His Dirty Girl

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His Dirty Girl Page 7

by Faye Byrd

  I crack some eggs into the pan. “She wants you to have nice shit, like that fucking dirt bike out there, so you can’t blame her for working so much. What you can do is repay her by staying in school.”

  His lips twist into a grimace. “I don’t need no diploma to be a Lion.”

  “Technically, no.” I pop some bread into the toaster before returning to stir the eggs. “But since I’m the fucking president, I say you do. It’s never a bad thing to have smarts. Look at Mikey for inspiration.”

  “School’s boring,” he says, rolling his eyes. “Street smarts are where it’s at.”

  “That may be,” I reply, adding some eggs and toast to two different plates, “but it’s not good enough.” I shove one across to him and take a seat at the table with the other in front of me. “If you intend to be a Lion, then you’re going to graduate. Your mom’s worked hard, and it’ll make us both proud.”

  “Fine.” He shrugs, his attitude clear as fuck. “It’s not like it’ll matter anyway.”

  I shove a bite of eggs into my mouth and chew thoughtfully, letting this shit drop for now. He’ll be fifteen in another month and headed into high school as a freshman. I’m hoping the move to Crescent City High and away from Pacific Shores will change his outlook.

  I helped Sandra rent a new place about a month ago to get Joshua far enough out of Pacific Shores so he could go to Crescent City High. It’s a small two-bedroom house on the edge of the school limits, but it’s something I insisted happen. If they want me to keep him on the straight and narrow, then they’re gonna have to play by my rules.

  He pushes away from the table and heads to the fridge. “Want some OJ?”

  “Sure thing.” I bob my head, shoveling another bite into my mouth. “Grab that strawberry jam your mom sent over.”

  He plops the jar onto the table in front of me and returns to get our juices. I happily get busy spreading the jelly goodness on my toast. I set it aside to soak into my bread while I scarf the rest of my fucking eggs before picking it back up and taking my first bite.

  I hum as I chew.

  That shit is fucking delicious.

  “Thank your mom again for this shit right here,” I mumble around my second bite. “So fucking good.”

  He nods his head, his eyes falling away like earlier. He may be saying there’s nothing wrong, but it’s clear something is. He’s usually this overly-excited kid who’s all over the place and asking a million questions about any and every-fucking-thing. Today, he’s jumpy and cranky and all around out of sorts.

  If I were about to do a deal with him, I wouldn’t trust his ass as far as I could throw him. Of course, that’s just an expression because I could probably toss his ass across the parking lot. I chuckle at my inner monologue and swallow down my last bite of toast, reaching for my juice.

  Just as the taste hits my tongue, Joshua’s up and out of his chair like a shot. “No!” He knocks the glass from my hand. “Oh god,” he cries, looking to the shattered shards on the floor. “He … I didn’t …” He shakes his head, squeezing his eyes closed before coming out of his meltdown and running over to hit the gate control.

  I’m in a state of shock as the entire scene plays out in only a handful of seconds. Just as the dirt bike cranks to life, I stand, ready to chase after him and see what the fuck’s going on. But my legs waver, and my vision blurs. The room spins as he races away. I try to walk over and shut the gate, but my feet fail me, and I crash to the floor. Pulses of light dance around the edges of my ever-lessening vision as the blackness closes in.

  It gets smaller and smaller.

  Until there is no more.




  “How was your welcome shift?” Rhonda asks, coming up beside me and grabbing her time card. “I’ve been here since midnight.”

  “It’s not like I haven’t worked here before.” I shove my card back in its slot. “I didn’t realize you worked twelve hours shifts, though.”

  “We had an emergency surgery this morning.” She clocks out and replaces her card “It pushed me into overtime.”

  “Ahh, okay. I’m ready to hit the ground running tomorrow. My first full day.” I release a breathy, happy giggle. “Why don’t we celebrate at the clubhouse?”

  “Sure.” She shrugs, grabbing her purse from her locker. “Mad Dog was headed over later on for a meeting anyway.”

  We chit chat the rest of the way through the building and out into the parking lot. From the corner of my eye, I catch sight of Justice parked on the edge of the lot in that awful fucking shop truck that’s just as eye-catching as his Harley. It’s an ugly pale blue with patches of rust on the fender.

  I ignore him and that monstrosity in favor of adoring my shiny new Audi. It’s not the same one that was shot up way back when, but a newer one Enzo bought me earlier this year. I hit the fob and the chirp echoes across the lot, causing Rhonda to roll her fucking eyes.

  “Don’t you think that thing’s a little too fancy for an old lady?” She nods toward the Chevelle. “This fits in more with the Lions’ style if you ask me.”

  I bark an incredulous laugh. “As if you’d allow anyone to refer to you as an old lady.”

  “I can’t deny that,” she says with a laugh. “But I still try to let Maddy keep his rep as much as I can.”

  “That’s the difference between your man and mine,” I taunt, sticking out my tongue like a bratty teenager. “My man’s rep has never been questioned, no matter how pussy-whipped he is.”

  She pulls open her door, and the metal groans. “You got me there.” Tossing her purse inside, she looks back at me. “I’ll stop by the house and grab Mad Dog and we’ll be right behind you. Katie’s still in Redding with my mom.”

  “Sounds good.” I open my own door. “See ya there.”

  I pull my phone from my scrub pocket as soon as I settle into the seat.. Nothing from Enzo, but I have two texts from Layla.

  I totally should’ve had Mikey tutor me last semester. He’s really good at math.

  Duh. I roll my eyes. I’d suggested she ask him before, and I don’t know why she didn’t listen. Layla put off college algebra until our final semester, and her entire degree depends on passing this class. I suggested she take it when I did, but she refused, so now she’s stuck in summer semester and it’s still a must pass course.

  We’re headed to Fort Dick for lunch, so could you tell Enzo? Mikey couldn’t get in touch with him.

  I text back: Sure. Headed that way now. Have fun!

  As I pull from the lot, Justice falls in right on my ass. I smirk in the rearview mirror, gunning the gas and shooting down the roadway much faster than that old truck can take off. The large rust bucket becomes a small dot on the horizon, and I laugh to myself.

  He never does catch up, but I make sure he’s visible at all times. I don’t want Enzo killing his ass over me having a little fun. When I arrive at the gate, it’s wide fucking open, and alarm races through me like it hasn’t in a long damn time. Our gate is never left open, under any circumstances. My eyes are peeled as I pull into the lot. It’s pretty fucking bare. Looks like no one else is here at all aside from Enzo himself.

  Besides the obvious open gate, the emptiness I feel as I look around the lot is unnerving. His Harley is backed in where he always parks, and the Firebird he sometimes drives is also in its spot. The van is gone, but so is Mikey, and Wyndall must be with Amy because the only other bike is one that doesn’t run. I get out of the car on a mission, and as I approach the door, I realize it isn’t quite shut. I’m too cocky to be afraid, so I charge right the fuck in.

  “Enzo!” I yell, shoving it wide open. “Your ass better have a good godda—” My words die in my throat, and my gung-ho attitude is replaced by fear. “Oh my god!”

  I run and drop down beside him. He’s on the floor only a few feet away. Sweat beads on his brow and his breaths are choppy. He’s somewhere between passed out and barely awake, his head jerking f
rom side to side as he mumbles incoherently.

  I panic for one single second before I pull out my phone. “Rhonda,” I say as soon as she answers. “I need you! Now! Something’s wrong with Enzo!”

  Throwing the phone onto the floor, I jump up and run to the sink. Just as I turn with a wet hand towel, Justice comes sauntering through the door, completely unaware of the hell he’s walked into.

  “Enzo!” I yell, pointing toward his body. “Help.”

  Justice runs over and kneels beside him, and I freeze as I watch the scene. All my training flies out the window just when the most important thing in my world needs me most. I’m a fucking immobile idiot, incapable of forming a coherent thought.

  “Randi.” I hear the voice but I can’t respond, fear suffocating me. “Randi!” This time, it’s accompanied by a harsh shake. “Snap out of it! What do we do? What’s wrong with him?”

  I shake my head to clear it and push the fear out of my mind. I pretend Enzo is just another patient, and he’s depending on me to save his fucking life. I shove the damp towel into Justice’s hands and run over, dropping to the floor.

  First, I pull up his lids. His pupils are barely visible. Then, I feel his pulse. Much slower than it should be, much like his breathing. I absently hear the rumble of the Chevelle outside, and relief swells inside me. Rhonda is here. She’ll know what to do.

  “Give me the towel.” I hold out my hand. “And get Rhonda. Now!”

  I wipe Enzo’s forehead and murmur quiet prayers to an entity I don’t even believe in. It feels like a million minutes pass before Rhonda rushes in and drops down beside me. She gets straight to work, starting with checking his pulse.

  “Fill me in,” she orders, moving to pull open his lids. I fumble for words. They’re lodged in my throat. “Now, Randi!”

  Her urgency snaps me out of it. “Pinpoint pupils, shallow breaths, and slow heartbeats. I don’t know, Rhonda. I just …” I trail off, my breaths speeding from anxiety.

  “Calm down, Randi,” she says softly. “I don’t want to have to tend to you both.”

  I take deep breaths while she finishes looking him over. It’s when she lifts his hand and his nails are tinged blue that everything clicks. Overdose. But that’s … not possible. Enzo only smokes weed, and he hasn’t OD’d on that.

  “What kind of drugs is he on?” she asks, looking to me for an answer.

  “He doesn’t do drugs.”

  “This says otherwise.” She shakes his hand before dropping it and turning to Mad Dog. “Get my bag from the trunk!”

  He looks at her with a blank expression, and she curses under her breath. “Never mind.” She catches my eye. “I’ll be right back. Get your shit together, Randi. You’re a nurse for Christ’s sake.”

  I want to chase after her and curse and scream, but I’m anchored to Enzo’s side, unable to move away. Mad Dog goes back to pacing a hole in the carpet without saying a word. Justice isn’t far either, ever watchful over their president. They’re leaving his care in the hands of the experts, and I’m failing them all horribly. My Lion is in trouble, and I’m scared fucking stupid.

  Rhonda runs back through the door, and relief sweeps through me. “Let’s hope it was an opiate.”

  I want to scream at her and demand she shut the fuck up, but at this point, I’m willing to try anything. All I want is for Enzo to be okay, to open his pretty hazel eyes and smile. Rhonda jams the dispenser against his thigh and presses the button that’ll release the drug into his system.

  She sits back on her haunches. “It’ll work quickly if it’s the correct antidote.”

  I open my mouth to argue, but a large breath from Enzo causes my eyes to snap to his. They open, and he blinks several times before they land on Rhonda. His brows furrow, he blinks again, and settles his confused gaze on me.

  “Randi?” The deep indention between his brows isn’t enough to save him from my wrath.

  I slap his stupid ass before I can stop myself. “What the fuck, Enzo?” I stand, clenching my fists to keep from attacking him again. Now that I know he’ll live, he better pray he has some goddamn answers. “An overdose?” I scowl down at him. “How could you? On my first day of work, no less.”

  “What?” His voice is raspy and confused. “I don’t …” He trails off, and his eyes glaze over. “Oh no.” It’s a struggle, but he sits up, swiveling his head to scan the floor. “The orange juice.”

  He chokes on his words, pure pain overtaking his face. But before he can say more, he turns away and hurls onto the carpet. I don’t go to him. I can’t. I need this situation explained in a way that makes sense, and Enzo taking opioids of any kind doesn’t. I scan the floor like he did earlier, and my eyes land on a shattered glass.

  “What the fuck is this?” I look between Justice and Mad Dog. “Was this here when we left?”

  “Nope.” Justice shakes his head. “Look at the table. Looks like Enzo had a visitor.”

  “Help Enzo to his bed.” Rhonda’s command breaks into our discussion. “I need to get a bag of saline.”

  “You’re going to give him an IV?” I ask, surprised.

  “Yep.” She nods. “I’ve been slowly collecting supplies since Mad Dog and I got together. I always figured I’d need this stuff one day.”

  I press my hand against my forehead, the room suddenly spinning. “Randi?” Enzo’s voice reaches into the haze and pulls me back.

  I snap my eyes to his, fire raging in them. “Who was here?”

  His face crumples, his chin falling to his chest. “He didn’t … there’s no way it was on purpose.”

  “Who. Did. This?” I march to where Mad Dog’s helping him to stand. “You almost fucking died, and now someone else will. Tell me who was here.”

  “Randi,” Rhonda says softly, gripping my shoulders from the side. “I need to tend to Enzo. Let’s have this conversation once he’s settled.”

  I glare at my Lion, who’s refusing to meet my eyes, before giving in. Even though I’m pissed, he’s still the most important thing to me. “Fine,” I say, and his eyes snap up. “But we will discuss this.”

  He bobs his head and allows Mad Dog to help him down the hallway. As soon as they’re gone, I turn to Justice. “Get Mikey on the phone. I want to know who the fuck was here!”

  Justice nods, pulling out his phone. After a quick conversation with Mikey, I learn that he and Layla are in the middle of lunch and his laptop is still at her apartment. I want to fucking scream and rant and rave. I want to kill some stupid motherfucker for daring to come into our home and make a move like this. Whoever it was, Enzo knows them. It’s someone he allowed inside and sat down to breakfast with.

  “Do you think there was a struggle?” Justice asks, nodding to the broken glass on the floor.

  “I don’t know.” My shoulders slump in defeat. “What I do know is that Enzo didn’t voluntarily take drugs, so something else happened here.”

  “Randi.” Mad Dog’s voice is soft, but it easily catches my attention. “Enzo is asking for you.”


  Sting of Betrayal


  I lie back with my eyes closed as Rhonda sticks a needle into my arm and tapes it in place. The entire time she was prepping me, her eyes were admonishing, but I don’t give a single fuck. She has no idea what happened here today. My heart aches as the memory flashes through my mind. I do know what happened, and I still don’t buy it.

  Something is terribly wrong.

  And I need to convince Randi of that or she’ll kill Joshua before I’m able to get out of this bed and stop her. My entire body feels like I’ve gotten my ass beat, except there are no bruises or broken limbs. My muscles scream with every movement, and my head thunders with every blink of my eyes.

  “What was I dosed with?” I ask Rhonda without opening my eyes.

  “You tell me,” she says in a prissy fucking tone.

  I peep open a single eye and shoot lasers from it with my mind. “Don’t give me your bul
lshit,” I say, unable to deliver it with the proper authority. “If I knew, I wouldn’t fucking ask.”

  “Enzo?” Randi’s voice rings from across the room.

  I smile in spite of the hell I know she’s bringing with her. “Come here, babe.”

  She approaches the bed, stopping with her arms crossed and her brow hiked up. “Are you ready to tell me what I want to know?”

  I try to chuckle, but my stomach cramps and it turns into a groan. “Sit. Please.” I wiggle my fingers, not wanting to exert the pressure it takes to lift my hand. “I need you to listen to me, Randi. You can’t lose your shit and run out of here. We have to talk this through because whatever it is, it isn’t as it seems.”

  “Tell me, Enzo.” She sits now, softening her tone as she tries to lull me into complacency. “I’ll find out soon on my own.”

  “Babe.” I sigh, closing my eyes to rein in my own temper. I know she means well, that she only wants to protect me, but this situation calls for finesse. “You have to promise that you’ll listen first and talk this shit through.”

  Her eyes narrow, but she stays silent for a moment as she studies me. “Fine. I’ll listen, but I need answers.”

  “Joshua stopped by right after everyone left.” I pause, licking my dry lips. “I cooked us some eggs and we sat to eat.”

  “Joshua?” Her anger turns to confusion. “He did this to you?”

  I try to shake my head, but the throbbing becomes unbearable. “I don’t …” I grip my skull to try to contain the immense pain. “Maybe,” I finally utter, squeezing my eyes closed.

  “How? Why?” Instead of going off like a crazy nut as I expected, Randi’s as confused as me.

  Thank fuck.

  “I’m not sure,” I mumble, the need to rest overwhelming me. “The juice maybe.”

  “The broken glass?” She’s not really asking me a question, instead musing aloud. I’m glad because I’m not sure if I can muster the strength to continue this conversation. “Can you test Enzo’s blood?” she asks someone else, who I assume is Rhonda. “See what kind of opiate he ingested?”


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