Taking Emmaline: Power of Vashchenko Book 1

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Taking Emmaline: Power of Vashchenko Book 1 Page 5

by Donn, KL

Staring down at my hand, I see a large slice in the middle of my palm. “Viktor?” I whimper as stinging pain invades my entire hand and up my arm.

  “Ssshh, moya lyubov’, I’ll get you fixed up.” His soothing tone does funny things to my body.

  “It hurts,” I moan. I was never good with pain. Ignoring the staring people, he strides out of the hotel to where the limo is waiting for us. Niko is holding open a door, and I see Kodiak sitting in the front.

  Viktor communicates something else in Russian before climbing into the back with me in his lap. Mere seconds pass once the door is closed behind us before we’re pulling away from the curb. The only sound to break the tense silence is the wheels on the pavement.

  “I am sorry, moya lyubov’. I wanted to protect you, and in doing so, you are hurt.” He nuzzles my neck, laying light kisses along the column.

  My body wants to melt.

  My heart wants to cry.

  My mind is confused.



  As we arrive at Viktor’s personal doctor’s home, I still haven’t been able to speak to him. I don’t know what to say or where to start. My trust was fragile before we met—has it really only twelve hours ago—and now, it’s shattered. I don’t know if I want to work through things or simply let him go.

  “Let me help you,” Viktor snarls when I try to exit the vehicle on my own.

  Acquiescing to his wishes, I wait for him to step out first and then allow him to grip my arms so as not to hurt my hand. The throbbing is only getting worse by the second.

  “Mr. Vashchenko!” a man calls from the lit front porch, a smile on his face. “What have you brought me this evening?”

  “This is Emmaline Taylor,” Viktor says with one hand around my waist and the other holding my arm with the injured hand.

  As we move closer, the doctor’s eyes narrow. “Is he dead?” he growls when he sees the condition I’m in.

  “Not yet,” Viktor retorts.

  “Soon then.” He nods in answer to his own question before opening the door and waving us in. “You know where to go.”

  Viktor guides me to an examination room and easily lifts me onto the bed before reaching into one of the cupboards underneath and grabbing a blanket to place across my lap.

  “Thank you,” I whisper. A chill began working through me on the ride over.

  “Da.” He leans against the wall, watching me as we wait.

  I’ve never done well with uncomfortable silences, and I’m struggling to remain still and quiet. I want to say so many things to him, starting with how his cold glares and silence hurt me most, but I don’t even know if we have that kind of relationship. I’m unsure about what our relationship is. Earlier he spoke of love, this evening, I was dismissed as effortlessly as a fly.

  It’s not until he wraps both of his bulking arms around me that I realize I’m openly crying. “Do not cry, moya lyubov’, please. Anything but your tears.”

  “You made me feel so dirty, Viktor. Like I wasn’t good enough in the face of your people.” I hiccup through the deep breaths, attempting to control myself.

  Tilting my head so our eyes meet, he lowers his forehead to rest against mine and whispers, “Truth is, you are too good for me, sweet Emmaline. I wanted to protect you from Marshall and Oscar Haggen, but in turn, I hurt you. I will render a thousand apologies and beg your forgiveness for a lifetime, but please do not cry.”

  “I want to believe you.”

  “Ahem.” A throat clears and pulls us apart. “Can I have a look at the girl, or are you going to crowd her all night?” The unflappable man smarts off.

  “If you were not my friend, I would snap your neck,” Viktor growls.

  “Yeah, yeah. Always with the threats, Vik, never any follow-through, though. Now, move it.” Giggling at their banter, I find it cute that this man has no fear of someone so many others cower to.

  “Now, Miss Emmaline, tell me, the bastard who did this is feeling some pain, too.” Gently gripping my hand, he turns it, so my palm is facing up, spotlighted in the glow of the light.

  “Well, yes. I went to slap him and forgot I was holding a wine glass,” I explain.

  “What the? How do you forget you were holding a wine glass?” He chuckles.

  “The man was my father.” My words denote torment.

  Staring up at me, shock in his eyes, he glances towards Viktor again. “And he still breathes? Viktor, I’m surprised.” The foreboding man only grunts out an answer. “Alright, this is going to need stitches. Do you have any allergies?” I shake my head no. “Back in a jiffy.”

  As he leaves, Viktor comes back to me. “I will do with Marshall as you please.” His voice is so serious, I can’t tell if he’s joking or not.

  “I don’t…I don’t know what you want me to say.” I’m so flustered.

  “I want you to tell me you forgive me. I want you to tell me you’re still going to be mine. I want you to tell me I can kill that son of a bitch for laying his filthy hands on you. Mostly, moya lyubov’, I need you to kiss me.” His words are so vehement and impassioned that I have a hard time denying him.

  “Why didn’t you tell me what was happening?” I ask him. I need to know that in the future, I won’t be blocked from such things. My heart can’t take it.

  “There wasn’t time. By the time I found out, you were with Niko, and I didn’t want to spend a lot of time explaining.” He holds up a hand when I attempt to interrupt. “I only ever want to protect you, Emmaline. Oscar Haggen is a devious man who will use you to hurt me.” He glares, hating the thought of it. “Make no mistake that any harm that comes to you will not simply hurt me, it will kill me. I can’t and won’t allow that to happen.”

  “If you keep standing there jabbering, I won’t be able to patch her up,” the doctor grumbles behind Viktor’s back.

  “For fuck sakes, Adam!” I know a curse in another language when I hear one. But the man isn’t fazed at all. He finds Viktor’s outrage quite hilarious.

  “This isn’t going to feel pretty,” Adam says as he fills a needle with what I assume will not be pleasant. I reach for Viktor, and he’s at my side in a flash. Holding my hand, allowing me to lean on him as the stinging turns into an inferno, and I want to cry.

  Minutes later, the doc’s finished and wrapping me up after giving me a shot for the pain and instructing Viktor on how to take care of me. After examining the flesh on my cheek that I’ve felt swelling and bruising for a while now, he tells me to ice it and take what I need for any more pain but to relax for a few days and allow my body to heal.

  It’s after midnight by the time we leave, and the medication I was given has kicked in, making my eyes heavy as I’m carried from the car up to Viktor’s house. I drift in and out of consciousness as Viktor changes my clothes and tucks me into bed. His warmth presses into me from behind, and I feel safe again. I feel loved. It’s with those thoughts that I’m able to drift into a sedate sleep, not waking until the sun is up and blinding me.

  * * *


  I watched her with rapt attention all night. I made sure when she felt discomfort, she was soothed. Her pain was my own. Allowing Adam, a longtime friend, to patch her up and cause her agony had tested my will.

  When I saw Marshall walking towards her table, I knew he was up to no good. I didn’t realize my fierce woman would react the way she had, either. I wasn’t prepared, and the fallout was rage-inducing for me.

  If not for Emmy being present, I would have gladly killed both men right there. Now, I’m faced with a difficult decision about her father and an easy one dealing with Oscar. I do not wish to hurt either Emmy or her mother by simply sending Marshall to an early grave; however, he cannot be allowed to meddle in their lives any longer.

  Early morning light begins to shine through the curtains, and I know I must prepare myself for my woman’s heartache over last evening’s events.

  Reluctantly sliding free of Emmy’s hold, I quietly enter the bathroo
m and have a quick shower and clean up for the day. Forgoing my usual daily shave, I slip into our shared closet and choose a charcoal gray suit.

  After dressing quickly, I search through the clothes I had ordered for Emmy before she arrived and find a matching dress with gold accents under the bust and in the shoulder straps. Grabbing a pair of matching flats, I place them on the ottoman in the sitting area where she’ll see them once she’s up.

  Searching through her dresser, I find it challenging to decide on a matching bra and panty set because I want her naked under the clothes. However, it’s not necessary for her to be uncomfortable. Knowing she’ll find it difficult to strap a bra on, I only grab a vibrant violet pair of panties and place them over the dress.

  Satisfied with my choices for her, I give one last look to the angel asleep in my bed and leave the room. I have plans to make today. I can’t be distracted by my desire to be buried inside her body all day long.

  Walking towards the opulent staircase, I see Niko and Kodiak heading towards me. “Where’s Marshall?” I demand.

  Kodiak smirks. He may be a quiet man, studious even, but he has a tendency to enjoy meting out fitting punishments, and I have no doubt that Marshall has felt his wrath.

  “Boathouse,” Niko responds.

  “Bring him,” I bite out, nearly unable to speak past my rage. Noticing my assistant Madelyn standing at the bottom of the staircase with a note pad in hand, hair piled on top of her head, staring at something she’s written down, I smile.

  Kodiak doesn’t realize it, but the girl is in love with him. She likely heard us coming and made herself busy. “Good morning, Madelyn,” I greet her, and she looks up at me, a warm smile on her own face.

  “Mr. Vashchenko.” She is more like a little sister than my personal assistant, but she refuses to call me Viktor while working. “Good morning, Kodiak. Nikolai,” she utters with less confidence.

  Niko grunts at her.

  Kodiak ignores her.

  Feeling the way I do with Emmy, I understand her pain. I wouldn’t be able to handle it if Emmy ignored me in the same manner.

  “Get his attention,” I lean down to whisper in her ear as they head out the front door.

  “He doesn’t even know I exist,” she mumbles. Nodding my head, I won’t push her. It’s her choice and his loss.

  “I’d like you to make reservations for Emmy and me at Escape. Inside, but with a waterfront view,” I tell her as I begin to walk. Madelyn has no idea about the illegal poker games, she only handles my legitimate business dealings with the casinos and the single nightclub I own.

  “Sure. Any particular time?” She looks up from her paper, and her glasses slide down her nose, making her look like a librarian.

  Gazing at my watch, I ask, “What’s the schedule for today?”

  “Conference call with PCJ about the construction at Grandeur at eight. Floor manager interview at eleven for The Balance. And then”—she flips a page in her planner—“you’re free and clear until three when you have a meeting with a Chester Blake. He never said what it was about.”

  Chester Blake. I feel I should know the name, but it’s not coming to me. “Give his name to Kodiak and have him run a background check. I’d like more information about him.”

  “Okay. Reservations?”


  “Got it.” She walks away, leaving my office to return to her own. I’m going to have to introduce her to Emmy soon.

  “Viktor.” Sacha’s grating voice interrupts my thoughts as she enters my office without knocking. The woman has no boundaries.


  She doesn’t say anything, so I look up from the calendar on my desk to see her scowling. “The staff, they do not wish to take orders from an outsider.”

  I frown. “Outsider?” I know what she means, but I prefer she spell it out for me.

  “An American.” The way she draws the word out makes me wonder if she believes I lack intelligence.

  “So?” I match her tone.

  “So? She doesn’t understand our language, let alone our ways.” She throws her hands up in exasperation.

  Standing to my full height of six foot three, I cross my arms and glare as I explain, “She may not understand Russian, but she understands ignorance, and that’s exactly what you’re being right now. You can tell the staff—and this goes for you, too—that if they do not like an order Emmaline gives, they can pack their bags, and I’ll be happy to ship everyone back on the first boat to Russia.”

  Sacha opens her mouth to speak, but I cut her off. “Madelyn!” I shout, having another idea.

  “Yes?” She pops her head in the doorway.

  “Call a staff meeting. Everyone who works in the house and on the property. There’s going to be some clearing up of rules around here. I want everyone in the great room in thirty minutes.” Her brows furrow in confusion, but she nods her head and does what I ask. “Anything else, Sacha?” My eyebrows raise, daring her to make a smart-ass comment. She bows her head and leaves the room.

  Sitting back behind my desk, I run a roughened hand down my face. It’s barely seven in the morning, and already, I want to be done with this day. I want to take Emmy somewhere quiet and peaceful and have her all to myself.

  An idea strikes. Sitting up, I call out, “Mad–” only to stop when I see my Emmaline standing in the doorway with an intriguing look on her face, wearing the clothes I set out for her.

  “Good morning, Viktor.” Her shy smile as she holds a bandage in one hand and her shoes in the other are enticing, and my cock twitches.

  “Come.” I wave her over as Madelyn enters, out of breath.

  “What do you need now?” she snaps, annoyed about something. “Oh, hello.” She grins at Emmy.

  “Uhm, hi.” My woman stares between the two of us before I remember they haven’t met.

  “Emmy, this is Madelyn, my long-time assistant. Mads, this is my Emmy.” I walk towards her still form and place an arm around her waist.

  “It’s so nice to finally meet you, Emmy.” Madelyn’s excitement clearly bubbles over. As the only other American woman in the house, I’m sure she’s excited someone won’t be speaking behind her back in another language.

  “You, too.” Emmy doesn’t sound nearly as excited as the other woman.

  Brushing off the disinterest, Madelyn looks to me again. “What were you calling for?”

  My mind blanks. “Lunch, do we have reservations?”

  “Yes. Noon, on the private patio. The chef is very excited you’ll be dining there.” With an effortless smile, she walks out, giving one last look at Emmy.

  Once the door is closed, Emmy gazes up at me. “Assistant?”

  I grin as I hear it.

  The note of jealousy.

  Ah, yes, my girl isn’t as indifferent as she tried to be last night.

  * * *


  He’s grinning like a fool, and I know he can detect the tinge of jealousy I couldn’t vanquish before speaking. I shouldn’t be jealous, but I am. Madelyn is beautiful, with long blonde hair and plush curves that make her look like a pin-up model.

  I have thin dark hair and a flat body. I couldn’t possibly compare.

  “Sit.” Viktor points to the sofa as he takes the bandages from my hand. “Did you clean it?” I nod. “Allow me, then?” I nod again, staring at the closed door and ponder on asking more about the assistant.

  Viktor must read my mind, though, because he begins to speak. “Kodiak found Madelyn three years ago, when she was your age. She’d just been kicked out of the foster home she was forced to reside at three weeks prior. Skinny, weak, and in need of help, I offered her a job.”

  “And a home?” I feel for the girl. The American foster system is a joke. Most parents only care about the paychecks.

  “Da,” he murmurs, checking to make sure my stitches haven’t ripped and aren’t looking infected. “A home. Something she never had. Madelyn is whip-smart. But she is lost.”
/>   “She’s beautiful,” I whisper. Her striking violet eyes are mesmerizing.

  “Indeed.” He agrees with me. “She is a stunning creature.” My heart cramps. “And in love with Kodiak. From the moment they met, she’s only had eyes for him.”

  “And him?” I ask, curious.

  “Acts as though she doesn’t exist.” Now my heart aches for her. I couldn’t imagine Viktor dismissing me for so long and being able to function a single day. But she works, presumably, close to Kodiak on a daily basis.

  “That’s heartbreaking,” I say as he finishes taping the bandage on.

  “Nyet, moya lyubov’.” He slices a hand through the air. “What’s heartbreaking is my dick dying for attention, and you”—I can feel the heat of his eyes roaming along my body like a caress—“are a starving man’s meal, but he cannot indulge.”

  Staring at my palm, I remember my pain from last night when I felt he dismissed me. Then I remember the heat settling into my body when he came to my rescue, taking out two men before I could blink.

  Leaning forward, I gently place my lips on his while saying, “Watching you last night, even as angry as I was, I’ve never felt such a pulsing desire to be owned by someone before, Viktor.”

  My lashes drop as I wait for his response, and he does not disappoint. Picking me up, he carries me to his desk. Placing me on my feet, he begins to unbuckle his perfectly pressed pants.

  “I need from you, something I’ve never had, moy.” His accent is thicker, making it more difficult to understand him.

  “What?” I gasp as he releases his impressive dick. Veins bulge on the sides, and it weeps his desire through the slit in the head.

  “Your lips,” he groans as I reach forward to touch him.

  Slinking to my knees, I place both of my hands on his thighs as he guides his cock to my lips. Licking the tip, he hisses as though he’s in pain. Our gazes collide, and I watch him for cues of what he likes as he slips the head into my mouth.


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