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San Francisco Covens: Crucible

Page 37

by Manuel Tiger

  “Tell me something I don’t know,” I said opening my eyes. “Just leave me Alistair. Save yourself. Get Daman, Heather, Scott and the others out of here.”

  “One doesn’t leave family behind,” Alistair said slipping his arms around me and standing me up. “Hold on tightly to me.”

  I did as he instructed and felt the air around us become charged with magic, crackling and pure, different from that which was tearing the remains of the tower apart.

  I glanced at it one last time. Sections were crumbling into the hole it emerged from, falling in on itself.

  I closed my eyes and put all my trust into Alistair as I had ten years ago.


  When I opened my eyes Alistair and I were standing at the entrance to the cavern with the others. I don’t know how it happened, I mean, I know how it did, but the workings of magic were not something I had ever fully grasped for just as you think you’ve figured it out? Magic tends to pull the rug out from under you and what you thought you knew tended to fly out the window. Then again, Alistair’s magic worked differently due to being a vampire as well as a witch; the average rules did not apply to him.

  “He needs blood,” Alistair said gently placing me on my feet. “Sire blood.” He said staring directly at Daman who came rushing forward. He said nothing to Alistair as he took me into his arms.

  “I saw you fall into the hole!” he said looking both relieved and scared at the same time. “I thought I lost you!” He hugged me tightly against his body, pressing his face into my hair. He brought his hand to the wound in my stomach, cussing under his breath. “Drink,” he said drawing his hand away and biting into his wrist which he then brought to my lips.

  “There’s no time,” I said looking up at him, pushing his hand away. “We have to get out of here!”

  “There’s always time for you,” he said as he pressed his wrist to my mouth. “Now drink,” he ordered.

  I relented and closed my mouth around his wrist, drawing that rich hot blood into my mouth, feeling it coating my tongue as it made its way down my throat. The pain at once began to subside, to become a faint echo of what it had once been.

  I locked eyes with him as I took his blood wanting to tell him of Bryan’s fate. He needed to know for they had been together longer than he and I had been. Surely there would be some mourning.

  “That’s enough,” I said pushing his wrist away, licking my lips. “We still have to get out of here,” I said as a new round of rumbling began that caused the entire cavern ceiling to begin bowing inward.

  “What of Aadya?” Sophia said. “She’s gone right?”

  “She’s dead,” Carmen said as she supported her brother. “I saw her body fall into that hole.” There was a hint of satisfaction in her tone. “Rot in hell La Bruja,” she said looking to the center of the cavern then to Luis. He looked immensely better than he had the last time I laid eyes on him, as in less one step away from death and more lukewarm death.

  “And the Witch Stone?” Heather said.

  “Here,” Ti said holding it up. “I snagged it before leaping from the top of the tower with you.” He looked the stone over. It no longer glowed red and looked just like a regular rock again. “I imagine that’s what caused the explosion.”

  “And of them?” Nicole said nodding toward Miss Samantha and the witches. They were seated on the floor with Kingston and Kyle standing over them.

  Miss Samantha sported a black eye and busted bottom lip – Nicole’s handiwork no doubt as Kingston or Kyle wouldn’t have left anyone alive – while Eve and her soldiers were all wearing jade cuffs that I knew to belong to Alistair. They looked fragile, but were strong as hell. They could nullify a witch’s powers and could bring an out of control vampires under control.

  I knew from personal experience.

  Eve no longer had that fire burning in her eyes as she seemed cowered now and was staring at her cuffed hands.

  “They need to stand trial for the actions,” Heather said as the rumbling began to notch it up a few more decibels. “All this can be discussed further once we reach the surface! Let’s just get the fuck out of here!” she shouted as the rumbling grew in intensity, the remaining sections of floor falling away into the crater below as what remained of the tower fell with it.

  No one else needed further prodding in clearing the hell out of here, but it could only be supernatural beings that stood around deciding the fate of someone while all hell was breaking loose around them.

  Nicole, Kingston, Kyle and Ti gathered up Miss Samantha and the witches and hustled them down the passage. Daman gathered up Luis and slung him over his shoulder as Carmen and Sophia followed after him with Heather and Scott next. Alistair and I was last but I paused for a moment, looking back at what could have been our crypt and the beginning of the end of the world.

  The cavern continued falling apart and I watched as the tower leaned to one side then snapped at the base as what remained of the upper half plummeted away into the crater below.

  “Find peace,” I said staring at what had become Bryan’s crypt for all time.

  “Say such condolences for those more deserving,” Alistair said as he latched onto my arm. I nodded and ran with him down the short passage and up the corkscrew stairs.

  We emerged back into the room with the circular stairs to see that this cavern it too was coming down, the murals falling from the wall, shattering like glass. The statues in their niches had been dislodged and were now leaning forward directly over the entrance. I watched as a massive chunk of rock fell from the ceiling and struck one, shattering the head, literally exploding it into a billion fragments that rained down on us as we raced up the stairs.

  The next room, the lava room as I had come to think of it, was already showing signs of coming undone as well for one side of the floor began falling away as we ran across it.

  I was just thankful that the faces had decided not to start spewing lava again.

  I was thankful too soon.

  The moment Alistair and I had crossed the floor and stepped onto the platform a stone head shot out of the niche in the wall to our right and slammed into the opposite wall shattering on impact. Lava began spewing out of the niche, coating the floor, and as if it had a mind of its own, which I wouldn’t doubt, the lava began to flow in our direction.

  “Run! Run!” I shouted, as if I needed to for everyone was hauling ass now.

  We finally emerged into the chamber which we had first entered. Everyone raced up the stairs as I paused for a moment, digging out my cell phone from my backpack and got a few shots off of the mural with the three women/girls on it before Alistair grabbed me by the back of my jacket.

  “No dawdling Mister Sullivan!” he said as he dragged me up the stairs after him. I looked down the stairs to see the lava explode into the chamber.

  We shot out of the entryway just as it began to shake and sink back into the earth rapidly. We all watched as earth fell back over it, hiding it from view.

  Behind us we heard a loud cracking sound like ice on a pond in winter fracturing. I spun around to see the statue taken from the museum had fallen apart, nothing more than rubble.

  “With his bride gone, so too is his link to this world,” Carmen said walking over and kicking at a few stones.

  “What was up with that tower?” Scott asked. “I mean, was it just where that crazy witch could free the dark forces?”

  “In a way,” Alistair said dusting off his jacket. “There are various gateways to hell scattered around the world. Usually they are circular in design or simply a tower as what you saw. Think of it as a plug sealing the hole and there you have what that tower was. What that woman attempted to do was pull the plug and free the demons from hell. But the spell was complex, had to be followed to a T,” he rested his hands atop the pommel of his sword. “When your deaths did not occur? And namely that of the young lady there,” he said looking at Heather. “Well, you saw with your own eyes the outcome.”

why her?” Daman asked setting Luis down with Carmen’s help while Sophia assessed him.

  “I saw a first aid kit in the plane. I better get it,” she said hurrying off to do so while Carmen knelt beside him, slipping her arm around his shoulders.

  “It would seem Ms. Oakdale is a witch in possession of a pure heart and purity never loses its appeal in dark rituals,” Alistair said fixing his gaze on Heather.

  “I cuss like a sailor, have gotten into fights so I can’t be that pure,” Heather said with a snort.

  “The heart you possess is.” He turned his attention to Mr. Samantha and the witches. “Purer than the one chosen to lead the council and be the voice of the Coven of San Francisco.”

  He walked over to Miss Samantha who was being held by Kingston and looked into her eyes. She flinched and tried to look away, but he reached up and held her chin in his hand keeping her head steady.

  Kingston smirked as he held firmly onto Miss Samantha.

  “You have killed before,” Alistair said as he looked into her eyes. “You killed the one that was in running against you to be coven leader. She found evidence of you having cheated at the trials that decided coven leader.” He smirked and shook his head. “Your hands m’dear,” he said releasing her chin and leaning back. “Are bloodier than mine are and that is saying quite a lot.”

  “You killed Marian?” Heather said clearly shocked. “She would have been a better leader than you!” she said approaching Miss Samantha. “I thought her death was suspicious! But every time I tried to look into it, to investigate, I was blocked! It was you that did the blocking wasn’t it?”

  Miss Samantha smiled. “It was time for witches to rise up, girl. Time for us to have our day and it was happening with the deaths of the leaders of the vampire covens and the wolf packs, weakening them, sending them running in fear. All that was needed to secure our place in the world was that of receiving the power that Aadya had promised.”

  “And the witches that died? They found out didn’t they? That you were responsible?”

  “Not some of them,” Miss Samantha replied. “We couldn’t very well have suspicion cast on us if no witch were dying as well.”

  “You…you bitch!” Heather said slapping her across the face. Miss Samantha merely licked the blood from her lips and shrugged. “And you four! You helped her as well didn’t you?”

  Eve lifted her head and met Heather’s gaze. She said nothing and lowered her head back down.

  “This coven,” Alistair said. “It was founded by Millicent Clemonte wasn’t it?”

  “Yes, why?” Heather said turning to face him.

  “It is a branch house off the main coven house in New York City. Founded in the early eighteen hundreds to be exact. Millicent Clemonte was the daughter of the then leader of the coven house of New York City and sent forth to establish a base of operations there,” he said. “Any crimes committed here fall under the jurisdiction of the main coven house in New York which is led by Josette Saint Claire. I would be more than happy to deliver this group of traitors to her, to take them off your hands so that the wheels of justice may start.”

  “Take them,” Heather said. “I don’t want to ever lay eyes on them again.”

  “You may have to be called forth to testify at the trial when it begins I’m afraid,” he said.

  “I have no trouble with that,” she replied shaking her head. “Just take them, toss them into a sack. Do whatever.”

  “Of course,” he said as he motioned to Kingston and Kyle. “Prepare them for transportation.”

  I stepped forward.

  “There’s something else you need to know, Alistair,” I said.


  “Back at Aadya’s island compound there is an artifact room filled with items of dark magic.”

  “We shall insure they will not fall into the wrong hands then,” he said.

  “Thanks, and thank you for coming as you did,” I said. “I thought this was going to be something I could handle only I ended up in over my head.”

  “As I told you once Little One, I am always and will always be here to help you Henry,” he said reaching out and resting a hand on my shoulder. “Any time you need help I am but a call away so never hesitate in doing so.” He glanced toward Daman and the others. “But it would seem you have surrounded yourself with those that will also be there for you, as I predicted all those years ago.”

  “It was hard to even think such back then,” I said. “I was such a mess, still am some days.” I glanced at Daman. “But I think that those days may finally be over again for me.”

  Alistair shifted his gaze toward Daman.

  “Mister Salvadori, at some time in the future, hopefully after we all have found out why these attacks are occurring and have put a stop to it, you and I will have a nice long chat.”

  “I would like that,” Daman said. “You helped Henry, saved him and I could never fully repay you for doing that. It was never my intention to abandon him, but it was the only option to insure his safety.”

  “Mm, yes,” Alistair said. “One of the many topics we shall discuss rest assured of that, but for now? I leave him into your care and protection where it seems he rightfully belongs.”

  “With him is where I have always belonged,” Daman said stepping forward and taking my hand into his.

  Alistair stared at the two of us for a moment and some memory seemed to flicker across his eyes. But it was gone quickly. He simply nodded his head and stepped over toward Kingston and Kyle.

  “If you wish to say your farewells, say them now though I’m quite sure that Henry will be accompanying Ms. Oakdale to New York for the trial of the guilty,” he said dropping his gaze to Miss Samantha. “And Ms. Oakdale,” he said looking at Heather. “I do believe that Josette will have no issue with you assuming the position of acting interim coven leader until such a time arrives to select a permanent one, though I will suggest that the position should be filled by you permanently.”

  “Me? Coven leader?” Heather said blushing. “I…I don’t know if I could assume such a position!”

  He smiled.

  “Ms. Oakdale, you are more capable than you know. I see you being a great leader of the coven, the one needed to insure the survival of it in fact.”

  “Well, thank you,” Heather said. “But uh, how do you know my last name?”

  “You are spoken of in fond terms Ms. Oakdale when someone has a mind to call once in a blue moon,” he said glancing at me.

  I blushed and cleared my throat. “I’ll correct that.”

  He nodded and smiled.

  “You, you have my vote if you run for leader!” Scott said stepping forward. “I’ll even campaign for you! Make up banners, posters! I’m quite skilled with Photoshop you know.”

  I grinned, shaking my head.

  “Don’t be a stranger Little One,” Nicole said coming over and hugging me. “Hopefully the next time we meet it won’t be with your life in peril.”

  “I second that! But it is truly great seeing you twice in so many days,” I said as I hugged her back. “Safe journey back.”

  “You too,” she said releasing me and then looked at Daman. “Sorry for the headache pain back at the airport.”

  He arched a brow. “That was you?”

  “Henry is like my little brother. And I only did what a sister would do when her little brother was hurt.” She smiled and then leaned in to him. “And I know one thousand and one ways to hurt a person. Don’t hurt him again.”

  “Trust me, I have no intention of doing so,” Daman said holding up a hand.

  Nicole nodded and walked over to join Alistair and the others.

  “Don’t mind if we keep this do you?” Ti said holding up the Witch Stone.

  “Take it,” Heather said. “I don’t want to see that ever again either.”

  “We will study it and whatever we find out we will pass on the information to you,” he said tucking it under his arm as if had not been something int
ent on bringing hell to earth. “Henry,” he said hugging me. “Don’t be a stranger. You and Daman need to come to New York. I’ll even have free passes for you to my club when you do.”

  “I will try not to be and I look forward to seeing New York again one day soon. Safe journey to you Ti,” I said as he nodded.

  “Daman,” he said holding out his hand which Daman took. The minute their hands touched Ti tilted his head and arched a brow, grinning. “I see,” he said and released Daman’s hand then looked at me.

  “What?” I asked looking between the two of them. “Did you get a vision when you touched him? Is it bad? It’s not bad is it?”

  “Oh, it’s nothing,” he said still grinning. He turned and joined Nicole who looked at him, a questioning look on her face. He leaned in and whispered into her ear. She arched a brow and looked back toward us.

  “Okay, what is it?” I asked looking at Daman who shrugged.

  Alistair had been standing close enough to have heard whatever Ti had said and chuckled. “Until we meet again,” he said standing erect. “And oh yes Henry, many happy returns, belatedly.” He bowed his head and lifted his hand.

  Sparkling blue and gold shimmering light surrounded him and the others, swirling faster and faster till they were hidden from view and just like that, they were gone.

  “Damn, that was cool,” Scott said. “Like Star Trek!”

  “He must be quite powerful,” Heather said.

  “You have no idea,” I replied. “I’m just glad he showed up when he did.”

  “That’s right!” Scott said. “Your birthday was yesterday!”

  “It was?” Daman said looking at me.

  “See? That’s a celebration I can happily take part in with the only threat being that of cake to my waistline,” Heather said.

  “Yeah, it was yesterday,” I said nodding my head.

  “You never told me even when we were together. You just told me to pick a day,” Daman said.

  “I haven’t felt like celebrating it in a long time to be honest,” I said facing him. “But now? Now I think I can without memories bothering me.”


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