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Discovery Page 34

by Douglas E Roff

  “You’ve never killed anyone, have you?”

  “No, never. Edward would never have permitted it.”

  “Ever been around it? You know, helped out I mean?”

  “No, but I have watched people die, men and women and thought nothing of it afterwards. I was a spectator each time and took no active part. Nothing was planned, at least I don’t think it was. Bad timing was all. But I wasn’t very troubled by what I saw. Really, I just felt indifference.” Misti paused to consider her answer. “And just so you know, I was never contacted about those events afterwards by the authorities nor anyone else, save one.”

  “Who was?”

  “Your daddy, Edward. We had a nice talk, he told me what I should do and that’s what I did. Until today, I hadn’t given any of these events a single thought, although in truth, I can remember every single event in detail as if each one only happened an hour ago. So, if you don’t mind, I’ll put them away for now.”

  “How do you do that? Mental bank vault? Something like that?”

  “Bank vault? Yeah, I guess you could say that. I have learned to supress certain experiences and put them away until later. I almost never bring them back, but you never know. Sometimes I do. Depends on what happened. Some things I want to remember, some things I don’t.”

  Misti hesitated, then added, “You really should get to know your father’s eccentricities better. He’s chock full of these little nuggets you know. Some suggestions can be quite useful in dealing with … issues.”

  “Yes, my papa and I need to talk. That’s for sure.” Adam neither looked nor felt overjoyed at the prospect of chatting with his Dad. At least not about this. Adam had his own mental disciplines and eccentricities and history of using them around his Dad. He would share all his with Misti eventually; just not right now. His mental skills were exotic and exceptional; but he shared them with only a few who understood them. None lived in Barrows Bay and none were family.

  “Adam, you asked for the truth and I’ll tell you everything I know as fully as I know it. But just be prepared because your Dad’s name is going to come up a lot. Then maybe you’ll begin to see that he wasn’t trying to make your life miserable all those years. He was trying to protect you.”

  “Really?” Adam said this sharply, more sharply than he perhaps had intended. His father had once tried to get Maria to agree to let a neurosurgeon drill Adam’s head. His mother has said “hell no!” Adam didn’t always think his father was trying to protect him. And he thought, he was not his father’s lab rat.

  “Yes, really,” Misti said with equal sharpness. “And we need to get you past this as quickly as we can. I want us to get started on our new life together and it’s going to be bound up in a lot of ‘Edward’ no matter which way we turn. He’s the only one who knows everything about us and the rest of the shit that’s fucking with your head.”

  Misti thought she might as well get it all out, as long as honesty was what Adam said he truly wanted. Now she would see if that was really true.

  “And we are integral to this project he is trying to get us both working on – so, news flash – and it’s time we knock down this stupid ‘cone of silence’ between us and start working together. FYI – I’m in on this whole thing and I am 100% committed. Are you?”

  “You’re mean.” Adam paused, then said, “I hope that’s not why I fell in love with you. Sad fucking state of affairs if it is.”

  “Don’t be such a baby. You wanted to know the truth so let’s move this along. What’s next?”

  Adam continued “Let’s skip what I don’t know for now and move on to something else. I have a few thoughts.”

  “Let’r rip! I’m all ears,” Misti said with a hint of derision and a hint of a taunt. Misti gave Adam an aggressive look of … something. Something bordering on predatory, he thought. My God, this one is going to be such a challenge – just to keep up.

  Suddenly, Adam was distracted again and smiling, “Are you the actual man in this relationship? Seems like your testosterone is wee bit elevated today. You OK?”

  “Don’t know about the testosterone, after all I’m just a girl, you know.” She purred in her best pre-discovery, before-this-all-happened soft feminine voice. But the predatory smile did not retract as she moved in a little bit closer to her boyfriend. “I’m OK, but you seem terribly uncomfortable, my love. How can we fix that?”

  “Just don’t beat me up. Please.”

  “If you say so. But you may want to change your mind later. The way I like to do it, we both achieve … uh … our goals. And I promise I won’t leave a mark. Just a thought.”

  “Then can I please be on top tonight?” Adam said smiling, as if he was really asking.

  “We’ll see,” Misti said with a sly smile.

  “There you go again with the mom lingo again.”

  “And fortunately, I have you and your dad to play the parts of the little children. Worked out perfectly.”

  “For who?”

  “Not you, that’s for sure.”

  Chapter 59

  “So, we just skipped over a whole volume of stuff, so we can talk about the cover story, but you never said whether you have ever offed anyone. Well, have you?” Misti thought she knew the answer to this question but thought it would be best coming from Adam.


  “Do I need popcorn and soft drink? Is it story telling time? I can just picture our three darling little children, in the Public Library on a Saturday morning, looking up at their Papa and asking him to tell all the other little kiddies and the cute little librarian in the miniskirt about the time that you, Rod and grandpa took out an entire village of cutthroat pirates. Aarrrrgghhh!”

  “Librarian … miniskirt … pirates? Where do you get this stuff, anyway?” Adam chuckled to himself.

  “Lonely childhood, active imagination and need to channel anti-social behaviors. And boy if I ever catch that librarian slut with you, I’ll … well, you get the picture.”

  “More than you can imagine.” Adam smiled to himself.

  “Definitely. And a deep, deep well of perversions too. That part’s just for you.” Misti giggled like a schoolgirl, something she only did for affect.

  “Thank you. I think,” said Adam cautiously.”

  “Of course, sweetie. No point not being completely honest. It’s liberating.”

  “And scary. Don’t forget scary.” About this Adam wasn’t kidding. He knew of his girlfriend’s other forms of socializing. And they weren’t coffee and a bagel with cream cheese at the local coffee shop.

  “I haven’t killed anyone yet, sweetie. In this family, you’re the heavy – so far. So, go on. How many.”

  “Six, but maybe seven. Depends on who gets credit for one. One shot hit the target, a sweet little old lady from Managua, center mass; the other bullet took off most of her right shoulder. Messy business but two of us took the shot at the same time. Then we ran like hell. So, six or seven.”

  “I’m gonna want to know all the details later, of course. Everything. But, just tell me. Why?”

  “Okay, let me think. It’s not like I write this any of this stuff down. So, three were properly self-defense. Two were to resolve … inconvenience.”

  “Say again?”

  “They tried to stop me, and I didn’t have time to stop.”


  “Yes. Bad guys though, corrupt and trying to kill me, not in the line of duty. Nobody close to home and no one we know and love.”

  “That’s comforting. Go on.”

  “So that’s five, leaving Morales in Mexico and the Lady from Managua.”


  “Morales was my first, and I killed him – to solve a problem and learn from the experience. Didn’t know what it would feel like. In fairness, he did threaten to kill Rod and my Dad. And the rest of my family and very, very slowly. But, Dad was a hundred miles north at the time with Rod while the rest of the
family was back in Barrows, but threats can be a messy and an uneven undertaking. Didn’t have time to consult with the grownup and I thought the opportunity might never come up again. So, I took him at his word. Then I put a bullet in his head.”

  “Anyone else know about your hobby skills?” Misti was back eating green grapes again, talking between swallows. These revelations hardly elicited a response. Her heart rate never increased more than a beat or two a minute.

  “Don’t think so. Can’t be sure. Dad, maybe. Rod probably didn’t believe that Morales was an accident. Cindy probably guessed but she won’t ever say. She sees things like Dad – and you. Sometimes I want to ask if she knows but then I also know that I don’t really want her to answer.”

  “Why?” She loves you and would never, ever hurt you. You could tell her anything. I’m sure.”

  “If she doesn’t already know, then I’d rather keep the secret and not have her think of me as a depraved monster.”

  “I see your point. Come here. Let me hold you.”

  “I’d like that. I’m glad you’re here.”

  “I know baby. And once we figure all this out, we’ll never have to talk about it again. Ever. Unless I need a bedtime story. Then I get to hold the gun.”

  “Which gun?” Adam asked.

  Misti smiled and said, “Silly, you know. That gun.”

  Chapter 60

  Adam and Misti spent the next several months together in Barrows Bay talking through their issues and providing each with the revelations the other most wanted to learn. Things had settled down and the family was content and assured that everything was back to normal for their kids. The excitement of months ago was chalked up to an unfortunate series of events and the pressure of a new relationship each was trying to understand.

  To the family, Adam and Misti were special and allowances had to be made for two type-A personalities.

  The lengthy peek under the skirts of some very dark disclosures each had for the other made them realize that a normal life among the “others” was probably not going to work for either and certainly not for a somewhat soon-to-be high-profile couple out in the real world. They began by asking each other what they thought they could do, in normal polite society, and what they probably couldn’t.

  “We need to appear to be just like everyone else and normal in every way. The way we think, the way we talk, our political views and on social issues. We have to blend in, put our jobs up front and paint a picture of a reclusive, yet affable young couple much in demand.”

  “How do we do that?” asked Misti, truly not wanting to interact with any, save those few who knew and accepted her proclivities. That list was small, so it might have to be inflated somewhat.

  “We attend to a few outside social obligations and create a calendar filled to the brim with work, travel and family gatherings. It may work out that way anyway. I doubt we’ll just be sitting around Barrows Bay wondering what to do next. Then there’s Dad’s new project to keep us busy too.”

  “Someone’s bound to notice don’t you think?”

  “Most people aren’t that curious and certainly neither you nor I did a lot of socializing before we hooked up. It’s not like we suddenly dropped off the edge of the world to someone who might actually be curious. Then we have the Barrows Bay family and the Institute. We’ll want to do family things here in Barrows and in Seattle. Pretty normal stuff. Family shouldn’t be a problem, should it?”

  “Nope, not for me.” Misti knew what Adam had in mind for regular visits to Seattle, to the family he loved. That she did not wholeheartedly share his enthusiasm might be troubling to Adam’s view of perfect future happiness. She decided not to say anything and see where events took them. No need to over think her spotty relationship with the Eight Families. She would deal with that issue and them when the time came. She hoped they would be swamped with work, so she could avoid the issue altogether.

  “Then that just leaves the Institute and Dad and I can handle both of them along with Mom. You’ll formally arrive here on permanent status as the new research associate for Dad and my live-in girlfriend. It’s very likely that most of the Institute will be happy to see a lot less of me and a lot more of you. They’ll probable give you an award.”

  “You do have a vivid, colorful imagination, don’t you?” Misti sighed. “Wasted for such a long time and on all the wrong things.”

  “Perhaps. But it just means more for me to learn and for you to teach.” Adam continued, “So once we announce jobs, work locations and our intense, strange and all-consuming new relationship we should be good to go.”


  “And one more thing.”

  “There’s more?”

  “Yes. I’ve booked a suite at the Desert Oasis Inn in Las Vegas for a long weekend next month. Very quiet, very private and secure. We can be alone and undisturbed.”

  “Why we goin’ there, exactly?” Misti thought this was out of character for Adam. He didn’t gamble, and she couldn’t imagine he wanted to see any Vegas shows on the Strip.

  “We’re getting married, sweetie. Didn’t I mention that to you?”

  “No, you didn’t.” Misti looked up at Adam with an unrestrained smile he hoped meant ‘yes’.”

  “So, Misti Alarcon, will you …”

  “Yes. Yes, yes and yes. Of course, I will.” Misti launched herself at Adam, wrapping her arms around her man, and giving him a deep long “yes” kiss that banished any doubt from his mind.

  “You’re sure, are you? I’m a total mess, you know. And a sociopath. And I come from a totally dysfunctional family with more baggage than a very large tour group.”

  “Do you love me?”

  “You know I do. I can’t imagine a life without you. And I need you even more. Every day.”

  Misti smiled, “You have a rock?”

  “Of course. I’m not a complete dullard, you know.”

  “I do, and yes I do. So, let’s see this alleged rock. Can a wear it. Can I? Pretty please!”

  Adam magically produced a beautiful mahogany ring box, Misti’s name emblazoned on the top. He opened it up for his girl. In it was a beautiful round four carat flawless diamond center stone, surrounded in a circle by smaller equally flawless side stones.

  Adam went down on one knee, as tradition would have it in every fairy tale. “Misti Elena Alarcon, will you marry me. Please say you will and make me the happiest guy on the planet.

  Misti began to cry, this time for joy. Her somewhat nerdy guy had just proposed in the old-fashioned way and though corny as any Rom Com, she was touched by her sweet man.

  “Yes. Yes of course I will. I love you Adam Stephen St. James. I love you more than you can possibly imagine.”

  Adam smiled as he put the ring on her finger. “I don’t know, my love. I have a great imagination, so I can imagine a lot.”

  Misti kissed Adam and said. “We’ll have to see about that. Starting right now.”


  “You mean I can’t wear this big knuckle dragging rock around town? Why not? That’s so unfair!” Misti’s feigned petulance was just for show and she knew what her new fiancé had in mind. Still, she did like her rock, and she would have enjoyed showing it off.

  “Back in the box, woman. You can show it off after we announce our engagement and you know why.”

  “I do. But it’s still so unfair. It’s so shiny and sparkly. It isn’t fake is it? You know cheapie CZ?”

  Adam said, “It’s 4.2 carats of flawless, top white color diamond, fashioned in perfect proportions and cut by a master diamond cutter I know in Belgium. So, no it isn’t fake. Nor are the side stones. Also, flawless and perfect in every way. Just like my girl.”

  “You’re sweet. And the ring is delicious. Just like you, my love.”

  “Simply trying to hold up my end of the bargain. So, will you be answering to Mrs. St. James or Ms. Alarcon?”

  “Mrs. St. James, of course. I�
��m a modern woman with some old-fashioned ideas. We have family to consider now. And children. You did make room for them eventually, didn’t you?”

  “Thought I’d better ask first but yes there’s room for lots of children. When you’re ready.”

  “When do we tell them? I mean family, all of them. They won’t like this Las Vegas thing, I’m pretty sure of that. That is why I must put my bauble away, right?”

  “We tell them nothing. We’re on vacation and we’ll have a chat with them when we get back. That’s when we announce our engagement and you can dazzle the ladies with your tiny little engagement ring. I may even ask your Papa for your hand in marriage. You know, old school.”

  “A little late by then, isn’t it? What if he says no, you’re just not right for his little girl?”

  “Yeah, like that’s going to happen all right. Your Papa is going to be very, very happy when I talk to him. In Blaine, and in person. Your attendance is not required.”

  “You know he’s gonna cry, don’t you? He’s a big baby that way, for such a tough guy I mean.”

  “All the more reason for me to handle this with him alone.”

  “Not sure I trust you two alone. Might be better if I tag along. Just in case.” Misti was smiling, but she was only half kidding.

  “Maybe, but then you’re gonna have a lot of work ahead of you. You have a wedding to plan and wedding showers, picking bridesmaids and a bunch of other stuff. Then there’s cake. And the honeymoon. And the tias, of course. Can’t forget them.”

  “Sounds like I do all the work and you get free pass just for asking one simple question.

  “Damn right, woman!”

  “Settle down there, Attila. Remember, I can make you bleed. What exactly is your job again?”

  “To love my wife-to-be. And do whatever else you tell me to do, of course.”

  “What’s this place we’re going to in Vegas again? I may need to send some things ahead. Just in case I need my tools, you understand.”

  “I do, I do.”


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