Reckless Torment: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Crimson High Book 2)

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Reckless Torment: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Crimson High Book 2) Page 9

by Bella King

  I knew that he was playing games again, but I let him win. There was truth to his actions, and I could no longer lie to myself about the way that I felt for him. Even though he was a monster, I was falling in love with him. I shouldn’t have been, but love doesn’t work in the way you always want it to. It takes you by surprise and can sometimes even ruin your life entirely.

  I was convinced that Anthony was everything I needed in that moment. I let him kiss me, and was surprised by the energy that he had so late into the night. I didn’t know what time it was, but I suspected that it was somewhere in the early hours of the morning. Darkness still blanketed the sky, but the hint of daylight was creeping around the branches of the trees and calling to the birds to wake up.

  I was twisted in Anthony’s love like a spider caught in a spinning whirlpool of water circling the drain. This would only lead to suffering, but I was a sucker for his punishment. I let it happen this time, and Anthony had every intention of following through.

  The blanket slipped from my shoulders as Anthony kissed me, falling into a pool of fabric at my hips. I leaned back on the bed with Anthony, drinking his flames of love and welcoming him in deeper. A tongue entered my mouth, tasting and feeling inside of me.

  My heart was beating so fast that I thought it would surely bounce out of my chest. My breast was heaving as I presented myself to Anthony to enjoy. I wasn’t going to say no this time. There was no going back.

  Anthony pulled his shirt off revealing the black ink that covered his torso. I ran my fingers against his hot skin, feeling the slight ridges of the linework and the hills of his muscles. His flesh was like magic against me as he leaned into my body.

  I kicked away the blanket, exposing my entire body to him as he crawled on top of me. A necklace with a cross dangled from his neck. I reached up to it and held it in the open palm of my hand.

  “What’s this?” I asked, curious if h was religious. He didn’t seem the type.

  “It’s from my grandmother. She was a devout catholic,” Anthony said.

  “That’s important to you?” I asked.

  “My grandmother is,” Anthony replied.

  I figured as much. He was soft inside but didn’t show it much. This was the first evidence that he cared about anyone but Grace. I smile to myself, pulling him back toward me to feel his skin against mine.

  I opened my legs and wrapped them around his waist. I wanted some control over what was happening. I wanted to claim him, not the other way around.

  But Anthony fought me, pulling my legs from his waist and unbuttoning his jeans. He pulled them down and kneeled in front of me with his cock throbbing hard in the darkness. I could still see it in the shadows well enough to know that he was huge.

  I took a breath in, then, grabbed his hand, pulling him back toward me. Anthony fell on top of me, pressing his weight into my body. I felt everything, from the heaviest touch to the lightest breath from his parted lips. What was more, my pussy was wetter than ever, and it was all for him.

  Anthony reached his hand between my legs, playing in the soft warm folds of my sex. He lifted his fingers from me and smiled. “You’re soaked.”

  “For you,” I breathed.

  Anthony made those words his mantra for the next half hour, plunging into my hot depths with his thick power, pounding between my legs with a need and ferocity that would wake everyone in the house up had it not been for his large hand covering my mouth.

  We made love viciously, taking the hatred that we had both built up inside out on the other person. My nails raked down his stupid back while he made me his bitch. There was nothing nice about it, and yet, it was perfect.

  Waves of pleasure overtook us both, and thank god I was on birth control still, because Anthony had no intentions of pulling out. He pumped every drop of himself inside of me, giving me what I wanted all along.

  I held him closely afterward, unsure if he would skip off out my window or sleep with me for the rest of the night. I was afraid that he would leave, so much so that I clung to him so tight that he grew uncomfortable.

  “Can you,” Anthony asked, pulling my arm from his waist, “Not squeeze so hard?”

  “Sorry,” I said, but squeezed him tightly anyway.

  Anthony sighed, rolling over beside me and sitting up straight.

  “Don’t go,” I said, realizing how desperate and pathetic I sounded.

  “I’m not, I just need some water.”

  I pointed to the door to my bathroom. “Get it from the sink. My parents are home.”

  Anthony nodded, getting up and walking to the bathroom naked. I watched his perfect ass as he trotted lightly on the carpet to get a drink. I marveled at the way his hips moved ever so slightly when he walked. His shoulders contained most of his stride.

  A light flicked on in the bathroom, and a shape of yellow rode across the tan carpet. Anthony bent over and turned the sink on, cupping a hand under the water and taking gulps of the unfiltered fluid. From my experience, tap water in this neighborhood was indistinguishable from filtered water. Money perks.

  Anthony finished, wiping his mouth with one arms and laying a heavy hand on the light switch to turn it off again. He walked slower out of the bathroom toward my bed. I felt the weight of his body pushing into the foam mattress as he crawled back to me.

  I held out my arms for him, taking him to my breast and holding him sweetly. “Everything is alright,” I said instinctively.

  Anthony made a grunting sound with his eyes closed, falling asleep against me. He was adorable like this, so tired and innocent after sex. Was this the same man that I had known before that had tormented me to no end? I felt that I had discovered the truth within him.

  I closed my eyes, savoring this moment least it never come again. I was relaxed more than I ever had been around Anthony. The feeling of his head on my breast felt like peace after a storm. Everything was right, if only for the night.

  Chapter 20

  Anthony scrambled out of my window when the morning sun told him to go. I was okay with this, having spent the night with him in my arms. I would see him later at school.

  After all of this, I was finally able to come to terms with my feelings toward Anthony. They had been confusing but unpacking them now was a huge relief. I knew that what I felt was genuine love for Anthony, and that’s why I kept forgiving him for his bad behavior. If this was going to work, we would need to make some changes in the way we interacted.

  I met him later at school to talk about it with him.

  “Anthony, we need to talk,” I said, coming up to him in the hallway before classes started.

  He looked fresh and awake, despite having been up for most of the night. I was surprised by his glow. I hadn’t realized how much our night together had affected him.

  “Talk about what?” He asked in a cheerful tone.

  “About us,” I replied. “I need to know what we are.”

  “Dating, I guess,” Anthony said. There was shyness in his voice that I had never heard before. His eyes pointed to his feet like he was asking me more than he was telling me.

  I was very surprised now. He was doing a complete turnaround from how he was before we had sex. Was that really all it took to chill him the fuck out? Men are wild.

  “You want to date me? I thought you hated me,” I said, proceeding with caution.

  Anthony shook his head. “Nah, that was just a front. I really do like you.”

  I knew that he was telling the truth, but I was so used to his games that I was borderline in shock from what he was telling me now. This was far from anything I expected to hear. Part of me came to school hoping for a confession like this, but most of me was expecting to be pushed away once he had his fun with me.

  “You need to stop harassing me then,” I said.

  Anthony tilted his head to the side and smirked. “You mean, like this?” He asked, reached out to the books in my hand and knocking one onto the floor. He laughed as I bent over and picked it up.

  I couldn’t be angry. “Yes, like that. No more.”

  Anthony shrugged. “I could try, but it won’t be easy.”

  “And why is that?”

  He laughed. “Because you’re too cute when you’re angry.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Okay, just lay off the insults and we’re fine.”

  And that was how I began dating the brother of a murderer, the enemy of my former best friend, and a social outcast who smoke cigarettes and had been to jail before. A happy go lucky girl like me had no place dating a man like Anthony, but his charm was too strong for me to resist. There was little I could do to stop myself from getting pulled in and swept away.

  Anthony wasn’t a bad guy, at least not in my eyes, but he did have problems. I could help iron out the kinks in him, but I wouldn’t want to change everything. I fell in love with an asshole, not a saint.

  Anthony and I were a match made in hell, but we rocked Crimson High with our unlikely partnership. Alice grew to hate me more, but I never liked her all that much after she excluded me from her adventures with Travis months before I met Anthony.


  Sometimes pain cannot be avoided. Anthon had discovered that in a much tougher way than I could ever imagine, but I would always be there for him through thick and thin.

  Grace was found guilty of murder a second time and was finally sentenced when enough evidence was gathered. Anthony had spent months coming to terms with it and seemed better off even with his sister in jail for life. Reality can be harsh, but that’s why you need softness in your life to balance it out.

  I loved Anthony for who he was despite the cards that life had dealt him. He was much fairer to me once we began dating, and I was repeatedly surprised by how caring and gentle he could be with a little encouragement. Melting through the hard exterior had been worth the struggle.

  Travis and Anthony still hated each other, but they kept their distances while at school. There was no reason to get themselves expelled right before they graduated. We were all adults here and we understood the consequences of fighting in the hallways.

  Graduation was still months away, but I found myself looking forward to it less now that Anthony and I were a couple. We had a lot of fun skipping classes and getting into trouble together. My parents thought he was a bad influence, but they didn’t say much about it because of the deals that our fathers were making together. Money over reason, I guess.

  Anthony was good to me, but always kept his edge. He was quick to anger but my love soothed him in a way that he desperately needed. He still smoked, but not so much. I figured that one day he might quit altogether.

  Alice and I didn’t talk anymore, but I didn’t really feel the need to. Life takes people in different directions, and it isn’t always nice to friendships. People grow apart, and while Alice and I had more in common than we cared to acknowledge, we kept our distance from each other. It was all for the best.

  It couldn’t all be doom and gloom at Crimson High. My days with Anthony were some of the best I ever had, filling me with joy and adventure every step of the way. We swore that we would attend the same university so that we would never have to leave each other. It was an important pact that we were determined to go through with.

  Life was alright again. What had started as an emotional rollercoaster ended on a high note. It was all I could ask after everything that had gone wrong during the first months of my senior year. Everything was going to be alright.

  Also Read

  Seduced by Cruelty: A Dark High School Bully Romance

  Enemies don’t make love like this.

  Lovers don’t try to ruin each other’s lives.

  Friends don’t betray their loyalty.

  Bullies don’t fall in love.

  Except at Greywood Academy, they do.

  Between the white walls of the school, there was silent war raging. You could either pick a side or get washed away in the noise.

  I had my fair share of bullying in the past, pushing me to the brink and nearly killing me in the process. I couldn’t go through that again.

  Troy was captain of the rugby team. He was handsome, smart, and undeniably cruel. I needed to stay away from men like that, and yet, there was something about him that pulled me in and made it impossible to get away from him.

  Soon, I would be way in over my head. Enemies would turn lovers, friends turn enemies, and what little safety I had left in my life would fall away, exposing me to what could only be described as pure hatred.

  My senior year at Greywood Academy was shaping up to be a hell of a ride.

  This book is intended for adult readers and contains violence, adult themes, and references to self-harm.


  Part 1 to this book – Destroy Her: A Dark High School Bully Romance

  Students dropped like flies at Crimson High, and Travis always seemed to be close by when it happened. Rumor had it that he killed a girl three years ago, and now he had his eyes on me. As I tried to keep a low profile, I became a target for his bullying.

  Being associated with the school bully wasn’t doing me any favors. Detention, arson, and murder were among the lists of things I had become wrapped up in since meeting Travis, but things were getting far worse. Why? Because I found myself falling for the very man that made my life a living hell.

  This book contains adult themes and is intended for individuals above the age of 18.


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