Savage Devil: A Secret Baby, High School Bully Romance (Devils of Sun Valley High Book 2)

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Savage Devil: A Secret Baby, High School Bully Romance (Devils of Sun Valley High Book 2) Page 14

by Daniela Romero

  I sniff and blink away my tears. “I really appreciate this. You have no idea. But, I’m not so sure the school will let me—”

  “You let me take care of that, okay?”

  I nod just as the bell rings, signaling that first period is about to start.

  “Do you need to miss today or do you have your materials and everything you need for your son with you?”

  “I just have to run to my locker. But I have all my things.” It’s part of why I decided to come in person originally. To pick up some of my books I’d left behind the last time I was at school.

  “Good. Do that and hurry back. We’re covering the devastating effects of European diseases on native populations. Wouldn’t want you to miss any of it.”

  I smile and rush to grab my books, ignoring the startled looks of my peers as I hurry through the hallway and to my locker. I shove Luis’s diaper bag inside, grabbing his favorite toy and a bottle out and shoving that into my backpack before grabbing my history textbook and heading back to class.

  I’m almost there when I spot Dominique hovering outside the door to the classroom beside mine. “Everything okay?” The bell rings just as the hallway empties. “I thought I saw you and this little guy but wanted to be sure.” He runs a hand over his tightly braided hair.

  “Yeah, Mr. Albert is working it out so I can still attend classes with Luis.”

  He nods his head like this all makes perfect sense to him. “What do you have second?”


  “I have a non-schedule. I can take him and chill in the library if you’re cool with that?”

  My brows pull together and I worry my bottom lip. “You want to babysit for me?” I ask, making sure I’m hearing him right, because Dominique doesn’t seem the type to want to hang out with a baby.

  He shrugs. “Why not? He’s Emilio’s which makes him mine. Don’t be surprised when Roman asks you for some time with him too. This little man has a lot of people who love him.”

  I fight back a wave of unexpected emotion. “Oh. I mean, yeah. That’d be cool.”

  He nods and steps backward toward his class. “Alright. I’ll meet you out here after class.” And then he slips inside, leaving me to do the same.

  Class is uneventful. I get a few interested looks when I first walk in, but eventually people ignore that I’m sitting there, bouncing Luis on my knee as I take notes. Toward the end Luis gets a little fussy, but before I can even try and soothe him, Mr. Albert comes and plucks him from my arms and goes back to teaching the class while swaying my boy in his arms. I’m not sure I’ve ever felt this grateful in my entire life.

  As promised, Dominique is waiting for me outside the door when class lets out.

  “Do you have everything I’ll need?” he asks, and I fall into step beside him.

  “We’ll grab his diaper bag from my locker and then you’ll be set.”

  Emilio is waiting beside my locker, a wide grin on his face as soon as he sees us. I texted him earlier that I’d be here, but he didn’t respond, so I’m assuming he got my message.

  “Hey, momma.” He tugs me close and kisses me, uncaring of who sees. When he pulls away I’m a little breathless and Luis is jabbering away, vying for his daddy’s attention.

  “There’s my boy,” Emilio says, lifting him from my arms and carefully tossing him up in the air before catching him and hugging him close to his chest. There are a few interested looks directed our way, and I do my best to ignore them. I don’t know how Emilio feels about everyone knowing he’s a dad. We never discussed if we were going to keep his involvement secret or—

  “Ah! You brought him,” Allie’s voice calls out, and all heads turn her way. “Bibi, your and Emilio’s little boy is the freaking cutest.” And that answers that question. By the end of the day everyone will know Luis is ours, and a part of me is surprisingly happy about that, though I don’t miss the intense glares from some of the girls who pass us.

  “What can I say, I make cute kids,” Emilio jokes. “Where are we heading, momma?” he asks, and I can’t help but smile up at him.

  “To class. Dominique was nice enough to offer to babysit during his non-schedule.”

  Emilio lifts a single brow. “Uncle Dom, already making moves to become the favorite?”

  Dominique takes the diaper bag off my shoulder and pulls Luis from Emilio’s arms just as Roman stalks up behind Allie and wraps his arms around her waist.

  “I won’t have to try very hard. Between me and this fucker, I’ve got favorite uncle in the bag.”

  Emilio snorts. “Tell that to Antonio. He’ll fight you for the title.”

  Everyone laughs. “Who’s Antonio?” I ask, not recognizing the name.

  “My older brother,” he tells me. “I have two. A baby sister as well. You’ll meet them soon.” He tugs me into his side and leads me toward my second period class. “Little man has a whole host of people who are going to compete for his attention.”

  The thought makes warmth spread through my chest. This is what I wanted. Family. People who will love Luis as much as I do.

  “Are you sure you’ll be okay with him?” I ask Dominique one last time.

  He nods and grins down at my little boy. “Yeah, I’ve got it. We’ll see you guys at lunch.”


  Second period is nerve-wracking knowing Dominique has Luis. It isn’t that I don’t trust him. I know he wouldn’t hurt Luis. But he’s also a teenage boy. What if Luis gets hungry or tired? What if he throws a fit and Dominique doesn’t know how to calm him down? Will he come get me? Get Emilio? This wasn’t my best idea. I appreciate the help but I should have said no.

  I twist my hands in my lap, watching each second tick past on the clock above the door. “So, is it true?” a voice whispers behind me.

  I turn around in my seat.

  “Is what true?” I ask the girl, who so far has never bothered to talk to me before. She usually just sits in the back of class and files her nails or texts on her phone.

  “Is it true you and Emilio Chavez are together? That your kid is his kid?” Her brows are raised high in open curiosity. News certainly travels fast, though I’m not sure what I expected. Emilio is a Devil. I doubt he could sneeze without someone knowing about it.

  “Yeah.” I shrug. “We have a son together.” I whisper the words over my shoulder and turn back toward the front of the class. I might not be paying attention, but I don’t want to get in trouble either. Mrs. Jennings isn’t known for being tolerant of disruptions in her classroom.

  “No wonder you’re always in baggy clothes.”

  I scowl and turn back around. “Excuse me?”

  She smirks and flicks her platinum blond hair over her shoulder. “I mean, the kid probably destroyed you, right? I get it. I’d want to hide that too.” The corners of her mouth dip in a mock display of sympathy before she adds, “My sister had a baby two years ago. Absolutely wrecked her. The stretch marks, the loose skin.” She shivers. “I am never having children. No, thank you.”

  I grit my teeth together to keep from snapping at her. My body isn’t wrecked. It’s different, sure. But it’s not…urgh.

  No, Bibi. Do not go down that road. Don’t let her get to you. She isn’t worth your time.

  I turn back around again. This class cannot end soon enough. I’m grateful to be here, but I have enough on my plate. I don’t need pettiness added to it.

  “So, you and Emilio?” she whisper-shouts behind me, and Mrs. Jennings jerks her head in our direction, her ever-present frown on her face.

  “Ms. Crisp?”

  “Yes?” the girl chirps.

  “Is there a reason you’re talking instead of paying attention in class?”

  I don’t need to see the look on her face to know she doesn’t care one lick about the reprimand. “Nope.”

  Mrs. Jennings’ scowl deepens. “Refrain yourself then, please. Or you can stay behind after class to catch up on everything you’re intentionally missing.�

  Our teacher returns to the board and I slink down in my seat, but Kaitlyn Crisp, the girl sitting behind me, still doesn’t shut up.

  “Are you going to answer or not?” she hisses in my ear. My nostrils flair and my lips press into a thin line.

  “Shut up,” I tell her. “You’re going to get me in trouble.”

  “I’ll take that as a no, then,” she says with satisfaction.

  I ignore it. I don’t want to confirm or deny anything when I, myself, don’t know what the situation is. Emilio asked me to marry him. God. What was he thinking? And then to suggest we date, as if the proposal is no big deal. It’s a huge freaking deal. How can he be so flippant about marriage? But now, I don’t know what this is.

  Are we dating? Are we simply friends with benefits? I have no clue. Do I need to say yes? To the dating part, I mean. Or is it assumed that we’re a thing because he technically asked me, even if I didn’t say yes at first.

  This is all such a mess.

  He kissed me in the hallway though. He isn’t treating me like a dirty little secret. Then again, he’s never kept any of his relationships secret, if you can even call them that.

  We’re in this weird going-with-the-flow stage and I’m not sure how to feel about that.

  The bell rings and I rush to shove my books in my bag and haul ass toward the cafeteria. We need to talk. I don’t like the uncertainty of what is happening, and I’m cognizant enough to know that by not talking I’m setting myself up for heartache. I’m already developing feelings for Emilio, and I don’t want to get hurt.

  I run into Dominique halfway there and am relieved to see a smiling Luis in his arms.

  “How was he?” I ask, reaching for my boy.

  He grunts, but there is affection in his voice. “A terror.”

  “What did he do?”

  The corners of his mouth curl into a smile. “Crawled down almost every row in the library and yanked every book he could reach onto the floor.” He pats Luis on the head. “Our librarian might not be his biggest fan but we cleaned up the mess and it kept him entertained.”

  “Did he eat anything?” I ask, hoping he drank the bottle I pumped for him earlier. I don’t remember if I gave Dominique specific instructions on that.

  He nods. “Downed the entire thing and I changed his diaper. You’re welcome.”

  “Thank you!” I tell him and I mean it. We fall into step beside one another, heading toward the cafeteria, when Emilio comes into view, a pretty blond standing close beside him. I give her a closer look and realize it’s Kaitlyn, the girl who sits behind me in second period.

  My steps falter. They’re right beside the cafeteria doors so I’ll have to pass them if I want to go inside. I hesitate, assuming he’ll dismiss her after a moment, only he doesn’t. He laughs at something she says, and she twirls a piece of her hair, a come-hither expression on her face.

  Dominque see’s what I’m looking at and his brows pull forward. “I thought he was—” He shakes his head. “Whatever. Come on.”

  My heart plummets to the bottom of my stomach. Is she… are they… no. I’m getting ahead of myself. For all I know, she’s just asking for his notes or something from class. It’s harmless flirting. Right?

  I force myself to move forward and follow Dominque when I see her press her hand against his chest and lean up on tip toe to plant a chaste kiss on his cheek. He shakes his head and says something to her I can’t hear before turning around and going through the open double doors, leaving her behind, but still not noticing me.

  I swallow hard.

  It’s nothing, I tell myself.

  When I get to the table, everyone is already there. Roman, Allie, Aaron, Kasey, and Dominique.

  “Hey, momma,” Emilio says, a wide smile on his face as he shifts to the side and makes more room for me. I accept the seat and he plucks Luis from my arms, handing him a french fry off his tray. “How was your time with Uncle Dom?” Emilio asks him, to which Luis gurgles and grins. “That good?” He turns to Roman. “Looks like you’ve got your work cut out for you,” he tells him.

  Roman rolls his eyes, but it’s Aaron who surprises us when he holds his arms out and Luis immediately reaches for him. “Hey, what’s this?” Emilio says in mock offense. Luis grips Aaron’s cheeks and gives him an open-mouthed kiss as he all but tries to eat his nose.

  “Who were you saying was his favorite?” Aaron asks and all three of us girls laugh at the boys stunned expressions.

  “He was over for girls' night,” I remind everyone and then wince. “Sorry.”

  “Don’t be,” Allie says, nudging my foot with her own under the table. “Girls' night was good. Besides, I needed the closure, you know?”

  I nod, still unconvinced, but I don’t want to dig into the topic either.

  My phone buzzes in my pocket and I pull it out to see a text flash across the screen.

  Jae: He made bail. They’re releasing him today.

  I gasp. What? It’s too soon.

  “What is it?” Emilio asks. I turn wide eyes toward him, not wanting to say anything, but everyone’s eyes are on me, waiting.

  I lick my lips and chance a furtive glance at Allie. “Miguel made bail.”

  She visibly swallows and nods. Roman tucks her into his side, his jaw tight and his hand fisted on the table.

  “I’ll call my dad. We’ll figure out—”

  I block out the rest of his words as my fingers fly over the keyboard.

  Me: When?

  Jae: This afternoon. Bibi…

  I wait.

  Jae: Let me come get you. Help you pack. You can’t stay there.

  Emilio nudges my shoulder and tilts his chin to my phone. “What’s going on, momma?”

  I hesitate for only a second before forcing a smile. “Nothing. Just Jae filling me in on what’s going on.”

  “Jae?” Emilio scrapes his teeth over his bottom lip. A muscle ticks in his jaw but whatever is bugging him, he decides to keep to himself.

  Me: Give me until the end of the day to think about it?

  Jae: Can I at least go to your house and grab some of your things? In case he’s there when you get out of school.

  Me: Yeah. That would be great. Thank you.

  I shove my phone back in my pocket and try to enjoy the rest of lunch, but the mood at the table has drastically shifted. This isn’t just bad news for me. It’s upsetting for all of us, and I’m not sure how any of us are going to handle what happens next.


  The rumor mill is running rampant. I can see it eating at Bibiana. She’s not used to all of the attention. Personally, fuck what people here think. Let them look and whisper. I’m proud to be a dad. I know she is too — of being a mom. The way she is with Luis, there’s just something about it that makes my heart beat faster, my chest squeeze tighter.

  I don’t want to mess this up.

  Everyone is acting like this is some big thing. It’s not. Luis is mine. End of discussion. I don’t need to explain myself. They all want to know why they never heard of him before. Why we kept him a secret for so long. But that isn’t my problem.

  It’s not my job to keep these fuckers informed, and I sure as shit am not going to throw my girl under the bus and tell everyone I didn’t know about him.

  My girl. I like the sound of that.

  I might be new to this relationship shit, but I know that’s not the way to get off on the right foot.

  People here should know by now the Devils don’t explain themselves. A few words in the halls shut most of the guys down, and the team knows better than to question any of us. But the girls — fuck, they’re the worst.

  My phone is on silent and I swear it vibrates in my back pocket every other minute. I read the first three this morning before deciding to ignore it the rest of the day. I don’t have time for that shit. I thought if I ignored them, they’d eventually stop, but the ones who are bold like Kaitlyn Crisp have taken it upon themselves to just ask me about it in p

  She thought she was subtle, asking how things are going. If I like being a dad. Telling me how cute my boy is and then hinting that being a single dad must be so hard. Puh-leez. She’s angling to find out if Bibiana and I are a thing. Single dad. I roll my eyes.

  I need to take a page out of Dom’s playbook and be the broody, unapproachable asshole so I don’t have to deal with people and their bullshit. The bell rings and we all dump our trays in the trash. Aaron reluctantly passes Luis back to Bibiana and I walk her to her next class.

  “See? This all worked out,” I tell her, placing my hand on the small of her back. She offers me a hesitate smile, shifting Luis’s weight to her other side.

  “For now. What happens when Luis is sick or has a meltdown?”

  I press my lips to her temple. “We deal with it. If he’s sick, I’ll stay home with him. We’ll watch cartoons and chill in my room. And if he has a meltdown,” I shrug. “Kids do that. We’ll cross that bridge when we get there.”

  She doesn’t look convinced, but she nods. “Okay.”

  “Do you want me to take him for third?”

  She shakes her head. “No. I can manage.”

  I tuck a strand of hair behind her ear and face her once we reach her classroom door. “I know you can manage, but we’re a team, remember? Luis is my responsibility too. Fifty-fifty. If you need a break, tell me.”

  She nods. “I will.”

  I scrutinize her looking for the lie, but she seems genuine, so I leave it at that. “I’ll see you in fourth.” I run my hand over the top of Luis’s head. “See you soon, little man.”


  “Need a lift?” Emilio asks when the final bell rings and we all head outside, the school day officially over. It was stressful at first, but by the end of the day having Luis with me felt … normal. I can totally do this. Especially with everyone else helping out.

  Dominique has volunteered to take Luis every day during second since he has a non-schedule. I found out today that Aaron TA’s third and he’s offered to take him then. We’re all together during fourth so there are plenty of hands on deck should I need them. This is completely do-able, and there is this giddiness inside of me at the knowledge that not only is everyone willing to help, they want to. They want that one-on-one time with Luis. I know people say it takes a village, but I never realized the true meaning of those words until now.


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