Candy King

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Candy King Page 11

by Christine d'Abo

  “What are you saying?”

  “For the next three months, let me show you what it’s like. Be my sugar baby.”

  Chapter 11

  Simone’s brain hadn’t stopped spinning since Dylan had made his proposal. Of course, the moment he’d said it, Marta had come back with their appetizers, and that had effectively killed their conversation. She’d switched over to questions about the housing project, which were safe, still relevant to cover, and far less confusing.

  Had she wanted to have a sugar daddy?

  No, not really.



  Most definitely she hadn’t wanted to put herself into someone else’s control, to be at their beck and call whenever they were lonely or wanted someone to fuck. Though if Dylan kept looking at her the way he’d been doing tonight, she might have to reconsider that particular point.

  Shit, she really needed to keep things professional, needed to make sure nothing happened that would jeopardize her story or her position at the paper. Though Carl might turn his nose up at her, she couldn’t imagine him having a problem if a relationship of sorts developed between her and Dylan. As long as it didn’t impact her professionally, and as long as she used what happened between them merely to extort Dylan, everything should be fine. Maybe. Perhaps. If she wanted to take the next step and sleep with him.

  Did she want to have sex with Dylan? One glance at the way he was smiling and laughing with Park when he’d brought out dessert only made him look that much more attractive. It was when he was relaxed, caught off guard, that he was his most appealing to her.

  And really, it was only sex.

  She really did like sex.

  Simone snatched up her wineglass and finished the tiny amount that remained. Her stained purse was by her feet, the ruined fabric a constant distraction in the corner of her eye and a reminder of the gift waiting for her in the car. No, she really shouldn’t accept the purse from Dylan, mostly for ethical reasons. Besides, it wouldn’t replace the meaning of the one she’d bought herself, even though the thought behind it was sincere. He’d cared about her feelings, how upset she’d been, and he’d wanted to do something about it. Not many people would have done that.

  “Ms. Leblanc, I hope you enjoyed your meal, even if you did have to spend it with this stick-in-the-mud.” Park clapped Dylan on the shoulder.

  “Shit, dude, how old are you? Does anyone even say that anymore?” Dylan rolled his eyes.

  “Just me.”

  Simone made a point of swiping her finger across the remaining chocolate on her plate before sticking it in her mouth. “This is the best thing I’ve ever eaten in my life. And if it’s okay with you, I’d love to do a little story for the Record. I’ve run several pieces in the past on the best places to eat in Toronto, and while I’m no food critic, I’d love to do a write-up.”

  “I’ll never turn down kind words in the paper.” He winked at her. “And I’ll be sure to add your name to the VIP list. Any woman who can hold her own with this jackass is welcome here any time.”

  “I appreciate that. Thank you.”

  “And on that note, I better get Simone home.” Dylan stood as he shook Park’s hand. “Thank you, buddy. That was amazing.”

  “You better come back sooner next time. I don’t want to have to chase you down.”

  The good-byes finally wrapped up, and before Simone knew it, Dylan had his hand against the small of her back as they headed toward the stairs. It would have been easy for her to break the contact, to walk a half step faster so he wasn’t able to touch her. But something was reassuring about the touch, something she wasn’t ready to break just yet. So she kept pace until he let his hand drop, leaving his warmth clinging to her skin.

  She hadn’t been able to get out of her mind his offer of him being her sugar daddy. Even if it was only pretend, something was alluring about his proposition. In truth, it would be the best way to get information on what that sort of relationship was like. She knew part of the deal was the negotiations, and that sex didn’t have to be a part of the arrangement. And given that she wasn’t really looking for someone to wine and dine her, she wouldn’t even put that up for consideration.

  Even if she wanted nothing more than to strip Dylan naked and lick up and down the length of his body.

  Ha! And I was worried about accepting a gift from him. I think we have bigger issues.

  The walk back to his car was quiet, and the air between them simmered with an electric charge. God, what the hell was she going to do? Agreeing with his proposition would no doubt land her in a pile of unwanted trouble. But the thought of saying no felt as though someone was turning a knife in her gut.

  She wanted this. Wanted to spend time with Dylan and learn more about him. More importantly, there was a not-so-quiet part of her that was always whispering in the back of her brain—do it. You deserve to be happy, to be spoiled, to be fucked the way you want. You don’t need to be proper or to do the things others always want. Do this for yourself.

  The temptation was far too real.

  Dylan opened her door, and she slipped into the car, moving her new purse to her lap as she sat. The thin protective bag couldn’t entirely hide the beautiful blue color of the leather below. She’d never had someone give her a gift of this caliber who wasn’t Kayla. And she really didn’t count, mostly because her best friend was generous to a fault to just about everyone. Simone ran her hands over the new purse and pulled it tighter to her body.

  When Dylan slid behind the wheel, his gaze slipped over to her, and he gave her a little smile. “Ironically, I’ve never had a long-term sugar baby. The few women I dated through the site weren’t interested in anything beyond one or two dates. They were looking for money and were willing to act as a date for some of my business dealings that required me to socialize.”

  His fingers flexed around the wheel, and he turned his face away from her to look out at the road. Simone couldn’t look away from his profile, the slope of his slightly prominent nose, the way his ears poked out from beneath his stylish hair. She didn’t know what to say, didn’t think she needed to respond, as Dylan appeared to be working through something as well.

  He looked down at where his hands gripped the wheel. “I get the appeal though. Having money and wanting to spend it on someone who not only needs it but also genuinely appreciates the gifts. It feeds into a man’s savior complex, gives us that primitive rush of ‘Look how well I’m treating this woman. I’m providing for her when no one else did.’”

  “You could do that with someone you’re dating as well. It doesn’t need to be a business transaction.”

  “But that’s the rub, I don’t want anything beyond that. I don’t want marriage and kids. I don’t want to grow old with someone or watch as our relationship falls apart. I don’t want to end up resenting someone else, because I’ve seen firsthand when that happens, and it’s horrible and hateful and not the type of man I want to be. I’d rather have something beautiful, short, with clear expectations. And when the time is ready, we both move on with fond memories.”

  Simone’s heart pounded in her chest as a trickle of arousal spread through each cell of her body. “That sounds interesting. And a bit lonely.”

  “Only if you let it be.” With a slowness that telegraphed his intentions, Dylan lifted his hand from the steering wheel and placed it on her thigh. “I made you an offer earlier. You can say no, and it won’t change a thing. I’ll still do both stories for you. I’ll ensure that your articles are the best they can be and that your boss is happy. But if you want to know, if you want to see what it’s really like, I would like that too.”

  The weight and heat from his hand seeped through the thin fabric of her dress and seemingly into her soul. It became difficult for her to breathe, and her breasts were suddenly far more sensitive. Swallowing hard, Simone had to force the words from her. �
��I probably shouldn’t.”

  “Don’t want to, or are you worried about what others might think if they ever found out?”

  “The latter.”

  He began to rub his thumb against her thigh. “Do you always worry about others? Have you ever just done something for yourself and said ‘fuck it’ to the rest of the universe?”

  “I haven’t.” She sucked in a sharp breath and squirmed in her seat as her arousal grew. “I’ve worked too hard to give in to impulses that don’t serve to move my career forward.”

  “Life isn’t just about your career, Sugar Tart.”

  “That sounds hilarious coming from you.”

  “Are you saying no?” He lifted his hand from her thigh, letting it hover. “I certainly don’t want to force anything on you, and I’ll back off right now.”

  Did she want him to stop? She knew that many of these relationships operate exactly the way he described; they were transactional and with clear guidelines. But there was a growing minority of these long-term relationships that seemed to have emerged, and those real-life fairy tales were alluring in a way she couldn’t quite grasp.

  Do it.

  “I get to set the rules.” She swallowed down a nervous laugh. “I get to say how far I’m willing to go and what to do. And this can never, ever come out in public. My boss…well, he would fire my ass so fast it would make your head spin.”

  “I promise. All of that. Whatever you want.” His hand returned, bringing with it the promise of so much pleasure. “Can I tell you what I want?”

  Simone nodded, before forcing out a little, “Yes.”

  “I want to slide my hand under that skirt of yours, right here and now, and make you come. I want to hear your cries and smell your arousal. I want to get fucking hard as a rock and then take you home. I want to jerk off thinking about this when I get there, reliving every sound you made in my head.”

  By the time he’d finished speaking, Simone couldn’t hold back. Pressing her head back against the seat rest, she lifted the purse to her chest and spread her legs. “Oh shit.”

  Dylan chuckled and, with ease, slid his hand beneath her skirt and up between her thighs. The press of his fingertips against her panty-covered clit was immediate, as though there was no barrier between them. She squeezed her eyes shut hard, knowing there was no way she was going to last long.

  “You don’t have to hold back.” He deftly slid his fingers beneath the elastic band of her panties and teased her pubic curls, continuing on his search. “You always seem so guarded. Let go, relax. Let me take care of you.”

  God, she was going to die right here and now before she even came.

  The first moan to escape her was soft, and the sound surprised her. Dylan moaned his approval and rewarded her with a gentle press of his fingers against the top of her clit. There was no holding back her surprised gasp, as the pressure of his touch was more electric than she’d anticipated. Opening her legs a bit wider, Simone tried not to think about the people walking by on the sidewalk, or the fact that anyone could very quickly figure out what they were doing and take a picture, or laugh and make comments. Nothing mattered beyond Dylan’s touch and the fast-approaching orgasm.

  “That’s it. God, your face is so fucking beautiful when you’re turned on like that. I’m going to fucking smell you in here for days. Yeah, more. Just like that. I’m going to fuck you with my fingers now. I want to feel you come. I want to smell you on my hand when I go home.”

  Simone couldn’t keep up with it all. When he did as he said and pressed a finger into her pussy, she lost the ability to think, to hear, to worry about her reputation or if this was a good idea or not. All that mattered was the rhythm Dylan set with his hand and chasing her release.

  Her body took over as she began to match his rhythm, rolling and bucking her hips in time with his thrusts. She wanted to touch her nipples, to have him suck on her breasts, but that would be too obvious to anyone passing by. Dylan turned his hand, shifting the pressure deep inside her and triggering the one thing she wanted. Heat and pleasure exploded from her pussy, and she was able to suck in a breath before letting out a long, low moan, and she came hard against his pumping hand.

  “Ah fuck. Yeah. Come on, sweetheart. You’re so fucking hot.” Dylan didn’t stop until she gasped and tried to pull back. Only then did he slow and eventually come to a stop, before finally pulling his hand free.

  Simone opened her eyes and turned to watch him, her breathing coming out in short, sharp pants. “Wow.”

  “I need to take you home now.” He swallowed, his gaze locked onto hers. “Then I’m going to go home and do exactly what I told you I would do.”

  Her brain was too far gone to do anything about that statement, so she merely nodded. “Okay.”

  Dylan pressed down on the front of his pants before sucking in a breath of his own and turning on the car. “I’m going to get a fucking speeding ticket for sure.”

  “Don’t do that.” She chuckled, finally able to fix her clothing and get herself to look as though she hadn’t just had a mind-blowing orgasm.

  “Tomorrow. We’ll make all of the necessary agreements tomorrow. But for now, just know that for the foreseeable future, I’m going to look after you. You’ll be treated like a queen. And sooner or later, this will come to an end. Agreed?”

  “Agreed.” She didn’t have time for a relationship. But an affair? That was absolutely something she would do. “Tomorrow.”

  “Yup.” Dylan gave her one last look before putting the blinker on and pulling the car into traffic.

  Chapter 12

  Dylan had a problem, one that he wasn’t sure he was going to be able to solve correctly. He knew that starting an affair with Simone was one of the worst things he could possibly do, but that didn’t seem to matter to the part of his brain that couldn’t let go of what had happened between them last night. He had done exactly what he told her he was planning on doing; the second he’d gotten back to his home he went immediately to the bathroom, pulled down his pants, and jerked off as quickly as he could manage. It wasn’t a moment he was particularly proud of, but sometimes retreat was the better part of valor.

  He’d fallen asleep quickly that night but had woken up far earlier than he usually would have, his brain latching on to the idea of Simone being his sugar baby. This wasn’t exactly the sort of thing he had planned when she had caught his attention at the restaurant a few days earlier, but there was no way he was going to be able to walk away from it now. The time had come for him to put his mouth where his money had always been. It was time for him to have a sugar baby of his own.

  He knew Simone was going to be at the planning meeting that had been arranged for later on this afternoon, and he needed to make sure that he had his thoughts in order before he saw her again. There is no way he would be able to concentrate on what needed to be done if all he could think about was the sounds she made as he fucked her with his hand last night in the car. Dear God, the noises that came from that tiny little body that looked so prim and proper. He never would have imagined how arousing everything had been. Even thinking about it now was enough to make his cock hard, a distraction he really didn’t have time for.

  “Did you hear a word that I just said to you?”

  Dylan looked up from his computer, his gaze landing squarely on his father, who was looking more than a little amused. “Pardon?”

  “I was asking you about your brother’s budget for the new building. Do you think he’s actually taken everything into account, or am I going to have to make sure that I have additional discretionary funding?”

  “For once I think he’s actually managed to get everything together in one place. Though I’m sure it would be smart to make sure we have a backup plan. This is Jonathan we’re talking about.”

  “Yes, I suspected as much. Your brother can be a bit absent-minded when he is in lo
ve.” His dad leaned forward, his gaze narrowing on Dylan. “Speaking of which, when was the last time you went out to do anything that wasn’t related to work?”

  “Last night, in fact.” There’d be no sense in giving him any of the gory details, but he knew damn well that if he didn’t say something, his father wouldn’t let it go. “I was out at Park’s restaurant. I ate, drank, and was merry, exactly what you would want from me.”

  “I also want you to get laid occasionally.”

  “Jesus Christ, Dad.”

  “What? You’re a man in your mid-thirties. Of course, you’re going to be having sex. I’m surprised you haven’t found some woman to settle down with before now. Unless you’re not into women, in which case, you know, I will love you no matter what.”

  “Yes, I like women, and I know that you would love me no matter what. But that hasn’t exactly worked out for anybody else in this family. You have all collectively been divorced longer than you have been married.”

  “I understand that we haven’t set a perfect example for positive relationships, but that doesn’t mean it’s not worth trying to have one of your own.” His dad sat up straighter, his head cocked to the side. “I hope it isn’t because your mother and I didn’t get along that you have decided to live on your own. I had always assumed that you preferred to be single.”

  Today was turning out to be a day full of surprises. Dylan hadn’t realized that his desire to be alone was even visible to his father, let alone accepted by him. “I do prefer to be single. But I never thought that you and Mom would be okay with it.”

  “Well, your mother wouldn’t be, that’s for damn sure.” His dad rolled his eyes. “That woman is determined to have grandbabies sometime in the next ten years. I hope to God either you or your brother can make that happen. I don’t want to have to listen to her complain if it doesn’t work out.”

  While there were many things that Dylan was willing to do to make his family happy, having a child was not on that list. Even if he were to, say, stumble into a relationship with a particular blond reporter, he couldn’t imagine ever having children. He admired people who were able to raise a family, especially in today’s current climate. But he lacked the patience to be a father. He was also happily selfish and would never want to subject a child to even the barest hint of resentment. It was better to leave the parenting potential to his brother and to merely spoil any nieces or nephews who might arise.


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