Apollyon's Saint The Collection: Books One through Ten

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Apollyon's Saint The Collection: Books One through Ten Page 23

by Zachary Koukol

  Chapter Twenty Three

  Gabriel found himself in a dark forest. Looking around Gabriel could not see anything but the forest. The light was dim from over cast, but fire balls and comets would fly by lighting up the forest. The shadows of tree's danced to the glow of light from above. The sky over the forest was much more intense than the Norse were.

  “Are you sure this is where he is?” Cain said from behind Gabriel.

  “Yes it is where the witches buried him.” King Abimelech said. Turning around Gabriel could see Tiffany standing over a hole in the ground. Abimelech and Cain's heads could be seen peering up from the hole.

  “They hid the spot well, I watched them cast a spell and then foliage grew where the fresh soil once was.” Abimelech said.

  “Apparently they made hard rocks form over the spot as well!” Cain said as his shovel rang off a rock. Old and frail Cains arms shook as he tried to lift shovels full of dirt. Tiffany just stood above the hole watching the two men dig. looking down at them she had a worried look on her face. Gabriel could not tell if she was worried that they would find him. Or that she was worried that Cain would be the one to find him.

  The shovel rang again, not on rock but on metal. Cain looked up and smiled at Abimelech as he gained a new burst of energy. The two dug more frantically as Tiffany sat down on a fallen log and watched the chaos in the sky.

  “I wounder where they are all going?” Tiffany said still looking up.

  “Where what is going?” Cain said still digging.

  “The comets, and balls of fire?” Tiffany said.

  “I think it's just a magic show to horrify mankind. The god's are no longer omnipresent, so they send reminders of their power in the sky.” Cain said with a unsure voice as he dug. Then Cain smiled looking down at the metal coffin that Gabriel's body was in.

  “Help me up.” Cain demanded holding out his hand. Tiffany reached down and pulled him up from the hole. Abimelech lifted one end of the metal box and set it upright.

  “Hold on Gabriel we will get you out soon.” Cain said. A smile ran across Gabriel's face. If he only knew that he was standing right next to him. But being a ghost was growing tiresome with so much going on.

  Abimelech pulled himself from the hole. With one hand he grabbed the chain around the box and pulled it out from the hole. It was impressive but then again Abimelech was a massive being. He began unwinding the chains until they fell off the container and into the dirt. Cain came over and lifted the lid, Gabriel leaned over to see himself in his coffin. It was a surreal moment seeing himself dug up from the grave. His skin was blue and purple as though it was oxygen deprived.

  “He.....He is dead?!” Cain shouted in a confused rage. Tiffany rushed closer and grabbed Gabriel's hand to feel his pulse. She turned her head from Cain and Abimelech as she felt for a pulse. Gabriel walked around to see her face in that moment. Tears welled up in her eye's as she felt his wrist. Then a sigh and a smile.

  “He is alive.” Tiffany said trying to down play the excitement on her face. She got up and walked away into the woods as if she was uninterested. Though it was simply a ploy to hide the tears that ran down her face. Now Gabriel knew without a doubt that she shared the same feelings that he had for her. He wanted to run up and hug her but he was still just a ghost. Even if he wasn't he had to pretend that they were not interested in each other.

  Tiffany was still a spy and Cain did not need to know that. If Gabriel showed his feelings for her then Cain would assume that there was more going on. Possibly revealing that Tiffany was a spy for the Norse kingdom. Gabriel hoped that she was just as he was. Tossed in the middle of war where no side was worth fighting for but his own.

  “What should we do?” Abimelech said confused.

  “I don't know maybe he is under a curse?” Cain said looking at Gabriel.

  “Lets take him back to camp and we will go from there.” Cain said grabbing one end of the box. Abimelech grabbed the other side and they began carrying it through the woods. Gabriel grabbed the pendants in his hand and tried to remember how to get back to physical form.

  “Uhhh Frigga take me back!” Gabriel said but nothing happened.

  “Frigga I want to go back to my body..” Still nothing. Gabriel followed behind the men as he started to panic. He thought about all she had said but could not remember how to get back. Searching his mind they walked for what seemed like hours but was only minutes. They approached a camp of wood huts and dug outs.

  Men and women sat around fires chewing on bones and scraps. They looked deprived and like a camp of vagabonds from ancient times. Looking around Gabriel saw archers up in the tree's keeping watch. The camp was fairly large and looked to consist of a few hundred people. Cain and Abimelech walked through the camp and carried the container into a large hut guarded by five men with home made spears.

  They did not look like warriors or kings but starved men. Gabriel walked into the hut, inside was a fire pit, bedding and some chairs made from branches. Tiffany was sitting on the bedding closing her eye's as she leaned against the wall. The walls of the hut were made of tree's and the insulation was mud and straw. She looked exhausted as she opened her eye's.

  “He is cursed!” Cain said.

  “Cursed?” Tiffany asked.

  “Yes I think the witches placed a curse over him. But his color is coming back and he is now breathing. Its just he wont wake up.” Cain said.

  “What are we going to do?” Tiffany said trying to act worried. She saw the pendant and must have know what was happening.

  “I say we attack those witches and if they don't remove the curse than we burn them!” Abimelech said.

  “You really think we can defeat Morrighan one of the oldest known goddesses? Or did you forget that the witch in love with Gabriel summoned her?” Cain said. Abimelech looked down at the ground out of ideas. When Cain mentioned Morrighan you could tell it sent chills up Abimelech's spine.

  “We will figure out something, for now he stays here with you Tiffany. You will be his guardian and if anything happens I hold you responsible.” Cain said walking out of the hut. Abimelech followed behind as smoke ran out the door behind them. Tiffany looked down at Gabriel and smiled as she laid down in her bed. Gabriel just watched her as she fell asleep.

  “What am I going to do!” Gabriel shouted. He was furious with himself for not remembering Frigga's instructions. As the night turned into early morning Gabriel sat in the corner of the hut. He had given up the idea of freeing himself. He would remain a ghost of ignorance. Now his mind drifted to the dreams he had in the house. He thought of one of the quotes in the dream. He could not remember who said it but the words echoed in his mind.

  “Society needs a rebel. Not a rebel of violence and madness. But a rebel with a heart. So start a rebellion to love and respect our humanity” The person who said it was unknown but the words were true. Gabriel thought that if he could ever get free from his prison then he would be that rebel. If the gods wanted war then he would be a leader of peace and defy them. He could create a refuge for humanity and end the suffering.

  He did not know how he could save people from the war. But he had to try as long as there was still an eternity of blood in his veins. He vowed to bring humanity peace and understanding of the god's. Although he knew little about them, he knew more than most. There was only one god that he knew that would not let them live in peace. Apollyon was the wedge between him and peace, but if they could hide from him then they could find peace. If even for a little while, but then again a piece of Apollyon was in all of us.

  Gabriel waited for what seemed like days as him and Tiffany sat silently in the hut. No one disturbed them and Tiffany only ate and drank very little. She was looking drained and the effects of famine where starting to show. The god's and their army were now in the flesh once more. With that came all the consequences of the flesh.

  She was begging to looked worried once more. Like maybe Gabriel was in trouble, lost or not coming back. He
watched as she sat down next to him and held his hand. She laid her head down on the metal coffin and stoked his hand with her thumb until she fell asleep once more. Gabriel just watched and waited for what might come next. Then Tiffany's head jolted up and she looked at Gabriel once more.

  “Gabriel? if you are listening please say these words. Midgard is calling, and so am I!” Tiffany shouted at him. Gabriel jumped to his feet fumbling for his pendant. He tightly grasped it in his hand and smiled.

  “Midgards calling, and....” Darkness cut him off before he could finish what he was saying.

  “So am I!” Gabriel shouted into the hut. Opening his eye's Tiffany jumped on him hugging him. Then she pulled back and sat down on her bed.

  “Soo...sorry..” Tiffany said.

  “Its ok Tiffany we don't have to act anymore.” Gabriel said but was quickly cut off before he could finish.

  “Yes we do, they cannot know about us Gabriel.” Tiffany said whispering.

  “You are like the atomic bomb in world war two and I am your Hiroshima. They will use me to set you off and bring a destructive end to war.” Tiffany whispered.

  “They must never know, only we will know and even that is too much.” She said still whispering. Gabriel just looked around in anger. He knew she was right and he was faced once again with his age old battle.

  “Yes, you are right. If a day ever comes just know I will be here waiting.” Gabriel said whispering. A smile lit up across Tiffany's face.

  “I know you will, but we all must sacrifice in war. Its unfortunate that love is one of the first things to go.” Tiffany whispered.

  “Now I must get you to Cain he has a lot to talk about. But mention nothing of Asgard or the seven kingdoms.”

  “Where will I say I have been all these years?” Gabriel said.

  “Tell them Apollyon had you captive. But you escaped and when you came back the witches got you.” Tiffany said.

  “Yeah about them...Morrighan is in Axal?” Gabriel said confused.

  “Yes, but I will let Cain explain that to you.” Tiffany said pointing at the door. Gabriel got up and walked out. The guards greeted him and shook his hand smiling. Gabriel was unsure of why they were so happy but he shook their hands anyways.

  “Gabriel!” Cain shouted running from a forming crowd.

  “Back up fools, back to your posts!” Abimelech shouted pushing people away from Gabriel.

  “Back in the hut Gabriel.” Abimelech said forcefully pushing him back in.

  “Ok Ok! calm down!” Gabriel barked back.

  “Sorry it is for your own protection.” Abimelech said bowing his head to Gabriel.

  “Its been far too long!” Cain said smiling at Gabriel.

  “So where have you been all these years?” Cain said sitting down on the bed.

  “Well its a long story....But in short Apollyon had me trapped inside a cave. He wanted me imprisoned so he could continue to build his legion. But once the war started his grasp over me faded. I escaped and returned home. Once home I found that room...” Gabriel said.

  “Yes a powerful witch in love with you took over the house. It wasn't long before she even captivated the other inhabitants.” Cain said.

  “Who is she?” Gabriel said.

  “Ashley was her name, but she gave her life for you. Through a ritual to bring you back. But you could not be rescued. Somehow the spell in failure summoned the great Morrighan and she has taken over Axal. The town worships her, and she is starting her kingdom of Celts. But that too is a long story..” Cain said.

  “Wait Ashley did all of this?” Gabriel said in disbelief.

  “I guess she was truly in love with you.” Tiffany said.

  “But a witch?” Gabriel said.

  “Love can make us do many things. She turned to the dark arts believing that you were dead. So she traded her life for yours.” Cain said.

  “Enough of this, the war?” Abimelech said.

  “Gabriel I know this is going to sound outrageous. Their are seven kingdoms, or seven religions who have fallen from heaven. They are here to take over the world and create a utopia. Or at least their version of one. So they all are here and at war, gods now walk in the flesh.” Cain said.

  “So what about the God? the one that is suppose to be the almighty?” Gabriel said.

  “Well god has yet to show, though Apollyon is now free and roaming earth in the flesh. Thee god has yet to show in the flesh. That is why you are so, so important Gabriel.” Cain said.

  “Really how so?” Gabriel said.

  “You are the only one who can bring his wrath to mankind. Remember? as long as there is one he will not destroy the world. You are and have always been the one.” Cain said.

  “So how do I call upon his wrath?” Gabriel said.

  “Sin, the ultimate sin and you will taint the very ground we stand on. We all have committed it either by lineage, or with our own flesh. Not you, you still remain the one person who can call an end to all of this.” Cain said. Gabriel pondered for a moment.

  “So let me guess you want me to commit the ultimate sin?” Gabriel said.

  “Yes, as I always have, I am still cursed as are all of us.” Cain said. Gabriel got up and walked over to the door.

  “You already know my answer Cain. It remains as it always has. I have no side, this is not my war.” Gabriel said walking out.

  “It is your war, as long as you allow war!” Cain shouted from inside the hut. The people were still gathered outside. They all reached out to Gabriel smiling and cheering. Gabriel walked through them shaking their hands and embracing them. He walked until he saw a ladder leading up a tree. There on top was a watch tower. Gabriel climbed the ladder and then stood on one of the branches. Looking on he could see hundreds of people. Cain, Abimelech, and Tiffany watched him from outside of the hut.

  “You are heavens abominations?!” Gabriel shouted.

  “Yeaah!!” The people cheered.

  “I don't believe that though!” Gabriel shouted and the people grew silent.

  “Look here we are in the flesh once more. Look at Cain, he has been cursed as a wanderer of earth since the dawn of man. Yet there he is once again in the flesh. He can finally live again free of his ghostly ways.” Gabriel said pointing at Cain.

  “I don't have all the answers, but I know war is not the answer. There is one weapon we yield over any god. That is the power of choice, we can choose peace!” Gabriel shouted with a hoarse voice.

  “But what if hell comes and kills us? what choice is that?” A man in the crowd said.

  “So let hell come! I have seen hell and I won't be captivated by fear..... Should we fake our love and have faith in our fear?” Gabriel said.

  “So what should we have faith in?” A woman asked.

  “I wont lie to you and say that I know. I don't know if we will find truth in death. But I do know we find lies in life, pain in honesty, and faith in disbelief. I won't lie to myself or to you to feel better or fake a moment. I am a corruptible and ever changing being who is wrong more often than right. So if you have faith in anything, then let it be in my honesty!” Gabriel shouted.

  “So we should what....Follow you?” A man said?

  “Yeah what do we do, your honesty wont fend of hells legion!” Another man yelled.

  “That is absolutely right sir, my honesty won't fend off hells legion. But it will hold back heavens wrath long enough for us to fight hell and make peace with life.” Gabriel said. With that the crowd was silenced, even Gabriel did not expect to find such courage. A man who once wanted only death was now standing up against the gods and giving his faith to humanity. Even Cain's rage was silenced with Gabriel's words. Tiffany's face was lit up with a smile as she watched a coward turn to a saint.

  “So who is with me?!” Gabriel shouted and so did the crowd. Gabriel climbed down from the tree and once again embraced the people now with open arms. Their hugs were weak from famine and lack of sleep. Once Gabriel made it through the crow
d he walked back to Cain and the hut.

  “So are you with me?” Gabriel said looking at Cain, Abimelech and Tiffany.

  “Its madness, but I am with you. Some day though you will see things as I do.” Cain said. Abimelech simply nodded his head.

  “Of course I am!” Tiffany said as she hugged him. Gabriel watched Cains face with her in his arms. He looked surprised but no one expected that speech.

  “So what do we do now?” Abimelech said. Gabriel pointed into the hut and they all walked in. Night was once again approaching and the people headed for their huts and warmth of the fires.

  “There is lots for us to do, but first we must regain the strength of the people. I know these forests are full of food. The river below the canyon are full of fish. We need to feed the people and worry about their health first and for most. Then we will worry about Axal, the witches, Morrighan, and the other god's. For now though we must sleep and tomorrow is a fresh start for humanity.” Gabriel said laying down on the floor of the hut.

  “Very well.” Cain said with a sigh as he and Abimelech left the hut. Tiffany laid down on the bed and Gabriel and her eye's locked as they fell asleep.


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