Black Ruins Falls

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Black Ruins Falls Page 16

by Karen DuBose

  “Alums won’t do anything stupid. He would never put Saffron in danger. If I know Saffron like I hope I do, she will never put him in danger either. We will find him, I promise.”

  He places a soft kiss to my lips, making me hungry for him. A moan slips out before he backs away making my dragon growl at him. The laughter in his eyes makes me stalk him while he backs up slowly.

  “Love, as much as I want to, because trust me I do, you are not fully healed.”

  I don’t even answer him. He keeps thinking I’m lying when I say I’m fully healed. He is almost to the door. If he gets out of this room, I will lose. I’m not about to let that happen.

  Leaping toward him, I grab his shirt. Making sure he doesn’t drop Runes. Claiming his lips once more I wrap my arms around his neck bringing him closer to me. Just as we are getting lost into each other, Runes wake up. I groan and Kiernan laughs.

  We both look down at her. The smile that stretches across my face is the only thing she sees before I snatch her out of her daddy’s hands. “You, my sweet girl, know how to stop a good thing. Are you hungry?”

  She sends images into my mind. I laugh at her. She doesn’t like it when we kiss. “Well, my little one. That is what people do when they are in love and mated.”

  I swear she made a disapproval face. Which only makes me laugh even harder. I walk over to the rocker and prepare to feed her.

  The knock on the door makes me and Kiernan stare at each other. They know when I’m about to feed Runes. They never bother us. This has to be important.

  Kiernan, who was only a few feet from the door, opens it. He steps aside for the person to come in.

  Jax walks in with a worried look on his face. “I’m sorry for interrupting feeding time. This can’t wait. We found the witches and also the Elders have figured out where we are. They are headed this way as we speak.”

  Without thinking I rush out the room. I head down the stairs to gather everyone. When I get to the bottom of the stairs, they are already there waiting for me.

  Trying to make light of things I say, “You having a direct link to my emotions is helpful sometimes. I’m sure you all know the Elders have found us. We must take action. Since we know where the hags are, we are going after them first. If we keep moving, hopefully, we can get the Elders off our trail. I don’t know about you guys, but I’m done being a pawn. It’s time to take action.”

  The cheers and grunts echo in the cabin. I guess they are done as well. I stand there with Runes. I look down to see her staring at them all. I lift her up so she can see them better.

  I watch as a bright yellow light burst out of her and surround them all. The cheers die down as it hits them. The awed look is on all of their faces. Even mine and she isn’t even doing it to me.

  One by one they drop to one knee bowing to her. I open up to her to see what she is doing. I about drop to one knee as well. She is giving them the strength and wisdom and giving them the power to make themselves invisible if need be.

  The respect they have for her is tenfold at this minute. I can feel her bonding with each of them.

  I look back out to them and see tears in their eyes as she does. A few are even weeping. I know how they feel. Even as I stand here, I want to cry as well. She is something else and I couldn’t be prouder then I am right now.

  We still don’t know what she is and right now I don’t care. She is our daughter and I will go to the end of the world for her.

  Her light recedes from them and they all drop their heads even further. It looks like they are affected by the loss of her light. She looks up at me with her innocent eyes. I smile down at her and snuggle her closer to me.

  “You, my sweet girl, are something else. I wouldn’t change you for the world.”

  I look out at them all again. “Let’s get going. We don’t have time to delay. We need to move and take this war to their front door. No more waiting for them to find a way to destroy us.”

  The roars coming from them is ear piercing. The roar coming from me was just as loud. Justice is letting them know she is ready to lead them into this fight. I feel the swell of love she has for each one of them.

  Without another word, we head out. I turn to Jax. “We will follow you since you know where the hags are.”

  He nods his head and takes off through the woods surrounding us. I don’t think, I just run with him. Runes is tucked in my arms. I know I shouldn’t take her with me, but something is telling me she needs to be with me.

  The run wasn’t long before he stops us. I don’t dare say a word. No one else does either. I let my senses flow around me. It doesn’t take long before I felt them just beyond the tree line. All four of them are there.

  I turn to the others. “This is it. You can turn back now or fight with me.”

  They all look at me like I said something wrong. Each one takes a step toward me. My emotions are about to get the best of me. I don’t let them. Maybe when this is over, I will let them out. Right now, my pack needs me.

  I nod my head and turn back around. “Where is Pim?”

  Jax doesn’t turn from the woods in front of him. “On the other side of them. He is waiting for you to tell us when to attack.”

  I don’t even think I grab the pieces of Dragon Stone in my pocket that Kira handed me before we left and run toward the hags. I don’t stop until we surround them and they have no place to go.

  Once they see us, they jump to their feet. “Well, I was wondering if you would find us or not. I was starting to get bored,” Jaelyn sneers at me.

  “I didn’t want you to miss me too much.”

  Jaelyn face turns to an evil smile. “I’m glad you came to your senses to do as we asked.”

  “Oh, but how wrong you are. I’m not here to help you or serve you.”

  The evil chuckle that comes from her makes my skin crawl. “Then why are you here?”

  I hand Runes over to Isobel. “Take her to the back.”

  I watch Jaelyn’s eyes follow Runes. I can see her calculated gaze. I distract her from thinking she could use Runes.

  “I’m sure you are smart enough to figure out what we are here for.”

  Movement catches my eyes to the left. I haven’t really been looking at Nessa, but now she has my attention. “Nessa, I hope you are smarter than I think you are. I wouldn’t try anything.”

  She sneers at me. “You think you scare me?”

  I ignore her and focus back on the hags. I’m not too worried about Nessa. I didn’t even let them know what I was about to do. I hold the pieces of dragon egg tight in my hand. I take it out and raise it for them to see.

  I watch as their faces pale. It doesn’t take them long to act, throwing magic wildly. Thankfully it doesn’t hit anyone. Nessa comes at me with rage in her eyes. She is a few inches from me and I brace myself for impact.

  I watch as her body gets thrown away from me. She hits a tree and I hear a crunch. I don’t have time to look at her. The hags are rushing at me. Desean steps in front of me at the last second. I watch in horror as he is flung to the side like a rag doll.

  This gets me into action. How dare they touch any of them. I chant while holding the shell in the air. The words flow from me. I have no idea what I’m saying or where it came from. I let the power flow freely to the shell. It’s blinding white light shoots out it toward the hags.

  From the souls of the dragons hear my words.

  Take the power from these sisters from their very souls.

  Hold me close and use me as your guide.

  Wrap their magic uptight.

  From you, through me bring them to their knees.

  Just as they were about to take me out, I watch them fall to their knees and turn in to dust right in front of my eyes. I wasn’t even finished with my spell. I look up to see Runes dragon. It looks like he is holding something in his mouth. I take a closer look. Oh my god! He has the nags powers. How the hell? I didn’t know he could do that.

  I stand there in a complete sh
ock. I can faintly hear the cheers in the background. All I could do was look at what was done and back up to her dragon. Did I really mean to kill them or was this what was meant to happen?

  “I know what you are thinking. It wasn’t you who killed them. Once their power was taken, they killed themselves. They knew they could never live without their powers. Their own spell turned them into dust.”

  I couldn’t even pry myself away from their ashes. “How do you know this?”

  Oceana places a hand on my shoulder and turns me to her. “Because I have the same spell on myself. If I lose my power, I will end up the same way. I don’t want to live in a world I can’t make better without my powers.”

  The sob that escapes me was raw. She holds me close to her. I couldn’t even think about her turning into dust. I need to erase that spell on her. There is so much she can do without her powers.

  “I thought this was going to be a lot harder than it was.”

  I turn to see Aidian standing there looking down at the dust. The wind is starting to blow it away. He reaches down to pick something up. Before I can see what it is, I hear a moan coming from the other side of us.

  My heart sinks before I turn around. I didn’t think anyone got hurt. When I see who it is. All I want to do is go over there and knock her out again. I really don’t want to hear her mouth.

  “I think this is the part you have been waiting for Aidian. Nessa is the one who is going to give us the most problems.”

  I watch her sit up. I can tell one of her arms are broke. I’m sure there are other bones broke as well. She looks dazed and confused, I probably would be too.

  When she sees me. Pure rage coats her expression. It takes everything I have not to roll my eyes at her and flinch.

  “You Bitch! What have you done?”

  I cross my arms over my chest. I’m done letting her get to me. “Something that should have been done a long time ago.”

  “You killed my aunt’s!”

  “No, as much as I wish I could take credit for that, they killed themselves.”

  “You lying bitch.”

  I watch as she tries to stand. Looks like her left leg is broke as well. Without warning, she shifts into her lion and charges me. I brace myself and wait for the right time to shift myself. At this point, I could care less if the Elders find us.

  She was ten feet away from me and I let justice emerge. She is pissed. Nessa doesn’t even stop. She is inches away from us. I grab her by the neck and toss her away from us.

  Not giving her time to recover. I fly to where she landed and dig my claws into her. Her howls of pain almost make me stop, but I don’t. I know if I do she will just keep coming after me and my loved ones. That’s not about to happen.

  With one more squeeze, I crush her ribs and her insides. I let out a roar of anger and grief. I hate killing. Even when they give me no choice. I look behind me and see my pack standing there.

  I lower my head and dig a hole. She may have been the worse person in the world, but she at least needs to be buried.

  “Love, we can do that. Runes needs you.”

  I stop and look at Kiernan. I can feel the tears hot on my scales. I nod to him and shift back to my human self. I don’t even care that I’m naked.

  As I walk to the back of the group no one says anything to me. They all know how I feel about killing people. I hear Runes squeal and my heart tears a little more.

  I reach for her and hold her close to me as a sob breaks loose. The moment I touch her, she sends calming waves inside me. The guilt of killing will always remain with me.

  “Thank you, darling girl. Mommy really needed that.”

  I pull her away from me so I can see her chubby little cheeks. She looks up at me with a smile on her lips. If only I could be that innocent again. She places her hands on each of my cheeks. The vision she shows me tells me she is hungry.

  I laugh at her. “Ok, sweets. Let’s go feed you.” I look behind me one last time. My heart twists inside my chest. Exhaling, I walk away from the pack. I can feel Kiernan close by.

  “You can join us.”

  He walks from behind one of the trees. “I was giving you some space. I know whatever I say will not make you feel better.”

  I give him a sad look. “You’re right. Nothing will rid me of this guilt. Killing someone is something I don’t want to get used to nor do I want to learn to take pleasure in it.”

  He shakes his head. “I think you know me better than that. I would never tell you those awful things. Killing someone whether it is to defend or not is nothing to take lightly.”

  He walks up to me and Runes. He places a hand on my cheek and gives me a brief kiss on the lips. “Come on let’s get this little girl some food.”

  We don’t walk far when I spot a boulder to sit on. He helps me get Runes in position. Once she latches on and I cringe. This youngling has some sucking power.

  “Does it really hurt that bad to feed her?”

  I look up at his worried gaze. “Just the first few seconds. After that, it doesn’t hurt as bad.”

  “I’m sorry!”

  I glance at him. “Why are you sorry?”

  “I didn’t know being a mother would hurt so bad.”

  A laugh escaped me. “It doesn’t hurt like you think it does. It’s a pleasant hurt I guess you can call it. I wouldn’t trade it for anything.”

  I can tell he doesn’t believe me, but it’s the truth. I wouldn’t trade this for anything. I can’t wait to meet her twin siblings. I just wish she would stop growing so fast.

  The wind picks up that moment and I look to the sky. The baby dragon Runes bonded herself to, starts to descend from the sky. You would think a baby dragon would be small, but he is not. He isn’t as big as a full-grown dragon but he towers us when we stand. He has grown three times his size since he hatched the day Runes was born.

  Landing, he comes closer to us. He somehow knows I’m feeding her and waits. He lays down beside the boulder and looks out at the pack.

  I wonder if he will one day have the same link to us as we do as a pack. It would be nice if it happened. That way I know she is safe when she isn’t with us.

  “Where have you been?”

  The baby dragon looks up at me and blows air out of his nose.

  “Next time I need you here with her when things get chaotic, got me.”

  He nods his head and I just shake mine. Looking down at Runes she is almost asleep.

  “We really need to build something for him, so she can ride on him if things get out of control. I know deep down he is her protector and will kill even the Elders if they got too close to her.”

  Kiernan sits next to us. “I was thinking the same thing. I will see what we can do. For now, let’s get going. We don’t want the Elders to find us this minute. You need your strength.”

  Nodding my head, I place a sleeping Runes in his hands and fix myself. I look down to make sure I don’t have anything on me, when I notice my boobs are a lot bigger than normal. I look up at Kiernan and back down.

  “When did this happen?” I ask, pointing at them.

  He chuckles and gives me a chastity kiss. “A week after she was born, Love.”

  My jaw drops open. How have I not noticed this until now? I guess being a mother has more perks than just having a youngling. I turn to see if my butt got bigger too. To my disappointment, it’s still the same barely their butt. How boring.

  The laughter that comes from Kiernan stops me from looking at myself and glare at him. “What is so funny there, mister?”

  That got him to stop laughing but I still see the humor in his breath-taking eyes. “Why are you disappointed?”

  I love how he avoided the question. “My butt is the same.”

  His lips twitch, but he keeps a straight face. “I love your butt the way it is.”

  Rolling my eyes at him, I walk back to the others. Of course, he would say that. Men!

  I can hear the small chuckles come from him aga
in. I ignore him, getting back to business.

  Kira comes up to me with some clothes. I nod at her telling her thank you. Once I’m dressed, I walk up to my pack.

  “Alright, everyone. We need to find Alums and Saffron. Since the Elders are already looking for us. We do this together. I don’t want them to have a chance to pick us off one by one. I refuse to make this easy on them.”

  Bruno comes to stand beside me. “I think I know where they are. At least a hunch. We need to head toward the valley of Zilagon.”

  I see the shocked faces like a wave go through them all. Myself included. The Valley of Zilagon is where the final battle happened between the demons and the dragons. No one has dared visit there. The legend says whoever steps a foot there, the great war will begin. One that will destroy us all.

  “Are you sure you think they took them there? I mean, I’m willing to go if you`re sure. I just don`t want to be the cause that destroys us all if I can’t defeat them.”

  “It’s the only thing that makes sense. We would have known if the demons were gathering if someone would have just checked the place out. I don’t think the legend is true. I think it was made up so the dragons who lost their lives would be at peace.”

  I look over at Kiernan and then the others. I take a deep breath. “This is your chance to stay behind. We leave in thirty-minutes for those who are willing to go. Meet back here then.”

  Kira hurries over to me. “You can’t take everyone there. Even if the legend isn’t true, Bruno has a point. Those dragons have been at peace for so long. We shouldn’t disrupt them like that.”

  I hold the bridge of my nose with my thumb and pointer finger. “What would you have me do Kira? You know the ones that refuse to leave are going to come with us no matter what I say.”

  “Have them stay on the outskirts. Far enough away to let the dead stay peaceful, but close enough to come to you in seconds.”

  “Ok. We will tell them before we leave. I need to make sure Runes dragon stays with her no matter what.”

  She nods her head and turns to Bruno. I leave them there to discuss whatever they need to. I walk back into the surrounding woods. I don’t even have to call for him, he is waiting just inside.


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