Always Fraser

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Always Fraser Page 11

by A. K. Steel

  His hands cradle my head, lacing his fingers through my hair, as his forehead rests on mine. We lie like this for what feels like forever. It's total bliss. I can feel his heart beating fast in his chest. This feeling of closeness with him is like nothing I have experienced before.

  Fraser rolls onto his side, hugging me into his chest and finally breaking the silence. “When you left me last time, you ruined me. Don’t ever leave me again.” He pulls back, looking into my eyes again. His grey eyes are sad now, looking every bit of the lost boy I left all those years ago.

  “I’m not going anywhere, Fraser. I’m here for good this time.” He gives me a soft smile, but I can tell by the look in his eyes that he doesn’t believe me.

  “Fraser, we need to sort all this out,” I whisper to him, still breathless.

  “Not tonight, gorgeous. Let's not ruin this. We can talk tomorrow.” He pulls me into his chest, stroking my hair. The sound of his heart beating under my head is so comforting. I could easily fall asleep here, with his safe arms wrapped around me, but I can’t. Not tonight.

  I lie quietly trying to control my erratic breathing. My teenage self can hardly believe I’m lying in Fraser Davis’s bed after having the most mind-blowing sex of my life. Fuck, I didn’t know it could be that good. I’ve been missing out. I mean, sex with Jessie was okay, but it was more about what he wanted. Other than losing my virginity to Fraser, I haven’t been with anyone else, so I don’t have a lot to go off, but now that I know it can be this good, my life will never be the same again.

  His breathing has slowed right down. I think he’s asleep. I’d better get home. Mum and Dad, not to mention Drew, are going to be wondering where I got to. It's after 11pm and I left for a walk hours ago. Yet another reason I need out of my parents’ place. Tomorrow I start the search for my own place. As much as I love my parents, and living with them is easy and cheap, I need my own space.

  I quietly roll out of Fraser’s bed and find my scattered clothes, pulling them on, and tiptoeing out, closing the door quietly behind me. I hope I didn't wake him. I don’t want to fight again. I know he’ll be pissed I’m leaving, but I’m not ready to tell my family what’s going on here. Not till I know myself what this is. I creep down the hallway to the lounge room and there is a light still on, Blake turns to see me. Damn, I was hoping to get out of here unnoticed. He smirks but says nothing, turning back to the TV show he's watching. How embarrassing.

  Chapter Eight


  I can feel the warmth of the sun shining into my room. I must have slept all night, that was the best sleep I’ve had in a long time.

  I roll over and reach my arm out for my girl, but her side’s cold, she's gone. I scrub my face with my hands trying to wake up properly. Why did she go without saying anything? Last night was fucking hot. I finally thought I had her eating out of the palm of my hand. Why would she just up and leave in the middle of the night?

  Well, she won't be able to avoid me for long, we have the appointment with the real estate agent today. I check my phone. Our appointment’s at 11am, so I’ve got plenty of time to get ready, then drop into the office before I drive out to the new townhouses in Broken Point for the inspection.

  I chuck on some clothes and make my way out to the kitchen. Blake is up and dressed already for work. He likes to get a gym workout in before work every day. It's his way of being in control of his life, something I know he struggles with, and if that's what works for him, I’m happy he’s found it. I just can’t get out of bed that early, I find it easier to run or work out at the end of the day, and I have rugby training two nights a week so that's about all I need.

  “Morning.” He looks up from his coffee and paper with a sideways grin.

  “Who even reads the paper anymore? Can't you just get the news on the internet like the rest of us? You're such an old man already,” I mock.

  “It's not the same thing! This way I can see it all properly."

  "Like an old man?"

  He ignores my comment and goes back to reading the paper. "So, you and Elly all good then?”

  “No idea, she left before we could talk.” I pour myself a coffee and sit opposite him, stealing the sports section from the pile of paper sections he has neatly stacked in front of him.

  “I’m sure you guys will eventually work your shit out.”

  I just shrug. "I have no idea why it's become so difficult to talk to her without fighting, everything I say and do is wrong."

  “Chicks, hey!” he mumbles into his coffee.

  I roll my eyes. “I think I’ve got the rest of them figured out pretty well. It's just Elly, she’s different, and I think she likes to make my life difficult."

  “Funny, she says the same about you!”

  "Does she now." I go back to reading the sports section. "So, what’s on for today?”

  "I'll be at city council this morning submitting plans. I’ve got a meeting with one of the planners about that new development near the beach, apparently some of the locals aren’t so happy about it. It's going to be tricky to get passed, but if we focus in on the environmentally friendly aspect we’re going for, hopefully they will change their minds.

  “Then I’ll be doing site checks all afternoon, so I probably won't be in the office much today. What about you?” he says, putting his plate and coffee mug in the sink.

  “No worries, Elly and I have that appointment with Shea from the real estate at 11.”

  “Good luck with that, man. Shea will eat Elly alive. Have you told her she's a total ball breaker that’s obsessed with you? I would have organised someone new for this job.”

  “She is not! Elly will be fine. Shea is the best real estate agent in the area, and Ash has been on my case to get the best price, so we need the best. That's why Elly’s styling them for us.”

  “Well, it's your funeral. Glad I’m not going to be around to see the cat fight.”

  “You’re so funny, man, it’s all going to be fine.”

  He grabs his phone and keys. “You really have no idea about chicks at all. See you later, man,” he cautions, shaking his head at me.

  I just nod. I wasn’t worried about this meeting, but maybe I should be. He might have a point. Shea is pretty over-the-top flirty, and up until now I have kind of just let her go. I never really needed to worry about it before.

  I pull up at the office and Elly’s sitting in her little red car, talking on her phone. I wonder who she's talking to? Her face lights up as she speaks and laughs with whoever she is chatting to. I had forgotten we organised to go over together. Her eyes rise to see me. As I walk past her car, she offers a wave, then keeps talking, so I continue walking past, opening up the office for the day.

  Dumping my stuff on my desk and heading to make another coffee, I’m not sure how to handle this situation without coming off like a dick, but I’ll try my best. Because whatever this is between us, I want more of it.

  Elly waltzes through the office front doors looking gorgeous as ever in a black blouse and fitted animal-print pencil skirt with sexy-as-fuck black pumps. It's the first time I’ve seen her in heels, and her legs look fucking amazing, so long and toned. I get an image of them around my neck as I eat her out like I did last night. Fuck, yeah, I’ll be doing that again with those heels on.

  She hasn’t seen me standing in the break room and heads straight for my office. I sneak up behind her and whisper in her ear as I walk past, “So we're playing kiss and run, are we?”

  She turns slowly, eyes twinkling with excitement, and I know she's feeling every bit as infatuated as me. “I thought you were going to be pissed with me. I’m sorry I had to leave. I told Mum I was going for a walk and I was gone for hours, and I didn’t want her to worry." She pauses for a moment, fiddling with her hair. "And I’m not ready to tell them about… whatever this is.” She gestures between us, looking a little unsure.

  “What is this, Elly?” I push, wanting her to say what she wants from me, she's so bloody hard to

  “I don’t know, Fraser, what is it to you?” Our faces are close, eyes locked on one another in a standoff. Like we’re each waiting for the other to make the first move so we know where we stand. The energy between us is intense, magnetic, even. I'm so drawn to her, but it's not something I can explain yet.

  “I’d say we're exploring a mutual attraction that's been here a long time. Let's not put a label on whatever that is just yet, hey.”

  She seems pleased with that answer. “Good idea, and that's why I’m not telling the family. It's just going to cause unnecessary drama when we don’t even know what this is.”

  I wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her into me. “Next time come up with an excuse for not going home. This is your only warning. I won't be so understanding if you leave me in the middle of the night again.”

  I lean in to kiss her and she pulls away. “You’ll wreck my lipstick. I’m ready for our meeting, you know. I'm told I need to be prepared for this bitch, so I’ve got my power red lippy on.”

  “Who told you she's a bitch?" I question, then realise the answer. "Blake!” we say in unison.

  Of course he did. “I’m not sure I’m happy about you two being besties.”

  “Why, you jealous, Fraser?” she says, biting her lip I'm sure to tease me.

  “Don’t push me, Elly. I’m trying to tolerate your friendship because I trust you both, but it doesn't mean I’m happy about it.” I wrap my hand around the back of her neck and pull her into me again. “You can fix your lipstick later.” Our lips smash together, and I swipe my tongue through her open mouth. Claiming her, letting her know she's mine, and she always has been.

  We pull away and I realise we need to get going or we'll be late. I pat her on the arse. “Get yourself sorted, we need to go in five minutes.”

  She rolls her eyes at me. "This is your fault, you know. If you could just control yourself, we wouldn't be running late."

  Twenty minutes later we arrive at the five townhouses in Broken Point, and I can see Shea waiting out the front of the first one for us. She’s not unattractive. She’s in her early 30’s with bleached-blonde hair, pouty lips that have been injected with something, and a hot body; she obviously works out. She's also got a great set of fake tits, that are always on display. That's just it, you can tell she's fake all over, not just on the outside. She makes her way through life by getting what she wants in whatever way she can, not my type at all. I go along with the flirting because she's good at her job. She is ruthless at getting the best price every time.

  On the car ride over, I filled Elly in with what to expect. She didn’t seem worried. We walk up the concrete driveway over to Shea and she gives Elly a look up and down. She holds out her hand for Elly to shake. “You must be the stylist,” she says in a condescending manner. This is going to go to shit, I can feel it already.

  “Elena. You must be Shea, our wonderful real estate agent. Fraser has told me what an amazing job you do for them every time. It's so nice to meet you,” she says with a fake smile.

  “You too, Elena.” She holds her hand out for me. “And Fraser, it’s always a pleasure,” she purrs.

  “Shea.” I open the door to the first townhouse, and we all walk in. The room smells like fresh paint. I love this smell; something about it feels like success to me, I guess because it's the final stage of the project completed. “The painters have only just been this week, so Elena‘s furniture won't arrive until Friday for the photos. If we can slot the photographer in for early next week that would be best.”

  Shea makes a note in her iPad, “Of course, I will talk to him and work it all out for you.”

  We walk through each room, both girls taking notes as we go. This is all going to be fine. Blake was worried for nothing.

  “Wow, the main bathrooms are beautiful. Nice touch with the big baths. You could fit two adults in here, Fraser,” Shea says, running her hands along the edge of the bath.

  “That was the idea.”

  “What do you say we take this beautiful big bath for a test run before we sell? You know, just to make sure everything is up to company standards,” Shea purrs seductively.

  Elly's just outside the bathroom, but she would have been in earshot. I turn to see her reaction and she offers me another very fake smile.

  “That won't be necessary, Shea. Fraser and I have already test-run the bath and the waterfall shower. Everything is working perfectly.” Elly winks at me and smiles sweetly. Joining us in the bathroom, she’s not going to play nice at all. That's my girl.

  “Oh, nice try, Elena, I doubt Fraser would be interested in someone like you. He’s a man of fine taste and needs a woman that can keep up with him. Isn’t that right, Fraser?” Shea's eyes are on me and she runs her hand up my arm as if trying to persuade me over to her side. This isn’t going to end well. I need to direct the conversion back to business.

  “Oh, so somehow an expensive plastic surgeon equals fine taste, does it!” Elly argues.

  “Okay, ladies, let's keep looking through the house, keep this professional, shall we,” I interrupt the cat fight, walking out into the hall trying to continue the tour without an all-out war erupting.

  “Good idea, Fraser, we better get out of here quickly before the stench of desperation sets in and no one wants to buy the place.” Looks like Elly's got her nails out and is ready to fight for what's hers. It's kind of cute if it wasn't going to cause drama with the business. I need to defuse this quickly.

  “Fraser, you need to control your new stylist or she's not going to last long in this industry,” Shea barks, storming past the two of us.

  “Oh, honey, no one controls me! If you're worried about anyone’s name in this town it should be yours. You have quite the reputation for ‘getting what you want,’” she calls back, showing the air quotes.

  By the look on Shea’s face, I can see Elly’s hit a nerve and I need to shut this down. “Elly,” I say with a raised brow.

  “Oh, fine. I think I have all I need here anyway. I’ll wait for you out the front, Fraser.” She struts out of the house swaying her arse for my benefit and looking fucking incredible. There's nothing sexier than women that won't put up with any shit, especially from a bitch like Shea.

  “Are you really sleeping with that slut, Fraser?” Shea asks.

  “That's none of your business, Shea. Elly is going to be working with us from now on as our stylist so you two are going to have to get along. You will not disrespect her, is that clear?"

  "As long as she watches her mouth around me."

  "Let's just agree to be professional and all get along so we can work together."


  I wait out the front of the townhouses leaning up against Fraser's car. Flicking furiously through my phone to try to take my mind off what just happened. After what the boys told me she was like, I promised myself I wouldn't let her get to me. My heart is still thumping in my chest. I hate confrontation, but I’m not putting up with that shit. If Fraser won't put her in her place, I will.

  I’d love to just leave, but Fraser’s my lift back to my car at the office, so I’m stuck here waiting for him to return. I know Blake had warned me about her, but she’s awful. Even if she gets them more money, it couldn’t be worth having to deal with her, could it?

  The two of them return through the front door and he shakes her hand. She looks over to me and I smile sweetly and wave. Like I’m her best friend. Oh honey, you don’t intimidate me one bit. Good luck trying to get your hands on Fraser now, he's all mine.

  We jump in the car and take off back to the office.

  “You cooled down a bit, Elly?”

  “Cool as a cucumber, Fraser, why wouldn’t I be?”

  He shakes his head at me. “Can you try not to piss off our best realtor, please? We need her, Ash won't be happy if I fuck up the sale.”

  “Well, hopefully from now on she’ll keep her hands to herself and do her job. I don’t understand why you can’t just get s
omeone else for the job, a male, maybe?”

  “Look at you getting all jealous. You know it's harmless, right? You don’t have anything to worry about with Shea.”

  “I’m not jealous, Fraser. I just don’t appreciate fake sluts hitting on you, that's all.”

  “It's kind of cute that you're so jealous,” he laughs at me. “Now you know how I feel when guys put their hands on you.”

  I roll my eyes at him and look out the window. He's starting to piss me off now, I just want to get out of here.

  He pulls into the office car park and parks his car.

  “You coming in for a bit?”

  “I’ve got to be at the café at 2 for the afternoon shift, I better not.”

  “Just come in for a sec, I need to show you something important.”

  “Okay, just a sec, though, or I’ll be late.” I throw my sketch pad in my car then follow Fraser through the building to his office. He makes himself comfortable sitting on the edge of his desk with a sexy smile on his face. Man, I can't resist his sexy smile and he knows it.

  “What have you got to show me, Fraser? I really am going to be late for work at the café.”

  He reaches his hands out to me and I hesitate for a second. I know where this is going to lead. Why can't I just walk away? I groan a little, frustrated with myself for giving in so easily, but when I look into his stormy grey eyes, I melt every damn time and he knows it. I put my hands in his. He pulls me in, holding me in place with his strong arms around my waist and softly planting a kiss on my lips.

  “I like this," he compliments, running his hands down my skirt. “And the heels are so fucking sexy.” He kisses me again, more aggressively this time, and I run my hands through his hair, playing with the longer bits at the back.

  I pull away from him to give myself some space. “Did you bring me here under false pretences, Mr Davis,” I ask, biting my lip for effect.


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