His Big Secret: An MM Contemporary Mpreg Romance

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His Big Secret: An MM Contemporary Mpreg Romance Page 7

by Bates, Austin

  Timothy stumbled over his words. He’d been talking about the importance of sunscreen. “So don’t forget it even on a cloudy day in the summer! That’s your lesson for today. Never forget the sunscreen if you don’t want skin like leather when you’re fifty!”

  I leaned on the crutches with the pads in my armpits and reached out to ruffle Timothy’s hair a moment before he switched the camera off. “I hope they tell you how amazing you look on camera. Maybe I should tell them it would be impossible to keep their hands off you if they saw you in real life.”

  Timothy laughed nervously. “You were successful at keeping your hands to yourself for three weeks. What’s gotten into you this morning?”

  I heard a beep. Timothy glanced at his laptop computer. I asked, “What’s that?”

  “One of my viewers. They’re asking who you are.”

  I leaned over to try to see the laptop screen, but Timothy turned it slightly on an angle so I couldn’t read the words. I tried leaning even more, but I had to pull back quickly to stop myself from losing my balance and falling over.

  “So who am I? Did you say I’m the crazy neighbor? Or the annoying guy who loves the camera?”

  “I…I sort of avoided the question. I said you were this guy I know.”

  “You didn’t call me your boyfriend? After all, isn’t that what I am?”

  There was a small frown on Timothy’s face as he looked at me. “If you were, I’d think it’s a little early for us to live together. If I’m just a friend, I don’t have to worry about you kicking me out.”

  “Why on earth would I do that? This house is so big that we could both spend an entire day here and not run into each other. I’m not saying that I want that. I’m only saying that could happen.”

  Timothy sighed. “I’m a little frustrated. I thought we had our sort of separate things. You’ve got the clinic, and I’ve got my blog. Independence is a good thing. That’s what I tell my fans all the time.”

  “But what do you think your fans would think of us together? I bet they’d be excited for you.”

  Timothy grumbled and turned back to the laptop. “Yeah, I guess so.”

  “Read one of the comments to me. I’m sure they’ve said something about me.”

  “Do I have to?”

  “Stop acting like a petulant junior high kid, and believe me, since I was one, I know what they’re like. Go ahead and read one.”

  “Okay, one of them said, ‘He’s as cute and sexy as you.’”

  I beamed. “See, they like me. I’m sure they’d like us together.”

  “Do you like us together?”

  “I feel like I’ve waited for it since junior high.”



  Almost every day I told my viewers how outstanding it was to be independent in life. According to me, faith in yourself was the key to ultimate security. It was the perfect way to fight the nagging doubts about self-worth that set up camp in the back of most people’s minds.

  With my core principles in mind, I didn’t know what to do about the situation with Inteus. I enjoyed being with him, living in his house, and sharing evenings watching movies and TV shows, but his intrusion into my work was both unpleasant and unwelcome. In the night when I lay in bed, I thought about him only a few rooms away and hoped that someday we’d share a bed, but I didn’t want him mugging next to me on my video blog. That world belonged solely to me.

  I tried to figure out polite ways to hold onto the private space for my work without offending Inteus. I didn’t want to lose the father of my baby.

  As I checked the responses to my latest video clips, he swung up next to me on his crutches and pointed at the screen of my laptop computer. “Look at those comments. They love the idea of us as a couple. That person thinks we’re adorable. That other one jumped ahead and says it’s a match made in heaven. We’re a huge hit, Timothy.”

  I turned the laptop screen away from him. Trying not to grumble too much, I said, “I can’t sit and stare at the comments before I finish up my filming for the day. I have work to do.” Pointing at the back door of the house, I said, “Why don’t you stand over there while I finish up. Then I can join you, and we can watch a movie or something.”

  I cringed when Inteus frowned. He looked like a kid who’d just lost a favorite toy. Inteus quietly left me to my work and retreated inside the house. We both knew that we needed to talk, but figuring out how to do it without stepping on each other’s toes was a different matter.

  When I finished up my blog work for the morning, it wasn’t quite noon. I tucked the laptop under my arm and set out to look for my boyfriend. It didn’t take long. He was lying on the sofa where he spent most of his waking hours watching something on TV. With a mug of coffee in hand, he slowly sipped while concentrating on the show.

  I boldly stepped in front of the TV screen. “I’m sorry. I was rude to you out there, and we need to talk. We have to figure this out. I’m starting to feel like we’re still in junior high and we’ll need to pass notes to get anything across to each other, and I don’t like that. We’re adults in our thirties, and I think we should act our age.”

  Inteus blinked and set the mug down. “Why don’t you come a little closer, and let’s talk.”

  I started to leave the room to look for a chair that I could pull up close to the sofa. “I’ll be right back.”

  “No.” Inteus patted the sofa beside him and pushed his body back against the rear. “You can sit right here on the edge.”

  I hesitated. For some reason, I sensed that getting much closer was a danger zone. I didn’t know what would happen, but a voice inside my head told me that I should proceed carefully. Walking up to the couch, I sat barely six inches from the edge.

  Inteus touched my forearm and crooked the index finger of his opposite hand. “Closer.”

  I swallowed hard. I knew that I couldn’t get much closer without more physical contact. The plan was to talk about my blog and maintaining our individual space. I worried that sitting closer would only lead to more confusion, but, as always, Inteus was impossible to resist. His persuasive skills were at the core of the qualities that made OBU successful in the first place.

  As I scooted forward, he reached an arm around my waist and pointed to his lips with the index finger that beckoned me forward. I sighed, “Oh, come on. This isn’t going to solve anything. This is not talking. It’s something entirely different.”

  “Kiss me, Timothy.”

  I took a deep breath. He was the father of my child. He was one of the most handsome men I’d ever seen outside of a TV or movie screen. Leaning in close, I closed my eyes and pressed my lips to his.

  The memories of our kiss in the hospital flooded back into my mind. He was soft and gentle at first, but then he gripped the back of my neck and parted his lips. He began to devour me, and I offered nothing but a sweet surrender.

  A few seconds later I found myself lying next to Inteus with our bodies both stretched out on the sofa. We faced each other and kissed with unquenchable passion. His hands roamed across my chest, and he began to toy with the buttons on my shirt, pulling the first one open.

  I suddenly pulled back from the kiss. “No, no, I can’t do this yet. We have to talk. If this is what you want to do, why didn’t you do it when I first moved in? We’ve both avoided this kind of contact. I’m confused. Stop.”

  I didn’t need to say it twice. Inteus knew what the word “stop” meant. I appreciated his respect for me and my boundaries.

  He rested his hand flat against my chest and stopped playing with my clothes. “I can answer your question. You can verify with Blaze if you want to make sure I’m telling the truth. He knows all of my secrets.”

  “Please do. Fuck, I’m confused. I’m sorry about that. I’ve been flirting with you, and you always seem to pull back. There’s nothing here at all that would get in our way. You want to invade my blog and tell the rest of the world that you’re my boyfriend, but you don’t act lik
e it here in the real world.”

  I knew that I needed to stop rambling. The emotion bubbled up into the back of my throat, and I started to babble. I found it nearly impossible to shut up and let Inteus talk. I finally managed to hold my tongue when I stuck my own hand over my mouth.

  “I’m a virgin, Timothy.”

  Inteus’s words didn’t sink in at first. I started talking again and let all of my random thoughts spill out. “I mean, fuck, it’s like we have the results of having sex without getting to do the fun part. I’m pregnant, and we never got to play.” I paused. “Wait, what the hell? What did you say?”

  Inteus fixed his gaze on me, and the look bore deep inside almost like he was peering into my soul. “I said I’m a virgin. I’m a thirty-three-year-old virgin.”

  I smirked. “No, you aren’t, and I don’t have any idea why you’re saying that. Seriously, you run a place that’s all about sex in a way. How could you be a virgin?” He didn’t look away. I started to question him again, but, by the look in his eyes, I knew that he wasn’t lying. “Fuck, really? How did that happen? I mean, why? Is there something wrong? A body part issue?”

  He chuckled at the last comment. “No, everything is intact. Would it be a problem if I had a physical issue?”

  “Aw, damn. That would make me look like an asshole if I said yes. No, you’re awesome, and we’d figure it out.”

  “Good. I’m happy to hear that, and it’s not the case. My body, outside of the leg, is fully functional. What did happen is I had a bad relationship in graduate school. I was head over heels for a fellow student, and he put off sex. We dated for three months, and he even told me the date we were going to do it. We had an advance plan for consummating our relationship.”

  I chuckled. “Oh, man, not meaning to laugh, but with me, it’s always kind of an accident. Oh, how did we end up in bed together? Well, since we’re here…”

  Inteus continued his story. “Then the day before, he walked out. Two days after that, one of my friends saw him making out with a new guy at a little table in the back of one of the campus bars. It took me two weeks to get to that point with him.”

  Swearing off sex for one bad relationship sounded a little extreme to me. I was skeptical. “That’s why? Damn, you can get over that. I still don’t believe it.”

  “There’s more to it than that.”

  “Well, keep going then.”

  I tried to look away for a moment, but Inteus’s eyes had me hooked. I thought I saw a hint of the pain from all those years ago in his gaze.

  He said, “One of my professors was planning a trip to Japan. We already knew that he would be gone for the next semester. I was a Japanese studies major, and I had my own plans for a trip, but it was still a year away. The professor in question told me that another student backed out. I remember him saying, ‘It’s very, very short notice, Inteus, but I’m inviting you. I think you would be a tremendous asset on the trip. We leave in a month if you want to go.’”

  “For how long?”

  “I ended up staying for a whole year.”

  “Wow. And what happened there? Please tell me a Japanese guy didn’t shit on you, too.”

  Inteus chuckled softly. “Almost the opposite.”

  “What would that be? Other than falling in love.”

  “No, it wasn’t that, but I discovered a temple off the beaten path. It wasn’t the primary one in the small city where I studied. In fact, I sort of stumbled upon it, but there I met my Master.”

  I placed a hand on Inteus’s chest. “Okay, now slow down. Is this going to get kinky? Are you pledged to some guy to serve him forever or something? Is he keeping you from having sex? I’ve heard of guys that get into that kind of thing. You would have it even a little more twisted since biologically you’re an alpha, but each to his own. I just want you to know that kind of thing is okay, but it isn’t me.”

  I wasn’t sure that I wanted to hear his answer.

  “Not that kind of Master. He was a Zen Master, and he taught me how to relax and how to focus on getting rid of the pain in my life so I could emerge from that with the ability to genuinely help others. According to him, it was like a butterfly breaking out of his cocoon. He taught me that obsession with sex could get in the way of the work I had to do. I learned that I should conserve my sexual energy for critical matters.”

  “Aw, man, so he put you off sex for the rest of your life? Is that my damn luck? I’m pregnant with the child of a celibate guy. That’s like doing it with a priest. Wow, that would be an ironic twist to my life.”

  Inteus laughed. It started out as a slight chuckle. Then it got louder. He tried to say something, but the laughter wouldn’t stop.

  “What the hell is so funny? I don’t get it.”

  “You are, Timothy. You’re so smart, handsome, and you’re funny, too. My Master helped me get through that part of my life, and I’m convinced I recognized the OBU opportunity because of the right thinking principles he taught me, but my celibacy, as you call it, was only temporary.”

  “Temporary as in…”

  “I’m ready to lose my virginity. Will you show me how? I know it will be awkward with my leg, but we can figure it out, can’t we?”



  I’d shown Timothy almost every room in the house, but he’d never set foot in my bedroom. I watched him turn in a complete circle and then slowly mouth the word, “Wow.”

  “I hope that’s a good thing.” I was suddenly aware of some of the features of the room that I’d stopped noticing day after day. I had a small trickling fountain in one corner, and an incense burner on the dresser let the slightest hint of safflower permeate the air. I played music, soft temple bells, all day long so I didn’t have to set it up when I got ready to go to bed each night.

  “Well, it does feel a little like I’m going to have sex in a sacred place, and I don’t want to defile anything. I’m not quite so pure, if that’s the way to put it.”

  I sat down on the edge of the bed and put my crutches on the floor. “I can turn it all off if you want, or we can go to your room.”

  “No, no, I don’t want to do that. This is you, Inteus. It’s almost sensory overload, but somehow it fits.”

  Timothy stepped up by the side of the bed, and then he knelt between my legs. One leg was bent, and the one with the brace stuck out immobilized in a straight line. I reached out for Timothy’s chest and began to unbutton his shirt. “I’m a little nervous. I hope you understand. I’m used to approaching everything with confidence, but that’s usually because of past experience.”

  “Are you sure you’re an alpha? I don’t intend that question to be an insult. I mean, most of the alphas I’ve been with were just this side of wild beasts. That’s not necessarily a compliment.”

  “I’m an alpha. I got you pregnant, didn’t I? The genetic material from two omegas doesn’t make a baby.”

  “Well, maybe it’s the leg right now. How do you deal with being near an omega in heat? Some of those alpha guys completely lose control if you’re anywhere near them when you’re in heat. That’s one reason I like working from home on my blog. I can hide out when it’s that randy time of the month.”

  I wore slightly baggy gym shorts since they were the only pants that easily fit over my leg brace. I was going commando beneath. A warm, erotic glow spread through my body when Timothy looked at the rising tent and smiled.

  I said, “My Zen Master taught me self-control, but sometimes I think he was a little too successful. You’re going to help me get over that.”

  “Oh, fuck, you know, I’m only an omega. I’m the bottom guy. And you think you’re nervous? Holy crap, Inteus.”

  I left Timothy’s shirt halfway unbuttoned and tugged my polo off over my head. In his time living in my house, Timothy caught glimpses of me without a shirt on, but he’d never touched my smooth bare flesh since our encounter in the hospital.

  Holding one finger to his lips to quiet the words, I lifted the
other hand to my chest. I whispered, “We can do this. Relax. I might need some guidance, and the leg might make things a little awkward, but I’ve heard that most of it is instinctual.”

  Timothy’s eyes opened wider while I finished unbuttoning his shirt and pushed it up and off his shoulders. The cotton fabric floated gently to the floor. He started to say something, but I pushed harder against his lips while I slid my free hand down to his slim belly. My fingers found the gap between jeans and waist and slipped inside.

  I rolled my head back letting out a guttural moan. Something was stirring inside that I’d not experienced since before my trip to Japan. I regularly relieved myself through masturbation, but sex with a receptive omega was an entirely different experience.

  Timothy’s body shuddered beneath my touch. He helped me out by reaching for his belt, unbuckling it, and then unfastening his jeans. The expensive slip-on shoes disappeared, and soon he was kneeling before me clad only in blue boxer briefs with my hand reaching inside. I gripped his cock. As I started to stroke, the sensations touched that raw, animalistic place inside me again.

  I leaned forward and whispered in Timothy’s ear. “You might be fortunate that I have an injured leg. If I didn’t, I’d already have you pinned to the bed plowing deep inside. I’m so fucking turned on by you.”

  Timothy grunted and shuddered. None of what happened next was planned by me. It was all instinctual. We followed what seemed most logical. Timothy encouraged me to lie back, and he tugged at the gym shorts to pull them off.

  “Oh, fuck, you’re seriously hung. I mean, like, oh, hell.”

  I asked, “Too big?”

  I watched Timothy’s eyes open wide and his skin flushed red from his chest up. He said, “I hope it’s not, but I’ll let you tear me open finding out. I’m so horned up. I usually only feel like this during my heat. You might have to chain me down the first time I go into heat after the baby comes.”


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