trip

  I’m amazed I let Mia talk me into this, but here I am on a flight across the European continent, on my amazing beau’s private jet. I’ve gone from a vacation on a luxury boat to traveling halfway around the world to visit my pa's roots. So far we’ve visited London, Paris, and Rome; all cities I had only ever dreamed of seeing. Paris was by far my favorite place so far, so romantic and beautiful.

  I’ve heard that the French are aloof with Americans, but they've all been very courteous. I can't help but think it's the show of wealth that's made them so respectful. Whenever I find myself thinking like that, I nip myself into reality. This is what I'm marrying into and I have to accept it in all its glory. This trip has made me realize how much Calvin's wealth is going to change my life. Every hotel we've stayed in has been owned by the Luca family. In a few months, they’re going to be my hotels too. That's a crazy feeling!

  Calvin takes my hand in his and gives it a reassuring squeeze. It’s almost as though he can sense the disquiet in my mind. I’m going to be rich and I’m not completely sure that I’m comfortable with the situation. Whatever my reservations are about wealth, I'm having an incredible time right now. Life is very different, from only a few weeks ago.

  Mia says I need to get used to it. The strangest thing is that I’m not missing work one bit. I’ve handed in my resignation letter already. I thought I'd have to return for a few weeks but it turns out I have so much untaken leave that it will easily cover my notice period. I can’t believe I’m no longer a nurse. It's been such an important part of my life for so long. This new me is all down to Mia, she is a wily woman but I’m glad that she steered me in this direction. I doubt Calvin could have convinced me. I would most likely have accused him of trying to control me and we’d end up falling out. That’s not how we want to start our relationship. I know we’ll get to trust each other more as time moves on.

  What's even more incredible is I haven't brought Callum with me. He’s thousands of miles away! This is the first time in his little life that we’ve been parted for more than a few hours, but we’ve both managed it. Our new family members are giving me so much support that my confidence is growing. I feel more independent than I have ever been, even though I don't work. Anyway, I know Callum's safe and loved as he is staying with my mom at Ethan and Mia's apartment. We video call every day and I can see he's a happy chappy.

  The plane begins its descent and I look through one of the windows and see a small city sprawled out below. That must be Brescia, where we're due to land. Ali and Nico will be down there waiting for us. We're all staying at the family’s largest vineyard, which is close by. I’m pleased we went our separate ways for this trip. Calvin and I have been making up for our years apart with lots of raunchy sex.

  I’m even an official member of the Mile High club now. Calvin is a real stud and an even better lover now he has matured, not that I had any complaints when we were students. He introduces something new every time we have sex. My future husband is a real macho man when it comes to fucking. That's one of the reasons I'm so much in love with him, but hey, sex is important in a relationship.

  Once we touch down it takes no time to leave the plane. That's one great advantage of owning a private jet. Yep, I can see I'll soon get used to this life. Though we still have to go through customs, we're waved through much quicker. One of the border control officers seems to know Calvin and they greet each other warmly. After finishing their greeting, they both stroll towards me.

  “This is Giovani, he’s an old friend of mine,” Calvin introduces the officer to me.

  “Benvenuti in Italia, signorina,” he says in Italian as he bends forward to embrace me, only to kiss me on each cheek.

  “Grazie Mille,” I manage with a faltering Italian accent. He seems to understand and smiles back at me.

  Calvin and I walk out of the airport arm in arm to a waiting car which will take us to the vineyard. We're met by two men as we approach the car, both wearing dark suits and dark glasses. I have a sudden vision of The Godfather as I look on in surprise. They have an ominous presence and for a fleeting second, I feel nervous. Then, they greet Calvin as if they know him and I relax a little.

  The two men sit in the front and Calvin and I get in the back. A glass screen separates us from them.

  “Who are those men?” I whisper and hope they don't hear me.

  Calvin looks at me a little sheepish.

  “They're my bodyguards, my love. This is Italy. It can be a little more lawless than the States. Especially for the wealthy. Don’t worry,” he adds after seeing my shocked expression, “they’re only a precaution. There's nothing to worry about. I use them whenever I'm home."

  I make an effort to relax. Though I can't help but wonder if the two men in the front are armed. It surely doesn't help that this is such a luxurious car. The plush soft leather seats at the rear are almost as big as my couch at home. If we'd got a cab like everyone else, maybe there wouldn't be a need for bodyguards. There's an LCD TV to one side and it's showing all the latest stocks and share prices on the screen. At the other side is a small bar, where Calvin pours us both a cool soft drink. I don't know, I'm up and down with my feelings for this new lifestyle.

  “Your Italian was impressive,” he says, handing me my glass of coke. “I’m pleased you’re taking to this life. I was a little worried you might have doubts and run.”

  "I do love you, Calvin, but I hope there's nothing you're keeping from me. These bodyguards make me feel nervous," I say, in an attempt to be honest with him.

  "My family is well known in these parts. It's more of a show than a necessity," he tells me.

  "I hope so, Calvin, because it's like being in a gangster movie," I whisper again as I don't want to look a fool.

  Calvin laughs, "My whole life has been like this when I am in my homeland."

  I smile back at him and say no more on the matter. I can't imagine Callum's life like this. Maybe we'll avoid trips to Italy if we can.

  As we drive through the countryside, I’m surprised how rustic everything is. It feels as if we’ve stepped back in time. The winery is set upon a
green oasis of sunny hills, in Garda, Northern Italy. The views around us are breath taking. We’re surrounded by row upon row of green vineries. Calvin tells me, with a hint of pride in his voice, that it's not only wine but also oils and various vinegars that they produce. The winery even has its own bees for honey production. Again, I'm a little overwhelmed and simply smile back at him, saying nothing.

  The car pulls up in front of a huge villa and people are waiting outside to greet us. As we step out of the car, they gather around Calvin. It feels weird because they treat us like we are a King and Queen of the land. Whoever thought I would be a guest of honor at such a place like this! Of course, I find it all a little overwhelming but I’m too nervous to try my Italian. Instead, I smile and nod every time someone speaks to me. Calvin speaks the lingo fluently and I watch him, realizing what a versatile man I’m marrying.

  As we stand in the courtyard to be greeted by his family, geese fly overhead. A peacock comes strutting up towards us with all its glorious plumage. What an idyllic setting this place is. The house is magnificent, traditional and imposing with whitewashed walls and a red terracotta roof. Once again, I’m assailed with the realization of how much I am now a part of everything that Calvin owns. His family has owned this vineyard for generations, though in the past it wasn't as large as it is today. Calvin has invested in it to make it more like a stately home. It’s currently run by his uncle, one of his late father's brothers, and they're overjoyed to see him. The owner's wife is an aged plump woman, everything you’d expect of a traditional old Italian matriarch. They greet me as if I’m a long lost relative. It’s all a little overwhelming.

  Then, I spot Ali, and a sudden feeling of relief overcomes me. Europe has been out of this world, but I’m a little homesick for something familiar. Everywhere we’ve been we have experienced a welcome that only wealth can buy. Whilst it’s nice for a while, I find it tiring and I long to be home in my little house. I haven’t said anything to Calvin because he may not understand what I mean. Now that Ali’s here, I can pour my heart out to her. Though we don’t have plans to leave yet as both Calvin and Nico are here on business.


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