Paladin's Hell

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Paladin's Hell Page 36

by Manda Mellett

  Tables start to become laden with drinks and food. I greet Rock, Beef, Peg, Darcy and Dollar. Wraith, Jekyll and Hyde too. Having greeted everyone it seems I haven’t seen for so long, I look around for Pal.

  He’s up at the top table with my birthday cake, having a word with Demon. The prez puts his hands to his mouth and whistles for quiet. Like the others, I start moving forward.

  Impatiently, Paladin comes over, holds out his hand, takes mine, and drags me up laughing to my birthday cake, then he turns around to face the crowd.

  “As you know,” he begins. “This is Jayden’s seventeenth birthday.”

  “Yeah, you can fuck her now,” Lizard shouts out.

  “Like he hasn’t already,” yells Mace.

  “It’s better when you’re legal.” Pyro joins in. “When you don’t have to watch out for the cops to barge in halfway through.”

  Ink nudges him. “Can be a turn on.”

  Pyro’s eyes grow large. “Now you’re just fuckin’ weird.”

  I started off embarrassed, now I’m laughing so hard I’ve got tears in my eyes. My merriment comes to an abrupt halt when I see Beef making a rude gesture at Pal, some manly advice I suspect. It’s not Beef’s actions, but the glare on Slick’s face that pulls me up. He takes a step forward, luckily Peg’s there to hold him back. Don’t want bloodshed at my surprise party.

  Turning quickly to Pal, I ask, “Are you going to light the candles now?”

  Sussing the mood could be turning, Pal winks at me. “Yeah. Liz?” Lizard puts a lighter into his outstretched hand and he touches the flame to the wicks.

  As Happy Birthday rings out, I blow them out. Jumping childishly on the spot as I get them all in one breath.

  “Close your eyes and wish,” Pal reminds me.

  I do, squeezing my eyes tight. While I’m doing so, I feel something placed in my hands. Quickly opening them, I see a paper bag. The one Paladin had carried up. Tearing it, inside I find a beautiful butter soft leather jacket. I’m clearly too slow for Pal, as he takes it away from me and turns it over, enabling me to see what’s written on the back. Under the Satan’s Devils logo are the words, Property of Paladin. I literally can’t speak. Instead I leap into his arms.

  After swinging me around, he puts me back down. “Just one more thing, Jay.” I watch, my brow creasing, as he goes down on one knee, then places his hand in his cut and pulls a small box out. Now my hands cover my mouth. He’s not, is he?

  “Jay,” he starts, his voice ringing out clearly and loudly. “You’ve been the only woman for me for nearly three years. I’ve never looked at anyone else, never wanted to, and I never will. We’ve got a whole lifetime ahead of us, so no need to rush into a wedding. You’ve agreed to wear my patch; I’m satisfied with that for now. But here, in front of all our family, old and new, I’d like to ask that one day, you marry me. What do you say, Doll?”

  I’m clasping the leather jacket to me, that means as much as any vow. It’s more that he’s publicly giving me his commitment, in front of everyone I know and love. There’s only one answer I can give him.

  “Yes!” I cry out, and I’m in his arms once again.

  “Jayden! Jayden!” Our kiss is interrupted by little hands tugging at my waist. “Can I be a bridesmaid?” asks Amy.

  “Me too. Me too.” There’s a childish squeak as Ollie toddles across and is copying her friend.

  I get down to their level. “I think that’s a great idea. But you’ll have to grow up a little first.”

  “What about Eli?” Ollie’s sucking her thumb. “Can he be one too?”

  “My son’s not going to be a fuckin’ bridesmaid,” I hear Drummer growl.

  “What about a page boy?” Paladin comes to the rescue.

  As I’m chatting to the kids, and the women and children join me, Demon speaks to Pal. “What is it with Tucson? Something in the water? They’re all breeding.”

  Rock steps up, his arm around a very pregnant Becca, and puffs out his chest. “We’re just virile, Brother. Got what it takes.” He pumps his hips and has me laughing.

  Ella and Slick are hanging back. I wonder how they’re taking this. They’d wanted me to wait until I was eighteen, now, thanks to the law in Colorado, I’ve jumped the gun. Cautiously I approach them.

  “Oh, Jayden,” Ella starts, with tears in her eyes. “I’m so happy for you. You and Pal, you’re going to do so well together. He’s good for you, good to you. You might be younger than I hoped, but your experiences made you grow up fast. You know your own mind.”

  “Still got a shotgun and know what to do with it if he ever does you wrong,” Slick warns.

  Overhearing, Pal salutes him, while mouthing at me, I love you.

  “Do you miss Tucson?” My sister asks me.

  I think before answering. “I miss you, Slick, and everyone. Especially the children. But I’ve made a new life here for myself.” Before I can continue I get a slap on my back.

  “She’s one of us now,” Mace is grinning. “We’re not giving her back. Kind of got used to her.”

  “I’m not a puppy,” I tell him. But his friendly words seem to have made Ella feel easier, and she visibly relaxes. The effect Mace was clearly aiming to achieve.

  We eat, drink, I get hugged, kissed and congratulated by the men and women of each club. It’s later on when the sun’s reached its zenith that I have a moment to myself and Moira finds me.

  She sits next to me, her eyes on the kids running around. “We never had that in our chapter. I was the only one with children. Seeing all the Tucson kids today, kind of makes me wonder if we missed out. There’s something about them that makes a real family.” When I nod, she looks at me carefully. “I know what I’ve said before, but sometimes I feel like I’m getting fucked up in my head. Bitter because age is creeping up on me. Having Demon when I was seventeen wasn’t a mistake. Wouldn’t think the worst of you if you did something similar.”

  “I’d love a baby of my own,” I reply, thoughtfully. “But I also want a chance for Paladin and I to get settled into our new life. There’s plenty of time for kids in our future. That’s one thing we’ve got on our side.”

  “You’ve got your head screwed on right, haven’t you? Jay, you have no contact with your mom. Your sister’s in Tucson. When the time comes, your kids will have a ready-made Grandma and Grandpa in Hellfire and me.”

  I’m turning to thank her when a deep growl comes from behind me. “Less of the grandpa, ol’ lady if you fuckin’ please.” But Hellfire winks at me. Since he’d stepped down from being the prez, he seems much more relaxed. Even approachable.

  “Happy?” Pal asks as he walks me back to his bike.

  How can I be anything else? The outing by itself would have been an experience, throw in my birthday party, catching up with my Tucson brothers and sisters, being given the property cut which I’m now proudly wearing, and going home with a gorgeous engagement ring on my finger, has made it a day that can’t be topped.

  I’m just turning to tell him, when a shout sounds out. “Whose bike’s the fuckin’ Vincent? Fuck me, what a beauty.”

  “It’s mine.” Thunder swings around, his eyes going wide at Sam. “Restored her myself,” she tells him.

  “Sam’s mine,” Drummer warns him, his steely stare pinning him down. “And that, darlin’, is going back in the crash truck. You’ve got the baby to look after. Only let you bring it to ride over the bridge.”

  “Ella said she’d look after Zane and Eli.” Sam pouts at her old man.

  “Not happening. Not that long journey.”

  Turning my attention back to Pal, I grin, he returns it. Seems some things never change. Seeing Sam with her hands on her hips, I’ve no idea who’s going to win this round.

  My man turns me to face him, his hands settling on my biceps. “You wishing you could go back to Tucson?”

  It’s a moment before I respond, considering his question carefully. “Seeing everyone today has reminded me what we left behind, Pal.
” He opens his mouth, I cover it with my fingers. “They’ll always be there for us, proved that today, didn’t they? If we’d stayed, we wouldn’t have been able to get together. Even in another year, I think they still would have put obstacles in our way. It would have been hard for Ella to let me grow up and let me have the life I want. I love you, Pal. You’re my future. Here we can be us. Together.”

  I don’t know if I put it plainly enough. But he seems to understand as he leans in closer. “You’re my home, Doll. Wherever we end up. Tucson, Pueblo, wherever life takes us. As long as we’re together, that’s all I want.”

  Chapter 42


  I wriggle my toes in the warm sand, gazing out over the glorious blue sea. It’s so beautiful here.

  “Time to put more suntan lotion on, darlin’. Don’t want you to burn.” Hell puts his arms around me.

  Lifting my hand, I place my palm to his cheek. “Don’t think I need so much now, Hell. I’ve already got a really good tan.” And so has my man. It suits him. For all the years we’ve been married, he gave his all to the club, his chest and legs staying pasty pale even in summer, except for his face and arms which caught the sun as he rode. Most of the time he was stuck behind a desk.

  “Made my hair go greyer,” he complains.

  “Just seems that way, lover.”

  We stand and stare out over the Ionian Sea. It’s been a whirlwind few weeks. Starting by flying to London, then on to Paris. The stop I enjoyed most was Venice, a place I’d always wanted to see. Unfortunately at the wrong time of year, in summer months the city smells, and the crowds, well, I could have done without them. But St Mark’s Square had been beyond my expectations. Then we’d travelled to Rome, and on to southern Italy, stopping on the beautiful Amalfi Coast and visiting Pompeii, Vesuvius and Herculaneum. When my man says he’s going to take me on vacation, he does it properly.

  Now we’re on a Greek Island, a deserted location, a week in a villa with a private beach just for us.

  “Are you happy, Mo?”

  How could I not be? When Hellfire stepped down from the role of president, my life changed beyond recognition. I’d been worried he’d quickly regret it, but it was the opposite. It was as if a burden had been lifted off him. I was surprised when he’d told Demon he was spending a month away from the club, even suspected he’d be on his phone or laptop most of the time. But the computer hadn’t come with us, and his phone’s remained silent. He trusts Demon and isn’t going to interfere with how he runs the club.

  Hellfire’s returned to the man I first met, a man without the weight of the world on his shoulders. It’s these past weeks that have enabled me to see what a burden he’d carried from the moment Blackie laid a finger on me. Forced into marriage and to bring up a child that wasn’t his. We’d made the most of it, but it had put pressure on both of us.

  “You ever wonder what would have happened? If Blackie hadn’t…”

  “Yes. No.” His answer is confusing. “What I do know, is I’d still be here with you, right now. We belonged together from the beginning, when I first saw you approaching my bike, flirting and batting your eyelashes.”

  “I did not bat my eyelashes. Or flirt.”

  “Did so,” he nuzzles my ear, the vibration of his voice sending tingles through me. “You had me from that moment, Mo.”

  He’d had me too. That handsome biker sat on his motorcycle.

  Hell’s hands start to wander. At first, I had been self-conscious when I’d dressed in a bikini, but the flare of interest in Hell’s eyes had made any discomfort worthwhile. Now I’m discovering there are obvious benefits. One of his hands is reaching under the top, cupping my breast, while the other smooths over my tummy, and dips inside my bikini bottoms. He starts to finger fuck me, in the open.

  I gasp, automatically moving my hips back into him. A hardness nudges me.

  “Oh, did you…?”

  “Nope. Haven’t taken a blue pill if that’s what you’re asking.”

  He’s got an erection on his own? Without medication? Because of me?

  Oh God, I can’t think anymore. His expert touch is getting me closer. It’s a private beach thank fuck, but right now I wouldn’t care if the Pope himself walked by. He’s playing me like an instrument that’s oh so familiar. As my body starts shaking, Hell covers my mouth with his hand, suppressing the scream which he knows is coming. My legs feel weak, he clamps me to him, his hand still in my bikini bottoms easing me down.

  When my legs feel able to support me, I turn around, lowering myself to my knees, easing his swimming trunks down, his cock bounces out free.

  “Don’t know how long I’ll last, Mo,” he warns me as I place one hand on his shaft and the other massaging his balls.

  I don’t care. It’s the first time in months, years perhaps, he’s got an erection that’s not chemically induced. A sign that less stress, no smoking and a reduction in alcohol seems to be working. A visible indication he still finds me attractive, it’s only me here, nothing else to get him aroused. The thought makes me feel amazing, powerful even. Reclaiming my youth, what the fuck does it matter what the calendar says?

  My mouth closes around him, his groans music to my ears. I suck, lick, take him further into my mouth. It took me years to perfect it, and it’s years since I’ve last done it, but I concentrate on relaxing my throat muscles and take as much of him in as I can. Then I swallow around him.

  “Fuck, Mo. Fuck. That feels so fuckin good. Mo, Fuck. I’m going to come.”

  As he holds the back of my head to him, his hips pump, his dick swells, and warm cum rushes into my mouth. I swallow every drop. It’s my man, and I love him. Still on my knees, I look up.

  His head is thrown back, his eyes are closed, his chest heaving as he breathes in and out getting oxygen into his lungs. I did that. I turned him on, I made him lose control. I feel I could conquer the world right now.

  While I’m watching him, his eyelids lift, and he looks down. “Fuck, Mo,” he says, stroking my head gently, “you have no idea how submissive you look.”

  Submissive? Well, looks can be deceiving. I drop my hands, leave his cock hanging down, turn and run into the water. “Submissive am I? You’ll find out how submissive I am.”

  I’m laughing and giggling as he tucks himself away, then comes racing after me. Cupping my hands, I send a shower of water up over his face.

  Of course he retaliates. We end up half drowning each other, rolling in the shallows getting sand in places it’s no right to be. Necessitating a shower to clean us.

  Later, relaxing on the loungers on the veranda, I reach over and take his hand. “Do you worry about Demon?”

  “Nah, he can handle himself. It’s his time now. His club. I’ll sit back and support him. He’ll do alright. Why, you worried?”

  “He’s thirty-five, Hell. I worry he’s still alone and not settled down.”

  “You’re right he’s not got an ol’ lady, but he’s not on his own, Mo. Got a string of hangarounds and club whores to fuck.”

  I pull back my hand. “I’m not talking about fucking. I’m talking about this, us. Seeing the Tucson folks on Jayden’s birthday made me think we could do with more family men in the club.”

  He sighs, takes his hand to his lips and kisses it. “Think Demon’s a lost cause, Mo. We’ll need to look to Paladin and Jayden if we want to populate the club with home-bred bikers.”

  Coming in 2019…

  Satan’s Devils MC Colorado Chapter #2

  Meanwhile, back in Tucson…


  It’s a tough job, but someone’s got to do it. I’m the enforcer for the Satan’s Devils MC.

  I can’t allow myself to be distracted, can never let the softer side of me out. Having suppressed it so long, I don’t believe I have one.

  Women are there for one purpose only, and once I’ve relieved my itch, I’ll move on. Can’t afford to let them get close, women can’t be trusted, a lesson I learned long ago.

nbsp; I’m used to dealing with men, extracting that last piece of information from them, using all the tools at my disposal to get to the truth. After that, I’ll deal the killing blow.

  I don’t know how to handle a woman who’s keeping secrets from the club.


  I became involved with the wrong man. What I know could destroy him.

  So I’ll keep quiet, I won’t tell anyone a thing, and definitely not the Satan’s Devils who he’s employing.

  Who can I trust? Only myself.

  The enforcer, Blade, is arrogant. I don’t like him. Why’s he trying to get close? What does he want from me? Why’s he trying to get to the secrets that I refuse to tell him?

  How far is he going to go?

  Satan’s Devils #10: Sharpening Blade

  Start your Satan’s Devils MC ride here:


  All I did was try to help my best friend escape her abusive boyfriend. And for that I ended up in a wheelchair. Life’s no longer worth living. No man will want me now.

  But my nightmare is only beginning. Ethan wants me as leverage to get his woman back.

  I end up under the protection of the Satan’s Devils, an outlaw motorcycle club in Arizona. The woman I was would have been in her element among a group of handsome, rugged bikers; the disabled woman I am now feels scared and vulnerable, and soon I find this isn’t the safest place to hide.

  But with a contract out on me, there’s nowhere else for me to go. There’s one reason for me to stay, the VP of the Satan’s Devils who teaches me to feel like a whole woman again.


  She doesn’t fit into our world. Even if she wasn’t in that damn wheelchair she’d be out of her element. But as soon as I saw her something attracted me to her.

  From the start I wanted her, but she sees herself as undesirable and is scared of taking a man to her bed as though her disability defines who she is. I’m going to need to teach her she’s wrong.


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