Walking the Crimson Road

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Walking the Crimson Road Page 22

by Perrie Patterson

  I suppress a giggle into his chest and say, “I think everyone will be sleeping until game time tomorrow night.”

  He kisses me lightly on my ear and whispers, “Good night, beautiful. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  I close the door behind him and slowly and quietly tiptoe into my room to show Lauren the bracelet.

  “My gosh, Bex, that’s really pretty,” she gushes.

  “I know. It’s also custom made just for me. Look at each charm, my Phi Mu symbol, his DKE pin made into a charm, a heart with the date we met, the UofA symbol, it’s so special.”

  “Is that the box it came in?” Lauren asks, pointing to the box. “It’s from Tiffany’s. That makes it even more special.”

  “You’re right. I opened the box but didn’t notice it was from Tiffany’s. I was so stunned by the bracelet.”

  “He’s definitely a keeper, Bex.”

  “I have to agree with you, sis.”

  “I guess you’ll show it to Mom and Dad tomorrow?

  “Yeah, but I hope they know we’re sleeping ‘til noon. I’ll poke my head into their room and let them know I’m back and to let us sleep late.”

  When I walk back in our room, I ask Lauren if she’s heard from Brian.

  “What did Brian do for New Year’s Eve?” I ask.

  Lauren gets under the covers and says, “He had a party at his house with some of his guy friends, and they’re all sleeping over.”

  “So, no girls?”

  “No, I’m not worried about that. He didn’t mention any girls. He would tell me if he wanted to date someone else. Brian is great, and we’re pretty serious right now, too.”

  “That’s good news. I’m happy for you, Lauren.”

  I wake up to the sound of the TV in the next room. Lauren is watching the Rose Parade. Mom and Dad look up from the newspaper.

  Dad says, “Look who’s awake. We ordered room service, and there are some left- overs.”

  I walk over, pour some juice, and take some toast and strawberries over to the couch. I plop down next to Lauren and watch the rest of the Rose Parade. When the parade ends Lauren jumps up.

  “Can I walk over to Cafe Beignet and pick up some takeout?” she asks.

  When Lauren leaves, I think about getting in the shower. Then I remember my bracelet. I show my wrist to Mom and Dad, who’ve been busy reading the paper.

  “Look what Lane gave me for Christmas.”

  Dad moves his newspaper to one side, and Mom perks up and looks at my wrist that I’m holding up. She comes over for a closer look and I show her each charm, one at a time.

  “Bex, this is gorgeous and so thoughtful.”

  Dad asks, “How serious is this? I thought you’ve only been dating a month?”

  “Yes, I know, and I think he’s a keeper.”

  Dad scowls. “You need to take things slowly.”

  Mom jumps in with, “It’s a beautiful bracelet and a thoughtful gift. But I’m with your dad, take it slowly. You said you’ve only been dating a month, and it looks like he’s given you his fraternity pin forever.”

  She’s right. His fraternity pin is permanently fixed onto my bracelet. I feel a wave of emotion rush over me. This is getting serious, but I’m okay with it, I think.

  “You guys remember he’s coming to dinner with us today before the game, right?”

  Mom says, “Yes, I remember, and we’re looking forward to getting to know him better.”

  Lauren comes back with a large bag of beignets. I devour one, muttering, “It’s like mana from heaven.” Lauren and I hang out by the pool until 3:30 while Mom and Bella’s mom go shopping, and our dads hang out at the Carousel Bar.

  I finish the book I’m reading and look at the time. I tell Lauren I’m going to go in to decide what to wear. Lauren’s on the phone talking to Brian and gives me a wave as I walk away. I decide on the solid red knit dress and tall black suede boots I wore to the Homecoming Game. I spend extra time on my makeup and hair. Lauren walks out of the shower, drying her hair with a towel.

  “Can I borrow something of yours to wear?” she asks.

  “Sure, anything you want.”

  A few minutes later Mom knocks on the door.

  “You girls have fifteen more minutes, then it’s time to leave.”

  I text Lane to meet us in the lobby.

  Lane is waiting when we get off the elevator, looking divine. He’s wearing a red button down with a navy blazer and khaki pants. He smells amazing. He greets me first with a kiss on the cheek, shakes hands with Dad, then greets Mom and Lauren with polished politeness.

  Dad signals for us to walk out the front entrance.

  “I’ve called for an Uber to Commander’s Palace because I’m not sure how to get there from our hotel. I also don’t want to bother with getting the car out of the parking garage,” he says, walking toward the curb.

  Commander’s Palace is huge. We’re escorted up a staircase and down a hallway into an all glass room with beautiful views and incredible chandeliers. The wait staff is very formal. When Lauren and I go to the restroom they escort us by offering an arm and walk us all the way there. I’m also impressed by the food and the presentation. I can tell Lane’s impressed, too. He says this is his first time to eat here but says he’s been to New Orleans on several trips with his fraternity brothers over the years.

  Dad laughs. “I’m sure this is not the normal hang out for fraternity guys when they come to New Orleans. But it is one of the most famous restaurants here.” After a four-course meal we’re feeling a little fat and happy. When our Uber arrives, we hop in and make our way to the Superdome.

  At the stadium entrance, we wave goodbye to my family as we walk through the gate. Mom turns around as she’s walking away, “Remember to meet back at this gate when the game is over.”

  Lane and I find our way to the student section near the band. We wave at his cousins, Conor and John as they head toward us. They both say hi as they settle into their seats.

  “How has your New Year’s been so far?” I ask.

  John answers with, “I love New Orleans.”

  Conor nods his head, hands Lane a beer, and says, “It’s becoming one of my favorite destinations.”

  Lane tells them about our dinner at Commander’s Palace.

  “That sounds like a great place. We just ordered room service this afternoon,” John says, looking from us to Conor.

  The game begins, and we’re up on our feet cheering. The game goes into overtime, and we win with a field goal. Another National Championship is in the books, and history is made. After the celebration and trophy presentation, Conor and John tell us they’re going back to the hotel and give me a hug as they leave.

  While we’re waiting for my family to meet us at the curb, I ask Lane about his plans.

  “When does your plane leave tomorrow?”

  “My flight’s at 5:30.”

  “Are you flying back to Aspen?”

  “No, we’re flying to Atlanta, and I’ll hang out with Conor and John one more day. Their flight from Atlanta to Aspen will leave Thursday, then on Saturday I’ll drive back to Tuscaloosa. Now that you have a new car, what day do you think you’ll drive back to campus?”

  Lane is smiling at me and takes both my hands in his.

  “I think I’ll be back on Sunday. But I’m not looking forward to class Monday. It’ll be hard to get back into a routine. We have a home game on the 9th, and a new dance to perform. We have three home games in January and four in February with the last one on February 27th. Then we’ll get a bit of a break, unless the team goes past the SEC playoffs and into March Madness.”

  Lane reaches out and brushes the hair out of my eyes. “Hopefully you’ll get spring break off, too.”

  “Yes, I doubt our team will be in the final four. But since you’ll be in Atlanta for a few days, maybe you can come to dinner at our house on Friday night?”

  Mom, dad, and Lauren walk up waving excitedly.

  “That was some g
ame,” Dad says.

  “We were on the edge of our seats, holding our breath those last seconds. How were your seats?” I ask.

  Dad says, “They were pretty good. 45-yard line, a little high up, but we were able to see well.”

  Lauren moans, “I’m so over football, with the overtime it seemed like it would never end.”

  The Uber arrives. When we get out at the hotel Mom asks, “Are you guys staying out? It’s pretty late.”

  I look over at Lane. “Would it be okay if Rebecca and I just hang out for a few more minutes?” he asks.

  “Sure. Rebecca, just let me know you’re in for the night when you get back to the room.” Mom smiles as she turns to walk away with Dad and Lauren.

  Lane takes my hand and we pop into the Carousel Bar and find a corner couch seat. Lane orders a scotch, and I order a pomegranate spritzer. Even though my drink is nonalcoholic, it comes with a sprig of rosemary. Lane and I toast, touching our glasses together, and I snuggle up to him on the sofa. The bar is crowded, and I see Bama fans wandering in from the game. Everyone is in a great mood. I hear Roll Tide being shouted back and forth in the distance.

  Lane says, “Happy New Year’s Day.”

  “Cheers to that.” We touch our drinks together with a clink.

  After about forty-five minutes of hanging out, Lane looks at his phone. “I don’t want to keep you too long and make a bad impression. I’ll walk you up to your room.”

  We walk hand-in-hand to the elevator and get in. Once the doors close, we’re alone. He pulls me close and looks into my eyes. “I’m falling in love with you, Rebecca,” he says, then kisses me.

  We kiss until the elevator doors open, and a couple walks in and smiles at us. We back up and sneak glances at each other until we get to my floor. Lane walks me to the door, and we step inside. It’s quiet, and I know everyone’s asleep. Lane takes my hand, and I feel butterflies on trampolines. I lean into him.

  “I’m falling in love with you, too,” I whisper, staring into his eyes.

  He pulls me close, and we kiss. He puts his hand on my cheek and whispers, “I’ll see you in a few days.”

  I close the door and walk to Mom’s room to let her know I’m back. Tiptoeing back to my room, I snuggle down under the covers glowing. He’s in love with me.



  On the long drive home, I text Lane to make sure he still wants to have dinner at my house on Friday. He does, so I decide to see if Mom and Dad are cool with it. If not, heavy pleading will be involved. When Lauren finds out I invited Lane for dinner, she asks to have Brian, too. I thought she should have asked me first just to get my feel, but I really like Brian, and it’s not going to rain on my parade to have both our boyfriends over for dinner at the same time.

  I spend the day cleaning, putting away decorations, and helping Mom plan the meal. I’m excited, giddy, and nervous, because it feels so official. My boyfriend is coming to dinner!

  “Just be casual and normal,” I tell everyone.

  Dad raises an eyebrow at me. “Who are you telling to be normal?”

  Lauren pipes up, “OMG, Bex, it’s not like we haven’t had dinner with him before.”

  “I know, but he’s coming here to our house.”

  Then I remember he and I snuck in at 5 a.m. the morning after the SEC Championship game, and it makes me smile. 7:30 rolls around, and I’m nervous when the doorbell rings. I feel like it’s our first date or something. I practically attack him when he walks in the front door. I show him off to Mom and Dad like he’s a new toy. When they met him at the hotel in New Orleans, I kinda sprung it on everyone that he was my boyfriend, but tonight it seems real and planned.

  Mom pours herself a glass of wine, and Dad offers Lane a beer, and they settle into comfortable, casual conversation. The doorbell rings again, and Lauren goes to let Brian in. After all the introductions, we sit out on the screened porch, where Dad has the fireplace lit. Everything feels nice and cozy, warm and welcoming.

  After Mom’s spectacular chicken piccata dinner she says she’s set up dessert for us at the bar in the basement. The four of us go downstairs and leave Mom and Dad to the cleanup. Our basement is kinda bland in comparison to Brian’s, and I have no clue how cool and awesome Lane’s house must be. We do have another fireplace lit downstairs, and Mom has an impressive display of candy, snacks, and desserts set out for us on the bar counter. Brian asks if we want to play Xbox. Lauren and I end up watching as Brian and Lane battle it out in Lego Star Wars. I suggest Rock Band, and Brian calls drums, Lane and Lauren get the guitars, and I grab the microphone. We rock out to “Livin’ on a Prayer” by Bon Jovi then “Anyway You Want It” by Journey.

  “Great Voice, Bex,” Brian says.

  Lauren adds, “Bex had the role of Belle in Beauty and the Beast her senior year in high school.”

  “That’s cool,” Brian says, nodding in a cool guy way.

  Lane smiles a sexy smile at me and looks charmed by this info.

  Lauren and Brian walk over to the bar and start throwing gummy bears into each other’s mouths. The dog comes bounding downstairs and jumps up on the couch with Lane and me.

  “Micky really likes you and thinks you’re a keeper.”

  “Well, he’s definitely a dog with good taste.” Lane rubs Micky behind the ears.

  When Brian gets ready to leave, Lauren follows him upstairs. Finally, alone, I cuddle next to Lane on the couch.

  “Will you be driving your new Christmas gift around campus?”

  Lane shakes his head and sets his drink down.

  “My new car will stay in New York, and I’ll keep the one I have now for driving around Tuscaloosa. I’d love for you to come up and see it, maybe over Spring Break?”

  I smile at him but don’t answer. At midnight I walk with him out to the driveway. I show off my new car parked next to where we’re standing. I lean up against the side of the car and pull Lane close.

  “It’s very sporty. I like it. You’d better be careful driving back Sunday. I want to see you when you get back,” he says, rubbing his nose against mine.

  “I want you to be safe driving tomorrow, too.” I slip my arms through his.

  Kissing me tenderly, he whispers, “I want you to come back to me safely.” Our lips touch gently.

  “I promise I will.” I close my eyes and drink in his kiss.

  On Sunday morning, Mom, Dad, and Lauren stand in the driveway waving bye as I pull away. It’s about four hours to Tuscaloosa, but it goes quickly. There’s not much traffic through Atlanta, since its Sunday, and I gain an hour when I cross the state line, which I love.

  I pull into a spot near the Phi Mu house, grab my bags out of the back, and walk inside in search of our House Mother. I have a gift for her, but I also need a temp parking slip for my new car. I drop my bags off in my room, run out, and place my parking sticker in the dash.

  Bella’s not back yet, but she should be here soon. I walk down the other hall to see if Lexi’s back. I knock, and Lexi’s roommate, Jessica, opens the door to let me in. Lexi is unpacking. I find an empty spot on her bed and sit down. She shows me the new clothes she got for Christmas. Jessica mentions there’s a house Bible study later tonight if we want to join. A text pops up on my phone, and my cheeks burst with an enormous smile.

  “I know what that means.” Lexi says in a sing song voice.

  I say, “Yep, Lane is outside. He’s just pulled up. I’ll see you guys later.”

  I run out the door and jump into Lane’s arms.

  “That’s what I call a greeting. Have you had lunch yet?”

  “No, I’ve been back less than an hour. I’m not all that hungry, but I’ll go anywhere you want.”

  We end up in the quaint area of downtown Northport with lots of cute shops and trendy places to eat. I ask him to drop me off at Coleman after lunch so I can be at dance practice on time. I tell Amanda all about my new car on the ride back from practice.

  “Why didn’t you dri
ve it here? she asks. “It’s your turn to give me a ride,” she says with a laugh.

  “I rode over with Lane, and he dropped me off.”

  “I saw you guys at the game sitting with his cousins.”

  “I didn’t see you. How did you know we were sitting with his cousins?” Amanda gives me a weird smile and says, “I just know who his cousins are. I was sitting about seven rows behind you guys. It was a great game. I got in town on New Year’s Eve, but we didn’t stay out late. We were back in our room by midnight.”

  “I was at the Bama New Year’s Eve party with my family and Lane. We had a blast. Oh, by the way, this is what he got me for Christmas.” I hold out my arm.

  She holds my arm up and carefully looks at the bracelet.

  “Wow, it’s a custom charm bracelet. It’s gorgeous, Bex. I have to say I had no idea Lane had it in him. I may have misled you when I told you he was a total playboy. Or maybe you’ve changed him.”

  I smile back at Amanda, thinking maybe I have.

  When I walk into the room to change for dinner, Bella is unpacking her stuff. I’m so glad to see her even though I saw her less than a week ago. I feel good about being back at Phi Mu house with all my sisters. It’s fun listening to their stories about the things they did during Christmas break. Jessica has us in stitches telling us how she and her mom got lost driving through a little town in France where they stayed at a Chateau in the Le Voir Valley and waking up each morning to screeching peacocks. Mealtime is always a great way for us to get caught up.

  Afterward we gather in the living room for the back to school Bible study. Lexi’s roommate Jessica opens with a prayer and reads a verse from Psalm 20:4.

  “May God give you the desires of your heart, and make your plans succeed.”

  I love this verse. We talk for a few minutes about God knowing our needs before we ask. Jessica suggests we “popcorn pray” where anyone in the circle can pray if they feel led. When we get back to the room, I pull out my markers and draw a design around the verse and outline it to make the lettering bolder. I tear it out of my notebook and pin it on our memo board. I gather my things for class tomorrow and set the alarm. I tell Bella goodnight and roll over and ponder what my heart may want, wishing for warm sunny days, longing for spring, and sitting in the sun.


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