Everything for You (Unforgettable)

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Everything for You (Unforgettable) Page 12

by Natalie R Allen

  After giving him my things, I changed into leggings and a T-shirt, then pulled a sweater on. I paused, one arm in the sleeve, and thought about asking Simon for my sweater tonight, but I decided to leave it until tomorrow.

  When I went to the bathroom, I smiled at myself in the mirror, seeing the locket around my neck again. I still couldn’t believe he’d gone back to the mine for me. He seemed genuine in his regret for not sending it to me by now. And while I’d have loved to have it, it also meant a lot to me that he’d kept it for himself.

  Once outside, I started toward our small group settled in for the night near the fire. A quiet whistle sounded. I looked to my right and saw Simon waving me over where we’d set up in the trees.

  "I didn't want to sleep with the others tonight, but we can if you want to."

  I wondered briefly what my family would think if they saw Simon and me in the morning having camped out alone together. He and I had camped out together in the past, but we weren’t kids anymore.

  That’s right, I told myself, you’re not kids anymore. Meaning we were old enough to make these kinds of decisions for ourselves. Besides, I had my own sleeping bag, and we weren’t completely secluded. In the end, I decided I was just fine having Simon all to myself.

  "No, I'm good with this." I walked over to my sleeping bag and slipped inside. The flannel was soft and welcoming against the cool night air, and I burrowed a little deeper.

  Simon rummaged through his things until he was ready and got into his own bag to my left.

  I turned over to see him and propped my head in my hand. "So, what’s your plan for tomorrow?" I wasn’t sure if there was anything specific he wanted to do while he was here.

  He propped his body to mirror mine and shrugged. “I need to take a ride to town and fill up my gas can. Other than that, my only plan is to spend the day with you. "

  I suppressed a smile and picked at the grass. "That sounds good to me." Deep, quiet laughter floated through the trees from the fire, and I narrowed my eyes at him. “What does Bryce and Parker think of you spending so much time with me? Won’t you catch hell for it?” As much as my cousins liked to bother Simon with taunts about Olivia, they could be overprotective of Amy and I where men were concerned.

  Simon had a guilty smile and shrugged.

  “You didn’t tell them I’m spending the night out here, did you?” I raised a brow, already knowing I’d guessed right.

  Simon shook his head to confirm, and I gasped. His eyes flew wide, and he hurriedly pressed his hand to my mouth to quiet me. “Shut your pretty little mouth, or Bryce will follow through with his threat to toss me into the lake.”

  I tried to gasp again, but his hand muffled the sound. I pulled his hand down and giggled quietly at the thought of Simon being thrown into the dark, cold water. “Bryce could never throw you. Don’t worry about him.”

  Simon pressed his lips together and gave me a pointed look. “No, but Parker’s an ox. He could probably throw me far enough to reach the other side of the lake.”

  I laughed louder than I should have, and Simon replaced his hand on my face. I still laughed, and turned to smother my noises into my pillow until the fit was over with. When I peeked at Simon, he was squinting through the trees toward the others, and I grinned again. “Ignore them. They didn’t hear me,” I whispered as I adjusted my pillow. “Besides, I wouldn’t mind if Trent knew I was out here with you. Maybe it’d give him a clear message that I’m not giving him another chance.”

  That got Simon’s attention, as I knew it would, and he met my gaze. “Did you and him used to be a thing or something?” he asked as he laid on his pillow.

  “No,” I said lightly. “We went out on a date, but that was it. He just thinks too much of himself. He doesn’t handle rejection well, it seems.”

  “What’s he doing here if you didn’t invite him?” he whispered. He seemed only curious about the situation, not necessarily upset by it. I appreciated that. It just showed how much more mature Simon was than Trent. “Was that Amy’s doing?” he guessed.

  I took a breath and sighed. “Yes, unfortunately. She thought if he and I spent some real time together that maybe I’d change my mind.” I shrugged and then yawned. “He’s still not for me, though.”

  Simon nodded and rubbed his thumb and forefinger against his eyes. It’d been a long day, and it seemed to be taking its toll on us. Especially after the emotional evening we shared.

  "I’ll ride into town with you if you want,” I offered and yawned again.

  Simon smiled sleepily. "Yes, please," he murmured.

  I woke with a start, and it took me a moment to remember I was outside with Simon. My feet were cold, and I rubbed them against each other to try and warm them. After that failed attempt, I sat up and took hold of my ankles and feet to warm them. The cool air reached me as my sleeping bag fell from the top half of me, and I abandoned my feet before my entire body caught a chill. I laid on my right side again, bringing my legs up in a fetal position to get warm, and sniffed quietly from my cold nose.

  "Kate, are you okay over there?" Simon whispered from behind me.

  I turned over to face him, wincing at my sore hip. "I'm just cold. I should’ve brought an extra blanket out with me." I could hear him shuffling around.

  "Come here."


  He chuckled quietly. "Come on. You can climb in with me; my bag is plenty big.”

  The thought of sharing his sleeping bag was too tempting. I paused, wondering again what my family would think if they found us in the same sleeping bag.

  I felt him touch my head. "Come on, Kate, I even scooted over to give you my warm spot."

  "Alright," I whispered, giving in. I moved quickly, and Simon held the top open for me to slide in, zipping it up behind me. It really was warmer than my own bed.

  Simon moved his head back a bit so I could share his pillow. After a few moments, his scent was all around me, and I inhaled quietly against the pillow, sighing inwardly.

  His face was near mine as he reached over to rub my arm up and down. "Are you warming yet?"

  "Yes. You’re much warmer than me. My feet are still cold, but at least the rest of me is warming up."

  "Here, put your feet on mine, and they'll warm up a little faster." I placed my frozen toes on the tops of his feet, and Simon gasped. "Geez, how were you asleep over there with your feet so cold?"

  "I wasn't." I giggled quietly. "Well, I was, but then I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep."

  “Try to get some now so you're not too tired to play tomorrow."

  "Alright." I grinned, turning my back to him. I was still plenty tired, but knowing Simon was behind me had my heart beating quicker, causing me to lie awake, my mind running wild.

  As I thought about the day and what had happened in the mine room, I was confused about my own feelings. It was odd that I was drawn to Simon, physically and emotionally, while still harboring such hurt from him. What happened between us in the mine had brought us closer in a way, that was certain. But that wasn’t enough to erase his years of absence, and silence. The hurt I felt when I’d lie awake at night thinking of him wasn’t something that could be washed away by a single shared moment with him. I had years of missing him. Years of wanting answers, wanting him and his arms around me. Where had he been all that time when I’d wanted him so much that I’d cried myself to sleep?

  I sniffed quietly and wiped the tears pooling in my eyes. It was confusing to feel the familiar ache of wanting him when he was right beside me. I blinked a few times against the cool air. Simon's breathing was slow and steady behind me, fast asleep. I wanted to be as close to him as I could in that moment and scooted until my back was against his chest, nestling my head under his chin. He woke then and put his arm around me until I was flush with him. I missed him so much, and he was even right there with me. "Simon?" I breathed, my throat aching for more than just a release of tears.

  "Hmm?" His chest rumbled against me.
/>   I needed him to hear it. I wanted him to know I’d never forgotten about him. "I've missed you," I whispered.

  He let out a long breath near my ear, causing a shiver to trickle down my neck. "I've missed you." His voice was low, and he traced my ear and down my jaw with his nose. His stubble scratched lightly on my face, and I wanted to see him, to read whatever I could in his eyes. I turned over in his arms. Reaching up, I let my fingers run through his hair and then down the side of his face. He groaned quietly, and the sound drew me in, my heart pounding. We’d never been close like this. We’d never crossed this line.

  Simon closed his eyes, letting my hand explore his face. I lightly touched his eyelids, then moved down his nose and his jaw. I caressed his soft lips with my thumb and moved to the side of his face again. He breathed out as if he’d been holding it in and groaned a second time, turning his face into my palm, and kissed it. Simon opened his eyes, and I saw a fire in them I’d never seen before. My lips parted, and pleasure ran through as he burned that look into my eyes.

  "Kate…" His low voice shook. His hand moved to the back of my neck and he leaned in, never breaking eye contact with me. I knew what was coming. I’d wished for it a hundred times and had imagined it a hundred more. He tilted his head slightly, close enough now that I could feel his breath on me. "Kate," he whispered again, his lips barely touching mine as he spoke.

  I couldn't wait any longer. I closed the distance between us, pressing my lips against his, and threaded my fingers through his hair, pulling him in. Our lips parted and came together again, and when I whimpered, Simon held me tighter and deepened our kiss.

  “Kate,” he groaned against my mouth, and I whimpered again. It wasn’t just the physical need I held for him that caused me to react like this. I was connecting with him on such an emotional level that I never had before. The feeling was frightening and intoxicating all at once, and caused me to give another sigh, which he swallowed.

  I didn't know how much more of this I could take. I had years of desire built up in me. This was too good. Simon slowed our kiss and pulled away just enough for us to catch our breath. He looked into my eyes and leaned in, kissing me once more, slow and tender. I was just beginning to enjoy myself again when he pulled back and smiled. I was breathing at an embarrassing pace, but I returned his smile.

  Simon stroked my cheek and kissed the tip of my nose, sending a delicious warmth all the way to my toes. He seemed to be studying every speck of my face and finally met my eyes. “I’ve dreamed about kissing you since I was kid,” he said with a soft smile. His admission brought a grin to my face, and he kissed me again as though he couldn’t help himself.

  I touched his face, my heart lighter than it’d been in a long time. “I was thinking the same thing,” I said and stole a kiss. I smiled at him and stroked his cheek. “I’ve imagined you kissing me since I was a girl.”

  Simon smirked. “Is that right?” he murmured against my mouth.

  I kissed him and managed a “Mm-hmm.”

  Simon moved to my cheek, kissing me twice, and then wrapped me up in his arms. I snuggled his neck, my arms between us, and kissed his throat, smiling when he made a small noise. “You’d better stop that and get some sleep,” he said with a smile in his voice.

  I grinned and kissed him once more, loving the way his stubble scratched my lips. “Alright,” I whispered, and then kissed him open-mouthed against his neck.

  After a few moments of quiet, Simon pressed his lips near my ear, kissing me, and breathed, “I’ve missed you more than I could ever say.”

  I didn’t reply. As great as this was, if he missed me so much, where had he been?

  Chapter 14

  I woke to Amy’s laughter in the morning. Simon had woken early to go look for deer with the other men, but not before he’d placed a kiss on my cheek and told me to keep quiet so he didn’t get tossed into the lake. I’d smiled with my eyes closed and had earned myself another kiss.

  I stretched and blinked up at the thick leaves turned different shades of green from the morning sunlight. The early birds of the morning serenaded the forest, and I sat up, looking toward all the chuckling coming from Amy and Aunt Chantelle. They were chatting away while eating breakfast.

  Aunt Chantelle spotted me. "Hey, sleepyhead. Why don't you come and get some breakfast?" she called.

  "Okay," I hollered back.

  “Did you get any sleep last night, in that bag of his?” Amy snorted and laughed.

  “Amy, she’s a grown woman. Leave her alone about it,” my aunt hissed quietly, but her voice still carried. I groaned inwardly, hoping they wouldn’t say any more about it.

  When I folded up our sleeping bags, I could hear their hushed voices, but they were speaking too quietly for me to make any of it out. Thinking back through my night with Simon, his lips on mine and my hands in his hair, I chose to ignore them, because I didn't regret it one bit.

  Once inside the trailer, I dressed in shorts and a T-shirt, then tended to my tangled hair. I braided it and was in the process of washing my face when Amy called for me.

  I opened the bathroom door so we didn't have to talk through it. "Hey," I said casually, returning to my task.

  She shifted her feet and seemed a little nervous, which wasn’t like her. "Katie, I just want to talk to you about Simon."

  I paused drying my face and pulled the towel away. She never was one to beat around the bush about things. I looked at her with hesitant eyes. "What about him?"

  "I know it’s been nice for you to have him here, but…" She took my hand in hers and looked me in the eyes. "I just want to make sure you’re not setting yourself up to get hurt again. What you went through that first year, after they left—" She paused and shook her head. "I don't want to see you go through that again."

  I took a long breath and let it out with a nod. “I know. I do have a lot of questions for him.” Pulling my hand away, I fixed a strand of hair, tucking it into my braid, and glanced at Amy in the mirror. “I’d planned on talking with him last night and getting answers, but we talked about other stuff.”

  Amy was biting her lip and leaned on the door frame, watching me with wide, interested eyes. “What did you two talk about? Did he say why he left?”

  I shook my head and thought about the sensitive moment with Simon in the mine. He’d been vulnerable, and I didn’t feel like it was right to share it with her. “It wasn’t about anything like that, but it was a start to understanding, at least.”

  Amy pursed her lips, and I was inwardly applauding her self-restraint. This was usually where she’d bounce and plead to know more, but she must’ve known I wasn’t going to budge on this one. “Well…” She sighed. “I hope he does give you the answers you’re looking for. I’m just as curious about his absence as you.”

  I doubted that very much, but nodded anyway and smiled a little, when I thought of one little detail I knew she’d go crazy over. I leaned against the counter, facing her, and folded my arms with a grin threatening to take over me.

  Amy narrowed her eyes instantly and stood up straighter. “What? What are you smiling about?”

  I grinned fully and raised my eyebrows, knowing she’d get there, and she did.

  “Katie!” She slapped the doorframe and squealed. “Are you telling me that after a lifetime, you finally kissed that man?”

  I giggled with a nod and felt my face burn from the attention.

  Amy squealed again and threw her arms around me. “I can’t even believe it,” she shrieked and pulled back with her hands on my upper arms. She held tight and stuck her gaze right in front of me. Her eyes were bright with excitement and curiosity. “I feel like I’ve reached some monumental milestone, and I’m not even the one who kissed him.” She laughed a little breathlessly and smiled. “So, how was he?”

  “Amy.” I laughed and knocked her hands away. “I’m not telling you that.” I made to leave the bathroom, and she blocked my exit.

  “Come on,” she whined. “Please
give me something. I mean, I know I have a boyfriend, but this is Simon we’re talking about. Simon Curtis. He’s, like, the hottest guy either of us knows, and I’ve been hearing about him since we were little.” I knew she wouldn’t let up until I gave her something, and I was proven correct when she continued on. “I deserve some kind of detail, even if—”

  “He has the softest lips and smoothest tongue you could ever imagine,” I said slickly and walked past her with a grin and my eyebrows raised. Amy gasped, shocked into silence. Slipping into my shoes, I looked back at her as she walked out of the bathroom with wide eyes and her mouth a gaping smile. I smirked at her, shrugged, and walked out.

  When the men returned not much later, we were lounging in our chairs outside, and I had to kick Amy discreetly as she watched Simon approach. She was staring at him intently and started chewing her lip. I’d seen that look on her too many times, and while I really had no claim on Simon, I still didn’t want her picturing the lips I’d described on hers.

  “Stop that,” I muttered as the men approached.

  Amy grinned guiltily and shrugged before standing to greet James. I rolled my eyes when, after James kissed her and looked away, she met my eye and mouthed, “Eh,” as if James’ kiss was only so-so.

  I was still staring after her with my mouth hanging open when Simon’s face snuck over my shoulder.

  “And what are you disapproving of over here, Kate Cassidy?” he murmured.

  I pulled my head to the side and met his light eyes. The breeze rustled his hair, and with the sun shining on it and his half smile in place, he really was the most attractive man I’d ever seen.

  Simon’s smile twitched. “Don’t look at me like that in front of your family. Parker’s already scowling at us.”

  I blinked and turned my head to see Parker directly across from us. He had his muscled arms folded and one ankle resting on top of his knee. He certainly was scowling, and when I gave him a look of reproach, he just turned his gaze back to Simon and stared.

  I tsked and held a hand up in front of Simon’s eyes. “Parker.”


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