His Favorite Toy

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His Favorite Toy Page 5

by Nicole Trinity

  "What's wrong?" Aurora was worried about him.

  "Ruby only bought two steaks." He grumbled lowly. "She's making salad for you and her."

  "What a-" Theo started but Aurora cut him off.

  "It's okay!" She smiled, she really didn't mind and she didn't want any arguments.

  Caleb grumbled again and stuck is hand into Aurora's purse, digging around for some sort of sweet.

  "Don't you know it's rude to go into a woman's purse?" Theo glared at him.

  "Caleb- Wait-" She pulled his hand from her bag, unzipped the side pouch, and pulled out a cookie wrapped in foil.

  He quickly snatched it from her hand and stormed off to the back of the apartment to eat it. Aurora couldn't help but laugh at the way he was acting.

  "And I thought you were bad with sweets." Theo laughed, placing an arm around her to pull her closer.

  She felt her heart pick up. It was like she was on drugs when she was around him. Her body trembled, her heart sped up, and she cheeks heated. Caleb came back after about a minute, his tongue tracing over his lips to get all the chocolate.

  "Thanks Rory." Caleb sighed, a hand running through his hair. "I can't take it sometimes. Sorry about the salad."

  "It's fine!" She giggled again, then followed him to the kitchen.

  As they got closer to Ruby, she turned around and gave them a very stiff smile. She had a large bowl of salad in her hands and was finishing up dressing it. Aurora did her best to be polite and excited about the food.

  "Rory, you'll love this salad. It's one of my favorites right now."

  "I can't wait." She smiled softy.

  Ruby smiled back, picking up her glass of red wine as she did and took a big gulp. Aurora inwardly groaned, Ruby was nastier when she had been drinking. Caleb was already grilling on his balcony and she watched as Ruby refilled her glass and poured another. Aurora’s eyes were focused on the blue sky outside when Ruby brought the glasses over to her. She barely heard what the other woman said to her, her head turning to her just as a glass of wine spilled down the front of her white shirt. Aurora's mouth dropped open and Ruby's eyes widening at the red soaking into her shirt.

  "I'm so sorry! I was just trying to get you some wine!" Ruby gasped, her glass in her hand as she reached for a towel.

  "It’s-It's okay." Aurora was in a daze; her shirt was ruined and she only had one other white one.

  Caleb came in with the two steaks, his smile fading when he spotted Aurora dabbing her shirt. He set down the plate down and went over to her.

  "What happened?"

  "I went to hand her wine and she bumped into me." Ruby stood there watching as Aurora cleaned up the mess.

  Caleb didn't know what to say. He had a feeling this wasn't Aurora's fault but he couldn’t call Ruby on it. Before he could say anything, Aurora was looking at him, a soaking red-stained rag in her hand.

  "Caleb, can I borrow some clothes please?"

  "Why don't you borrow some of Ruby's?"

  "Her clothes won't fit me." Aurora pouted slightly, he should know that.

  "Yea, she'll stretch out my clothes Caleb." Ruby rolled her eyes as she spoke.

  "I'd look like a popped can of biscuits." Aurora gritted jokingly through her teeth, trying to brush off what Ruby said.

  Theo choked on the glass of water he had been drinking from. His eyes widened for a moment as he stared at her. An emotion she couldn't place fogging his green eyes.

  "Drink much?" Caleb laughed at him.

  "Sorry, I got an imagine of her in booty shorts." A smirk forming as his eyes looked her up and down.

  "You know where my stuff is, Rory. Go ahead." Caleb finally gave in.

  It seemed like he felt a little bad but Aurora wasn't sure. She just turned and went off to his bedroom. She knew where his stuff was because she had helped him clean a few times when Ruby was gone for a couple of weeks or months. She pulled out a pair of blue and green plaid lounge pants then searched until she found his black Avenged Sevenfold shirt. It had always been her favorite even though it was old and had a few holes in it. She carried the two items to the bathroom and stripped down to just her underwear and bra, which was also soaked but she wasn't going to take it off. She sighed heavily as she put on Caleb's clothes.

  Everything was loose except for the area around her butt. It wasn't super tight but she definitely filled out all the extra room. However, it was better than her work clothes, which she had balled up. When she came back out, she found the other three sitting down with plates of food. There was a spot next to Theo that had a salad similar to Ruby's. She dropped her clothes by her heels and walked over to the table. She took her seat and began eating her salad. She caught Theo's eyes on her when she sat down, a slight scowl on his face before continuing to eat his steak. She tried not to think about it too much.

  "This is really good, Ruby." She smiled at her, it really wasn't as bad as she thought it would be.

  "Try this." Theo had a piece of steak on his fork and was bringing it to her lips.

  She opened her mouth instinctively, taking in the piece of the juicy steak. It was absolutely delicious. She loved steak but didn't want to upset Ruby either.

  "That's good, too, Caleb." She smiled, catching Ruby roll her eyes.

  They slowly finished dinner, Caleb and Theo dominating the conversation. Ruby never really talked to her anyway and she enjoyed listening to the guys talk about movies they'd seen or video games that were coming out. After they all finished, Aurora gathered up the plates and carried them to the sink. Caleb tried to stop her but she said she wanted to help as thanks for feeding her. Caleb invited them to stay for a movie, but Aurora declined. She needed to get home and get some rest for tomorrow. Between shopping with her friends and going to the club for a show, she needed all the sleep she could get. Caleb tried to convince Theo to stay, but he used the excuse that he needed to drive Aurora. He didn't want her walking outside at night. While he said goodbye, she picked up her soaking clothes and put her heels back on.

  "I'll catch ya later, Caleb." Theo spoke, then turned to Aurora and placed a hand on the small of her back.

  She felt herself being pushed toward the door. His touch sending small shocks through her body. She said her goodbyes, then followed him out of the apartment and to the elevator.


  "Why the fuck do you let her do that to you?" Theo abruptly spoke, his voice harsh.

  She jumped, shocked by his sudden tone with her. He was angry, his teeth gnashing together and his muscle clenching. She didn't understand what he was mad about, Ruby actually hadn't been that bad tonight.

  "What do you mean?" She looked over at him.

  "Seriously?" He gave her a calculated look. "Don't tell me that's what she always does. Caleb can't be that blind."

  "He was with you." She turned away, stepping out of the elevator as the doors slid open.

  "Me?" His anger turning to confusion.

  She didn't respond, she wanted to get home and get in bed. With the way he drove, they made it back in no time. They didn't say a single word to each other. She stepped out of the car the second they parked and she rushed in, not even bothering to wait for Theo. She ran to the elevator, wanting to get into her apartment before he could stop her. This time she would lock her door so he had to stay in his apartment. She hoped he wouldn't be able to get through the lock again. She smiled as she caught his angered face right as the doors closed. She giggled softly, her back relaxing against the far wall as the elevator carried her to the third floor. She knew what she did was mean, he had been rather nice to her ever since he came back. Well, for the most part. Her smile completely faded as the doors opened to reveal a panting Theo waiting for her. His jaw clenching and unclenching. Her heart skipped a beat and her breath was caught in her throat.

  "Aurora." His voice deep, throaty.

  He reached for her, his large hand grasping her small wrist and yanking her from the elevator.
Her body was pulled against his, their eyes connecting. One fearful, one enraged.

  "What the fuck?"

  "Theo, let me go!"

  Her words seemed to bother him. He ignored her, pulling her along until they were standing in front of her door. He opened it and shoved her inside. She mentally kicked herself for not locking her door but she didn't even have time to think about that. His strong hands had her pinned against the wall. Her door now closed. His fingers hooked onto the waist band of her lounge pant. Her hands shot out to push against his chest, but it did nothing. Her borrowed pants were in a pool at her ankles, his hands gripping the bottom of her shirt.

  "The-Theo stop!" She panicked.

  His lips formed a thin line, anger consuming him. His hands pulled her shirt up and over her head, revealing her wine stained lace undergarments to him. She watched in horror as his hand removed his own shirt. She didn't understand why he was doing this. Tear began to spill down her cheeks, her heart pounding erratically in her chest.

  "Plea-Please, do-don’t!" Her arms crossing over her practically naked form.

  His shirt was already off, his gaze darkening. She whimpered softly, but as she cowered from him, he pulled his shirt over her. He made her put her arms through it, the hem of it landing under her bottom. Although confused, she began to relax a little.

  "Don't run from me." His voice deep and angry. "And don't ever wear another man's clothes."

  He gently wiped away her tears then slouched down, his forehead resting on her shoulder. His head turned slightly, his lips resting next to her neck, his breath hot on her skin.

  "They're my brother's." She felt herself calming down more, she had feared he was going to do something else.

  "I don't care." His voice sounding strained. “I don’t like it.”

  His lips pressed to the base of her neck, slowly moving up to her jaw, and finally made a connection to her lips. She was frozen in place, her body numb. She couldn't even push him away.

  "You're mine." He moaned, his lips pressing to hers again.

  His kisses were rough and needy, claiming her completely. He pushed his tongue passed her lips and into her mouth, exploring everywhere. He didn't stop until they were both breathing heavily. He pulled away but not by much, his hands resting on her hips.

  "I didn't forget, Aurora. I never forgot, not even for a second." He paused, his lips taking hers once more.

  He left her gasping for air, his lust an utter shock to her system. This was her bully. The boy who tormented her. She couldn't wrap her head around everything he was doing to her.

  "You can't have me." She gasped out, her arms beginning to regain some strength.

  His grip tightened, his fingers digging into her soft skin as he pulled her into his chest. His hand trailed up her spine, under her hair, and wrapped lightly around the back of her neck.

  "You made a deal, Aurora." His lips tickling her ear as he spoke.

  "Theo, that was so long ago! You can't possibly be holding on to that."

  "Deal or no deal, you're mine." He pressed his lips to her ear.

  "I don't understand." She pushed at his chest, but it seemed like he didn’t even notice.

  "What don't you understand?"

  "You made my life horrible!" She bit out.

  He pulled away from her, his eyes looking down at her while she glared at him. He couldn't help but laugh at her.

  "Wha-What's so funny?" She felt like kids again, she was angry and he was laughing.

  "You're cute when you're angry."

  "Oh, just let me go!" She finally was able to push out of his arms.

  She knew it was because he allowed it. She balled her hands into little fists at her sides. He frustrated her so much. How could he show up after so long and claim she was bound by a deal she made in high school. He was probably teasing her about it and didn’t mean anything he had just done.

  "Good night, Theo."

  She ended the conversation and walked off to her room. She was happy when she heard the front door close, she was afraid he wasn't going to leave. With a heavy sigh, she fell onto her bed. She could smell him all over his shirt, the scent strong and intoxicating. She caught herself bringing it up to her nose, her fingers softly rubbing the material. She cursed herself when she realized what she was doing. He didn’t mean anything he had said, he didn’t want her, he was making fun of her. He had to be. There was no way that after all the years of him tormenting her that he had actually liked her. But his kisses were anything but a playful joke. It took her breath away. Her mind wondered to the better times with him. When they played video games or watched movies. Caleb had always been there, but Theo wasn't terrible during those times. She fell asleep to memories of him. Her nose buried in his shirt. And for the first time in a while, she slept better than she had since she was a kid.


  Theo woke up to the smell of bacon filling his nostrils. He cracked open his eyes, hoping is was coming from Aurora's apartment. He rolled out of bed, his cock throbbing. It didn't want to give up ever since he saw her ass in just a pair of lacy panties. He always drooled over it but had never been so close to seeing it bare. He had almost pounced on her last night. She looked like a wet dream in his shirt. He was only able to pull away after she had shut the door to her bedroom. He wanted to follow her, to hold her again but she seemed like she needed space. Besides, he had a bed of his own that he had been lying about.

  In the bathroom, he emptied his bladder, brushed his teeth and quickly showered to calm down. He found a pair of track pants to put on and grabbed a black shirt to throw on as he headed over to Aurora's place. He knew she hadn't locked her door which made him conflicted. He liked having easy access to her but that meant anyone could. The moment he stepped in, he heard her humming softly. Bacon was sizzling in a pan, bread toasting, and eggs frying. She was swaying her hips back and forth as she stood in front of the oven. If he hadn't known better, he’d think she had gotten laid. He stepped closer to her, she was wearing his shirt from last night and only that, besides her underwear. He could see the bottom of her ass from under the hem. A smirk pulled at his lips, but it also awakened his cock again. What he wouldn't give to wake up to her, like this, every morning.

  "Good morning, babe."

  She let out a loud scream, her spatula flying from her hand and right past his shoulder. His eyes widened and he raised an eyebrow at her, he wasn't expecting that. Well, kind of. He chuckled as her eyes landed on him.

  "Theo!" She whined. "You almost gave me a heart attack!"

  "Aw, don't be so dramatic." He eyes lowered to her legs, taking in the sight of her smooth skin.

  "Stop looking at me like that." She crossed her arms over her chest, her head turning away from him.

  "Like what?"

  "I-I don't know." She trailed off, her attention turning back to the bacon as the grease spat at her.

  He watched as she found a fork to pull the bacon out. She took the toast out and slipped the egg out of the pan, right on the toast. She topped it off with bacon and the other piece of toast. She turned the stove off and set the plate in front of him.

  "You can have this." She was quiet and disappeared down the hall.

  He stared down at the food, his stomach growling as the smell drifted up to his nose. He didn't know how it was possible, but she had gotten even better at cooking. It was simple, but everything was done perfectly. He had finished half the sandwich when she came out in light blue skinny jeans and a black tank-top. His eyes looked her over, he liked this outfit better than the one she wore yesterday.

  "Here's your shirt." She had folded it nicely and set it next to him.

  His eyes ended up falling to her ass again as she started to clean up. Her jeans hugged her body tightly, forcing him have to readjust his pants. He wanted to bend her over the counter and rip those damn jeans off her. He wondered what kind of underwear she was wearing.

  "What are you doing toda

  "Hm?" She peered over at him, her body bent over the dishwasher. "I'm going shopping with my friends. We're going out tonight"

  "You're going out?" He was dazed slightly by the way she was standing as it reinforced the image he had of her in his mind.


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