The Lost Years

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The Lost Years Page 16

by Colin Wade

  “OK. I will deal with Janice tomorrow.”

  “Oh, and son, don’t fuck this up as well.”

  Once again, he was left with a stinging rebuke, festering in his ear. His anger was rising.

  Well, maybe Dad, I won’t do your dirty work anymore. Or, maybe I will do it my way. Do it how I want to do it and fuck whether you get caught. Hmm, yes. I think it is time I took control.


  He woke up the next day ready to get more blood on his hands. He was going to sort out Anya and Rob the way he wanted but, for now, he was happy to tidy up this loose end.

  He drove up to where Janice Silverman lived. He parked up about 100 yards down from her house and waited. He saw her pottering about in her front garden and, as he sat watching, something dawned on him.

  Shit, there is no car in the drive.

  She didn’t have a garage and he couldn’t see any cars parked outside her house. He was going to have to change his M.O.

  He pondered his options and decided he would have to go for a more direct solution. He got out of the car and walked towards her house. As he approached she was still tending her front garden.

  “Excuse me,” he said, “I wonder if you can help me. My car has broken down up the road and my mobile battery has died. Could I quickly use your phone to call my recovery service?”

  Janice eyed him suspiciously. After Rob had arrived on her doorstep unannounced she had become paranoid and nervous. She stared at him. He gave her the most unthreatening smile he could. She was a bit nervous but he looked quite harmless, tall and rather handsome with the look of good breeding. She told herself there wasn’t anything to worry about. She had to stop being paranoid. He was wearing gloves though on quite a warm day. Curious.

  She made a decision after what seemed an eon of hesitation.

  “OK, come around the back.”

  He went through first and as they walked through the back gate and along the side of the house, passing through an area that was shielded from the prying eyes of any neighbours, he pounced. He turned quickly and thrust the knife deep into her chest, piercing her heart. It was so quick, there was no sound as she slumped to the floor, dead. He dragged her body out of sight and quickly left, putting on his dark glasses to minimise the risk of people being able to describe his facial features. He was lucky. The street was quiet and he got back to his car and drove off without further incident.

  Good. Now it is time to deal with my other little problem. Get ready bitch and your prick of a boyfriend. I am coming for you.

  As he drove away the adrenalin started to leave his body and he began to shake. Not with fear but excitement. All the others had been done with the car. This felt so much more personal and it excited him. It was the same feeling he had when he was strangling that bimbo the other night. He had eventually let her go and she had stormed out, screaming at him, crying uncontrollably, terrified by what he had done to her. Now he had gone the whole way and it felt like nothing he had done before. Yes, Anya would have to be killed like this. Up close and personal. He smiled to himself and drove home.


  Each visit to see Anya was now a new set of stresses. Rob was overwhelmed that his darling Anya had come back to him. Out of the coma and seemingly none the worse for her three months of incarceration, but the horror of the new revelations and Anya’s impatience to get answers was causing a strain in their relationship. Every conversation started the same, with Anya offloading.

  “Where is my baby Rob? What have you and this man found? I want to get out of here NOW!”

  Rob had to draw on all his powers of tact and patience. Since she had found out about her baby, something had fundamentally changed in their relationship. It was like he wasn’t important in her life anymore. The baby was everything. He ploughed on, trying not to let it affect him.

  “Anya, I know this is horrific but we don’t have all the answers. I need you to meet Clark as soon as we get you out of here. If we can show you what we have found and talk through it, I am sure you can help to fill in some blanks and help us bring this to a conclusion.”

  “What do you mean a ‘conclusion’? Call the bloody police and find my baby.”

  “Look Anya, we can’t do that. We don’t know who we can trust in the police but we do have a plan. We just need more time.”

  Anya glared at him.

  “Just go Rob. I don’t want you here unless you are going to take me home or give me some answers.”

  She turned away from him and closed her eyes.

  Rob was gobsmacked. The ungrateful bitch. All the hours he had sat by her bed and she treated him like this. He got up and left, before he said something he would regret. He wasn’t going to give up on her but they needed some space. He drove home and called Clark.

  “Hi Rob, how is it going?”

  “Not well. Anya is impossible. She is bitter and angry. I can’t say anything to her. She wants us to go to the police. I have tried to explain why we can’t do that but she just wants answers we can’t give her. I need to get her out of there and over to you, so we can show her what we have actually done.”

  “Well, I guess it is understandable. She hasn’t had the time we have had to process the horror of this thing and, at the end of the day, she is the victim here, Rob.”

  “Yeah, I know but it makes it so hard. I watched over her every day for three months and just when I get her back, we have to deal with this. When will this end Clark? I just don’t seem to be important to her anymore.”

  “Look Rob, we have to look at the positives. This baby situation just might be the missing piece we have been looking for. We have lots of evidence but if we can get in that clinic, I am sure we can find the answers and work out what happened to Anya’s baby.”

  “Do you think they just killed it?”

  “I don’t know. It is possible but what if the baby was the reason she was targeted?”

  “What? So, you think they are stealing babies?”

  “I think it has to be a possibility. Maybe all the girls were pregnant when they went in. Their lifestyles seemed to be pretty loose as they got more addicted. There has to be a good chance they were sleeping around as well as taking drugs, meaning there must be a good chance they could have all been pregnant.”

  “But hold on. If any of the girls had a baby while they were in the clinic, wouldn’t it also be addicted?”

  “Yes, that it is true. Why would they want addicted bab—?”

  Clark stopped in mid-sentence.

  “What is it Clark?”

  “Oh my God Rob. Turn on the local news. Quickly.”

  They both watched in horror as the reporter spoke.

  “Police in Warwickshire are appealing for witnesses after a fifty-two-year-old woman living in Warwick was found murdered in her home this afternoon. She had been stabbed once in the heart and preliminary reports suggest she died instantly. Police want anyone who was in the area to contact them about any vehicles or people they saw between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. today.”

  “Shit Clark, that is the street where I visited Janice.”

  “I thought as much. That is why I freaked when I saw the news story coming through. Jesus, this is getting serious. They are clearing up the loose ends.”

  “How did they know about Janice?”

  “Well I am sorry to say it mate but you were obviously not careful enough. You must have been followed.”

  “I was not followed. I told you that.”

  “Are you sure? How else would they know about her?”

  “Well thanks a lot mate for just making my day that little bit worse. So, you are saying I am responsible for getting Janice killed?”

  “Look Rob, I know this is shit and regrettable about Janice but you have to focus. This means that you and Anya are in real danger.”

  “God Clark. I just can’t
do this anymore.”

  There was a brief pause as they both didn’t know what to say next. Clark broke the awkward silence once again.

  “Well, well, well. This day just gets weirder.”


  “I have just had an email alert from the Loughborough Clinic. They are advertising for a cleaner. This is our way in!”


  William Hardacre sat in his first-class seat, quaffing champagne and tucking into his filet mignon. He was finally on his way to Beijing to sign a series of trade deals that would add more to his billion-pound portfolio.

  His pathetic son had finally delivered the Chinese trade deal that he had put so much effort into. All the bribery and greasing of palms had finally paid off, handsomely. He finished off his last mouthful and stretched out his legs as he watched the female flight attendant walk by.

  What a cracking arse, he thought to himself. I wonder how much money it would take to get her bouncing on my balls?

  He smiled to himself. Money really did make the world go round.

  He could forget about his other little ‘problem’ for a few days. He had left clear instructions for the loose ends to be tidied up. He just hoped that he wouldn’t be let down again. He didn’t tolerate failure.


  James Hardacre sat at the table for a rare moment of family time with Annabelle and Sophie. He had got his dad off his back for a week or two but he knew he would be back for more. More being manipulated to do his bidding. More things that would tear at the heart of the very integrity that should be the foundations of any good PM. He tried not to show his angst but Annabelle was beginning to notice.

  “James. What is the matter?”

  “Oh, nothing, just a lot on my mind.”

  “You have been like this for weeks and it is always worse when your bloody father is around.”

  “Well you know what a wonderful man he is,” he replied sarcastically. “Anyway, he has gone to China today and won’t be around for a few weeks.”

  “Good, why do we need him in our lives anyway?”

  “Oh, Annabelle, don’t be naïve. His business interests are so tied up with most of my political agenda. I can’t avoid him.”

  “Well keep him away from me and Sophie. I don’t like him. He is a sleaze bag and I am sure he is cheating on your mother again with some bimbo in his office.”

  “Just leave it Annabelle. I don’t like him either but I just have to tolerate him. Especially now.”

  “What do you mean, ‘especially now’?”

  “Oh, nothing, just forget I said anything.”

  James stood up and walked out, leaving Annabelle hanging. She was not impressed.

  He walked back to his office, agonising over what to do. He had got himself in a situation with his father that he was struggling to get out of. Annabelle would never forgive him if she knew the truth and James knew that his father would have no hesitation in using the ultimate sanction if he didn’t comply. Exposing his dirty little secret and wrecking the most precious part of his life.



  A couple of weeks had passed and the doctors were happy to discharge Anya, with a warning to take it easy. She was booked back in a month later for an outpatient check-up.

  Rob and Anya were still talking. Just. But, the last few weeks had put a massive strain on their relationship. Anya did not agree with Rob and Clark’s approach and wanted answers.

  “Where is my baby? Where is my baby?” The mantra of every conversation they had over the last two weeks.

  Rob drove her home and as they walked back into the family home in Goring, Anya stopped to take it all in.

  “My God, it seems so long since I was here.”

  “I know. Come and sit down and I’ll make a cup of tea.”

  “Rob, stop fussing. Just leave me alone.”

  Rob did as he was asked. He knew he had to tread carefully. Anya would not settle until he could get her to see Clark. At least he had a plan. They would go tomorrow. Elisha was still being amazing looking after the gallery whenever Rob needed her. His feelings for her were confused. She was being his rock and with Anya being so distant, his mind and his underused cock were taking him places he didn’t want to go but Anya was his soulmate… wasn’t she? He agonised over the change in their relationship. Did soulmates really build a relationship based on lies and deceit? Had the events of the last few months exposed their relationship as a sham? Anya’s obsession with her baby, her reluctance to open up to Rob about her addiction and the time in the clinic was definitely shaking the foundations. He tried to ignore the inner turmoil and busied himself.

  After a couple of hours back in the house, Rob walked back into the living room hoping that Anya would be more civil. As he walked in, she looked at him. Her expression was different. No longer was it the pained, angry countenance that seemed to be permanently etched on her face since she had come out of the coma. There was something else. Fear.

  “Are we in a lot of danger Rob?”

  This was no time for lies.

  “We are Anya. In very real danger. Whatever happened to you in that clinic was criminal and the people involved are trying to clear it up.”

  “Will they try to kill me again?”

  “Yes. We think they will try to kill both of us. We think the only reason I am still alive is because they have been tailing me, hoping that I would lead them to Clark.”

  “So, have you been careful? Is Clark exposed?”

  “No, Clark is not exposed. We have been careful but we have made a mistake.”


  “We found a disgruntled ex-employee. I visited her to try to find out what she could tell us about the clinic. A few days after I visited her, she was murdered.”

  “Oh my God Rob. No. This is all my fault.”

  “What? No. If it is anyone’s fault it is mine. I must have been followed by the man that tried to kill you. I am responsible for her death.”

  They both sat staring at each other. For the first time since Anya had come out of the coma, they seemed to be connecting again.

  Anya was now looking scared and vulnerable. The fight of the last two weeks seemed to have gone out of her. Her next sentence was delivered in a tone Rob had not heard for a while. One of genuine love, concern and a small bit of vulnerability that had always melted Rob’s heart.

  “Are we going to see Clark tomorrow?”

  “Yes Baldrick. I have a cunning plan.”

  Anya grimaced at the bad joke but invited Rob to sit down next to her. She wrapped herself in his arms and fell asleep. Rob was pleased but something about this didn’t now feel right. What the hell was happening?


  Clark sat at this computer, creating a new identity for Rob. The deadline for the cleaner job at the clinic was rapidly approaching and he had to create a killer application. One that could not be ignored. They had to get in that clinic. Clark was convinced it would tie together all the missing pieces of their extensive evidence trail. As he put the finishing touches to it, he got a text from Rob.

  ‘Anya is home. We will meet tomorrow. Can you be in the main Pangbourne car park at around 2 p.m.?’

  He texted back.

  ‘Great. I’ll be there. I’ll borrow my neighbour’s car. Look out for a Fiat Panda.’

  Rob smiled at the text. A Fiat Panda. That was so Clark.


  Anya came down the stairs after a restless sleep to find Rob making breakfast and packing a picnic hamper.

  “What is that for?”

  “It is all part of my cunning plan to get to Clark’s without being tailed. Now eat your scrambled eggs on toast and I’ll explain what we need to do.”

  It was late morning by the time they had finished breakfast, cleared away and got ready. It was a lovely sunny da
y, perfect for what Rob had planned.

  They got dressed for the occasion and finished packing up the picnic hamper. As they left the house they didn’t get in the car but headed for the river.

  They tried to be as casual as possible as they walked through the village but kept trying to spot the black car or anyone acting suspiciously. For once this plan really needed them to be followed.

  As they got closer to the lane that led to the river, Rob looked around without being too obvious. As he scanned left, he thought he could see a black 4x4, parked slightly back behind a tree about thirty yards down the road. He looked away quickly and hurried Anya forward.

  “I think our tail is in place.”

  “I don’t like this Rob. We are exposed.”

  “Just keep walking. We are nearly at the boat.”

  Suddenly, they heard the roar of a car engine starting up and moving at speed. It was coming their way.

  “Rob. He is coming.”

  “I know. Walk faster. It is just around this corner.”

  They changed to a fast walk, reached the end of the lane and turned right towards where the boats were hired.


  He sat in his car waiting, fully expecting to see Rob and Anya driving out of the village but he suddenly spotted them on foot, carrying a picnic hamper and going towards the river.

  What the hell are they doing?

  As they disappeared, he fired the car up and drove quickly to the end of the road. As the lane came into view he saw Rob and Anya turning the corner towards the boat-hire place.

  Shit, they are getting on a boat. How do I follow them now? God they are pissing me off. Time to follow them, find them and kill them. Fuck you Dad.

  He knew the road followed the river for long stretches. He would get ahead of them and track their progress. They would have to stop sometime and then he would end this thing. Once and for all.


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