Tempted Heir

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Tempted Heir Page 12

by Michelle Heard

  When he’s done, he leans forward and presses a kiss to my trembling lips. “It’s time for me to go, but I’ll be back first thing in the morning.”

  The instant he walks out of the cabin, relief washes over me.

  At least he didn’t tie me up again.

  Using the little strength I’ve gained from the fruit, I slowly sit up. Struggling to my feet, I lean against the wall as I sluggishly make my way to the front door. I take hold of the doorknob, but when I turn it, nothing happens.

  Desperation lends me more energy, and I begin to yank at the door. Feverishly, I move from boarded window to boarded window, clawing and yanking at the slabs of wood.

  My eyes land on my engagement ring, and drained, I sink down to my knees as I let out a wail devoid of all hope. I pick up the ring and hold it to my chest as sobs wrack through me. Trapped in my own personal hell, I slam a fist against the floor.

  My dire circumstances make me weep until I pass out from all the duress.

  Chapter 18


  Alexei still has a man tailing Sullivan, who has now returned from his business trip. But so far, he’s just gone home from the office.

  Maybe I’m wrong?

  Fuck, I can’t think straight anymore.

  Alexei clears his throat, then asks. “We need to plan ahead. When we find Dash, and we will. Are we taking her to your hospital or ours? Yours will ask questions.”

  Fuck. “It doesn’t matter,” I bite out, just wanting to find Dash.

  “The police,” Alexei shakes his head, making me glance at him. “I can’t have them sniffing around me.”

  “Our house,” Aunt Leigh answers. “I’ll get everything ready for her.”

  Thank God, Aunt Leigh is a doctor.

  Then she adds, “I’ll have to tell Miss Sebastian. I’ll need her help if Dash is in a bad way.”

  We all agreed to keep this between us for a week before telling the rest of our family and friends and reporting it to the authorities.

  “Okay,” Dad answers. “Let Miss Sebastian know what’s going on.”

  “If you need anything… medically, let me know, and I’ll have my men bring it over,” Alexei offers.

  “A CT scanner?” Aunt Leigh asks. “IV’s, Saline, 0.9NaCI, or NSS.”

  Alexei pulls out a pad of paper and a pen and hands it to Aunt Leigh. “Write it all down.”

  Aunt Leigh scribbles a list of things, and planning ahead does help ease the helplessness a bit.

  “God, I can’t take much more,” Uncle Jax mutters, his voice tight with worry.

  Me too.

  If we don’t find her, it will break us. There won’t be coming back from this. Life will lose all meaning.

  I don’t think I’ll be able to live without Dash. I’ll either lose my mind or…

  As if Dad can sense the route my thoughts are heading in, he says, “We’ll find her.”

  My phone begins to ring. Not recognizing the number flashing on my screen, my body instantly begins to shake. “This might be it.”

  Tristan instantly starts the trace, and then he nods at me to answer.

  Stay calm.

  Don’t lose your shit.

  You need to stay the fuck calm, for Dash’s sake.

  Answering the call, I say, “Christopher Hayes.”


  I’m starting to lose track of time. I’ve been here for four days? Five? I don’t know anymore.

  “Tell me you love me!” Josh shouts, veins bulging in his neck.

  I love Christopher.


  The thought of him makes a dry sob escape over my chapped lips.

  I don’t feel like myself anymore. It’s as if Josh obliterated everything that used to make sense to me, everything I ever believed in.

  That Christopher and my family would be able to keep me safe from the threats of life.

  That my dreams would come true.

  That I could just be happy.

  That they’d find me and save me in time.

  But they didn’t.

  They’re not going to find me. It makes something break inside me.

  Hope? Courage? The will to live?

  I have no idea, but it leaves me feeling worthless. Like I didn’t mean enough, to begin with.

  I never deserved Christopher.

  There’s nothing left of my self-esteem, of my dreams.

  My next breath depends on Josh.

  I let out a whimper where I’m hanging again, the rope eating through my skin. Every day is a repeat of the day before. It’s killing my will to survive.

  It has broken me mentally, making me feel like I’m nothing… just nothing.

  Josh begins to advance on me. He draws his arm back, and I close my eyes. I can’t deal with this anymore. All the pain combined with starvation is getting the better of me. I’m sure I’m dying.

  Maybe it’s for the best.

  His fist slams hard into my side, and all I can do is gag for air. I have no time to recover before the next blow comes.

  “Tell me you love me,” he roars again.

  Pain becomes the sum of my being. I try to heave in a breath, but I can’t, it hurts too much, making me wish I’d just pass out. But the relief of darkness doesn’t come, only a new level of pain when the belt cracks over my already raw back again.

  Minutes feel like grueling hours before I finally lose consciousness.

  I’m unsure how long I’d been out, but I wake up on the floor with every part of my body screeching in agony. I can’t move at all.

  “I thought you were never going to wake up. You had me worried there for a while.” Just hearing Josh’s voice has my body convulsing with fear. “You must be hungry, my love.”

  Josh helps me up into a sitting position, and then he places a plate on my lap. Seeing the shrimp salad makes me feel weepy and emotional. Josh brings a bite to my lips, and unable to fight, I open my mouth.

  I’m dependent on him for the most basic necessity. It’s stripping me of the last of my humanity.

  Josh holds a bottle of water out to me, and knowing if I keep defying him, he’ll only kill me, I murmur, “Thank you.”

  His lips instantly curve up, and it makes a weird sense of relief wash through me. Almost like a cleansing rain, shedding the last of my old skin – of the woman I used to me.

  Josh holds the bottle to my lips, and I greedily drink as much as he allows.

  If I give in, maybe he won’t hurt me anymore.

  My stomach churns, and I take a couple of deep breaths so I don’t bring up the food and water before I whisper, “I’m sorry I betrayed you.”

  I close my eyes as the words rip away at the last of me.

  The Dash who had dreams.

  The Dash who thought she deserved a man like Christopher.

  The Dash who thought she was worth being loved. Entitled to it even.

  When I open my eyes again, Josh seems so happy. It makes intense relief spread through me.

  “Now that wasn’t so hard,” he croons as he leans forward, brushing some hair away from my face. I find myself leaning into the tender touch. His fingers curl around my chin, and he nudges my face up. “Now tell me you love me.”

  A sob builds in my chest as the words drift over my lips. “I love you.”

  Josh’s smile grows wide, and then he leans into me, pressing a kiss to my lips. When he pulls back, he says, “You have an important call to make.”

  A call?

  “To who?” the words burst from me.

  “Christopher. You need to tell him you love me,” he says, his lips curling into a victorious sneer. “I want him to know I won. Can you believe he thought you loved him? I mean, what the fuck? It’s hilarious, right?” He begins to laugh. There’s a weird tug of war inside me. While I’m instantly filled with hope that the call will help Christopher find me, I’m scared to death of saying anything wrong – anything that might upset Josh.

  Nodding, I whisper, �
��It’s preposterous.”

  Josh pulls a phone out of his pocket. When I lift my hand to reach for it, he shakes his head. “The call will be on speakerphone. I want to hear every word.”

  I nod quickly, not wanting to lose my one chance of hearing Christopher’s voice again.

  I feel almost feverish with hope and fear as I watch Josh dial the number. When it begins to ring, overwhelming emotion pushes up my throat.

  “Christopher Hayes,” he answers, his voice filled with something I’ve never heard before. It’s almost as if he’s struggling to remain calm.

  It sends emotion washing through me, and I struggle to say, “It’s… Dash.” My voice sounds hoarse from the intense feelings flooding me.

  “Dash!” Christopher’s voice sharpens, and it sounds like he’s moving. “Are you okay? Where are you?”

  “Shut up and listen,” Josh growls, then he looks at me and nods. “Tell him.”

  My throat closes up as I squeeze the words out. “I’m with Josh.” I close my eyes. “I love him.”

  “You hear that, Hayes?” Josh gloats. “I won. She loves me.”

  “I hear you,” Christopher bites the words out. “How does it feel to beat me?”

  “It’s been a long time coming,” Josh sneers. “You never stood a chance.”

  “I didn’t.” Hearing the deceptive calm note in Christopher’s voice confuses me.

  Is he playing for time, or doesn’t he care?

  God, maybe he just doesn’t care. Maybe Josh was right.

  My mind struggles to accept it.

  “I’m sorry, Christopher,” I say, my voice tight with panic. “It’s been Josh all along. He went through so much trouble, hiring a private detective to keep an eye on me.” Leaning over, I place my hand on Josh’s thigh. I even manage to force a quivering smile around my lips as I lock eyes with him, as I say, “I love him with all my heart.”

  “I understand,” Christopher says, his voice gentler. “I understand, Dash.”

  Josh lets out a chuckle. “And you thought you could beat me. Want to know what Dash had to say about that?”

  “Yes,” Christopher grinds the word out as if he’s irritated.

  Josh lifts an eyebrow at me, and it has me saying, “It’s preposterous.”

  “You hear that, Hayes?” Josh laughs.

  “Every word,” Christopher grumbles. Then he adds, “I’m on my way… to an important meeting.”

  Goosebumps spread over my body.

  Is he saying he’s on his way right now? To me? Did he find out where I am?

  Oh, God. Please. Please. Please.

  But then my eyes meet Josh’s, and the meager hope dwindles away.

  Maybe Christopher is just on his way to a meeting?

  A lump forms in my throat as chaos erupts in my chest. Hope wars with disappointment, making me feel dizzy.

  “That wasn’t so hard, was it?” Josh asks me as his finger moves to the screen to cut the call.

  Panic crashes through me like a wrecking ball and losing control, I grab the phone from his hand. I rush to get everything out, “I’m in a cabin. Don’t leave me here. Please. I love you. Tell my parents I love them.”

  Josh’s hand connects with the side of my head, and it sends the device skidding across the floor. “Please,” I cry, and then the sole of Josh’s shoe connects with my ear, and darkness drags me under.

  Chapter 19


  As I open my eyes and my eyes focus on Josh, my body automatically convulses at the sight of him.

  “What the fuck, Dash. You betrayed me again?” he hisses as he stares at me with lifeless eyes.

  Knowing it’s only a matter of time before he kills me, I whimper, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it. I love you.”

  Josh grabs hold of my hair and yanks me up, causing unbearable pain to throb in my head. When he has me tied up again, and my body limply hangs as he disappears behind me. I feel his hands on my back, and it makes me convulse, then the sound of fabric ripping fills the air.

  I hear him take off his belt, and knowing what’s coming makes a sob build up in my chest. “I’m sorry,” I sob. “I’m sorry.”

  “You won’t betray me again. I will fucking beat it into you if I have to,” Josh growls.

  Then the leather lashes at my already raw skin, and I let out a broken cry. “I’m sorry,” I whimper desperately. “I love you. I’m sorry.”

  He rips the rest of the material away, leaving me shivering in my underwear. Then it feels as if the leather is tearing my skin from my back. I scream until I taste blood in the back of my throat.

  I can’t fight anymore.

  I just can’t.

  I can only gasp to get air into my lungs.

  I tried so hard.

  I’m sorry I’m not strong enough to face this.

  I’m sorry I couldn’t fight harder.

  My body stops jerking as Josh continues to hit me, each lash accompanied by a growl from him.

  I’m sorry.

  I begin to slip in and out of consciousness, and when the door slams open and Alexei comes in, I wonder if it’s my mind playing tricks on me.

  Darkness begins to edge around my vision, and the last thing I see is Christopher running toward me.


  Getting out of the car, Alexei gestures toward a dirt road. “There’s a cabin up ahead.” He and Tristan got to the location first, where Dad, Uncle Jax, and I followed behind them. If it weren’t for that call, we would never have been able to track Dash’s location.

  Alexei and Tristan take the lead, pulling guns from behind their backs.

  “Don’t kill him,” I order. “He’s mine.” After that call, I’m going to strangle the fucker with my bare hands.

  Dash’s voice… God… she sounded defeated… broken.

  When a cabin comes into view, screams fill the air, and it has me breaking out into a run. Alexei’s faster, and with the throw of his shoulder, he slams through the door.

  The moment I’m inside the cabin, and I see Dash, hanging with Josh coming from behind her, it feels as if my heart stops beating.

  Holy fucking Christ.

  Horror shudders through me, and instinct takes over.

  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

  There’s so much blood, and Dash looks unrecognizable. My heart shrinks until it feels like it's barely there.

  Uncle Jax helps me untie Dash’s wrists. Every bruise, every drop of blood, chills the blood in my veins. Her body slumps against me, and not wasting a second, I lift her to my chest.

  While Alexei and Tristan subdue Josh, I rush out of the cabin, needing to get Dash to Aunt Leigh. Uncle Jax runs up ahead to get to the car. He opens the passenger door and darts around the front to the driver’s side.

  Neither of us can manage a word as he speeds away from the cabin, and it’s only then, I get a good look at Dash.

  My lips part as the horror grows inside me.

  My God, what did he do to her?

  There’s almost no sign of my Dash. Bruises cover virtually every visible inch of her in angry red welts. She’s lost so much weight as if he didn’t bother feeding her.

  Her eyes flutter open, and seeing her green irises staring back at me, fills me with an unspeakable emotion. Only when a tear drops on her cheek do I realize it came from me.

  “Dash,” I groan, the pain unbearable.

  A heartbreaking expression washes over her bruised face before her eyes drift shut again.

  I’m too scared to move a fucking muscle, not wanting to cause her more pain than she’s already in.

  “Leigh will fix her,” Uncle Jax murmurs, his voice cracking over the words. “Leigh will fix our baby.”

  I can’t stop the tears, and I’m not sure if they’re from the relief of finally having her back in my arms or the shock of the horrific state she’s in.

  What the hell was she forced to endure?

  The drive to Aunt Leigh is pure torture. When Uncle Jax brings the car to a
screeching stop in the driveway of their home, I have to wait for him to run around the car and open the door for me.

  I’m careful as I maneuver us out of the vehicle while Uncle Jax runs for the front door. I hear him shout, “We have, Dash. Come. Quickly!”

  Aunt Leigh and Miss Sebastion reach the door as I climb the steps, and then Aunt Leigh lets out a painful sob, “Oh My God. My baby.”

  Miss Sebastian is the first to move toward me. “Her bedroom upstairs,” she instructs as she takes hold of Dash’s wrist. We move together, and when Aunt Leigh is still frozen on the spot, Miss Sebastian snaps, “Come, Leigh. She needs you.”

  Dash’s body begins to shudder violently, and I have to tighten my grip on her, so I don’t drop her. “God, Dash. Oh, God,” I mutter, an all-consuming fear taking hold of me.

  “CT scan first,” Aunt Leigh says as she pushes by us. It looks like she’s recovered from the shock of the severe state Dash is in. I follow her inside Dash’s old bedroom, which has been converted into a hospital room. Aunt Leigh points to the bed.

  Alexei’s men must’ve brought everything over.

  God, I owe Alexei so much.

  As careful as possible, I lay Dash down on the bed, and then I have to stand back as Aunt Leigh and Miss Sebastian take over.

  Seconds later, Miss Sebastian takes hold of my arm and pulls me out of the room. “We can’t be near the machine when it scans. It’s just a couple of minutes.”

  Nodding, my eyes lock with hers. “She’ll be okay, right? You can fix her?”

  Miss Sebastian pulls me into a hug, not answering my questions.

  Uncle Jax comes down the hallway, his skin almost translucent. “Carter is with Tristan and Alexei. They took Josh to some warehouse.” Worry tightens his voice, making it sound as if he’ll snap at any moment.


  I walk down the hallway and away from the room before I pull my phone out. Dialing Tristan’s number, I wait for him to answer.

  “How’s Dash?” he asks immediately.

  “I don’t know. Aunt Leigh is doing a CT scan,” I tell him what I know. “She looks so fucking bad,” I admit to my brother.


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