Tempted Heir

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Tempted Heir Page 4

by Michelle Heard

  “You can send him up,” I instruct him.

  “Will do, Miss West.”

  “Thank you, Peter.” Ending the call, I walk to the elevator, and a couple of minutes later, it opens. “Mr. Sullivan. Thank you for coming.”

  We shake hands as he says, “I was glad to hear we’re signing today.”

  Gesturing to my left, I say, “This way, please.”

  As we approach the boardroom, I glance through the glass partitioning and seeing Christopher, I begin to frown.

  I told him I can handle it.


  When the meeting is finally done, and the elevators close behind Mr. Sullivan, I walk back to my office.

  Dash is leaning against my desk, her arms crossed. My gaze glides down her body, which looks way too sexy with the dress she’s wearing.

  “Why?” She asks.

  “Why what?” I take a seat behind my desk.

  Dash turns around to face me. “Why did you interfere? I told you I could handle the meeting.”

  Because you look fuckable in that dress, and Sullivan is single.

  “I just wanted to sit in on it,” I skirt around the truth.

  Dash tilts her head. “Do you think I’m not capable of handling a simple sign and release?”

  “Not at all.” I turn my focus to my laptop screen.

  “Then why did you babysit me?”

  Letting out a sigh, I glance at her. “Dash, I just wanted to sit in on the meeting.”

  To make fucking sure Sullivan didn’t get any ideas about you. The last thing I need now is another man sniffing around you.

  Letting out a huff, she frustratedly lifts her hands before she walks away. My eyes instantly lock on her ass.

  Since we’ve talked about kids and marriage, a switch flipped inside me. I used to avoid thinking of Dash as a woman, but now, it’s all I fucking see. Thanks to that dress she’s wearing, I’ve been hard half the damn day.

  Picking up my phone, I press the button for her extension.

  “What?” she snaps.

  “I didn’t want you alone with Sullivan,” I admit.

  “Oh… why?”

  Lifting my hand, I pinch the bridge of my nose. “Because I’m protective. You know this about me.”

  Dash lets out a chuckle. “Mr. Sullivan is harmless.”

  That’s what you think.

  “Peace?” I ask.


  Putting the phone down, I shake my head and focus on the next deal.

  She’s trying to fucking kill me.

  I stare at Dash’s ass as she bends over to take off her shoes. Leaving them beside the couch, she walks to the fridge. “Wine or bourbon?”

  I clear my throat before answering, “Bourbon, please.”

  I shrug out of my jacket and place it over the back of the couch before I head to the sliding doors. Opening them, I step out onto the balcony and take a deep breath.

  “Here you go,” Dash says as she comes up behind me.

  I take the tumbler from her. “Thanks.”

  I watch as she sits down on a plush couch before taking a sip of her wine.

  Sitting across from Dash, I stare at her. Our talk on Saturday has left me feeling impatient as fuck.

  “This is much better than working until twelve every night,” she says, smiling over the rim of her wine glass.


  I now have time to focus on my personal life, which was non-existent the past five years. It never actually bothered me because Dash was with me twenty-four-seven. In a way, she was already mine.

  “What’s going on in that head of yours?” she asks.

  “I’m thinking about the whole baby and marriage thing,” I admit.

  Dash’s eyebrow lifts. “Having second thoughts?”

  I shake my head and set the tumbler down on the side table. Leaning forward, I rest my forearms on my thighs. “Not at all.”


  Nodding, I lift my gaze to hers. “Where’s your mind at?”

  She takes a long sip of her wine, then says, “I keep alternating between thinking it’s a great idea and wondering if it won’t be a mistake.” Shrugging, she continues, “I tried to remember what you’re like when you date, and honestly, I couldn’t come up with anything.”

  “That’s because I’ve never been in a serious relationship,” I remind her.

  “Also true.” Dash stares at me for a moment. “So, what will you be like?”

  I let out a chuckle. “Probably a dominating asshole who’s overly possessive.”

  Dash’s mouth curves up. “Basically the way you are now.”

  I nod, and knowing what she’s apprehensive about, I add, “I’ll be attentive, Dash. It won’t be a cold relationship. I know what you want, and I’ll make sure you’re happy.”

  Her features soften. “See why I love you so much?”

  I let out a silent burst of laughter then take a sip of the bourbon.

  “I don’t…” she pauses to think and begins to worry her bottom lip. After a minute, she takes a deep breath, then says, “I don’t want it to be forced.”

  “Of course,” I agree. Rising to my feet, I walk over to her. I take the wine glass from her hand and set it down on the side table before pulling her up. When she’s standing in front of me, giving me a questioning look, I say, “Close your eyes.”

  She does as I ask. I wait a couple of seconds, then lift my left hand to the side of her neck. “Don’t think of anything. Just focus on my touch.” The corner of her mouth lifts.

  I take in the feel of her soft skin beneath my hand while drinking in her beauty.

  Christ. I want Dash in every possible way.

  I’ve always seen her as mine, but being her friend is not enough anymore. I want all of her.

  Slowly, I lean down until our cheeks brush, then I whisper, “Focus on my breaths.” I let them fan out over her ear.

  Dash lifts her hands to my sides and takes hold of my shirt. I turn my head slightly and let my lips brush over her jaw as I take a breath of her flowery scent.

  When her breathing begins to speed up, I pull back. Satisfaction fills my chest as I take in her parted lips. Slowly she opens her eyes, and when they focus on me, I smile at her. “It won’t be forced, Dash. I can promise you that.”

  Chapter 5


  Staring at my computer screen, I keep replaying last night over and freaking over in my mind.

  Christopher didn’t even do anything out of the ordinary, but damn, it was intense. One touch and a couple of breaths, and my ovaries were doing backflips.

  What the hell?


  Okay, so I was clearly affected. That’s not what I’m worried about. It’s Christopher. What if he doesn’t want me the same way I want him?

  Closing my eyes, I lean back and let out a sigh.

  I hear his office door open, and it makes my eyes dart open, and my hands fly up. I almost knock the damn keyboard off the desk.

  Instantly Christopher frowns. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes. Just resting my eyes for a moment.”

  His gaze narrows on me as he holds a folder out to me. I don’t know what he sees, but it makes the corner of his mouth curve up before he heads back into his office.

  The instant the door shuts behind him, I drop my forehead to the desk with a dull thud.

  Fuck my life. It was probably written all over my face that I was thinking about last night.

  Sitting up again, I scowl at the door.

  Screw this. Why should I be the only one affected like this?

  I pick up a contract that was finalized this morning, and getting up, I walk into his office.

  Christopher’s head snaps up, and instantly a smile tugs at his lips. “Did I forget something?”

  My heart begins to beat faster as I shake my head.

  Shit, am I really going to do this?

  I need to see his reaction. If he doesn’t notice anyth
ing, then I know a relationship won’t work.

  Be sexy. Be seductive.

  You can do this.

  Instead of just dropping the contract on his desk like I always do, I slowly lean over the desk and hold it out to him, knowing he’ll have one hell of a view of my cleavage.

  Lowering my voice, I murmur, “I had the Global Sync contract signed earlier. I thought you’d want to look over it before I hand it to Ryker.”

  Christopher’s eyes lock with mine, and the way his lips curve into a smirk tells me he knows what I’m doing.

  I’m just about to chicken out, but then his eyes lower to my cleavage for a good couple of seconds before he meets my gaze again. They’re darker and intense as hell, causing a fluttering in my abdomen.

  The moment feels loaded, and then he says, “The next time you bend over my desk like that, you better be prepared for the consequences.”

  I straighten up and frown. “Consequences?”

  Slowly, he nods. “I’m holding back because you need time to think. The next time you tempt me, I will react.”

  Instantly a smile spreads over my face. “So it worked?”

  Shaking his head, he holds his hand out to me. “Yes, now give me the contract.”

  Not thinking, I lean forward and hand it to him.

  Christopher drops the folder on the desk as he gets up from his chair. His eyes lock with mine as he stalks toward me. Wrapping an arm around my lower back, he yanks me right against his body, and then my eyes widen.

  Holy shit.

  He’s hard.

  Yep, that’s definitely not his phone.

  His eyes hold mine captive until my breaths start to speed up from the anticipation building between us.

  “Is there anything else you’re worried about?” His voice is low and rough as if it’s taking all his strength to hold back.

  “Nope, I’m good,” I answer quickly. Pulling free, I try to suppress the smile as I walk out of his office.

  Well, at least now I know I can get him hard, and it makes me feel a hell of a lot better.

  Just like any other woman out there, I need to feel wanted. After what happened a couple of seconds ago, it gives me hope that things can actually work between Christopher and me.

  I sit down behind my desk and stare at my computer screen.

  Shit. That just happened.

  My lips curve up, and for the first time, I allow myself to consider the possibility that Christopher might be the Mr. Right I’ve been searching for all along.


  I let Dash walk into my penthouse before following her inside. “Will you pour us drinks while I change?” I ask.

  “Sure.” She takes off her shoes as I take the stairs to the second floor.

  Walking to my closet, I strip out of the suit I’m wearing, then step into a pair of sweatpants. Deciding to change things up tonight, I forgo a shirt. Heading out of my room, the corner of my mouth lifts.

  As much as I love this weird tango of exploration we’re doing, I’m growing impatient as fuck to know if it will lead to more. I’ve never been tempted like this in my life, and honestly, I’m not sure if I like it or not.

  I’m reaching the point of no return at the speed of light.

  Coming down the stairs, I turn off the lights and walk to where Dash is standing by the windows, staring at the city lights below.

  She glances over her shoulder, then turns to face me. “Why did you turn off the lights?”

  “To help sharpen your senses,” I murmur as I stop right in front of her.

  “For?” She tilts her head, and with the light shining in from outside, I can make out the questioning look.

  Wrapping my arm around her lower back, I tug her against me.

  “Oh,” she whispers.

  Our eyes lock, and I just stare at her, letting the anticipation build. Lifting my hand to the back of her neck, I gather her hair, pulling her head to the side. Leaning down until my mouth brushes against her jaw, I let out a breath.

  Dash brings her arms up and wraps them around my neck, hugging me tightly.

  We hold each other for a while before I lower my arm from her back until my fingers skim over the side of her thigh. My lips move to her pulse, and when I feel it racing, I grin with satisfaction.

  Her breathing speeds up, fanning over my collarbone.

  I move both my hands to her waist, and tugging the blouse out of her skirt, I slip them under the fabric. Taking hold of her side with one hand, I move the other one up her back, just trailing my fingers over her silky skin.

  Dash’s lips brush against my collarbone, and then she moves her hands to my shoulders. Slowly her palms move down my chest, and feeling her touch makes goosebumps spread over my skin while I grow hard as steel.

  Not wanting to push things too far before she’s given me her decision, I press a kiss to her pulse, then pull back.

  Picking up the bourbon Dash poured earlier, I down it. The liquid burns down my throat, and I’m hoping to God it takes off the edge. Filling the tumbler again, I walk to where Dash left her glass of wine on the coffee table, and I take it to where she’s standing in front of the windows.

  I wait for her to take a couple of sips, then ask, “Is there anything you want to discuss? Any worries?”

  She thinks for a moment, then shakes her head. “I just want to be sure we’re making the right decision.”

  “You still have time to think about it,” I remind her.

  Two days. Then it’s either everything or just friends.

  Christ. Just friends?

  After this week?

  That’s not a possibility any longer.

  I want Dash. No one else. She fits me perfectly.

  Chapter 6


  Okay. There’s definitely attraction.

  I’m still worried, though, and I can’t pinpoint why.

  I let out a frustrated huff and shake my head.

  Focus, Dash. What’s the problem?

  The office door opens, and before I can pretend I’m working, Christopher drops a folder on my desk, then says, “My office. Now.”


  I let out a sigh as I get up and straightening out my pencil skirt, I follow him inside. I shut the door, and when I turn to walk to his desk, I come to a sudden stop because he’s standing right in front of me. His eyes lock with mine, then he says, “You can’t focus on shit, so let's make the decision now.”

  “Now?” I practically squeak. Not wanting to be the one who says yes or no, I ask, “What do you feel we should do?”

  Christopher takes a deep breath. “You know how I feel about it.”

  “I need to hear it again,” I mutter as I step around him. I walk to the expansive windows and stare at the traffic below.

  I hear Christopher move, and then I feel him as he stops behind me. He takes hold of my shoulders and turns me to face him. “Having a child with you. Building a future together. I’m fine with all of it.”

  So much for romance.

  That’s the problem. The emotional side of things.

  I want to be desired.

  But then I keep weighing the pros and cons.

  Christopher will be a good father.

  We’re best friends.

  He’s always treated me with respect.

  I know he loves me. Not romantically, but it’s better than nothing. Right?

  He stares at me for a moment, then tilting his head, he asks, “Are we going through with it, or not?”

  Taking a deep breath, I pull an awkward face, as I admit, “I just… I,” I let out a sigh. “When I get married, I want the man to want me.”

  Christopher tilts his head. “You think I won’t want you? Sexually or in general?”

  “In every way,” I mutter, and then I finally admit, “I want to be desired.”

  He takes a deep breath, then states, “Trust me, the instant you agree that we’re doing this, I’ll erase that worry for you.”

t me.

  Locking eyes with Christopher, I know I’ll never find a better man. Being desired is not everything. I’ll learn to deal with it. Hesitating for a moment longer, I take a breath, then say, “Okay. Let’s do this.”

  I do a double-take when Christopher’s expression begins to change, his jaw clenching until a vein starts to jump.

  “Or not,” I say quickly, trying to defuse the bomb.

  Hell, now I’m confused.

  Slowly he shakes his head. “You’re okay with me kissing you?”

  “Yeah, we have to see if –” My words cut off as Christopher moves forward. He wraps an arm around my waist, and then I’m yanked flush with his body. I let out a gasp, and before I can take another breath, his mouth crashes against mine.

  I freeze.

  Everything freezes for a couple of seconds, and the instant his lips begin to move against mine, my heart leaps out of my body, taking flight right out of the windows behind me.

  Holy. Freaking. Shit.

  Christopher brings a hand to the back of my head as he tilts his head. His tongue thrusts into my mouth, and then I have to grab hold of his shoulders as he pushes me against the glass.

  Tingles explode over my skin, making it feel like my body is on a high.

  His entire body presses against mine as he begins to kiss me in a way I’ve never experienced before. His tongue brushes confident strokes against mine, making a kaleidoscope of butterflies explode into action in my stomach. His teeth nip at my lips until they feel swollen and tingly.

  My God.

  With one kiss, Christopher is changing everything I thought I knew about us.

  He makes it feel seductive, possessive, claiming.

  It makes me feel desired.

  Swept up in the moment, my tongue begins to war with his for control. It draws a growl from him, and the sound zaps through my body like a lightning strike.

  When he breaks the kiss, our eyes instantly lock, and seeing Christopher breathless with an intense expression tightening his features makes me freaking weak in the knees.

  Well, this is a side of my best friend I haven’t seen before.


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