Catherine the Great & Potemkin

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by Simon Sebag Montefiore



  Archives des Affairs Etrangères, Quai d’Orsay, Paris, volumes 68–139


  Archiwum Glowne Akt Dawnych w Warszawie


  Arkhiv Gosudarstvennogo Soveta


  American History Review


  Arkhiv Knyaza Vorontsova


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  British Museum, London


  Canadian American Slavic Studies/Canadian Slavic Studies


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  Cahiers du Monde Russe et Soviétique


  Catherine the Great/the Second, Empress of Russia


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  Frederick the Great/the Second, King of Prussia


  Gosudarstvenny Arkhiv Odesskoy Oblasti


  Grigory Alexandrovich Potemkin (–Tavrichesky)


  Gosudarstvenny Arkhiv Rossiskoy Federatskii, Moscow


  Gosudarstvenny Istoricheskiy Muzyey Otdel Pismennykh Istochnikov


  Gosudarstvennaya Publishnaya Biblioteka


  Sir James Harris, 1st Earl of Malmesbury


  Historische Zeitschrift


  Institut Russkoy Literatury Akademii Nauk SSSR


  Izvestiya Tavricheskoy Uchenoy Arkhivoy Komissii


  Istoricheskiye Vestnik


  Istoricheskiy Zapiski


  Jeremy Bentham


  Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor


  M. I. Kutuzov, Dokumenty, Moscow 1950–6, volumes 1–5


  Kamer Fureskiy Zhurnal


  V. S. Lopatin, ed. Ekaterina II i G. A. Potemkin, Lichnaya Perepiska 1769–91, Moscow 1997


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  Charles, Prince de Nassau-Siegen


  Public Record Office, London


  Polnoye Sobraniye Zakonov


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  Rossiskiy Gosudarstvenny Arkhiv Drevnikh Aktov, Moscow


  Rossiskiy Gosudarstvenny Istoricheskiy Arkhiv, St Petersburg


  Rossiskiy Gosudarstvenny Voenno-Istoricheskiy Arkhiv, Moscow


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  Russkaya Starina 1870–1918


  Russkiy Vestnik


  Stanislas-Augustus (Poniatowski), King of Poland


  (Sir) Samuel Bentham


  Sbornik Voenno-Istoricheskikh Materialov, St Petersburg, 1893–5


  A. V. Suvorov, Dokumenty, ed G. P. Mescheryakov, Moscow 1949–53, volumes 1–4


  Severny Arkhiv


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  Sbornik Imperatorskogo Russkogo Istoricheskogo Obshchestva


  Tavricheskiye Gubernskiye Vedomosti


  Voprosy Istorii


  Voenno-Istoricheskiy Zhurnal


  Zapiski Garnovskogo


  Zapiski Odesskogo Obshchestva Istorii Drevostye


  Albrecht, J. F. E., Panslavin Fürst der Finsternis, und seine geliebte, Prince of Darkness, a satirical tale being the History of Catherine II and Potemkin, Germanien 1794

  Alexeev, G. P., ‘Episode from the Life of Prince Potemkin’, IV (1889) vol 37

  Anonymous, General Observations Regarding the Present State of the Russian Empire, London 1787

  Anonymous, Anecdoten zur Lebensgeschichte des Ritters und Reichs-fürstern Potemkin, Freistadt-am-Rhein 1792

  Anonymous, Authentic Memoirs of the Life and Reign of Catherine II, Empress of all the Russias, collected from authentic manuscripts, translations, etc of the King of Sweden, Right Honourable Lord Mountmorres, Lord Malmesbury, Monsieur de Volney and other indisputable authorities, 2nd edn, London 1797

  Anonymous, La Cour de la Russie il y a cent ans 1725–1783, extraits des dépêches des ambassadeurs anglais et français, Berlin 1858

  Anonymous, The Memoirs of the Life of Prince Potemkin, comprehending original anecdotes of Catherine II and of the Russian court, translated from the German, London 1812 and 1813

  Anonymous, ‘Songs of the Russian army about Potemkin’, ZOOID 9 (1875): 459–6

  Antoine, M. (Baron de Saint-Joseph), Essai Historique sur le commerce et la navigation de la Mer Noire, Paris 1820

  Anspach, Margravine of (Lady Craven), Journey through the Crimea to Constantinople, London 1789

  Anspach, Margravine of (Lady Craven), Memoirs, London 1826

  Asseburg, A. F. von der, Denkwürdigkeiten, Berlin 1842

  Banq, J., Letters to G. A. Potemkin, RGVIA f52

  Barbarykin, A. D., Legend about Prince Potemkin-Tavrichesky, RA (1907) 11

  Bentham, Jeremy, Collected Works, ed Sir J. Bowring, Edinburgh 1838–43

; Bentham, Jeremy, Correspondence of, London volumes 2–4 1968–1981

  Bentham, Sir Samuel, Papers, Archives f 33540 BM

  Bezborodko, A. A., Letters to G. A. Potemkin, RS (1873)

  Bezborodko, A. A., Letters to S. R. Vorontsov, A. R. Vorontsov, P. V. Zavadovsky etc, AKV 13, Moscow 1879 (also ZOOID 11 and SIRIO 29)

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  Burke, Edmund, Collected Works, London 1826

  Casanova, Giacomo, Chevalier de Seingalt, History of my Life, trans Williard R. Trask, Baltimore and London 1997

  Catherine II

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  Pisma imp. Ekateriny II k gr. P. V. Zavadovskomu 1775–1777, ed I. A. Barskov, Russkiy istoricheskiy zhurnal (1918) vols 2, 3, 4

  Catherine II: Books

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  Documents of Catherine the Great, the Correspondence with Voltaire and the Instruction of 1767 in the English Text of 1768, ed W. P. Reddaway, Cambridge 1931

  Filosofskaya i politicheskaya perepiska Imperatritsy Ekateriny II s doctorom Zimmermanom 1785–1792, St Petersburg 1803

  Joseph II und Katharina von Russland. Ihr briefwechsel, ed Alfred Ritter von Arneth, Vienna 1869

  Lettres de Catherine II au prince de Ligne 1780–96, Paris 1924

  Memoirs of Catherine the Great, ed D. Maroger, London 1955

  Memoirs of Catherine the Great, trans Katherine Antony, New York 1927

  Oeuvres complètes de Voltaire, correspondance avec l’Imperatrice de Russie, vol lviii, Paris 1821

  Sochineniya imperatritsy Ekateriny II na osnovanii podlinnykh rukopsye c obyasnitelnmi primechaniyami, ed A. N. Pypin, vols 1–12, St Petersburg 1901–7

  Catherine II: Miscellaneous Papers

  Catherine’s charter about the recognition of Potemkin’s merits, GAOO f 162

  Instruction to our Gentleman of the Bedchamber G. A. Potemkin, RGADA f 18

  Letters to:

  V. S. Popov, RGADA f 5

  G. A. Potemkin on Georgia, VI (1983) no 7 (RGVIA f 52)

  A. N. Samoilov, RA (1878) no 10

  O. -M. Stackelberg, RS, vol 3, St Petersburg 1871

  Reports and orders to G. A. Potemkin on the south, RGADA f 16

  Rescripts to G. A. Potemkin, SIRIO 27, St Petersburg 1880

  Rescripts to G. A. Potemkin about the Crimea and development of Kherson, RGADA f 5 d 85

  Rescripty G. A. Potemkinu 1791, RA (1874) 2 pp 246–58

  Cerenville, J. E., La Vie de Prince Potemkine, rédigée par un officier français d’après les meilleurs ouvrages allemands et français, qui ont paru sur la Russie à cette époque, Paris 1808

  Chernyshev, G. I., Letters to S. F. Golitsyn during siege of Ismail, RA (1791)

  Cook, J., Voyages and Travels through the Russian Empire, Edinburgh 1770

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  Derzhavin, G. R., Works, Moscow 1985

  Diderot, Denis, Mémoires pour Catherine II, ed P. Vernière, Paris 1966

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  Frederick II the Great, King of Prussia, Politische Correspondenz, Berlin 1879–1939

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  Harris, James, Diaries and Correspondence of James Harris, 1st Earl of Malmesbury, London 1844

  Helbig, Georg von, Ein interessanter betirang zur Regierungsgeschichte Katarina der Zweiten, Leipzig 1804 Helbig, Georg von, Potemkin der Taurier. Anecdoten zur Geschichte seines Lebens und seiner Zeit, Minerva, ein Journal historischen und politischen Inhalts herausgegeben von J. M. von Archenholtz, Hamburg 1797–1800

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Potemkin’s last days, ZOOID 3

  Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor

  Letters to Potemkin, RGVIA f 52

  Joseph II, Leopold II und Kaunitz. Ihr Briefwechsel, ed A. Beer, Vienna 1873

  Joseph II und Katharina von Russland. Ihr Briefwechsel, ed Alfred Ritter von Arneth, Vienna 1869

  Maria Theresa und Joseph II. Ihre Correspondenz, ed Alfred Ritter von Arneth, Vienna 1867

  Joseph II und Graf Ludwig Cobenzl. Ihr Briefwechsel, fontes rerum austriacarum, ed A. Beer and J. Fiedler, Vienna 1873

  Joseph II und Leopold von Toscana. Ihr Briefwechsel 1781 bis 1790 ed. Alfred Ritter von Arneth, Vienna 1872

  Keith, Sir Robert Murray, Memoirs and Correspondence, London 1849

  Khrapovitsky, A. V., Dnevnik 1782–93, St Petersburg 1874 and Moscow 1901

  Korsakov, N. I., Letters and reports to Potemkin, RGVIA f 52

  Langeron, Alexandre, Comte de, AAE, Quai d’Orsay, Paris

  Des armées russes et turques

  Détails sur la composition et l’organisation des armées turques et sur la manière actuelle des russes de faire la guerre

  Journal de campagnes faites au service de Russie par le comte de Langeron: résumé de campagnes de 1787, 1788, 1789 des russes contre les turcs en Bessarabie, en Moldavie and dans le Kouban

  Deuxième campagne en Bessarabie et en Moldavie en 1790

  Evénements politique de l’hiver de 1790–1791 en Russie et fêtes de Petersburg

  Troisième campagne en Moldavie et en Bulgarie 1791 – événements de la campagne en 1791 des russies contre les turcs


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