The Merger

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The Merger Page 17

by Loni Ree

  Drew's deep, soothing voice comes from a few feet away. "Where's your cell phone? We can at least use the flashlight."

  My fear of the dark steals my ability to answer him. "Annie, do you have your cell phone? Fucking answer me so I can find you.”

  My loud sobs lead him closer to me in the dark, and I shakily whisper to him, "I hate dark, enclosed spaces. Being stuck in here is my worst nightmare."

  He takes hold of my face, his fingers slowly rubbing the side of my cheek as I sob, "I don't have my cell phone. I think I put my purse on the hall table when I came in." He pulls me into his strong arms, and I lose it and cry softly against his warm chest. After we slide down to the floor, he holds me, rocking back and forth.

  "Just got out of the shower and didn't take my cell phone off of the charger. But, don't worry, I'm here with you, and nothing bad is going to happen. When my fucking nephew gets home, he'll find us. We'll all laugh about this later, I promise you." He kisses the top of my head and keeps rocking me back and forth.

  I concentrate on my breathing and the feel of his muscular body, holding me from behind, and his warm, masculine scent cocooning me. As my body slowly relaxes, I realize my hand is softly caressing his forearm, which is wrapped under my breasts.

  Suddenly, my head is pushed back on his shoulder, then my chin is wrenched to the side, and we are devouring each other's mouths. Wanting to get closer, I spin on his lap and rub my aching core on his massive erection. After my shirt is ripped over my head and my bra is torn from my body, he caresses my aching breasts and rolls the stiff peaks between his fingers.

  Our lovemaking is frantic. I keep rubbing myself harder and harder on the insanely large bulge, and each time I do, he groans and squeezes my tender flesh a little harder. When his hands move from my chest, he reaches between us to unbutton my slacks and pushes me off of his lap. He then drags my pants, underwear, and shoes off. He yanks me back onto his unzipped pants and shifts me onto his powerful erection. He has a bruising hold on my hips and keeps pulling me up and down while his hips hammer up into my dripping center. His enormous cock stretches my tight passage to the limit, and I have a hard time catching my breath.

  My chanting, "Oh, God, Drew," echoes throughout the elevator. The only sounds in the tight space are my chants, his grunts, and the wet sounds of our frantic flesh smacking together.

  When his pounding thrusts grow erratic, one of his large, masculine hands eases between our bodies and roughly presses against my tender bundle of nerves while he leans up and captures on one of my distended nipples with his hungry mouth. My orgasm rushes through my body, and my screams ring all around the elevator. After two more powerful pumps, he clutches my middle in his firm grip as the warmth of his semen fills my soaked pussy.

  He grunts, "Fuck, fuck, fuck, so fucking good," as the dull thud of his head smacking back against the elevator wall reverberates through the elevator.

  My head drops against his sweaty chest, and I stay in his lap with his softening cock inside of me while our breathing returns to normal. After a few minutes, Drew stiffens beneath me. The gravity of the situation is sinking in for both of us. He whispers, "What the fuck was I thinking?"

  I whisper back to him, "I'm sorry."

  "Sweetheart, you're apologizing to the wrong fucking person." After climbing off of his lap and feeling around in the dark for my clothes, he presses a handkerchief into my hands in the pitch black.

  "Doll, we didn't do a lot of talking first, and I didn't use a rubber. I'm clean; I know that for sure, but are you on birth control?" I clean myself up in the dark with the handkerchief, and I find my pants and put them on before stuffing the wet rag into my pocket.

  "I'm on birth control, and you don’t need to worry about any diseases because, no matter what you think, I don't sleep around. Look, I’m ashamed that this happened when I'm supposed to be getting engaged to Bradley soon. Not that it’s any of your business, but the last time I had a serious relationship was a couple of years ago. I've been so busy getting La Femme up and running that I don’t have time to date," I assure the jerk.

  The dark, quiet atmosphere of the elevator churns the storm brewing inside me. We sit on the floor for God knows how long, waiting to be rescued. Mr. Whiskers crawls up in my lap, and his purring soothes me. Worry of what is going to come of my fuck-up fills my mind. Marrying Bradley after screwing his uncle is out. How should I tell him? Tonight is going to be a two bottle of wine night. Finally, there is a distant noise, and a sliver of light suddenly peeks through the elevator doors. Bradley appears in the door with Mr. Craig, his handyman. He takes in the scene and asks, "How long have you been stuck in here?"

  Drew places himself in front of me and yells at him, "Bradley, you should have gotten this elevator fixed before now. How fucking clueless and irresponsible are you? There is no fucking reason for anyone to get stuck in this goddamn death-trap. Annie is claustrophobic, you moron. This could have been a horrible tragedy."

  Bradley rushes into the elevator and draws me into a hug. There is a frown marring his face when he steps back and comments, "I'm so sorry you were stuck in here. The repair service will either fix it or completely seal off the fucking elevator."

  "Thank you, Bradley. Now, all I want to do is go home, have some wine, and go to bed." I smile and turn to Drew, telling him, "Thank you so much for keeping me calm the entire time we were trapped. I'm going to grab Mr. Whiskers and get going."

  Since I have my car, I refuse Drew’s offer of a ride home. I grab the stupid animal that started the whole fiasco and beat it out the door.

  Even though my apartment is on the ninth floor, another elevator ride isn’t happening today, so I tuck Mr. Whiskers under my arm and slowly start the climb all the way up every freaking flight of steps to get to my apartment. Reaching the third floor, I have my shoes in one hand, and the cat is hissing in my ear over his poor treatment. At the sixth floor, Mr. Whisker is on his own if he wants to get home because I need the railing to help pull my dead ass up the steps.

  After stumbling through the door with the pissed off feline right on my heels, I drop into my overstuffed chair, and he jumps on the sofa and glares accusingly at me until I’ve recovered enough to get up and grab the bottle of wine chilling in the refrigerator.

  I ignore my unhappy kitty and head to the bathroom for my long-anticipated soak. I put the wine on my marble bathroom counter and get the hot water running in my jet tub. After getting undressed, I grab the wine and almost drop the bottle on the floor after glancing in the mirror. Oh my God, there is no way Bradley and Mr. Craig could have possibly missed the fresh hickeys on my neck and chest. What the fuck am I going to do? Drowning myself in the bathtub comes to mind.



  Well, I literally fucked the shit out of this one, and I don’t regret it either. They aren't in love, and neither of them wants to get married, but the engagement has been arranged. My brother and nephew died and left their company in chaos. Trying to save Steele Co., I beg a close friend, George Ryan, to step in to help my surviving nephew learn the ropes and stabilize the company until he is ready to take control on his own. George agrees but thinks two marriages between our families will solidify the merger. He suggests a marriage between my nephew, Bradley and his granddaughter, Annie, and another marriage between my niece, Lucy, and his grandson, Lukas. The engagements don’t concern me until I meet Annie Ryan.

  She glides into the room, and visions of throwing her gorgeous ass on the desk and fucking her flashes into my mind. When she shakes my hand, electricity shoots through my entire body, and I fasten the button on my fucking jacket to hide my reaction to her. My throbbing erection stays hard the whole night, and I remain across the room to avoid her pull.

  Right after I meet Annie, one of the arranged engagements gets fucked up when Lucy turns up pregnant by my friend, Blake. Needless to say, the engagement to Lukas Ryan ends swiftly, and a new arrangement quickly replaces it. Lucy’s sister, Madison, was chose
n to replace her in the engagement, and after several changes and negotiations, Lukas Ryan decided to marry Madison himself.

  With my new house under construction, Bradley offered me a place to stay after my penthouse sold, and I’ve been living at his home until my new house is ready. Yesterday after showering, I ran right into fucking temptation, and temptation won. Karma, the bitch, placed Annie right in my path.

  After she left last night, Bradley was distracted and upset, but I couldn't talk to him because of the elevator repairmen and the bumbling Craig. Before Annie left, he kept glancing at the bruises on her neck and chest, and he had to have smelled the faint odor of sex in the elevator. I owe my nephew an explanation and an apology. Before my apology to Bradley, Annie and I need to discuss how to proceed. I called her this morning and asked her to come to my office at noon, a time when most of my employees are out for lunch.

  Trying to decide who I'm going to send to California to protect some airhead starlet distracts me, and I don't notice the time. Jessica, my assistant, knocks and lets me know that Annie is here. Annie walks in wearing a gorgeous short blue dress that stops mid-thigh, showing off her fabulously long, tan legs, especially with the matching blue high heels. When thoughts of those legs wrapped around my hips and those heels digging into my ass filter through my brain, I know this meeting was a bad idea.

  Breathing deeply, trying to control my dirty thoughts, I’m a little short with my assistant when I bark, "Go to lunch but don’t take forever. Get back and text out assignments for me."

  Jessica nods and hurries out the door. Signaling for Annie to have a seat on the couch, I walk around the front of my desk, sit on the edge of it, and run my hand down the front of my face.

  Not knowing where to start, I blurt, "Bradley knows. You have bruises all over your throat and chest, and the elevator smelled like a sex club. I don't believe in running from my problems, but before I talk to Bradley, I wanted to talk to you first. This situation isn't going to go away, so we are going to have to face it."

  "Drew, I have no idea what to do. I feel terrible because other people may think I cheated on Bradley. But the truth is, I never agreed to marry him, and I sure never felt like I was about to be engaged to him. I should have told my asshole brother no, but it all happened so fast. It's like, poof, I'm almost engaged. Before the Autumn Ball, I’m going to talk to Gramps George, Bradley, and Lukas about waiting until later to announce our engagement. There has to be some way to convince them what a horrible idea this engagement is." She rambles on, and I walk over to the sofa.

  Standing over her, her unique scent reaches me at the same time she leans forward. The front of her shirt gapes open, giving me a peek of her lacy bra. My dick hardens in my pants, and a growl rips from the back of my throat. The noise causes her to look up, and her eyes widened when she sees my tented pants.

  Without thinking, I shove the coffee table out of the way, drop to my knees in front of the sofa, and drag her ass to the edge. In my haste, removing her thong takes too long, so I push it to the side and release my iron-hard length and shove into her wet pussy.

  "Fuck!” I grunt through my tight throat. She feels even tighter, wetter, more mind-blowing than in the elevator. Her arms slip under mine and up my back, her nails biting into the flesh of my back mercilessly, and nothing has ever felt better. Her panting breaths caress the side of my neck before she starts alternating between sucking and biting the skin. My hard and fast pounding causes her to make cute little squeaking sounds, and the room is filled with her mewls and wet, smacking sounds. My nuts get ready to spray her full of cum, and she bites the shit out of my neck as her tight sheath locks down on my engorged dick. She releases my neck and screams, "Drew! Oh, God."

  After a massive orgasm rips through my body, I fall over and almost crush her on the sofa, wondering out loud, "What the fuck?"

  "That's my question as well,” comes from the doorway. I'm lying mostly on top of Annie, still kneeling on the floor, with my semi-erect cock still pulsing inside her swollen heat. Thank God both of us are fully clothed because a glance over my shoulder determines Bradley and Jessica are standing in the doorway. Bradley’s face is twisted into a mask of rage, and his fists are clenching and unclenching at his side. He spits the snarky reply at me through his locked jaw. Fuck me.


  "That's my question as well." Oh, fuck. Oh my God, Drew is still lying on top of me, and Jessica and Bradley are standing in the door staring at us. Jessica has red blotches on her cheeks, and her hand is covering her mouth while Bradley’s entire face is red and his eyes are narrowed, and his fists are clenched at his sides.

  “Are you fucking kidding me? You must be touched in the head. You and your cronies decide I have to marry her, then you fuck her,” yells Bradley while Jessica tries to grab his arm to hold him back.

  Before Drew jumps up, he pulls his dripping cock from my slit and hastily shoves it into the front of his pants then turns and rushes toward them. “I’ll touch you, you little fucker!” Drew shouts as he rushes to grab Bradley, but Jessica stands between the furious men with a hand on each man’s chest.

  Without Drew to shield me from their view, I hastily adjust my panties and skirt. Jumping into the battle, I step between the men. “Stop! Bradley, I was wrong for not telling you I wouldn’t marry you. You know we don’t want to marry each other. Drew and I were wrong, I apologize. It’s shitty you found out this way.” My rushed speech doesn’t have much effect.

  Bradley turns to Jessica and growls, “You can let go. This shit isn’t worth it.”

  Drew runs his hands through his hair then looks at Bradley and says, “Fuck, she’s right. This never should've happened, whether you are getting married or not.”

  Bradley turns and angrily points at me, “You're sorry and think that makes all of this okay, and he’s too fucking big to apologize. He just agrees with you. How fucking ridiculous. Both of you can fuck off." He then storms out and slams the door behind him.

  Drew glances at me and rubs a hand across the back of his neck as he sighs. “What a fucked-up mess. You need to get your little ass out of here, too. Doll, you’re better off with someone like him. Let’s be real here, I’m a bachelor at forty-two ‘cause no one’s pussy is golden enough to sacrifice my freedom for, not even yours.”

  “Well, you jerk, I never asked you to sacrifice anything, so fuck off." Before breaking down and crying in front of the asshole, I grab my purse and get the fuck out of the office without uttering another word. I am so appalled at myself for having sex with this arrogant, conceited asshat not once but twice. As I walk by Jessica's desk, she glares at me, and regret for my actions flows through me.

  Forcing myself to call Bradley the next day to arrange a meeting so we can discuss how we are going to end our engagement is difficult. He tells me to fuck off, but I persist until he agrees to meet. He wants to meet at his house to avoid being overheard. Although I dread seeing him, I’m ready to finish this chapter of my life.

  When I arrive, he opens the door. His jaw is clenched tight, and he won’t even look at me. He leads me into the family room and turns on me, demanding, “You fucking lied to us at the negotiations. Why not tell us you were sleeping with my uncle and never had any intention of marrying me? Why not just come out and tell us instead of humiliating me?”

  Taking a deep breath, I try to reach for his arm, but he jerks away and glares at me. “I was not sleeping with Drew before two nights ago. The first time was in the elevator. When this merger was conceived, no one asked me if I would be willing to marry you. I should have made my feelings clear during the negotiations. I know my explanation doesn’t make it right, but I honestly did not feel like I was cheating on you.”

  He sits at the table, rubbing his forehead with his hand, and replies, “And you think all of that makes it better? You should have said no before you fucked my uncle."

  He finally lets me touch his arm, and I look up at him, agreeing. "I should have refused, but you nee
d to be honest and admit why you're pissed. You're not jealous of Drew and I having sex. You're pissed because another Steele male is controlling you. You chose to teach to get away from your dad, and now you are being forced to follow Drew’s orders. You resent the hell out of the situation. You need to man up, say fuck Drew, and make your own way at Steele Co. You're way too strong of a man to let this continue any longer."

  Bradley just stands there with a stunned look on his face, then he starts laughing and shakes my hand off of his arm. "Annie, you are absolutely fucking right. Fuck Drew for thinking I'm some baby he has to take care of, and fuck Lukas for thinking I’m some obligation he’s stuck with, and fuck you for thinking you can fuck me over without second thought. Thank you for waking me up. You know where the goddamn door is. Use it.”

  He points at the door and turns his back on me, so I have no choice but to leave and hope he calms down enough to talk to me later.

  Calling Bradley repeatedly pays off, and he finally answers a couple of days later. I beg him not to cancel our date to the Autumn Ball. Explaining the whole sordid mess between the Steele men and me to my family before the big event would be horrible. Lukas, my asshole brother, is stressed enough with all the merger bullshit, and he will murder me if he finds out about my lapse in judgment before his engagement is announced. Of course, Bradley forces me to grovel and plead before he finally agrees. He only gives in to my pleas so he can antagonize his uncle, but the temporary reprieve from the coming shit storm is greatly appreciated.



  Before the little fucker and I kill each other, Blake and Garrett help me move my shit out of Bradley’s house. When I received a great offer on my penthouse before my new house was ready, Bradley offered to let me stay with him. I should have rented an apartment for the interim. But I thought what the fuck, why waste the money? Now, I know I made a huge mistake by staying with my fucking nephew. I collapsed in the face of temptation the first time Annie and I were alone.


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