Under the Great Bear

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Under the Great Bear Page 2

by Kirk Munroe



  Thorpe Walling had never been one of Cabot Grant's particular friends,nor did the latter now regard with unmixed pleasure the idea of ayear's intimate association with him. He had accepted the latter'sinvitation because nothing else seemed likely to offer, and he couldnot bear to have the other fellows, especially those whose classstanding had secured them positions, imagine that he was not also indemand. Besides, the thought of a trip around the world was certainlyvery enticing; any opposition to the plan would have rendered him themore desirous of carrying it out. But in his interview with hisguardian he had gained his point so easily that the concessionimmediately lost half its value. Even as he wrote his note to Thorpehe wondered if he really wanted to go with him, and after thatconversation in the club reading-room he was almost certain that he didnot. If Mr. Hepburn had only offered him employment, how gladly hewould have accepted it and declined Thorpe's invitation; but hisguardian had merely asked him to recommend some one else.

  "Which shows," thought Cabot bitterly, "what he thinks of me, and of myfitness for any position of importance. He is right, too, for if evera fellow threw away opportunities, I have done so during the past fouryears. And now I am deliberately going to spend another, squanderingmy last dollar, in company with a chap who will have no further use forme when it is gone. It really begins to look as though I were aboutthe biggest fool of my acquaintance."

  It was in this frame of mind that our young engineer made a secondvisit to his guardian's office on the following morning. There he wasreceived by Mr. Hepburn with the same business-like abruptness that hadmarked their interview of the day before.

  "Good-morning, Cabot," he said. "I see you are promptly on hand, and,I suppose, anxious to be off. Well, I don't blame you, for a pleasuretrip around the world isn't offered to every young fellow, and I wish Iwere in a position to take such a one myself. I have had prepared aletter of credit for the balance of your property remaining in ourhands, and while it probably is not as large a sum as your friendWalling will carry, it is enough to see you through very comfortably,if you exercise a reasonable economy. I have also written letters ofintroduction to our agents in several foreign cities that may proveuseful. Let me hear from you occasionally, and I trust you will havefully as good a time as you anticipate."

  "Thank you, sir," said Cabot. "You are very kind."

  "Not at all. I am only striving to carry out your father'sinstructions, and do what he paid to have done. Now, how about theyoung man you were to recommend? Have you thought of one?"

  "No, sir, I haven't. You see, all the fellows who graduated withhonours found places waiting for them, and as I knew you would onlywant one of the best, I can't think of one whom I can recommend foryour purpose. I am very sorry, but----"

  "I fear I did not make our requirements quite clear," interrupted Mr.Hepburn, "since I did not mean to convey the impression that we wouldemploy none but an honour man. It often happens that he who rankshighest as a student fails of success in the business world; and undercertain conditions I would employ the man who graduated lowest in hisclass rather than him who stood at its head."

  Cabot's face expressed his amazement at this statement, and noting it,Mr. Hepburn smiled as he continued:

  "The mere fact that a young man has graduated from your Institute, eventhough it be with low rank, insures his possession of technicalknowledge sufficient for our purpose. If, at the same time, he is agentleman endowed with the faculty of making friends, as well as anathlete willing to meet and able to overcome physical difficulties, Iwould employ him in preference to a more studious person who lacked anyof these qualifications. If you, for instance, had not already decidedupon a plan for spending the ensuing year, I should not hesitate tooffer you the position we desire to fill."

  Cabot trembled with excitement. "I--Mr. Hepburn!" he exclaimed."Would you really have offered it to me?"

  "Certainly I would. I desired you to meet me here for that verypurpose; but when I found you had made other arrangements that mightprove equally advantageous, I believed I was meeting your father'swishes by helping you carry them out."

  "Is the place still open, and can I have it?" asked Cabot eagerly.

  "Not if you are going around the world; for, although the duties of theposition will include a certain amount of travel, it will not be inthat direction."

  "But I don't want to go around the world, and would rather take theposition you have to offer than do anything else I know of," declaredCabot.

  "Without knowing its requirements, what hardships it may present, norin what direction it may lead you?" inquired the other.

  "Yes, sir. So long as you offer it I would accept it without question,even though it should be a commission to discover the North Pole."

  "My dear boy," said Mr. Hepburn, in an entirely different tone fromthat he had hitherto used, "I trust I may never forfeit nor abuse theconfidence implied by these words. Although you did not know it, Ihave carefully watched every step of your career during the past fiveyears, and while you have done some things, as well as developed sometraits, that are to be regretted, I am satisfied that you are at leastworthy of a trial in the position we desire to fill. So, if you arewilling to relinquish your proposed trip around the world, and enterthe employ of this company instead, you may consider yourself engagedfor the term of one year from this date. During that time all yourlegitimate expenses will be met, but no salary will be paid you untilthe expiration of the year, when its amount will be determined by thevalue of the services you have rendered. Is that satisfactory?"

  "It is, sir," replied Cabot, "and with your permission I will at oncetelegraph Thorpe Walling that I cannot go with him."

  "Write your despatch here and I will have it sent out. At the sametime, do not mention that you have entered the employ of this company,as there are reasons why, for the present at least, that should remaina secret."

  When Cabot's telegram was ready, Mr. Hepburn, who had been glancingthrough a number of letters that awaited his signature, handed it tohis secretary, to whom he also gave some instructions that Cabot didnot catch. As the former left the room, the president turned to ouryoung engineer and said:

  "As perhaps you are aware, Cabot, there is at present an unprecedenteddemand all over the world for both iron and copper, and our company islargely interested in the production of these metals. As existingsources of supply are inadequate it is of importance that new onesshould be discovered, and if they can be found on the Atlanticseaboard, so much the better. In looking about for new fields that maybe profitably worked, our attention has been directed to the island ofNewfoundland and the coast of Labrador. While the former has beenpartially explored, we desire more definite information as to itsavailable ore beds. There is a small island in Conception Bay, not farfrom St. Johns, known as Bell Island, said to be a mass of iron ore,that is already being worked by a local company. From it I should liketo have a report, as soon as you reach St. Johns, concerning the natureof the ore, the extent of the deposit, the cost of mining it, thepresent output, the facilities for shipment, and so forth. At the sametime I want you to obtain this information without divulging the natureof your business, or allowing your name to become in any way connectedwith this company.

  "Having finished with Bell Island, you will visit such other portionsof Newfoundland as are readily accessible from the coast, and seem topromise good results, always keeping to yourself the true nature ofyour business. Finally, you will proceed to Labrador, where you willmake such explorations as are possible. You will report anydiscoveries in person, when you return to New York, as I do not care tohave them entrusted to the mails. Above all, do not fail to bring backspecimens of whatever you may find in the way of minerals. Are theseinstructions sufficiently clear?"

  "They seem so, sir."

  "Very well, then. I wish you to start this very day, as I find that asteamer, on which your passage is already engaged, s
ails from aBrooklyn pier for St. Johns this afternoon. This letter of credit,which only awaits your signature before a notary, will, if depositedwith the bank of Nova Scotia in St. Johns, more than defray your year'sexpenses, and whatever you can save from it will be added to yoursalary. Therefore, it will pay you to practise economy, though youmust not hesitate to incur legitimate expenses or to spend money whenby so doing you can further the objects of your journey. You haveenough money for your immediate needs, have you not?"

  "Yes, sir. I have about fifty dollars."

  "That will be ample, since your ticket to St. Johns is already paidfor. Here it is."

  Thus saying, Mr. Hepburn handed over an envelope containing thesteamship ticket that his secretary had been sent out to obtain.

  "I would take as little baggage as possible," he continued, "for youcan purchase everything necessary in St. Johns, and will discover whatyou need after you get there. Now, good-bye, my boy. God bless youand bring you back in safety. Remember that the coming year willprobably prove the most important of your life, and that your futurenow depends entirely upon yourself. Mr. Black here will go with you tothe banker's, where you can sign your letter of credit."

  So our young engineer was launched on the sea of business life. Twohours later he had packed a dress-suit case and sent his trunk down tothe company's building for storage. On his way to the steamer hestopped at his club for a bite of lunch, and as he was leaving thebuilding he encountered the friend with whom he had discussed his plansthe day before.

  "Hello!" exclaimed that individual, "where are you going in such ahurry. Not starting off on your year of travel, are you?"

  "Yes," laughed Cabot. "I am to sail within an hour. Good-bye!"

  With this he ran down the steps and jumped into a waiting cab.


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