The Merger

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The Merger Page 3

by Loni Ree

  A shiver runs through me as his nose brushes up against my sensitive neck, and he touches his cheek to mine while whispering, “I don’t mind running into you.”

  After he gives me a light kiss on my forehead, he walks out the door, and I lean up against the wall and fan myself.



  A couple of days later, after deciding to give the gorgeous pool a try, I’m laying out and enjoying the sun when a giant shadow moves over me. I jump when Lukas growls, “Cover your little ass up.”

  I quickly sit up. “Oh my God, you scared me.”

  After grabbing my towel and throwing it around my shoulders, Lukas takes my arm and marches me into the house, past a shocked Marcy and all the way to my room. Once the door slams behind us, he drops my arm and takes several deep breaths. “Before you use the pool again, get a suit that covers your body. Please, for my sanity and for the health of every male in this house.”

  He keeps running his hands through his hair, and his jaw looks as if it might snap soon from being clenched so tightly. I realize bursting out laughing after his tirade is the wrong move after he mutters “fuck” under his breath and slams out the door. I’ll have to get a new swimsuit and tell Annie her choice didn’t go over too well.

  Somehow, Lukas seems to always be around to escort me to dinner. The few minutes of feeling his hand on my back and smelling his tantalizing scent while we make our way across the house leave my panties wet and my pulse racing. The walk to dinner has become my favorite part of the day.

  Marta Jenkins, Lukas' personal assistant, keeps coming to the house, using the excuse she accidentally forgot to give Lukas something at the office. We all know there's nothing accidental about it; she wants to show me she is more than his personal assistant. The last time she dropped by the house, she made some stupid comment about our threesome at the Autumn Ball and the uproar we will cause. Lukas quickly shut her up and hurried her out the door.


  She has an unexplainable hold over me. Every day, I wake up and think, today will be the day that I start to feel normal again. Then, all I have to do is spend a few minutes in her presence, and the opposite happens; she draws me further and further under her spell. What in the hell is happening to me? After spending the last week maintaining my distance to reinforce my control of the situation, all I have established is that she owns me, and pushing her away does not help. The urge to kill any motherfucker who even breathes her air runs through me constantly. Seeing her in just a goddamn string bikini nearly brought me to my knees. A fucking explosion is coming if I don’t relieve this pressure soon.

  Every night at dinner, my asshole brothers rub in how much they get along with her and how easily they can make her smile, while she barely says two words to me. I’m so fucking pathetic, I creep around the corner from her room every night, waiting for her door to open so I can accidentally run into her when she leaves her room for dinner.

  While investigating her, I found out she loves to read, so I had a bookcase installed in the sitting room of her suite. According to Marcy, she spends most days reading those books. Before meeting her, the intent of buying the books was to keep her out of my brothers' hair. Now, I want to get to know her, and she's more interested in the books than in me. These sappy thoughts keep infecting my brain, and I could kick my own ass.

  Speaking of kicking ass, if Marta shows up at our home one more time, I’m firing her fucking ass. How many times can I tell her we are over? After discussing the situation with Devin Jacobs, my Accounting Senior VP, I found out his personal assistant is retiring soon so Devin will need a replacement. Marta will be the perfect replacement for him. Since he is a sixty-year-old, happily married man, he will be immune to her charms. To make the move more desirable for her, I decided to give her quite an excellent promotion package. Hopefully, the promotion will take away a little bit of the sting. If not, she can find herself a new job. I made her no fucking promises. Before all this failed relationship shit, she was an excellent employee. Fucking her was the worst decision of my life. If she continues to cause me problems, terminating her employment will be my last resort.

  While waiting for Madison to get to my room, I sit and stare at her engagement ring. The shit show at Sterling-Ryan hasn't left me with any extra time, so it’s taken me weeks to give her the ring. Because she had too much trouble deciding on one ring, I made a choice for her.

  The ring is beautiful. The diamond is large but still delicate enough for her small hands. The ring quietly implies how much she means to me without me having to say it.

  When I hear her knock on my door, I prepare myself. "Come in. Have a seat in the sitting room. How has everything been going for you?"

  She shrugs her shoulders a little. “So far, everyone has been incredible. I'm actually adjusting quite well. I like your brothers, and I can’t believe Marcy runs the whole house with the help of a cook and a couple of maids. Wow, that’s insane.”

  As she sits there looking so shy and innocent, I wonder how she turns me into a raving lunatic. The answer doesn’t magically appear, but I decide to change course and get Madison to fall in love with me instead of continuing to push her away. Although I’ve always gone out of my way to avoid relationships, I’m sprinting toward this one. My past rule of “no promise of love, commitment, or fidelity” has flown right out the window, and now I’m demanding those of Madison.

  My whole life has changed because of one little angel. Thank God, she dropped right into my lap. I will do whatever it takes to ensure our marriage makes her happy and content. Since the day we first met, our mutual attraction has been undeniable. Building on the attraction she feels for me and turning it into love is my goal.

  "I'm happy you're settling in and sorry I haven't been here much.” She looks around my room curiously, and I continue, “I know my attitude sucks sometimes, but the merger has been burying me. I promise I’ll try to do better. Between getting everything organized for the Autumn Ball and the partnership, my plate is full. I’ve been a bear to live with, and you don't deserve any of my shit. I'm sorry.”

  “If I can do anything to help, just let me know.” She smiles shyly.

  “Things should calm down, and we will have a little bit more time to get to know each other. I hope you’re not too upset with me and I didn’t come on too strong that day at the pool.” After taking her hand and rubbing the back of her soft finger, I wait for her to respond.

  "Of course, I understand how stressful the situation must be for you. I look forward to spending more time getting to know you." She gives me a big smile and squeezes my hand.

  "Great! Now, your engagement ring is ready, and I'd like to give it to you." After walking over to my bedside table, I remove the ring box and bring it over to her. I slide the ring on her finger, then kiss her hand gently, watching as her eyes take in the ring I chose.

  "I hope you like this one. This ring symbolizes to the world how special you are and how happy I am to marry you. Tomorrow, I have arranged for you to spend the day at the spa, to get ready for the ball. At seven o'clock, a car will bring you to Sterling-Ryan to meet me, and we will arrive at the ball together. Call me on my cell if there's any change, or if you need anything before then. Sorry, I don't have more time to spend with you right now. I have meetings for the rest of the day and probably won't see you for dinner tonight. But I do look forward to tomorrow night."

  Before she’s out of my room, hunger for her courses through me, and I resent the meetings scheduled for the rest of the day. She has no idea of the amount of time I spend thinking about her each day.

  Annie called earlier and asked if Gramps George would wait to announce her engagement to Bradley. She gave some unbelievable excuse how it won't look plausible if we announce two engagements on one night. I have a meeting planned later today with Gramps George and Bradley to try to figure out how to proceed.



  As I gaze down at the engagement ring
Lukas gave me earlier today, the gorgeous oval diamond winks back at me. It has to be at least three or four carats and is set in a simple but elegant platinum setting. The ring is beautiful; I hope one day it comes to signify love and devotion.

  After waking up early the morning of the ball, I head to the spa where I'm buffed, plucked, waxed, and poked within an inch of my life yet again. Once a magician works her magic on my hair and face, the person who is looking back at me in the mirror looks fabulous. My beautiful ball gown is cream-colored with a silk corset style bodice that has a slightly lowered waistline, bands of small crystals lining the neckline, and a full taffeta skirt in a slightly darker taupe color. Wearing the matching four-inch crystal encrusted heels, I may reach Lukas' shoulders.

  In the car on the way over to Sterling-Ryan, my heart is racing, and my palms are sweaty, but I have nowhere to wipe them. When we pull up in front of the glass and steel building, I feel the urge to puke from all the nervousness. Finally, Lukas walks out, and once he is seated in the car, a little bit of the nervousness eases.

  He reaches over and takes my sweaty palm in his hand, and with a possessive, hungry look on his face, says, "You look unbelievably beautiful."

  My brain short-circuits, and my mind goes completely blank as my mouth betrays me. "Thank you. I have to tell you though, I'm so nervous, I might throw up."

  "Now, you getting sick would be a shame. I would hate for anything to ruin our wonderful night at the ball. I’m looking forward to showing you off. I know the whole situation has come as a shock to you, but it doesn't have to be a bad thing. Tonight is not the right time for us to start getting to know each other. We have to put on a pretty good show, to prove we have a conventional engagement. But after tonight, I really would like the chance to get to know you for real.”

  After staring at him and realizing he's waiting for me to say something, I try to kick my mushy brain into gear. “I want to get to know you, too. Our marriage will work out much better if we go into our relationship with positive attitudes, instead of ignoring each other and hoping the situation gets better on its own."

  "You've given me the best news I've had all day, Madison. We are going to have a great life together. We are about ten minutes away from the Autumn Ball. When we get to the hotel, let’s put on a good show. Then, tomorrow, we will get started on what's happening for the rest of our lives."

  I sit back for the rest of the ride and think about his words. He is so handsome; I take quick peeks when he isn't looking. His unique masculine smell fills the back of the car and wraps around me, soothing my nerves. When the car pulls up at the hotel, Lukas leans over and gives me a small kiss on my forehead. The little kiss goes a long way to reassuring me.

  As we walk into the Grand Hotel, flashes of the cameras blind me, and I'm utterly numb to everything going on around us. Trying to keep a smile on my face, I hold on tightly to Lukas' hand and let him lead me through the crowd.

  It seems like Lukas has introduced me to probably a thousand people in such a short time, and relief hits me when we find the Ryan brothers. At least there are familiar faces in the crowd. Of course, I let my guard down too soon, because here comes Marta marching our way.

  "Lukas, I thought you were going to wait for me at Sterling–Ryan, but after I got ready, you were already gone." Her whiny, shrill voice pierces my eardrums.

  "Marta, I need to speak to you for a few minutes. Please, meet me right over by the stage. Madison, darling, if you'll excuse me for a few minutes, I need to speak to my employee about a couple of pressing matters at the office. I won't be too long. Please, grab us a couple of glasses of champagne, and I'll be right back?" He leans over and gives me a light kiss on my lips before he turns and walks toward the side of the stage.

  Brayden rolls his eyes at Lukas' retreating back and says, "Employee problems suck."

  Max, who is at the Autumn Ball alone, just smirks in agreement. He looks at me and says, "Madison, you look lovely tonight. I hope Lukas knows how lucky he is to have you on his arm. Please, excuse me while I go get a drink. I’d love if you save me a dance later on." Max then walks off toward the bar.

  Brayden introduces me to his date, who is a stunning former model. I remember reading in a tabloid not too long ago, she was going through a nasty break-up with her actor boyfriend. She is actually quite lovely, not at all like I expected.

  Aiden is here at the Autumn Ball without a date. There are plenty of beautiful, single women, so I'm sure he won't stay alone for long. In the short time I have been standing here talking to the family, several lovely women have walked by and tried to catch his attention.

  Nikolas' date keeps giving me a death glare. I'm not sure why. He gave me a brief hug when Lukas and I walked up, but he also hugged Annie and Lucy, as well. When he introduced us, she made no attempt to acknowledge me.

  Tonight is the first time Lucy and Blake have been out together since their small, quiet wedding. Lucy is absolutely glowing, and Blake looks very handsome in his fitted tux. Blake is the only man I know of who makes Lukas look small. The man is a giant. I hope Lucy can carry his child to term. If the baby is huge, like its father, she may have a problem. Both Lucy and Blake give me hugs, and I am so happy to see my sister smiling again.

  Annie is wearing a gorgeous, custom design from her boutique, and it shows off her tall, graceful figure. I could never wear such a design on my five-foot frame. Bradley looks so handsome in his tux with his tousled blond hair tamed for the evening.

  Uncle Drew is standing at the bar glaring at us for some reason. Blake leaves Lucy at their table and goes to the bar to talk to him for a while before I see Uncle Drew disappear down a hallway. I wonder if he is concerned about a security issue.

  After the introductions and getting our champagne, I wait patiently for Lukas to return. He's actually back much quicker than I expected. "You weren't gone too long. I'm so glad you were able to take care of those pressing matters and can enjoy the Autumn Ball."

  "I told you earlier, we are going to enjoy tonight, and I meant what I said." Lukas takes my hand and leads me to the dance floor. When he pulls me into his arms, I melt into him.

  "I have to warn you; I had dance lessons years ago, but it has been quite a while since I’ve actually danced with anyone. Your feet may regret dancing with me." I'm nervous. I haven't been held by Lukas before, and I'm trying to hide my fear. This close, his scent is completely enveloping me to the point I am having trouble concentrating on dancing.

  He leans over and whispers in my ear, "You are so tiny. You could stomp on my toes, and I wouldn't even know it. But, so far, you are a wonderful dancer. Those lessons paid off." I get goosebumps up and down my body from his breath on my sensitive earlobe. I wonder if he can see them.

  After several dances, my Lukas fog envelops me and lasts throughout dinner. Before long, the time has come for Lukas' Gramps George, who is still Chairman of the Board of Sterling–Ryan, to make his annual speech. During his speech, he's going to announce our engagement. My palms start sweating again, and the urge to puke comes back. Once his long, drawn-out speech is done, Lukas and I stand and accept congratulations from everyone in the room.

  Finally, I’m able to breathe again. We are planning to have a short engagement, and after our wedding, the plan is to announce the partnership between Sterling-Ryan and Steele Co. Reaching Bradley has been impossible, so I have no idea when his engagement to Annie is supposed to be announced. No one is willing to explain to me why they didn’t announce their engagement tonight. I also want to know why Bradley is avoiding me.

  Tonight, the tension between Uncle Drew and Bradley was evident to everyone. Blake had to keep them from fighting before we sat down to dinner. There is something huge going on there, and I will demand an explanation from Bradley.


  I can’t believe that bitch, Marta, had the nerve to show up tonight. Earlier in the week, I transferred her to Devin Jacobs, and he claims they are working well together. Before the par
tnership and marriage idea had come about, the plan was for Marta and me to go to the Autumn Ball together. But once I laid eyes on Madison, those plans were canceled. Attempting to get myself under control before I reach her, I take several deep breaths. Hopefully, I can resist the urge to throw her out of here physically.

  The fact I ever found her attractive is appalling. She looks like an underfed scarecrow. Her cheekbones are sunken in, her green eyes are cold and calculating, and her blonde hair looks fake, not at all like my Angel's beautiful, soft, natural blonde hair. There really is no comparison between the two women, and Marta knows it, which is the reason why she's acting like such a harpy. I look back and think what a blind, conceited asshole I was in the past.

  Before she can say a word, I cut her off. “This is your last chance. If you want to continue working at Sterling–Ryan, you will quietly leave here, go home, and stop making a nuisance of yourself. Get the message through your thick head; our association is over. When we started fucking, I made myself clear. There were no promises of anything beyond the occasional screw. Whatever you have made our past relationship out to be in your mind, you are wrong, and your stalking stops now, or you will be banned from all Sterling–Ryan property immediately. Am I clear?"

  A calculating look enters her eyes before she tries to touch my sleeve, but I move my arm out of reach, and her eyes flash angrily. "I know you have to marry the little princess, but there is no reason we can't continue to see each other. I am more than willing to continue what we had. I never expected a wedding ring. I do not see why you're making such a big fuss."

  Stepping out of her reach, I shake my head in disgust. “I’m making such a fuss, as you put it, because you refuse to listen to me. We were done before I met Madison. Even if I had never met her, I was still done with you. Now, I'm getting married, and I plan on being faithful to my wife. Just so we are clear, I do not have to marry her. I want to marry her. Get it through your thick head. She is my choice. You and I are done. Ended. Over. Finished. There is no other way to say it. Get the fuck over it. I'm not going to explain myself to you again. Leave me, my fiancé, and my family alone, and take the job you have been offered. And fucking stop with all the other shit. Now, this is your last chance. Leave. Do not fuck with me, or you will regret it."


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