Cinderella's Prince

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Cinderella's Prince Page 11

by Stacy-Deanne

  “There are no steamy details.” Gabrielle plopped on her couch and took off her sneakers. “I’m sweating like a dog, that’s all I can say.”

  “Sweating like a dog because you and HuMac were getting busy?”

  “Ashleigh.” Gabrielle turned on her television. “Nothing happened. We had chocolate-covered strawberries and wine.”

  “And, I’m supposed to buy that? Please. Why are you being so secretive? I thought I was your girl.”

  “You keep bugging me you won’t be.” Gabrielle went into the kitchen and got the apple juice from the refrigerator.

  “I can’t believe Hugh didn’t make a move on you.”

  Gabrielle put the phone on speaker and set it on the counter. “I didn’t say all that.” She snickered.

  Ashleigh howled. “I want the T.”

  Gabrielle took a long sip of juice. “I can’t lie. He got to me.”

  “Did he?”

  “Yeah.” She leaned forward on the island, kicking her foot up behind her. “I’ve grown incredibly attracted to Hugh. He’s gorgeous, and that earring drives me crazy.”

  “Yet nothing happened? Why not?”

  “Because I’d be a fool to get involved with HuMac.”

  “Then be a fool. Does he have your insides all crazy when you see him?”

  “A little.”

  “Do you think about him even when you don’t want to?”

  “All the time.”

  “You think you’re in love?”

  Gabrielle almost coughed up juice. “Heck no. Sexual attraction, yes. Love? No. Now, he’s got a sista wondering about his bedroom skills...” She fanned. “I won’t deny that, but love has nothing to do with it.”

  “Miss Montane?” Mateo called out.

  “Hold on, Ash.” Gabrielle ran to the door and pushed the speaker button. “I’m here.”

  “Warner DiMaggio is here to see you.”

  “Send him up.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Gabrielle got her phone. “I gotta go, Ashleigh. Warner’s here.”

  She moaned. “With his fine ass. How long’s he gonna be in town?”

  “A few weeks he said so he’ll be heading to Paris soon.”

  Someone knocked on the door.

  “Talk to you later—”

  “Girl, hook me up,” Ashleigh said. “Warner’s single, right?”

  “Girl, bye.” Gabrielle ended the call and then answered the door. “Hey, there.”

  “Beautiful.” Warner hugged her before entering the room. “You didn’t get all dressed up on my account, did you?” He gestured to her sweaty shirt.

  “What brings you by?”

  “Since when do I need an excuse to see you?” He’d smoothed his curls down with gel or mousse. “Been hard to catch up with you.”

  “I’m sorry. Since I got the Iris International deal it’s been hectic.”

  “I’m so proud of you, Gabs. I told you things would look up. You been working out?”

  “Guess you can say that. I played basketball.”

  “Basketball?” He stood to the side. “You haven’t played basketball in ages. What brought that on?”

  “I guess I missed it and wanted to relieve stress.”

  “I see.” He caressed his hands, scoping her. “Where did you play?”

  “Eh, the gym.”

  “Which one?”

  She grinned. “Does it matter?”

  “Is something wrong with me asking?”

  “Ooh, I’m sweating like a slave.” She fanned her musty top. “And this humidity is about to kill me. You’re my bestie and all, but I gotta get in the shower. You’re welcomed to stay until I finish.”

  “Nah, that’s okay. I wanted to check on you since you haven’t been answering my calls.”

  “I’m sorry.” She hugged him. “Please don’t take offense. I’ve been busy.”

  “Make sure you find time for me now.” He pinched her chin. “I’ll be leaving soon, but I’ll stop back in LA after I’m done in Paris.”

  “I’d like that.” She put her arms around him. “We can paint the town red. Remember when we’d go out to the clubs in New York?”

  “Do I? Got thrown out every one of them for acting like fools.”

  They laughed.

  “I miss this, Gabby.” He rocked her. “Us spending time together.”

  She laid her head on his chest. “I do too.”

  “I’ll let you get to your shower.” He sauntered to the door. “We can talk tomorrow.”

  “Sounds good.”

  “Oh, I spoke to Hugh earlier. Remember, things didn’t go well in his office when you sent me over there that day, but we hashed it out. He invited me to Ian Delfino’s birthday party next Saturday.”

  “I heard about the party.”

  “Yeah, he turns sixty. The party will be at Ian’s mansion and the press will be there. Hugh says they’ll do promotion for the movie. Hey, I don’t have a date and I don’t want to be Hugh and Sierra’s fifth wheel. You wanna go with me?”

  “I wasn’t invited.” She held her arms behind her. “I’ve never even met Mr. Delfino.”

  “I’m sure he’d welcome a party crasher that looks like you.” He pinched her cheek.

  “I prefer the host invite me.” She rested her hands on her backside. “I’m glad you and Hugh are friends again though. When did you speak to him?”

  “This morning.”

  “I wonder why he didn’t mention it when I was at his place—”


  “His place?” Warner moved from the door. “You were at Hugh’s place?”

  “Yes, tonight. He was who I played basketball with.”

  He batted, tugging on his ear. “Is my hearing bad or have I gone crazy?”


  “What the hell’s going on, Gabs?”


  “You send me to Hugh to get him off your back and now you’re playing basketball with him at his place?” He stared her down. “What else did you two play?”

  “That’s way out of line, Warner.” She waltzed to the kitchen.

  “Is it?”

  “Yes.” She got her glass of juice from the island. “I don’t like what you’re implying.”

  “I don’t like what I’m hearing. I wouldn’t have gone to Hugh looking like an idiot if I’d known you were gonna turn around and date the guy.”

  “We’re not dating.”

  “Then why the hell were you at his place?” He hit the island. “Why would you go near a man you claim you can’t stand?”

  “Turns out Hugh is a partner of Iris International and when I signed the contract, I was unknowingly signing up for his film.”

  He sat on the stool. “What?”

  “There’s a clause dealing with the partners, which means I’m obligated to Hugh as much as the entire company.”

  “That’s insane.”

  Gabrielle pulled at her shorts. “That’s what I thought.”

  “He can’t make you be in his film.”

  “He can. My lawyer even says I’m assed out. Anyway, I bet Hugh that if we played a game of one-on-one basketball and I win I don’t have to do the movie.” She shrugged one shoulder. “I lost.”

  Warner got up, chuckling under his breath.


  “What happened to all that anger? How you ranted that you wanted nothing to do with Hugh?”

  “Warner, I have no choice.” She came from around the island. “If I don’t do the movie, then I’ll breech my contract with Iris International.”

  “So a modeling contract is more important than your dignity?”

  “I’m not signing up to be Hugh’s whore, Warner.”

  “You sure about that?”

  She gritted her teeth. “Who are you to judge me? It’s easy for you to talk when your career wasn’t sliding down the toilet.”

  He gave her the side-eye. “You played me, Gabs.”

  “How can you say
that after all the years we’ve known each other? I don’t play people.”

  “So you say, but you use what you got to make men do what you want.”

  “Use what I got?”

  “Don’t play innocent with me.”

  “Why are you talking like this?”

  “Like what?”

  “Like a pig. This isn’t you, Warner.”

  “Because I’m tired of waiting on the sidelines for—”

  “For what? What are you trying to say?”

  “You act so modest about your beauty, but it’s your biggest weapon and you know how to use it.”

  She leaned back, touching her bosom. “Use it?”

  “You’re flirtatious when you want to be.” His top lip curled. “When you want men to cater to your beck and call.”

  “I don’t use men.”

  “It’s not how I see it. You bat those brown eyes and you expect men to fall at your feet. You’re a tease, and you always have been.”

  She inhaled, shock and anger tugging at her bones. “If that’s how you see it you can leave because right now I have nothing more to say to you.”

  “I care about you, Gabby.” He bent over, clutching his chest. “Don’t you get that? I’m always the one who’ll be there for you, not Hugh. You’ve seen what he’s done to other women. You’re too smart to fall for his shit.”

  “I can handle myself.”

  “Hugh’s gonna chew you up and spit you out, and I’d think twice about rolling around on the basketball court with him again.”

  “How dare you?” She slapped him. “Who do you think you’re talking to?”

  He rubbed his red cheek, scowling.

  “I thought you were my friend.”

  “Friends tell you the truth, Gabrielle.” His eyes sunk into darkness. “Even when you don’t wanna hear it.”

  “I’m not gonna fall for Hugh and even if I were it’s none of your business.” She struggled to swallow. “You really think I use men?”

  “I didn’t mean that.” He kissed her forehead. “I’m afraid of you being hurt.”

  “I understand, but I can take care of myself.”

  “All right.” He held out his hand, smiling. “Friends again?”

  She bypassed his hand, hugging him instead. “Bet on it.”


  In a lavender, off the shoulder, crepe chiffon dress, Gabrielle entered Hugh’s office the next morning.

  “Whoa,” the bulky, dark-skinned black man with the cottony afro stood from the chair beside Hugh’s desk. “As I live and breathe. It’s Gabrielle Montane.” He swaggered over to her in baggy jeans and a black and red Tommy Hilfiger hoodie. “It’s a pleasure.” He secured her hand in his ashy palm and kissed it. “I’m a huge fan.”

  “That’s kind of you, thanks.” Gabrielle glanced at Hugh as she flicked a short strand of side hair that had fallen out of her French-roll, which she’d kept messy for the “whimsical and effortless” look.

  “Gabrielle, this is Jamal Brown,” Hugh said. “My right-hand man.”

  “I’m his assistant director. I keep Hugh in check.”

  Gabrielle chuckled. “I bet that’s a difficult job.”

  “You are so fine, Miss Montane.” Jamal rubbed his chin, moaning. “Do you realize how fine you are? Ain’t she fine, Hugh? She knows she’s fine too.”

  Gabrielle giggled.

  “All in her lavender looking like she’s coming from a magazine shoot,” Jamal said. “Do you wake up looking that good?”

  “Course she does.” Hugh smirked. “As do I.”

  “Well, a brother gotta work on it.” Jamal patted his fro. “But I got a little something-something too.”

  Gabrielle smiled, turning toward Hugh’s desk. “May I speak to you for a moment?”

  “I live to speak to you.”

  “I’ll leave you two alone.” Jamal gazed at Gabrielle as he left, bumping into the bookshelf on his way out.

  “See?” Hugh reclined in the chair, pressing the sole of his shoe against the edge of the desk. “That’s that effect on men I was talking about last night. Speaking of last night...” He raised an eyebrow. “I see you got home safe. You”

  “Thanks.” She took her purse from her shoulder. “Warner told me you guys made up. I hate coming between you.”

  “You didn’t come between us. Anyway, it’s hard to stay mad at old Warner.”

  “It sure is. He mentioned going to Ian’s party.”

  “I hope you’re coming.”

  “Ian didn’t invite me.”

  “You’re starring in Ian’s movie.” He tapped his pencil on the desk. “Of course you’re welcomed to come.”

  “We’ll see.”

  “I wanted to call you but felt you needed your space to reflect on what happened last night.”

  She held her purse low in front of her. “Staying after the game was a mistake.”

  “The only mistake was that we didn’t make love like we should’ve.”

  “You were right about one thing last night.” She batted her eyes, slow. “I was flirtatious. Wine does that.”

  “In that case let’s get a bottle of wine up here right now.” He laughed. “Gabby, don’t blame the wine. You enjoyed my company. Why deny it?”

  “I’m not denying it.” She set her purse on the desk. “I’m trying to forget it. I’m determined to fight against letting you in.”

  “How’s that working for you? Because the more we’re together, the weaker you become. All I ask is you get to know me.”

  She walked to the window, feeling his gaze on her legs. “You were honest with me last night.” She looked at the bare parking lot. “I owe you the same.”

  Hugh swiveled his chair in her direction.

  “I wanted you last night.”

  He rolled his pencil between his fingers.

  “The basketball game nearly killed me.” She swallowed, heart knocking. “You kept bumping against me and sweating.” Her temperature rose. “It was hard to ignore. I wanted you so much at that moment and it scared me.”

  “You don’t have to be scared, Gabrielle.” He leaned forward. “My feelings for you are real. Obsession, love, whatever you wanna call it. They’re not going away.”

  “It’s hard.” She made a fist. “My mind is saying run as fast as I can but my body is telling me to give in.”

  “What about your heart?”

  She touched the curtain. “I’m not sure about that one yet.”

  “What you’re saying is you have a physical attraction for me?”

  “Yes.” She let go of the curtain.

  He exhaled with his mouth wide open.

  “You look as shocked as I am.”

  “When did this happen? You hated me a few days ago.”

  “I’m not blind, Hugh.” She glanced at him, flooding with humiliation but glad to be honest. “You’re fine as hell.”

  He blushed as if he were embarrassed.

  “You’re just not the man for me so I don’t want to encourage anything.”

  “Yet, you come here in that dress knowing how much I want you?”

  “There’s something else I want to be honest about.” She sashayed to the file cabinet. “When you said you had plans, the other night and couldn’t do the game, I wondered if you had plans with Sierra.”

  “No, they had nothing to do with her. I was doing film stuff.” He stood. “If you were jealous, that means you feel more than sexual attraction.”

  “What’s wrong with me? How can I feel like this? I’m too smart to fall for you.”

  “You’ve seen as time goes on that you can’t control how you feel.” He brought her close, putting his arms around her waist. “You want me so let’s try it.”

  “What about Sierra?”

  “I got with her because I was lonely.”

  “Lonely?” She pulled the button on his shirt. “How could you ever be lonely with all the women waiting in line for your attention?”
  “I’m tired of going from woman to woman. Gabby, I’m thirty-eight now. If I don’t settle things down then when? I want my soulmate.” He touched a loose strand of her hair. “I want someone I can spend the rest of my life with.”

  “Why are you with Sierra? I don’t get it.”

  “If she’s alone, she won’t be able to make it. She’s very fragile and going through a lot. I’m all she has right now.”

  “You’re afraid she’s gonna drink again?”

  “Nothing’s going right for her.” He let her go, and then pressed his butt to the desk. “She’s fighting for jobs and they’re not coming in. Her agent’s ignoring her. People won’t touch her for nothing in the world. Imagine a man as powerful in Hollywood as Ian Delfino who can’t even get his daughter parts.” He sighed. “She’s been so depressed and anxious that she can’t even sleep without taking pills, and I’m worried that will turn into another addiction. Imagine having the whole world love you then turn around and act like you don’t exist. She’s been through so much, Gabby. People see her as the spoiled princess, but she’s had a harder emotional life than most people.”

  “I understand Sierra’s having a hard time, but this relationship isn’t fair to either of you. You can’t string her along. I’ve been down this road. Nothing hurts worse than a woman realizing she’s being jerked around.”

  “Sierra is on the edge.” He winced. “Just one more thing to go wrong and she’s going to jump over it. If she drinks again, I’ll never forgive myself. Gabby, I want you so bad.” He rose, taking her hands. “I’ll clean this up because my end goal is to be with you.”

  She closed her eyes as he caressed her cheek.

  “If we have more nights like last night, I bet you’ll feel the same.”

  “I’d better go.” She moved his hand from her face. “I have an appointment with my representative at Iris International. He wants to go over some things for the commercial shoot.”

  “It’s so hard for me to let you go.”

  She smirked.

  “Can we see each other tonight?” He touched her hair. “Say, my place?”


  “Come on. I won’t pressure you. We can just talk.”

  “Okay. I guess I can do that. What time?”


  “Okay. I’ll be there.”


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