Taking Emmaline: Power of Vashchenko Book 1

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Taking Emmaline: Power of Vashchenko Book 1 Page 11

by Donn, KL

  My ears ring. “They’re all dead.”

  “My kind of party.” Carver grins.

  “Madelyn?” I call for my assistant, and she comes rushing forward. “Stay with Niko, make sure he gets the best care. Settle for nothing less.” She acknowledges my command.

  “I got this covered,” Ben and Amanda assure us as Dimitri, Daniel, and Danika appear.

  I nod my thanks and take off out the back. Triple D, Carver, and Kodiak follow behind me. “Kodiak, get Marshall. I’m certain he knows where those fuckers will take her.” I allow every dark thought, every deranged instinct, every ounce of hatred I’ve ever felt to bleed into my soul because if I think about what’s happening to, or could be happening to, my Emmy right now, I’ll slaughter everyone in sight.

  “Viktor.” Danika touches my arm, and I turn my gaze to her. “Don’t let it swallow you whole. She’s going to need you when this is over.” I nod my head. “I’ll stay here and help direct traffic. I love you, Viktor. Come back to us.”

  “Tell Mads to call Adam. I want him on standby.” She nods her head and departs as I turn to Carver. “Kill every last one of them.” The man oozes pleasure at my request.



  I feigned sleep on the drive to a nice restaurant on the river, not far from the church, so they would leave me alone. Eventually, they figured I was out of it and let a few things slip, allowing me to believe that this day wasn’t supposed to turn into an ambush at all.

  The old man is tired of the rivalry. He wanted it over, years ago, but his son wouldn’t drop it. Now that he’s dying, he realizes it’s time to move on, set up a brighter future instead of living in the past.

  I can respect that. Kind of. But I don’t agree with the way he’s going about things. Kidnapping me is certainly not the best way to get on Viktor’s good side. If anything, I’ve learned that it will only result in a new war. One they Haggens surely wouldn’t win.

  My only regret is that I hadn’t told Viktor about the baby sooner. I now know he would have been pleased, but nerves overtook me every time I thought about it, and I’d chicken out.

  With this drastic change in plans today, I don’t know if I’ll get a chance to share the wonderful news. They have to know my husband won’t take kindly to their actions. Especially after Niko was shot and Ben was nearly blown to bits.

  “Let’s go.” The pushy man who grabbed me from the church shoves me towards the entrance of the building.

  “Don’t be so forceful,” the old man spits out.

  The restaurant doors are opened, and the room is filled with large, intimidating men. Ones I would ordinarily stay far away from.

  “Sit.” He pushes me again.

  On principle alone, I ignore his demand. I refuse to be bullied by some goon. “I’d rather stand.”

  Gripping the back of my neck in an iron hold, he forces me into a chair. “I said, sit.”

  Every defiant cell in my body roars to life, and I’m on my feet before I can react rationally. “And I said, I’d rather stand.”

  The backhand comes out of nowhere.

  Pain slices through my cheek, and I taste blood in my mouth as my head whips to the side. Holding a hand to my face, I slowly turn back around. His smirk enrages me, and my temper flares, making me reckless.

  “Your mother obviously didn’t teach you any manners.” I cross my arms, my flesh throbbing in tune with my rapid heartbeat, and I can almost feel myself blacking out from too much adrenaline. Sheer stubborn will is the only reason I’m still on my feet.

  He raises a hand again, and I refuse to flinch as he’s about to hit me a second time. The old man stops him with a chilly demand. “You touch her again, and I will slit your throat.”

  I’m not sure who’s more shocked, my abuser or me.

  “Please, Miss Taylor, have a seat,” he asks.

  “It’s Mrs. Vashchenko,” I correct him as I sit in the chair that I’d previously vacated.

  “So, you did get to marry beforehand. Excellent.” He grins, and I watch his eyes. They’re tired, sad, but…remorseful?

  “We did,” I confirm. “A couple of days ago. Viktor suspected your family was here to cause harm. Looks like he wasn’t too far off the mark.”

  “Spunky. I like that. But you’d do best to mind your tongue with me,” he warns with a wagging finger.

  “No, I don’t think I will. You see, it’s me who’s here against their will, not you.” If I’m going to be a part of Viktor’s family, I have to learn to stand my ground, exhibit my strength, even when I’m feeling uncertain and at my weakest.

  Sitting back in his chair, he watches me for a moment before acknowledging my statement with a nod of his head. “Alright. But show an old codger some respect and have a drink with me.”

  Two glasses and a bottle of whiskey are placed on the table.

  “Underage,” I tell him.

  “We won’t tell,” he replies.

  I don’t want to tip my hand, but I won’t risk harm to the baby if he chooses to force the matter. “I’m pregnant.” His hand stops as he’s pouring the drinks and shock blooms on his face.

  “A new Vashchenko generation. I never would have guessed.” I’m not sure how to read him. “Congratulations Mrs. Vashchenko! This should be a celebration.”

  “Wrong.” Viktor’s malevolent voice has me sagging into my chair. Other than the goon who hit me, I haven’t felt overly threatened since my companion seems to have everyone in check, but I’m not exactly excited to be here.

  The men in the room turn their weapons on Viktor, Kodiak, and another man I don’t recognize but looks deadlier than every man in the room combined. He’s what I imagine the devil looks like.

  “Emmaline, are you alright?” Viktor asks, his gaze zeroing in on the bruise forming on my cheek. “Who the fuck touched you?” I’ve never heard him sound so deadly before.

  Standing, I’m stopped by two men. Viktor growls, Kodiak pulls a gun, and the new man pulls out two very scary knives. The room stands still as these three men stare everyone down.

  “Enough!” My captor shouts. I still don’t know his name. “I wanted peace, Viktor. That damn Oscar is too greedy for his own blood. What happened today was a tragedy, but this conflict needs to end.”

  He’s ignored as Viktor walks towards me, disregarding the hulking men in his way as he pushes past them. “Moya lyubov’, did they hurt you anywhere else?” How he can be so gentle when I see him seething with rage is a mystery to me.

  “I won’t lie and say I’m fine. My cheek is throbbing, my heart is ready to beat out of my chest, and I’m plain old exhausted, but no, they didn’t hurt me, otherwise,” I respond honestly.

  “And the baby?” My eyes widen at his words. I glare behind him to Kodiak. He shakes his head. “Niko told me.”

  “How is he?”

  “The baby, Emmaline,” he snaps instead.

  “Fine, I think. I’m only a month along, so I don’t know.” Which brings on a whole slew of terrifying thoughts. “Oh god, the stress. It’s been so much, so fast. What’s if it’s not alright? What if–”

  “Breathe, Emmy. Adam is on his way. He has everything we’ll need until I can get you to the hospital.”


  “Nyet, everything will be fine.” He pulls me into his muscular chest, and I can feel the power of his anger rippling through his body. The force of his heartbeat pounds in my ear, and I count each pulse to calm myself.

  Viktor redirects his attention to his rival. “Carver will keep you company until I get Emmaline to a hospital. You better pray to whatever God you believe in that she is indeed fine. That our child is fine. If not, my friend here will slaughter you all.”

  “Wait, what?” The scary guy, Carver, snaps. “I don’t get to have any fun now?”

  Viktor snorts as he begins to guide me towards the door that I came through not long ago but feels like a short lifetime has passed. “Find the one who hurt her,” he instructs hi
m. I want to ask what will happen, but I get the feeling I won’t like the answer.

  “You sure that’s a good idea?” Kodiak asks as we leave.

  “Positive. Carver will do ten times the damage I would, and the bastard deserves it.” Viktor growls as I shiver in his embrace.

  * * *


  Regret is a cold, bitter bitch. I’ve experienced it very few times in my life and only when it involved Nika. Until now, there have been no other females I’ve wanted to protect as desperately as my sister.

  Emmaline is different.

  I never should have taken the chance on the ambush. I knew it was going to happen.

  Never trust a Haggen, my father used to say. And he was right. That doesn’t mean I want this feud to continue, though. I took a gamble and lost. Emmy has paid the price, one that won’t be forgotten.

  They wanted an excuse to wage war. Now, they have it. Emmaline Vashchenko is untouchable, and they crossed a very deadly line.

  “Are you certain they did not hurt you elsewhere?” I gaze down at her exhausted face again as she sits in my lap while Kodiak directs Adam to us.

  “Yes. I mouthed off when I shouldn’t have.” She smirks, and pride blossoms in my chest. She’s a warrior, my girl.

  “Well, fuck.” Adam’s voice interrupts. “Is the other guy dead this time?” He climbs in the back seat as Kodiak slides behind the wheel and begins driving.

  “Not yet.” I smirk, knowing exactly what’s going to happen to the man. Carver Rivers is a psychopath with a conscience. He won’t let my abuser go unpunished before taking his life.

  “Interesting,” Adam mumbles as the vehicle begins to move, and he pulls medical doodads out of his bag. “So, listen, it’s too early in the pregnancy to find out a lot about the baby. Even at the hospital, they won’t be able to tell much. They’ll do blood tests to determine hormone levels, but right now, it’s wait and see. That face, unfortunately, you’re going to bruise something horrible. Viktor is going to be a grouchy asshole until it’s gone, and you’re well. Get used to limited vision.”

  “No need for jokes, Adam,” I snap. Mostly because he’s right. I will be cranky looking at the reminder of my failure until she’s healed.

  “Right.” I watch as he helps Emmy clean up the bit of blood on her face and applies a cold pack to help the swelling. With nothing else to do, he sits back and observes her before asking questions. “Any cramping, Emmy?”


  “Abdominal pain?” Her hands move to cup her stomach.


  “Bleeding?” I growl. He’s getting awfully close to too personal.

  She shakes her head against my chest. “I don’t know.” Her voice quakes, and I pull her in closer to me.

  “That’s fine. Cramping and pain would be the first sign of a miscarriage. Bleeding can actually be quite normal in some cases. I once had a patient who had her menstrual cycle throughout the entire pregnancy. Very strange.”

  “Adam!” I shout, and he looks at me. “Shut up.”

  The remainder of the ride is suffered in silence as Emmy rests against me, eventually falling asleep. My thoughts stray to Niko. He wasn’t doing well when I left him. As strong and stubborn as he is, this might be the one thing that takes him from us.

  “Kodiak.” He looks at me in the mirror. “Go directly to Niko and find out everything you can. If he dies…” I don’t need to finish the sentence; Kodiak understands the implication.

  If Niko dies, if my baby dies, the Haggen’s will cease to exist.



  It’s been three hours since Emmy was taken up to the maternity ward for observation. I was too combative to follow along with her, they said. I would scare some of the already terrified mothers there.

  If not for Madelyn taking charge and accompanying my wife, I likely would have ripped someone’s head off.

  “Stop looking so damn angry,” Niko barks languidly from his bed.

  “You’re awake.” I turn from the window to peer at my friend. For a minute, it was touch and go. “Do you hurt?”

  “Nyet. Drugs here are much better than Russia. They work.” His grin is loopy, and I can see he’s telling the truth. “Where’s Emmy?” He tries to sit up and is pulled back down by the wires attached to him.

  “Maternity,” I snarl. Just because Mads is with her, doesn’t mean I have to like it.

  “She alright?” He tries to glare at me, but it looks more like he’s constipated.

  “Some kiska smacked her around for getting mouthy, but otherwise, yes.”

  “He dead?”

  “If not yet, soon. I left him with Carver.”

  Niko whistles, acknowledging how the man likes to work. “Shitty for him.”

  “Viktor.” I turn at Madelyn’s soft voice. “Emmy wants you, and she might be slightly hysterical.”

  “I’m gonna sleep. Go,” Niko says before I can tell him I’d be leaving anyways.

  “What happened?” I ask as we rush to the elevators, realizing something must have. Emmy is the calmest person I know. She wears the mask of a soldier in virtually any circumstance.

  “She fell asleep and had a nightmare. Won’t let anyone touch her.” The elevator dings, and I stop anyone else from entering with us as she hits the maternity floor button.

  “A nightmare? About what?”

  Mads shakes her head, tears in her eyes. “I don’t know. She just kept asking for you. I came immediately.”

  The elevator doors scarcely open, and I’m rushing through them. Recognizing my wife’s sobbing voice call for me, I push through the door behind the nurses’ station. I ignore their protests, seeking out my love and don’t stop until I see her.

  “Get the fuck away from her,” I holler at the doctor with a needle in his hand, aiming to inject it into the I.V. in her hand.

  “Viktor!” I’m at her side in a heartbeat. Holding her in my arms as the people in the room stare at me.

  “Get the fuck out before I remove you myself.” The menacing growl in my tone must work because they all scatter like rodents.

  Focusing my complete attention on Emmy, I brush her hair back from her face, uncaring that she’s soaked from sweating. “Talk to me, moya lyubov’, tell me what has you so scared.”

  “The guns. The shooting. So much blood.” Her fingers dig into my arms as she tightens her grip, and I lay with her in the bed. Cradling her to my chest, I protect my Emmy from all angles.

  Noticing Madelyn standing in the doorway, I nod for her to come in. “Get Adam. I want facts, and I want them now.”

  Emmy’s weeping is heartbreaking. Conceding that I brought this on her is frustrating. She never would have been in harm’s way if not for me claiming her. And yet, I can’t regret that one crucial detail.

  “I’ve got you now, moy. No harm will come to you ever again,” I whisper in her ear.

  It’s not much longer before she’s settled enough that she can speak without breaking into hysterics again. “How’s Niko?”

  Gazing down into her sad eyes, I say, “Worried about you.” They have a special bond, and I knew as soon as worry for the baby had passed, she’d be asking about him.

  “He’s alive?” Her shocked eyes widen. It’s then I remember she watched him go down, and understanding dawns as to why she’s so traumatized.

  “Da. And as ornery as ever.” I smile at her, hoping to bring a smile to her beautiful face.

  “Good.” She’s thoughtful for a moment. “And everyone else?” Her compassionate heart is worried about the casualties of a war long past its time.

  “There were some who paid the ultimate price,” I admit. None were innocent. Some worked for me for years. Some were part of the Haggens.

  Laying her head back down on my shoulder, I hold her close, sensing her need to mourn for the lost souls she didn’t even know. Good or bad. Innocent or wicked. She feels their deaths like a slap to the face.

  “Knock, kn
ock,” Adam says quietly as he and Mads enter the room, Nika and her men following close behind. “I have good news.” Adam grins, and Emmy sits up with my help. “The bloodwork came back normal, and the ultrasound was clear. Looks as though the little one is just fine. I suggest a couple days of rest, nonetheless. Nothing too stressful, just to be on the safe side.”

  “Thank you, Adam.” Emmy breathes a massive sigh of relief. So do I. I hadn’t wanted to think about it too hard because if she lost the baby, I would have slaughtered everyone.


  “I’ve got it, Viktor, don’t either of you worry about a thing,” she interrupts with a pleased smirk on her face before walking out of the room.

  Relaxing into the bed, I hold Emmy as close to me as possible without hurting her. Today was fucked up. The worst day of my life. The mere thought of losing my wife sent me into a rage that rivaled my previous rampage in Russia when my family was murdered.

  “Viktor?” Emmy’s sleepy voice penetrates my thoughts.

  “Yes, moya lyubov’?”

  “Thank you for coming for us.” I hate how exhausted she sounds.

  “I will always come for you, Emmaline.” I kiss her head lightly before whispering, “Sleep now, moy. We’ll be home soon.”

  It isn’t much longer before she’s passed out, and I’m slipping out of bed. Running into Mads in the hallway, I frown as I see her sitting on a chair with a laptop on her legs.

  “Madelyn, what are you doing here?” Closing the computer, I take it from her hands as she stares up at me.

  “You still have a business to run, Viktor. I didn’t want to be completely useless by just standing around, and heading back to the estate with Emmy still hospitalized didn’t feel right. I wanted to be close by in case anyone needed something.”

  “You’re a good woman, Mads. Kodiak will be a lucky man when he pulls his head out of his ass.” She blushes, hating when I broach the subject about her feelings. I don’t do it to embarrass her but more to offer her comfort. Kodiak is an idiot for not scooping this woman up sooner.


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