Trentbridge Tales Box Set

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Trentbridge Tales Box Set Page 57

by Lee Wood

  Suddenly ‘Skittles’ runs off through a gap in the wire fencing. George is certain the gap hadn’t been there the week before.

  It is the site of the old car workshop that closed down years ago.

  He calls out to the dog but gets no response. He pushes the wire aside, so he can fit through and goes in search of his dog. It appears ‘Skittles’ has been attracted after someone dropped a Pizza and the dog sniffed it and off he went.

  As George puts the dog on the lead and goes to walk away, he notices the white Mercedes and what appears to him like dried blood on the bonnet and down the side.

  As a retired paramedic, he knows the difference between dried blood and tomato ketchup or anything else. Dried blood starts to change colour after about an hour and within twenty-four hours becomes a dark brown. He thinks it strange the vehicle is parked there and takes a note of the registration number.

  The first two letters are the same as his car and it jolts his memory of the police appeal he watched on TV about two hours ago.

  He recalls they mentioned a white Mercedes but he can’t remember the complete details. George decides it is worth a call to the police. However, for his own safety he will make the call once he and ‘Skittles’ are a reasonable distance away.

  The call goes through to the incident room and the officer who takes the call decides it is a credible lead and immediately contacts the detective in charge of the kidnapping case.

  Within twenty minutes the building is surrounded by armed police officers.

  The police team cuts a larger hole through the wire fence running alongside the building and where the dog walker indicated he had entered.

  Round the other side of the building is a gate. One police officer climbs over and opens it from the inside. They see a door leading into the building. On the count of three, a metal battering ram hits the door with all the power the officer can muster.

  The door is knocked off its hinges, with slivers of wood exploding in all directions. Four officers run in shouting “Police” at the top of their voices.

  There is no-one in the main area. Two officers check the small office on their left. The room is empty.

  The other two officers go right and make their way through to the final section.

  They see smoke rising from what looks like a vehicle inspection pit. It seems there was a fire here a short time ago. They notice the empty metal jerry can lying on its side close by. But it’s the smell that gets them. It is the haunting smell every experienced firefighter and paramedic knows only too well. The smell of death! Burnt flesh. No-one ever forgets their first time.

  What little they can make out of the sight greeting their eyes are two piles of black matter that vaguely resemble human shapes. The remains of two bodies recently set alight. With the kidnapping deadline passed, it seems the police have found the two girls, but sadly too late to save them.

  Chapter Fifty-Six

  Even though it has been a few days since the ‘suicide incident’ on the railway tracks, Mick Winner’s departing words keep going round in James Sheldon’s head.

  “Have you considered getting a companion? A dog can be a great comfort. Think about it.”

  He is on the website of a local charity ‘’.

  The website shows the faces of all sorts of breeds of dogs with the message ‘We only consider offering dogs to people after an initial home review. This is to ensure that when you visit us, you meet dogs who are a good match for your circumstances, level of experience and preferences.

  There is a phone number. James picks up the phone and dials.

  After a ten-minute chat, an appointment is arranged for someone to visit him at home the following day at 11am.

  The following morning James is busy cleaning his house from top to bottom. It’s only for a dog, he thinks. “Why am I going to all this trouble?”

  Four years ago, James had been a police detective with a wife Miriam and two children, Jack and Abigail. After they were killed in a hit-and-run, James turned to alcohol to numb the pain.

  After eight months of him drinking away the mortgage payments, the building society repossessed the house and he found himself homeless.

  Then a stranger gave him £2 and suggested he buy a Lotto ticket. James did and won £168 million. He pulled himself together and put the money to good use, setting up a charity in the name of his family. MJA Housing Foundation.

  Although he is still worth over £50 million, James lives in a modest three-bedroom semi-detached house with a 100-foot garden at twenty-seven Foundry Road on the edge of the Asbury Park estate.

  The asking price when he bought the house two years ago was £56,000. James offered forty-eight and it was accepted. The only extravagance James has allowed himself since winning the Lotto is a brand new Ferrari 488GTB. However, for everyday use, he uses a two-year-old Vauxhall Insignia.

  James had only been expecting one person but a man and a lady knock at his door exactly at eleven.

  He invites them in and after introductions, offers them a choice of tea, coffee or water. They both choose the water and James gives them a tour of his house.

  “You have a very nice home here and a good size garden,” the lady, Pippa, says as the trio retires to the lounge, Pippa sitting next to her husband Nigel on the sofa.

  Over the next twenty minutes, the couple asks James a whole range of questions. Whatever answers they are looking for, it seems James has given them as they invite him to visit their kennels and meet some of the dogs.

  James hadn’t realised it before but he is quite looking forward to the visit. The idea of a dog around the house has perked him up no end.

  When he was growing up, he had dogs but didn’t want one when he and his wife had children after attending a call-out when he was a uniformed police officer and had seen the aftermath of a dog left in the house with a two-year old baby and the consequences.

  The day after the visit, James drives up to the address given to him by the couple from A Dog for Life. The building is white, with a double glass door leading into the reception area.

  There is a sign above the entrance saying 'Welcome to A Dog for Life'.

  Nigel and Pippa Clark, who had visited him at home, are waiting for him at the reception desk.

  “Ah, right on time, I see. That’s good. Please come through, we’d like you to meet a few of the dogs and see if you find one of them right for you. Remember what we said. If you don’t feel any of them would be right then we’ll leave it for today and wait a week or two.”

  The couple takes James into the kennels area. It consists of twenty-four cages, twelve feet by ten feet with good lighting and each one holding a different dog. Every dog is meticulously groomed and reasonably happy, their water bowls full, and there is a lot of room for the dogs to move around.

  As they walk along, James can see each dog come forward wagging their tails, sniffing and looking at him. James instantly falls in love with all of them and can easily have taken every one of them home with him.

  But as he spends more time walking round, one of the dogs starts to stand out from the rest; the way it turns its head to one side makes James’ heart melt.

  “This is Rufus,” Pippa explains. “As you can see he’s a beautiful Dalmatian about a year old.”

  In the end, James spends nearly two hours with Rufus and the pair of them get on famously.

  Pippa gives James a printed list of the things he will need to purchase before Rufus can be allowed to go home with James.

  “There’s just the matter of the adoption paperwork and fee to sort out. After that arrange a date for a home visit to check James has got everything in place and the charity will bring Rufus with them and stay for an hour or two to ensure Rufus is happy in his new home.

  Two days later, a small van from A Dog for Life pulls up outside James house and Nigel and Pippa Clark lead Rufus up the front path.

  When the door opens, Rufus jumps up to greet James. He smiles and makes
a big fuss of the dog and leads the trio inside.

  An hour later, just the couple leaves.

  Chapter Fifty-Seven

  At two o’clock, Dragos returns holding two boxes of pizza, one for the twins and one for himself and Kronid, who is sitting watching TV.

  He hands one to Kronid who takes the pizza box and unlocks the door of the office, walks in and places it on the table. The girls start to eat. Kronid walks out of the office, locks the door and carefully places the key into his pocket. Dragos knows Kronid doesn’t trust him.

  The Rohypnol drug Dragos has sprinkled into the food will take effect in about twenty minutes. Rohypnol is a tranquiliser about ten times more potent than Valium. It will make the girls tired and drowsy. So they won’t be able to resist when he has his fun with them.

  He’s also put the drug into the food he just handed to his colleague. Once the drug takes effect and Kronid becomes drowsy he’ll dispose of him, just as he and Chris have been planning. They plan to split Kronid’s share of the money fifty-fifty. The thought doesn't bother Dragos in the slightest. He has killed before. And taking care of his associate is something he is very much looking forward to.

  Unaware of what Dragos is planning, Kronid sits down and tucks into his pizza.

  “I’m going to eat mine outside,” Dragos lies.

  As he reaches the outside door, his phone rings. The display tells him it is from Chris.

  He walks towards the corner of the building, so he is out of earshot from Kronid.

  “How did it go?”

  “Yes. It has all gone to plan. We have the cash and checked it for tracking devices and it’s all good.

  The boss will be over at five o’clock for the share out and to take care of the girls.”

  Can I leave you to take care of our little problem there?

  “Yes. It will be my pleasure. He has been a pain in the arse.”

  “Okay do it. I will be there in about an hour and in the meantime have your fun.”


  Dragos throws his untouched pizza on the path in front of the Mercedes and goes back inside. He sits on the sofa and pretends to be watching the TV, all the time keeping an eye on Kronid for signs the drug has taken effect.

  Twenty minutes later, he casually walks over to the inspection pit.

  “Kronid, quick. Come and look at this.”

  Kronid staggers to his feet and walks over.

  “Look,” Dragos says.

  Kronid is unsure of what is happening. He looks Dragos in the eyes then switches his vision down into the pit. He sees nothing unusual.

  He looks confused and drowsy. The drug is taking effect.

  “Who were you talking to on the phone earlier?” Kronid asks.

  “I was speaking to Chris. He says they have got the money and the boss is coming here at five. You’ll be rich.”

  Not seeing anything in the pit, Kronid turns to face Dragos.

  The drug has slowed his reaction as he hears the flick of a knife. His face turns to fear but it is too late.

  Dragos smiles as he plunges the blade straight into his victim’s heart.

  As Kronid falls to the floor, Dragos stands over him.

  “Yes, you’ll be rich, but unfortunately you will also be dead.”

  He leans down and takes out the key Kronid has been guarding. The key that has so far prevented him from getting to the girls.

  “Now I can have some fun before they join you on the bonfire.” He is talking to the body lying next to the jerry can full of petrol.

  “Or maybe I’ll ask the boss to just kill one of them and I take the other one with me for some more fun before I dispose of her later.”

  Chapter Fifty-Eight

  Daniel has been watching with his binoculars. He is horrified by what he has just witnessed. He watches as Dragos walks over to the office and unlocks it.

  He sees Dragos as he grabs Leona, who happens to be the nearest, and pulls her out into the workshop area. Before Erica can react, he turns the key to the office, locking the door.

  Dragos pulls Leona close. The drug has taken effect. She can hardly stand up. She doesn’t know what is going on.

  “Now we’re going to have a little fun, girly. I’m going to show you a real good time. Don’t be shy. Take off your top. Here, I’ll help you.”

  Dragos lifts her top over her head.

  “That’s right, girly. I know you’re begging for it. Let me get my trousers off and I’ll show you what you’ve been missing.”

  Leona is barely able to stand. She’s confused and not sure what is happening.

  Dragos pushes her down onto the sofa and is trying to pull her jeans off.

  “You lucky girl. I’m going to give you the time of your life.”

  The instant he sees Dragos unlocking the office door, Daniel runs down the stairs and into the street.

  He runs as fast as he can from Lensfield Road, and round onto Tennis Court Road. He climbs through the gap in the fence he made when he put the listening device on the window.

  He rushes to the door at the back, the one he has seen the men using. It swings open and he comes face-to-face with Dragos who is in the middle of removing his trousers. Leona is on the sofa, with only her bra and knickers remaining.

  “Don’t you dare touch her!” Daniel shouts.

  Dragos turns to face a man he has never seen before. Dragos smiles and pulls up his trousers as he reaches into his pocket. He pulls out his flick knife.

  “Who the fuck are you?”

  Daniel is afraid but remembers a line from a movie, although he cannot recall which one. It seems apt.

  “I’m your worst nightmare.”

  Dragos raises the knife.

  “So you want to be a dead hero, eh?”

  Daniel doesn’t even have time to think. He pulls out the gun and shoots. Dragos falls, clutching his stomach as the echo of the gunshot rings out around the empty factory.

  Daniel turns to Leona. “Don’t be afraid, you’re safe now. Let me take you back in with your sister and wait until I collect you. I promise you will be safe with me. You don’t need to see this.”

  Daniel picks up her clothes and hands them to Leona as he helps her stagger back to the office. The key is in the lock. He unlocks then opens the door, walks her in and sits her down. He closes the door without saying a single word and returns to where he left Dragos who is on the floor writhing in pain.

  Daniel aims the gun at his head.

  “Please don’t,” Dragos begs. “I can give you money. Lots of money!”

  “I’m not interested in your money.”

  Daniel doesn’t think twice. The gunshot rings out.

  Daniel drags the body over to the inspection pit and leaves it lying next to Kronid. He notices the jerry can just to the side. He opens the spout and the smell that hits him confirms it is petrol.

  Now he knows what Dragos meant. They never intended to release the girls. They were always going to kill them. Daniel assumes they intended to burn the bodies to hide any evidence of the crime.

  Daniel walks over to the office and opens the door. He sees both girls. They seem unsure of what’s going on but more than that, they look disorientated. He’s not sure why. Maybe they are in shock.

  “Don’t be afraid. I’m Daniel. I’m your friend and I’m here to save you. Wait here while I get my car then I’ll take you somewhere safe. I’ll just lock you in for your own safety. Give me five minutes and I’ll be back.”

  He runs out of the building and doesn’t stop until he reaches Lensfield Road and the hire car. He’s left all his items behind in the phone exchange but he is in too much of a hurry. He will come back and collect them later, when he has time. He drives around to the old car workshop and parks outside the front. He goes back into the building and unlocks the office.

  “Okay, girls. You are safe now. I won’t let anything happen to you. Come with me.”

  The girls are still drowsy and unsteady on their fee
t. Daniel has his arm around each girl and leads them out. They follow without question as he helps them into the back of the car and fastens their seatbelts.

  Daniel walks round to the driver’s door. As he does, he fails to spot the vehicle parked a few yards away and the driver who has been watching as the three emerged from the building.

  Chris writes down the registration number of Daniel’s hire car.

  As Daniel drives off, Chris gets out of his car. He is on his phone as he walks over to the gap in the fence, crouches down and climbs through. He walks round to the rear of the building. He finishes his phone call and slips on a pair of gloves as he opens the door.

  The office door is open. Chris follows the trail of blood across to the inspection pit. He sees Dragos and Kronid and pushes them into the pit. Chris picks up the jerry can and pours the entire contents over the dead bodies. Once the jerry can is empty, he places it down and takes a box of matches from his pocket. He steps back to allow some distance between the pit and where he is standing and strikes a match and tosses it into the pit. The flames jump six feet into the air. He takes a look around as he walks to the back door, locks it from the outside and goes to his car.

  The drug has made both girls sleepy. Daniel drives them to behind the furniture store on Mitcham’s Corner and stops the car. He unlocks the rear entrance door and helps the girls into the courtyard and down the stairs to the basement. He unlocks the door and leads the girls inside and through to the bedroom. He lays them side by side on the double bed.

  “Where are we? Who are you?” Erica asks.

  “I’m Daniel. I’m here to protect you. I’ve just saved you from the kidnappers. Those men can’t hurt you now. We will become friends. I like you both a lot. You need to stay here for now. There are a couple of things I need to do. I won’t be long. I’ll come back for you in about an hour and then I will take you back to your parents. I promise.”


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