His Big Secret: An MM Contemporary Mpreg Romance

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His Big Secret: An MM Contemporary Mpreg Romance Page 13

by Bates, Austin

  Blaze lowered his voice. “Boss, I don’t think I’ve ever told you how happy I am that Timothy’s part of the family now. I feel like you were always waiting for him whether you knew it or not. Do you ever talk about that?”

  “Not much. No. He knows about Japan, and he knows about my family’s money. I don’t think there’s much else to talk about. We had a pretty low-key life before he arrived.”

  “And it was lonely and sometimes sad.”

  “Sad? Yes, I guess you’re right about that.”

  “Do you remember those days? You used to wander from room to room every once in a while. It was almost like you were constantly looking for something.”

  I grinned. “I finally found it. I didn’t know what I needed, but he’s here, and I’ll never let him go.”

  “You should tell him about that. Timothy once told me that every morning he hoped he was making a positive difference in your life. I assured him that he is, but it would be so much better coming from you.”

  “I’ll remember to do that.”

  “And it makes me smile now every day to see both of you so happy. You give me all that I ever needed, a place to belong.”

  I reached up and wiped at my eye with my sleeve. “See what you did. Timothy’s made me an emotional wreck. I almost never cried before he arrived. Now look at me.” I snuffled and reached out to hug Blaze. While his head rested on my shoulder, another voice joined the conversation.

  “Oh, wow, how did we get out here? I guess we fell asleep. And Blaze, you’re up, too? Well then, good morning both of you. This is Timothy, struggling to be bright-eyed, and not very bushy-tailed yet.”

  We all laughed. I said, “I think your fans will forgive you.”

  Timothy sighed. “That’s a relief.” I turned to face the love of my life. He inclined his head slightly as Andreus moved against his chest. He said, “And good morning to you, little one. You’ve got a huge world here to learn about and to love. Your two dads can’t wait to show it all to you.”

  Epilogue - Timothy

  My posts about the kidnapping drama sent my blog traffic through the roof. It reached heights I never dreamed of in the past. I refused to reveal the identities of anyone involved, but the drama of my descriptions and shots of rope burn on my smooth skin entranced visitors to my site.

  Despite the fact that the numbers exploded, I didn’t expect the phone call I received three days later. “We want to invite you and your partner to appear on Maine This Morning. You’ve got an incredible story to tell.”

  Inteus was already out of the house on his way to work at the new OBU headquarters. I considered putting off the request until we could talk about it, but the caller was persistent. Finally, I said, “Yes, if you can give me three options of dates, I’ll discuss it at this end, and we’ll be there.”

  A week later, I strolled into a Portland TV studio with Inteus at my side and Andreus in a carrier strapped to his chest. I spread my arms wide and blurted out, “I can’t believe this is happening! I already feel like a star! And I’m a little nervous, too.”

  “Because of the cameras?”

  “No, because of our news. I never thought we would announce it on TV.”

  Inteus wrapped an arm around my waist and kissed me lightly on the lips. “I’ve stopped predicting the future. That way none of this shocks me. I didn’t expect you to reappear, and everything since has been one great surprise after another.”

  I frowned. “My kidnapping was great?”

  “Well, with some major exceptions.”

  While the makeup people prepped us for our appearance on the set, I had a delightful conversation sharing tricks of the trade. Meanwhile, Inteus grumbled, “Is this necessary? I think I look okay without all of this primping.”

  His makeup artist said, “Sir, those spotlights are incredibly harsh sometimes. When you watch the taping, you’ll thank us for our work. Trust me. We’ll make you look fantastic.”

  The crew treated us like royalty. I had my choice of three different kinds of hot tea. As a young, college-aged assistant handed me the English breakfast tea I requested, I said, “I always wondered what was in those mugs on the talk shows.”

  Sipping at the tea, I turned my head to watch Inteus with our son. He made soft cooing noises while he tickled Andreus’s tummy. I felt a wave of pure love for my alpha crash over me. I looked up to the ceiling to get a grip on my emotions. I didn’t want tears to ruin the work of my makeup artist.

  A studio audience applauded generously as we walked onto the set and shook hands with the hosts Vincent Martin and Lucy Libby. Inteus was his quiet, reserved self and I gushed, “It’s so great to be here! Thank you for the invitation!” I gestured toward the baby in his arms. “And here’s our son, Andreus. I think he’s a little sleepy right now.”

  After we answered a series of softball questions from the hosts, the producers opened up the phone lines so viewers could speak to us. The first call was a familiar voice to me.

  “Timothy, I’ve got a question for you. My best friend, Kara, thinks her parents hover too much, and she wants to be more independent. You talk about how fantastic independence is. What should she do?”

  I gasped, “Sarah! How are you, and how’s your Mom?”

  “Oh, she’s good, and Dad’s been following your stories on your blog. He loves the moisturizer.”

  Inteus chuckled at my side, but Vincent tried to get me back on track. He whispered, “We’ve only got a few minutes.”

  “Oh, I’ll call you after the show. We’ve got so much catching up to do, but they want me to answer that first question now. It was about independence.”

  Inteus and I turned toward each other for a moment. I couldn’t consider another moment of life without him at my side.

  “Independence is a great thing, and it can lead to a good life. When you make your own decisions, you learn how to trust your instincts and have faith in yourself, but there’s more.”

  Sarah asked, “More?”

  “So much more when you find the right one.”

  “How do you find the right person?”

  “My best advice is to stop looking. You need to give him or her their own space so they can arrive on their own. But don’t forget one thing. You need to put out the welcome mat, too, so they know you’re ready.”

  Lucy interrupted the conversation. She pushed her long, wavy blonde hair up over her shoulder. “That’s delightful, Timothy. We’ve only got a couple of minutes left. When we talked before the show, you said you had some big news that you wanted to share with everyone.” She turned to face the camera. “It’s a Maine This Morning exclusive.”

  I reached out for Inteus’s hand. “Do you want me to tell them, or would you like to?”

  Inteus said, “You’re doing a great job. Go right ahead. I’m having a good time listening.”

  “Well, I don’t know if anyone here noticed. I’ve been trying to hide my left hand. I didn’t want the news to trickle out before we had the chance to announce it.”

  I held my left hand up and gestured for the cameraperson to shoot a close up. “We’re engaged!”

  Lucy gasped. “Oh, wow! Did Inteus get down on his knee and propose and everything?”

  “And everything. It happened last night after we put Andreus to bed. We didn’t plan it in advance. He surprised me. The idea of getting married came up once or twice in conversations, but we never discussed anything formal.”

  “How did he do it? Are there any details you can share?”

  I grinned. “Well, since you asked, yes. I wasn’t ready for the first proposal which was the authentic one, but I shot video to post to my blog. It will go live this afternoon, and you can all see Inteus down on his good knee asking me to marry him.”

  “That’s so romantic, and you said yes.”

  “I was blubbering so much that I could barely get the word out, but I did say yes. Then Inteus placed the ring on my finger. Did you get a close-up of it?”

think we did.”

  “It’s gorgeous like the man who gave it to me. The simplicity of the design blows me away.”

  Vincent said, “Yes, that is great. Well, unfortunately, we’re out of time. Thank you to Timothy, Inteus, and little Andreus for joining us. Go out there and help make it a great Maine this morning!”

  I laughed softly and reached out for Inteus’s arm. “Wow, that was a little abrupt.”

  “And funny, too. Did you see Vincent squirm? I think you were a little much for his taste.”

  “But not too much for yours?”

  “Never too much. You’re perfect in every way, Timothy. Don’t ever change. You are the love of my life. When I found the temple in Japan, I didn’t know if my heart would ever go back home again. You helped it find its way. You are home for me, and I’ll never leave again.”

  Have you checked out my East Coast Sugar Daddies Series yet??? Check out book 1, Sweet Emotion here!

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  His Big Secret

  Austin Bates

  © 2019


  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters, and events are all fictitious for the reader’s pleasure. Any similarities to real people, places, events, living or dead are all coincidental.

  This book contains sexually explicit content that is intended for ADULTS ONLY (+18).




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