Warriors of the Heynai

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Warriors of the Heynai Page 30

by M J Webb

  “I am sorry Castrad, I did not think! I should have sent you with the others, forgive me?” shouted Zephany, trying to make herself heard above the din as they ran for their lives.

  “No Princess, I am fine, thank you. My place is here with you. I have sworn to…”

  He stopped talking and his face suddenly changed to one of extreme concern. His eyes widened and he lost all colour. “Raart! Your father, the King!” he cried, suddenly remembering Tien’s words that the Ruddite monarch could not be moved. “They will be at the palace within minutes. We can do nothing to stop them. He is helpless!”


  Tien and Queen Bressial were frantically herding the terrified civilians into the city cave, trying to keep them calm. They were hampered in their efforts by the various members of the Juyen, especially Eyatrav, who seemed intent on causing as much unrest as he possibly could. Tien ignored his rants and ushered him along, ensuring that torches were given out to one in ten of the civilians and beseeching them to hurry. He instructed them all to line the sides of the excavation as far as they could possibly go. Several feet away, the cooking pots were fastened onto makeshift stands which were astride roaring fires. They were bubbling away with hot water in readiness for the flowers. Everything was set up ready for the arrival of the young Keeper, but still there was no sight of him!

  The battle could be heard raging in the streets and alleyways between them and the city wall. The screams of wounded and dying, the clashes of swords and the sounds of flights of arrows, the cries that told of courageous charges by the Alliance soldiers, and the roars of the relentless Thargws and Falorians. Sounds which were punctuated only by the strikes of rocks and boulders against the city buildings and the noise of falling masonry, loosened and dislodged by the projectiles launched by their attackers. The Retian firethrowers were setting the suburbs ablaze, sending smoke high up into the sky. The situation was becoming increasingly desperate and a seriously concerned Bressial suddenly raged at the old wizard.

  “Where is he??!! We cannot take much more of this! The city will lie in ruins and the people will be…!”

  “Look!!!” interrupted Tien, shouting out at the top of his voice. His expression changed all of a sudden to one of overwhelming relief as he pointed up to a dark spec in the distant sky. “It is Jake, he is here!”

  The warriors at the entrance to the cave and at the nearby cooking pots suddenly began to cheer, celebrating the news as if they had been delivered from the jaws of death. Gradually, the figure grew larger and larger, until the heavily fatigued teenager from Lichfield landed his winged horse before them, not far from the cave entrance.

  It was an ecstatic Queen Bressial who ran over to greet him first. “Well young man, we meet again. It would seem that our destinies are entwined, would it not? Kra… You are really a sight to behold, Jake. We have all been counting on you. Tell me, the flowers of herethdar…?”

  “They’re here in these bags. Quickly, take them and boil them down. It doesn’t take long for the poison to dissolve I think, we need to get the liquid to all of our warriors as fast as we can!” replied Jake, handing the bags immediately to the surrounding soldiers. They were taken away swiftly and the contents were emptied into the waiting pots of boiling water.

  “Srr… Could you see what was happening from up there, Jake?” asked Tien.

  “Yes. The wall has already fallen. Zephany and the others are in a bad way, they’re close to being overrun. I have to try and help them. But, before I go, you must help these people Tien. Only you can save them now.”

  “Me?” replied the wizard, surprised. “What can I do?”

  “The Heynai, for one reason or another, have vanished. I don’t think they’re coming to our rescue and I can’t say I give much for their timing. These caves are made of solid rock, the same kind I saw you bend to your will on your mountain back in Nadjan. You have to do the same again, cast a spell or do whatever it is you do to create a pathway through to the other side, where there are open fields and forests which will provide refuge and give us somewhere to run to if things go wrong.”

  “But, surely it will not come to that now?” said Queen Bressial. “Not now that you are here and have brought us the flowers we need?”

  Jake shook his head slightly. “I’m sorry your majesty. I’ve just seen the size of their army. I had a birdseye view of it. We have to be realistic. Given the fact that most of them are seasoned warriors who cannot be killed as yet, I… Well, all I have managed to do so far is restore the normal rules of warfare. We may be able to kill them once the poison is ready, but that will take a little time yet. They still outnumber us by some margin and they have already breeched the wall. They are in the city streets as we speak and it will not be…”

  “Alright! I will try, Jake,” stated Tien. “I do not know if I am strong enough to perform such a spell without the spirits to guide me, but if I fail it will not be for lack of effort.”

  “Yes Keeper… And I will hold this entrance open for as long as you need!” added the Queen, determinedly.

  “Thank you. Thank you both!” said Jake, as he turned wearily to mount his horse. “Now, I have to go and do what I can for our friends.”


  Princess Zephany and Lord Castrad were now locked in a desperate and bitter fight with the marauding Thargws and Falorians who were pouring into the city streets. At every given opportunity, the Estian knights and archers created huge roadblocks. They defended them valiantly for as long as they possibly could, trying in vain to stem the enemy’s progress and delay the boundless hoards. But, the enemy warriors did not tire and were immune to everything that was thrown at them.

  After the first few engagements the defenders had come to realise that their weapons were useless. They were panicked and horrified to learn the truth, but somehow they managed to maintain their discipline. Princess Zephany issued orders that they were only to attack those warriors whose wounds could be seen, if they had a choice; the ones they thought could be killed. Still, several valiant souls launched a number of suicidal attacks upon their foe, which were despatched with ease, and ruthless efficiency. Though fighting as hard as they could and giving their all, the brave warriors of the Estian Alliance were losing the battle for the city. They were being forced to give ground way too fast. They were falling back in good order, due solely to the quality of their leadership, funnelling through the narrow streets and converging on the entrance to the caves. But there, each and every one of them knew they would have to stop retreating and make their final stand!

  Regardless of the futile nature of such an action, against the resurrected army they faced and could not defeat, they knew that any offer to surrender would not be accepted. They had to fight, or they would be trapped in the caves and totally at the mercy of King Vantrax.


  The great wall was now a sea of hired beasts and killers. The city it protected was in flames. On the fields outside, both Melissa and Sawdon were growing increasingly restless and frustrated, having been forced to watch the battle unfold from afar and do nothing, due to King Vantrax’ insistence that his resurrected army should go in first. Now that they had succeeded in gaining entry to the city itself however, Sawdon decided that he had to speak.

  “Sire, they are in! The wall has fallen and nothing can stop us now. Let us finish what has begun, send in the rest of the army, let us fight!” he cried, desperate for action.

  “Krrmmn… Yes, very well Sawdon, go and join your Thargws and prepare to advance… But wait for my signal!” replied the evil wizard.

  The Thargw Gerada roared with delight and raced away. Melissa stared at the wizard expectantly, waiting for him to give her and her followers similar orders. Her mouth dropped open in shock and disgust after it became clear that he was not going to oblige.

  “My liege! Tell me please that you do not mean to keep my warriors from this fight! My Sebantans are a match for any race here. We were unfortunate enough to miss the Battle of Er
riard as we were following your orders, do not bring shame down upon us by making us watch others take the glory on this day! We want only to serve you. We will…”

  “Yes, alright Melissa! Stop your whining. Kra, you can go, I have my Personal Guard to protect me and…”


  A tremendous roar of terrifying proportions suddenly interrupted the King, shocking both him and Melissa. It was emanating from the fields behind them, which alarmed them both greatly as it signalled the presence of a considerable force of enemy to their rear. An enemy which had caught them completely by surprise!

  They turned swiftly to see thousands of tribal warriors emerging from the darkness of the forest, running down the slopes to begin their attack on the warriors of the Northern and Southern Armies. This attack had to be repulsed! But, it prevented the evil King from sending the remainder of his forces into the city, to ensure that the Estian Alliance was crushed. He fumed as he realised this and his face turned red with rage once more.

  “What…? Who are they?” shouted an amazed Melissa.

  “They Melissa, are the enemy!!!” raged the King. “Well? You wanted action, go and kill them!!!”

  The Sebantan Princess drew her sword and signalled to her warriors by raising it high in the air. She pointed to the attackers and every single one of them responded by running towards the new threat, charging at the tribesmen with extreme speed and fervour. They were joined immediately by Sawdon and his Thargws. The Gerada was grinning from ear to ear, his vast array of sharp teeth were now clearly on view, an ominous warning to all that the mighty warrior was now about to make his presence felt. The battle was now raging on two fronts.


  Earlier, Ben and Verastus had been riding alongside Brraall at the head of his army. The long columns of warriors were drawing closer to the battle. They could see a growing dustcloud behind them, signalling that a sizeable army was in pursuit. It was still some distance away but it was growing and it concerned them all, though only Ben seemed determined to talk about it.

  “Err… Am I the only one wondering what we’re gonna do when we get to where we’re heading? I mean, call me stupid if you want to, but ain’t we gonna be trapped between two huge armies? Surrounded? Not much of a plan if you ask me. How on earth are our deaths going to help anyone?”

  Brraall looked a little relieved that someone else had finally mentioned the subject. It had been weighing heavily on his mind for some time, though he had not wanted to be the one to say anything. He looked over at Verastus, perhaps expecting the Falorian to provide some insight or answers, but Verastus had no more idea about what they should do than him. One thing was clear though, the gentle giant did not like being put on the spot like this; he squirmed in his saddle as he tried to reply as honestly as he could.

  “Srr… This is usually the part where Jake tells us all of his brilliant plan, or where the spirits suddenly appear to guide us. As they are both absent, along with Tien, and since you ask, I will give you the benefit of my limited wisdom. Listen carefully, both of you... I do not know.” he stated, in a very slow and deliberate manner.

  He immediately began laughing, a deep, throaty laugh which indicated that he was convinced that he had just cracked the world’s greatest joke, and finally grasped the concept of humour that Ben had been trying hard to teach him since they first met. However, when the others did not join in with him, he stopped abruptly. Looking a little embarrassed, he spoke again. “What? That was not funny to you?”

  Ben shook his head slightly. “Nah mate, it’s all about the timing you know. I can see that we’re gonna have to work on it a bit more.”

  “Raa… Now is not the time for such things!” snapped Brraall, angrily. “We have to be serious here! My people are facing annihilation! We are marching into a tempest, with no way of knowing whether we can survive its fury. We will follow the Keeper anywhere, as the legends predict and as we have sworn to do, but I need something to believe in, something to hold onto! Give me a ray of light so that I may steel my warrior’s nerve for the battle ahead?”

  “Jake will not fail you,” replied Verastus. “I cannot give you what you seek. I only know that if there is one being in this entire world I would place my trust in, it is him! Have faith, we will…”

  He stopped speaking all of a sudden and cocked his ear to the sky. The faint sounds of a battle raging somewhere in the distance caught all of their attention and they looked at each other with concern. It was coming from the direction of the great city.

  “It has begun!” stated an intensely disappointed Brraall. “We are too late!”

  Ben shook his head at him. “No, it’s never too late to make a stand against a bully! Don’t give up now, come on! What we waiting for?”

  “Aye raas! Yes, we have no choice now but to see this thing through to its conclusion. Let us trust in fate once more and let us go to the aid of our friends,” shouted Verastus.

  Brraall nodded reluctantly. “Yaarrgghh! I do not like it, but I think you are right. There is no other option. We are doomed if we remain here and we have to believe that the prophecies are true.”

  He lifted his hand and waved his people forward, ordering them to fan out across the entire length of the plain and form into battlelines, ready to engage the enemy at the first sight. Then, he dismounted and watched Ben and Verastus do likewise.

  “The horses will be taken to the rear. My people fight better on foot, we stand our ground and we never retreat!”

  “Oh!” gasped Ben, horrified. “Not even if you’re losing?”

  The warrior shook his head firmly and smiled. Ben replied nervously with a solitary word.


  Chapter 33

  28th August – Dassilliak – Perosya

  Jake was flying high above the great city of Dassilliak astride his winged stallion. Beneath him, he could see the remarkable spectacle of the whole battle unfolding before his eyes. Thousands and thousands of enemy warriors were attacking the resolute defenders who were counter attacking at every opportunity, in short actions designed chiefly to prolong their retreat. The burning, battered ruins of the buildings, until this morning a wondrous and remarkable sight, were a testament to the ferocity of the fighting. He flew low overhead, covering the length of the city to get his bearings and to survey the scene in its entirety, trying to spot where his help was most urgently required. He passed over a succession of desperate, defensive actions, in every alleyway and on every street.

  ‘It’s utter chaos down there!’

  The knights and archers of the Estian Alliance were losing badly. They were taking a real battering from their brutal foe. Their dead and wounded littered the city streets. The seasoned warriors of King Vantrax’ army were pouring through their defences and trampling all over them. Jake suddenly sighted Princess Zephany and Lord Castrad. They were at the head of the rearguard, perilously close to being overrun and surrounded, and in dire need of help. A large group of ferocious Thargw warriors had just managed to scale the latest barricade which barred their way, that which had been hastily erected by the Princess and her comrades. If Jake did not intervene immediately, the valiant defenders were done for!

  He pulled hard on the horse’s reigns to manoeuvre it into a position from which he could attack the enemy en mass. But, just as he was about to enter the fight, an awful, high pitch scream suddenly sounded loudly in the sky above him. The hairs on the back of Jake’s neck shot straight up and stood rigidly to attention, as a bolt of adrenalin surged through his body.


  With lightning reflexes, he looked up immediately, frantically searching the skies behind him for any sign of the creature which had made the instantly recognisable, and terrifyingly familiar, sound. He was just in time to see the last remaining graxoth swooping down on him from high above, launching a deadly attack with astonishing speed.

  The evil wizard’s assassin was already far too close for Jake to use his spher
e. He decided quickly that there was only one thing he could do; to try to outfly his attacker and move into a position from which he could get a better shot at him. Tugging hard on the left reign, Jake turned the horse swiftly and it veered away, just as the graxoth was about to fall upon him and knock him from his mount.

  The ancient creature sailed past him so closely that he felt the wind it made as it flapped its wings. He heard the growl of disappointment the beast gave as it realised that it had missed its prey. It continued flying past for a very short distance before turning with alarming speed to launch another attack upon the young Keeper. The turn was such an agile and swift manoeuvre, that Jake had no chance to use his sphere again before it was upon him and launching a second attack.

  This time, it succeeded in hitting Jake’s horse as he tried to take evasive action and the creature’s large and sharp claws sank deep into the horse’s flesh. The graxoth pulled hard immediately and ripped a large chunk of it away, though it fell and plunged downwards a little as it came off in his hands and the winged horse fell from the sky.

  In a desperate attempt to save himself from falling to his death, right into the creature’s grasp, Jake leapt from the saddle. He began hurtling towards the ground, tumbling out of the sky. Once again, he seemed to be heading towards his death. This time, his fall was being observed by the horrified Princess Zephany and the remainder of the Estian army.

  “No!!!” screamed the young royal, as she watched the Keeper’s plight. A sudden and very real pain registered within her, making her whole chest tighten.

  Then, when Jake was only about six feet from the hard ground and an impact he would never survive, having miraculously avoided the ruined buildings and the fires which were all around, he instinctively shouted out a word which had once again entered his mind from out of nowhere. A word he had never heard before, though he was certain that he had felt a little movement from within the bag which was still over his shoulder, from the box of ‘lifeless’ stones.


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