Under the Great Bear

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Under the Great Bear Page 8

by Kirk Munroe



  Cabot had been impressed by the rugged scenery of the Nova Scotia shoreline, but it had been tame as compared with the stern grandeur of thatunfolded when the "Sea Bee" rounded Cape Ray and was headed up the westcoast of Newfoundland. He had caught glimpses of lofty promontoriesand precipitous cliffs as the schooner skirted the southern end of theisland; but most of the time it had kept too far from shore for him toappreciate the marvellous details. Now, however, as they beat upagainst a head wind, they occasionally ran in so close as to be wet bydrifting spray from the roaring breakers that ceaselessly dashedagainst the mighty wall, rising, grim and sheer, hundreds of feet abovethem. Everywhere the rock was stained a deep red, indicating thepresence of iron, and everywhere it had been rent or shattered into athousand fantastic forms. At short intervals the massive cliffs werewrenched apart to make room for narrow fiords, of unknown depth, thatpenetrated for miles into the land, where they formed intricate mazesof placid waterways. Beside them there were nestled tiny fishingvillages of whitewashed houses, though quite as often these wereperched on apparently inaccessible crags, overlooking sheltered covesof the outer coast.

  On the tossing waters fronting them, fleets of fishing boats, withsails tanned a ruddy brown, like those of the "Sea Bee," or blackenedby coal tar, darted with the grace and fearlessness of gulls, or restedas easily on the heaving surface, while the fishermen, clad in yellowoilskins, pursued their arduous toil.

  To our young American the doings of these hardy seafarers proved sointeresting that he never tired of watching them nor of askingquestions concerning their perilous occupation. And he had plenty oftime in which to acquire information, for so adverse were the windsthat only by the utmost exertion did White Baldwin succeed in gettinghis schooner to the St. George's landing in time for Cabot to run tothe railway station just as the train from Port aux Basques was comingin.

  The two lads exchanged farewells with sincere regrets, after White hadextended a most cordial invitation to the other to finish the cruisewith him, and visit his home at Pretty Harbour. Much as Cabot wishedto accept this invitation, he had declined it for the present, on theplea that he ought first to go to St. Johns. At the same time he hadpromised to try and make the proposed visit before leaving the island,to which White had replied:

  "Don't delay too long, then, or you may not find us at home, for thereis no knowing what may happen when the warships get there."

  Even David Gidge shook hands with the departing guest, and said it wasa pity he couldn't stay with them a while longer, seeing that he mightbe made into a very fair sort of a sailor with proper training.

  With one regretful backward glance, Cabot left the little schooner onwhich he had come to feel so much at home, and sprinted towards thestation, where was gathered half the population of the village--men,women, children, and dogs. The train was already at the platform as hemade his way through this crowd, wondering if he had time to purchase aticket, and he glanced at it curiously. It was well filled, and headswere thrust from most of the car windows on that side. Through onewindow Cabot saw a quartette of men too busily engaged over a game ofcards to take note of their surroundings. As our lad's gaze fell onthese, he suddenly stood still and stared. Then he turned, pushed outfrom the crowd, and made his way back towards the landing as rapidly ashe had come from it a few minutes before.

  The "Sea Bee" was under way, but had not got beyond hail, and was putback when her crew discovered who was signalling them so vigorously.

  "What is the matter?" inquired her young skipper, as Cabot againclambered aboard. "Did you miss the train after all?"

  "No," replied Cabot. "I could have caught it; but made up my mind atthe last moment that I might just as well go with you to Pretty Harbournow as to try and visit it later."

  "Good!" cried White, heartily. "I am awfully glad you did. We werefeeling blue enough without you, weren't we, Dave?"

  "Blue warn't no name for it," replied Mr. Gidge. "It were worse than adrop in the price of fish; an' now I feel as if they'd riz a dollar akental."

  "Thank you both," laughed Cabot. "I hadn't any idea how much I shouldhate to leave the old 'Bee' until I tried to do it. You said there wasanother station that I could reach from your place, didn't you?" headded, turning to White.

  "Yes. There is one at Bay of Islands that can be reached by a drive ofa few hours from Pretty Harbour; and I'll carry you over there any timeyou like," replied the latter.

  "That settles it, then; and I'll let St. Johns wait a few days longer."

  So the little schooner was again headed seaward, and set forth at animble pace for her run around Cape St. George and up the coast pastPort au Port to the exquisitely beautiful Bay of Islands, on whichPretty Harbour is located; and, as she bore him away, Cabot hoped hehad done the right thing.

  When commissioned to undertake this journey that was proving so full ofincident, our young engineer had been only too glad of an excuse tobreak his engagement with Thorpe Walling; for, as has been said, thelatter was not a person whom he particularly liked. Walling, on theother hand, had boasted that the most popular fellow in the Institutehad chosen above all things to take a trip around the world in hiscompany, and was greatly put out by the receipt of Cabot's telegramannouncing his change of plan. The more Thorpe reflected upon thisgrievance the more angry did he become, until he finally swore enmityagainst Cabot Grant, and to get even with him if ever he had the chance.

  He was provoked that his chosen companion should have dismissed him socurtly, without any intimation of what he proposed to do, and this hedetermined to discover. So he went to New York and made inquiries atthe offices of the company acting as Cabot's guardian; but could onlylearn that the young man had left the city after two private interviewswith President Hepburn. At the club where Cabot had lunched on the dayof his departure, Thorpe's appearance created surprise.

  "Thought you had started off with Grant on a trip around the world?"said one member in greeting him.

  "No," replied Walling; "we are not going."

  "But he sailed two days ago. At least, he said that was what he wasabout to do when he bade me good-bye on his way to the steamer."

  "What steamer, and where was she bound?" asked Thorpe.

  "Don't know. He only said he was about to sail."

  "I'll not be beaten that way," thought Walling, angrily; and, havingplenty of money to expend as best suited him, he straightway engagedthe services of a private detective. This man was instructed toascertain for what port a certain Cabot Grant had sailed from New Yorktwo days earlier, and that very evening the coveted information was inhis possession.

  "Sailed on the 'Lavinia' for St. Johns, Newfoundland, has he?" mutteredThorpe. "Then I, too, will visit St. Johns, and discover what he isdoing. I might as well go there as anywhere else; and perhaps Grantwill find out that it would have been wiser to confide in an old friendthan to treat him as shabbily as he has me."

  Having reached this decision, Walling took a train from New York, and,travelling by way of Boston, Portland, and Bangor, crossed the St.Croix River from Maine into New Brunswick at Vanceboro. From there hewent, via St. John, N.B., and Truro, Nova Scotia, to Port Mulgrave,where he passed over the Strait of Canso to Cape Breton. Across thatisland his route lay through the Bras d'Or country to North Sidney, atwhich point he took steamer for Port aux Basques and the Newfoundlandrailway that should finally land him in St. Johns. On this journey hebecame acquainted with several Americans, with whom he played whist,which is what he was doing when his train pulled up at the St. George'sBay platform.

  At sight of his classmate, Cabot became instantly desirious of avoidinghim and the embarrassing questions he would be certain to ask.Although our young engineer could not imagine why Thorpe Walling hadcome to Newfoundland, he instinctively felt that the visit hadsomething to do with his own trip to the island. He knew that Thorpedelighted to pry into the secrets of others; and also that
he was of avindictive nature, quick to take offence, and unscrupulous in hisenmities. Therefore, as his instructions permitted him to visitwhatever part of Newfoundland he chose, he decided to avoid St. Johnsfor the present rather than risk the results of a companionship thatnow seemed so undesirable.

  Somewhat earlier on that same day one of Thorpe's travellingcompanions, named Gregg, spoke to him of Newfoundland's mineral wealth,and referred particularly to the Bell Island iron mines.

  "Yes," replied Walling, who had never before heard of Bell Island,"they must be immensely valuable."

  "Oh, I don't know," said the other, carelessly. "Several Americancompanies are trying to get control of them; but perhaps they are notwhat they are cracked up to be after all."

  "Isn't a New York man by the name of Hepburn one of the interestedparties?" asked Thorpe, at a venture.

  "Yes, he is," responded Mr. Gregg, turning on him sharply. "Why, doyou know him?"

  "I can't say that I know him; but I know a good deal about him, andhave every reason to believe that he has just sent an acquaintance ofmine, a young mining engineer, up here to examine that very property."

  "Is he an expert?"

  "Oh, yes. He and I were classmates at a technical institute."

  "Then you also are a mining engineer?"

  "I am."

  "Have you come to Newfoundland to investigate mineral lands?"

  "Not exactly; though I may do something in that line if I find a goodopening. At present I am merely on a pleasure trip."

  "I see, and I am glad to have made your acquaintance, as I am somewhatinterested in mineral lands myself. When we reach St. Johns I hope youwill introduce me to your friend, and it may happen that I can returnthe favour by putting you on to a good thing."

  "Certainly, I will introduce you if we run across him," replied Thorpe."At the same time I hope you won't mention having any knowledge of hisbusiness, as he is trying to keep it quiet."

  "Like most of us who have 'deals' on hand," remarked the other, with ameaning smile. "But it is hard to hide them from clever chaps likeyourself."

  At which compliment, Thorpe, who had only been making some shrewdguesses, looked wise, but said nothing.

  It happened that these two were playing whist when the train reachedSt. George's Bay, and Mr. Gregg remarked to his partner:

  "There's a chap staring at this crowd as if he knew some of us."

  Thorpe glanced from the window, and started from his seat with anexclamation. At the same moment Cabot Grant turned away and hurriedfrom the station.

  "Do you know him?" asked Mr. Gregg.

  "He is the very person I was speaking to you about a while ago,"replied Thorpe.


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