Black Ruins Falls

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Black Ruins Falls Page 10

by Karen DuBose

  “Kiernan, I’m here. I will fight this with everything I`ve got. Thank you for telling me just how strong I am. I will make this world a better place for our kids to live in. I won’t abandon my family.”

  I feel him wrap his arms around me in my mind. I know he isn’t doing it in the real world. I have no idea what is happening out there.

  “I’m glad to hear that. We have a beautiful baby girl. She is perfect. Wake up so you can see her. She is waiting to see her mother.”

  “Tell her I will see her in a few minutes. When whatever Oceana did to me wears off. Tell her I love her.”

  “I will tell her, but she doesn’t want anyone but you right now. Every time we try to take her away from you so Oceana can stitch you back up, she screams her little head off.”

  “Kiernan sing to her, her song. She will calm down. I will see you guys soon.”

  Chapter Twelve


  I sure hope she is right and my singing will get her to stop. It breaks my heart to hear her crying like this.

  My Beautiful baby girl with your eye’s so bright

  Daddy’s here to hold you tight

  You're powerful but still so small

  How will we ever hold on

  Your momma had to leave for a few

  But safe in my arms you will always be

  So, hush your crying and dry your eye’s

  For your daddy’s love will always grow deep inside.

  She slowly stops crying and falls asleep in my arms. She is the most beautiful little girl I’ve ever seen. I can’t believe we made her.

  Oceana walks up behind me. “She is so beautiful. You guys did a great job. Dariya should be awake soon. Make sure she rests, I don’t want her tearing the incision. No lifting more than that baby for two weeks. She will be healed fully by then.”

  Not taking my eyes off of Runes I say, “Thank you. I don’t know what we would have done without you.”

  “I’m happy to help. When she wakes up make sure she holds her and feeds her right away. I have to go check on something. I will be back later.”

  I nod my head. I rock her back and forth. I can’t believe she looks just like we saw her before she was born. This little girl is going to give us a run for lifecycles. I can see it already. I’m proud to admit she already has me wrapped around her finger.

  Kira steps up beside me. “She is so adorable. Does she look the same as she did in the visions?”

  “Yes, she does. Exactly alike. It’s kind of scary, actually. Have you told the others she has been born?”

  “I’m sure they know. They will give you privacy until told otherwise. They are dying to meet their niece. Can I hold her?”

  “Sure. Don’t wake her up yet. I want Dariya to rest a little while longer. She has been through a lot. I think it’s time for her to get some much-needed rest.”

  I hand her over to Kira. Runes scrunches up her little face. I thought she was going to wake up but she didn’t. I let Kira hold her for a while, I want to go check on Dariya. I can hear Kira talking to Runes about what a great aunt she will be and how spoiled she will make her.

  I shake my head because I know how true it is. I lay on the bed next to Dariya and take her hand. I don’t want to disturb her but I need the contact. I need to know she is alive. I’ve almost lost her too many times as it is.

  It amazes me how strong she really is. If I was in her shoes, I think I would have given up a while ago. She has this fierceness in her that makes me want to be strong too.

  People say the ones who love the most are the strongest ones. She has proven it to be true. The fates have chosen the right person. I just wish she didn’t have to go through everything she has and will. I wish they would place some of it on me to take the load off of her some.

  She squeezes my hand before she blinks her eyes open. “I feel your happiness,” she croaks out.

  I smile at her and bring her hand to my lips, kissing it. “I couldn’t be any happier as I am right now. She looks just like I remember her.”

  She tries to sit up and I see the pain on her face. “Don’t get up. Oceana says to relax for at least two weeks. You can only hold Runes and nothing else.”

  “Did you say anything about something for the pain?”

  Kira walks over to us with a wide-eyed Runes. Dariya reaches for her and as soon as she has her in her hands a bright white light surrounds them. White and pink light shoots out of both of them like it is tying them together magically.

  Eimear walks into the room and gasps. She raises her voice. “Kiernan, Kira you need to move away from them right now!”

  “What’s going on? Why do we have to move?”

  Kira is slowly backing away, not going too far. Eimear walks a few feet from the end of the bed. “They are bonding. If it touches either of you it will be tainted. So, please back away.”

  I get out of the bed and watch them bonding. “Why didn’t she do that with me?”

  “It’s a mother-daughter bond. Once it’s in a place she will bond with you and anyone else she wants to bond too.”

  We watch as the white and pink light fade slowly. Both of them are looking at each other. No one dare says a word. I don’t want to break this moment before it’s complete.

  Dariya breaks eye contact and looks over at me with a wide smile. “I can feel her. I can hear her thoughts. This is amazing. Did she do this with you?”

  I shook my head no. “She hasn’t done that to any of us. Did you not hear what your mom said?”

  “No. All I could hear was her in my head. Her pictures now have sound to them. It’s quite loud until you get used to it.”

  I can’t help being a little jealous. I want that bond with her too. I know it will come and we will have a different bond. Walking back over to the bed I sit on it and lean over to see my baby girl.

  “You want to hold her? I need to get more comfortable and have someone take this pain away.”

  Without even hesitating I reach for her. As soon as I touch her she starts crying again. Am I doing something wrong? Does she not like me?

  “Why is she crying?”

  Dariya closes her eyes. “She is hungry and wants me. I don’t think the bond is complete yet. Let me feed her and see after that.”

  I feel helpless at this moment. I don’t know what I can do to help. This is all too new to me. Where do I belong here?

  “Come lay next to me. I want to hear the words to your song.”

  I’m hesitant to do as she asks. I don’t want to ruin their bond. I watch as she feeds her. I may be lost but I know I love these two more than anything. I slowly crawl on the bed and get settled next to them. I rub Runes head and lay a kiss on it and kiss Dariya.

  I sing them both the song and they both fell asleep. I pick up Runes from her mom’s arms and cuddle with her. I hum the song over and over. When I’m about to finish it for the last time something happened.

  I can see the same white threads that she and Dariya share intertwines with me. Instead of pink, there is blue mixed in the white. I can feel the bond starting. I sing to her one last time and hold her even closer.

  After a few minutes, it stops and I can feel her like Dariya said earlier. I can even see her in my mind. A wide smile stretches my face. I’m the luckiest guy alive.

  Bruno clears his throat at the door. The look on his face tells me I’m not going to like what he is going to say. I get up and lay Runes next to Dariya and put a pillow next to the edge. I don’t know if she is able to roll or not and I don’t want her to roll off the bed.

  I walk out the door and close it. I don’t want them to wake up.

  “What is it?”

  “Not anything good. Your cousin somehow escaped. I have a few people looking for him. This isn’t good. If that Seer is using him in any way, we will be screwed. We need to find the Seer soon.”

  I lean my head back and pinch the bridge of my nose “You’re right, we need to find both of them. I won’t and can’t leave m
y girls. They need me right now. Let me know what you find out. If you need to send more out do it. If you find him, I want to be the first to know.”

  He nods his head and walks back to the others that came up with him. We don’t need this right now. She needs two weeks. Is that too much to ask? Walking back into the room, I notice Kira hasn’t left.

  I whisper to her, “Are you going to stay here the whole time?”

  Shrugging her shoulders she says, “I don’t have anywhere else to be. I’m here to help as much as I can. I know she would do the same for me.”

  “If you’re going to stay here, I’m going to go grab something to eat and get her something for when she wakes up.”

  She beams up at me and says. “I will be right here.”

  Walking back out the door, I close it and head to see Bruno. I need to ask him something. I could have used to link but this needs to be asked in person for my sake.

  I can hear him and a few others talking. I walk in that direction.

  “How did he escape?” I hear Brody ask. “That’s what I want to know.”

  “We are trying to figure that out,” Bruno answers

  I walk around the corner. “Who was the one that was supposed to be watching him?”

  Bruno, Brody, and Knox turn in my direction. “We are trying to figure out who’s shift it was,” Bruno says.

  “I think it’s time to get those answers. I’m not going to sit around and wait. When we find him, I will be the one to deal with him before he can cause any damage.”

  Brody puts his hand on my shoulder. “Hopefully, we will catch him before he has a chance. I don’t trust him. He has a cocky attitude.”

  Turning my head toward him I say, “Let’s just hope. We don’t need anymore on our plates. Dariya needs to rest for two weeks. Let’s give her that, ok. She may be strong, but even the strongest need rest.”

  Knox slapped my back. “Congrats man! How is the new mother and baby?”

  Hearing him call Dariya a new mother brings a smile on my face. “They are perfect. I can’t believe how amazing they are.”

  Bruno and Brody congratulated me as well. “Tell Dariya congrats for me and we will be up there to see them when she wakes up. Hopefully, we will have some answers for you by then.”

  I slap him on the shoulder. “I will and I hope you do have some answers for me. Do me a huge favor and don’t mention this around Dariya. She won’t rest until she finds him and we don’t need that right now.”

  “We won’t. She does need her rest. Now go back to her, I can see you itching to get back to them.”

  “You’re right about that. I will see you guys later. If you need me before then you know how to reach me.”

  Bruno chuckles. “You know if she finds out, she will hurt you and us. Are you ready for that?”

  I laugh. “I can handle her. I’m not worried about what she will do to me.”

  I turn to leave to get some food for the both of us. I entered the kitchen and see Eimear is in there cooking up a storm.

  “I was wondering where you went. Are you cooking for Dariya?”

  Without stopping what she is doing, she nods her head. “I don’t know what she will want when she wakes up. I’m making her all her favorites.”

  “I’m sure she will enjoy all of it. Can you bring it to us when it’s done? I want to get back to them.”

  She turns around to look at me. “Are they awake already?”

  “Not that I know of. Kira hasn’t told me they were awake yet.”

  She turns back to the food. “Let me know when she does. She needs to eat. Feeding Runes will take a lot out of her.”

  I don’t answer her. I walk back upstairs to be with my girls. I love the sound of that. Opening the door as quietly as I can, I walk into the room. Kira looks at me and lifts her finger to her mouth telling me to be quiet.

  I roll my eyes at her. “You know they will have to get used to noise or Runes will wake up to everything.” How did I know that?

  She lifts her eyebrow at me. “Where did you learn that?”

  “I have no idea. It just came to me.”

  She shakes her head and goes back to whatever she was doing. I don’t ask what that is. I crawl back on the bed and watch my girls sleep. They look so peaceful. Looking at them brings hope back to me to have a peaceful life once all of this is over with.

  I lay my head down and close my eyes for a few minutes. Daddy needs some rest as well. Just as I’m about to go into a deep sleep I hear something cracking. I open my eyes trying to figure out what it is.

  I stand up and follow the cracking sound. When I find it, I’m shocked. Kira has stepped up next to me and she has her hand covering her mouth.

  The Dragon egg is hatching. I watch with amazement. What does this mean? Is it safe to have around Runes and Dariya right now? I found my answer when it fully hatched and flew over to Runes and curled up with her.

  I look over at Kira. “I sure hope that thing doesn’t try to kill me.”

  She looks back at me. “Only one way to find out. Go see what it will do if you get close to them.”

  I really didn’t want to, but I need to know if it can be trusted. I slowly walk over to the bed. The dragon keeps his eyes on me but doesn’t do anything else. I slowly get back into bed. I keep my eye on it. All it does was go to sleep. I let out a relieved sigh.

  I watch Kira pick up the pieces of shell and put them in something I couldn’t see. Sleep is demanding I listen. I close my eyes and fall fast asleep.

  Chapter Thirteen


  As much as I love having Keva here, it worries me. I can’t lose my mate. I will kill anyone who tries to harm her in any way. I may be the brooding type, but it doesn’t mean I don’t have a heart and she is my heart.

  I look into her crystal blue eyes with a frown.

  “Don’t you give me that look. You should have known that I would come sooner or later. I can’t stay that long away from you. I was going crazy being in that cave alone.”

  I sigh heavily and rub the back of my neck. “I know you would have. I was hoping it would have been over with before you came here. Promise me you will stay out of harm’s way. You are not a physical fighter. If you want to fight do it from the sidelines. You can use your magic. I can’t worry about you and fight. I will end up getting myself killed or worse someone else. Can you do that for me?”

  She places her hands on her hips. “You think I am that dumb? I know I can’t fight. I never cared for physical combat. Give me some credit, Rome. I will be with the women, well except Dariya and Kira. Those two scare the hell out of me. I can tell they are badasses when it comes to fighting.” I watch her shiver.

  I laugh at her. She has no idea just how true her words are. “You’re right those two are dangerous. They can hold their own in a fight. I don’t know how Bruno and Kiernan handle it. I would have locked you away.” I let the love shine through my eyes. “I don’t think you are dumb by any means. I just needed to hear you say you would stay out of the physical fight. To have peace of mind.”

  She lets out a heavy sigh, “You did lock me away! Remember?”

  I love my sassy wife but sometimes she tests me. “How many times do I have to tell you it was for your own good. I’m glad you weren’t in the forest. I would have burned it down if someone took you like they took Eimear. Come here. I can’t stand not touching you.”

  A smile spreads across her face and she strides in an alluring way toward me. That sexy walk always makes me come unglued. If she looks down, she can see just how much I need her. Her slow walk is driving me mad. If she takes any longer, I will snatch her up and have my way with her.

  Her smile widens. She knows what she is doing to me and she is enjoying every minute of it.

  I can’t wait any longer. I take the last few steps toward her and pick her up. She wraps her legs around my waist. A deep grumble comes out of me. My dragon and I have missed our mate.

  Moving her hair out of t
he way, I lean down and slowly kiss her neck. She lets out a moan making my dragon quiver inside me. As much as I want to take this slow it’s not going to happen. It’s a good thing we are already in my room.

  I turn toward the bed and toss her on to it. I strip my clothes off on my way to her. I need her now.

  “I love a man who takes control. Shows me just how much you want and need me,” she says breathlessly.

  Once I’m towering over her, I lean down and rip her clothes off. No need wasting time removing them. She scoots further onto the bed. I follow her. I kneel down and grab her thighs and yank her to me. I already know she is ready for me.

  “We’ve missed you, wife.” I don’t give her time to respond. I slide in her and the moment I do I feel our connection stronger than ever. A roar rumbles from my chest and I let the passion take over.

  After several hours of making love to Keva and holding her in my arms, I can’t believe I lasted this long without killing someone and how selfish I was by leaving her alone all this time. I won’t ever do it again.

  She snuggles closer to me and I wrap my arms around her. “I’ve missed you so much.”

  I kiss the top of her head. “I missed you even more. I’m sorry for being so selfish. I just wanted to keep you safe.”

  She looks up at me. “I know you did, but this is my fight too. I want to get to know everyone you now call family. They are my family too. I will fight for my family, just like you.”

  I hold her a little tighter. “I know you will. That’s what scares me the most.”

  “How can you say that. You’re doing the same thing. Is it because I’m a woman?”

  I stare at her beautiful eyes. “You should know me better than that, Keva. Women can do everything a man can and more. It’s because you’re my wife and I need to protect you. That is my job as a husband. It’s my first job as a husband.”

  She brings her hand to my face and places it on my cheek. “You are my protector and always will be. That will never change and I love you for that. I know everything you do is out of love and protection, but you have to let me live too.”


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