Valeria, the Martyr of the Catacombs: A Tale of Early Christian Life in Rome

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Valeria, the Martyr of the Catacombs: A Tale of Early Christian Life in Rome Page 21

by W. H. Withrow



  In his statement as to the accusation of the Empress before histribunal, Naso, after his manner, took counsel of his truculent desiresrather than of his cool reason. He had learned from his scapegrace son,Calphurnius, that Isidorus had returned to town from executing acommission for the Empress, the general purpose of which that hopefulyouth had extorted from the drunken maunderings of the inconstant andunhappy Greek. Naso took it for granted, from his previous acquaintancewith human nature of the baser sort, that Isidorus was trying to servetwo masters, and that while acting as the agent of Valeria he would bewilling to betray her secrets. Unaware of his vacillation of characterand of his transient impulses toward Christianity, he further believedthat the supple Greek, in accordance with his compact, would act aspublic accuser of the Christians. He had impressed upon Calphurnius, whowas very prompt to learn the lesson, that it was of the utmostimportance to bring the Greek under his personal influence and control,and especially to induce him to come again to the tribunal of thePrefect in the Forum.

  "We must keep our thumb on him. We can use him to our advantage," saidthe Prefect to his son.

  "I think I have him under a screw that will extort from him whatever youwish," replied the hopeful youth. "He owes me money, and he shall paygood interest on the loan. He is not the material of which heroes aremade, like that young Christian who suffered martyrdom, as they call it,a few weeks ago."

  "Well, give your screw another turn," said Naso with a hideous chuckle."That's the way I do when I have them on the rack. Keep him in debt.Lure him on. Make him lose money at dice and lend him more. We willwring his heart-strings by-and-bye. If we can only secure the death ofAdauctus and some of his wealthy friends, their fair estates will helpto line our purses, for the Emperors cannot leave such a zealous servantas the Prefect Naso unrewarded," and this well matched pair--theoffspring of the corruption and cruelty of the Empire--parted, eachintent on his purposes of evil.

  The young scapegrace, Calphurnius--young in years, but old invice--followed only too successfully this Satanic advice. He attachedhimself closely to Isidorus and became his very shadow--his other self.He lured him on to ostentatious extravagance of expenditure, oftenallowing him to win large sums at dice to replenish his depleted purse,and again winning from him every sesterce, and binding the Greek'sfortunes more firmly to his own by lending him large sums, yet demandingusurious interest. The easy, pleasure-loving nature of Isidorus, intenton enjoying the passing hour and shrinking from suffering of body oranxiety of mind, made this _descensus Averni_ all the more facile. Hewas thus led to forget all his good resolutions and noble purposes, andto plunge into the fashionable follies of the most corrupt society inthe world. From the maundering remarks which fell from his lips in hisfits of drunkenness, for he rapidly lapsed into this baneful vice,Calphurnius constructed a monstrous story of treachery which he used tocreate an utter rupture between the Greek and the Christians, allegingthat he had too irreparably betrayed them to be ever forgiven, and thatthe only way of escaping the doom which menaced them was to throwhimself into the arms of the party in power. It was with feelings ofhorror that in his rare moments of sober reflection Isidorus realizedhow fast and how far he had drifted from the thoughts, and feelings, andpurposes of the hour when he knelt, in the Catacomb of Callixtus, at thefeet of the good presbyter Primitius; or since he returned from Milanthe restorer to the fair Callirho[e:] of her sire; or even since, a fewdays before, he had conversed with Adauctus and beheld with admirationhis serenity of spirit under the shadow of persecution and death.

  Calphurnius exhausted every art to wring from his lips a legalaccusation of the Christians, for even the ruthless persecutors wishedto observe some forms of law in the destruction of their destinedvictims.

  "You have already betrayed them beyond reparation," he said, "and youmay as well obtain the reward. You have told all about your employmentby Adauctus in a treasonable mission to the Christian sectaries atRavenna and Milan. You have been present at their assemblies at theVilla Marcella and in the Catacombs. A short hand notary[34] has takendown every word you said, and it shall be used against you unless youturn evidence for the State, and save yourself by bringing its enemiesto justice."

  "Wretch!" cried the exasperated Greek. "Cease to torment me! 'Tis youwho have tempted me to this perfidy, and now you seek to goad me toperdition. The Christians are no traitors to the State, and you knowit."

  "The edict of the Emperors declares that they are," said Calphurnius,with a sneer, "perhaps you can persuade their Divine Majesties that theyare mistaken."

  "What would you? What further infamy would you have me commit?"exclaimed the tortured Isidorus.

  "Only declare before the Prefect what you have already divulged to me.By refusing you only imperil yourself," replied his tormentor.

  "I consent," moaned the craven-hearted Greek, and he went on with ashudder, "I am double-dyed in infamy already. I can acquire no deeperstain."

  "'Tut, man! don't be a fool! Rome can pay her servants well. You willsoon be well rewarded," and like an incarnate Diabolus, the accuser ofthe brethren proceeded to earn, as another Judas, the wages of iniquityby betraying innocent blood.


  [34] These tachugraphoi were in common employment in the courts, and thesermons of Chrysostom were also reported by their skill.


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