Black Ruins Falls

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Black Ruins Falls Page 22

by Karen DuBose

  The middle dragon chuckles. “We are the dragon spirit guides.”

  What the… “I’m sorry, but that doesn’t mean anything to me.”

  The dragon on the left sighs. “We know. We haven’t been taught in schools or anywhere else in a very long time. The Elders as you call them made sure no one knew who we are. It has weakened us over the centuries.”

  “Ohhh…ok. You say you have a message for me. What is it?”

  The one on the right slowly walks over to me and lays down in front of me so we are eye level. “You have my brothers’ soul in you. I miss him terribly. Can I talk to him for a minute?”

  I look at this dragon-like she lost it’s ever loving mind. “Um. How do I have your brother’s soul in me?”

  She smiles at me and it creeps me out. A dragon’s smile looks like they are about to chew you to death. She blew smoke out of her nose before she says anything. I cough trying to get it out of my lungs. “He is the one that saved your life. He gave you his life force.”

  My body goes stiff. Are they here to take it away? “Don’t be silly. We would never do that. He will rejoin us when your time is over.”

  “You can read my mind?”

  She laughs. “Only when you are screaming your thoughts.”

  “What are your names?”

  The one in front of me looks back to the others behind her and turns back to me. “I’m Auvu, the one on the right is Isidar and the other one is Vesper. We are the ones who guide the leaders of Zilo. The leaders now have made sure we would never guide them. The balance has shifted to the dark and it needs to be balanced again. You are the key to making this world right again.”

  I already knew all of this. “I hate to tell you this, but I know all of this.”

  Auvu looks deep in my soul just then and all I wanted to do was squirm. “Yes, I see that you know that. What you don’t know is you have to spill all of their blood within a twenty-foot circle you make of your own accord. If not, the world will fill with darkness and not even you can save it.”

  I drop to the ground. My legs couldn’t hold me up with that kind of news. “How?”

  She brings her muzzle next to me and rubs me. “We are going to guide you. Without our help, all is lost. You have to let my brother guide you. He is there to help you connect with us.”

  I can’t even think right now. These huge, beautiful dragons want to help me take the Elders down. “Thank you.”

  “Don’t thank us yet. There is one thing you are not going to want to do, but it’s the only way.”

  I snap my head to Auvu. “What’s that?”

  She hesitates for a few seconds. My nerves are about to explode if she doesn’t spill it. “Runes is the main key to help you take them down.”

  I stood so fast I got dizzy. It didn’t stop me from getting in her face. “She will have nothing to do with this! She is just a youngling!”

  The sadness in her eyes doesn’t make sense to me. “Then all is lost.”

  “There is always another way. We just need to figure it out.”

  “No. There isn’t. Her power combined with yours is the only way. They’re more powerful than you together. They will kill you if you don’t have the help of her power.”

  I want to cry, scream, beat the shit out these dragons. “How is her power going to help my own?”

  She gave me a sad smile. “She has a piece of the first Elders soul inside her.”

  I bulked at this information. No wonder she is so powerful. “If I agree to this can you swear on your life force that she will be safe?”

  Auvu stands and walks over to the others. I can tell they are communicating with each other. After what seems like a lifecycle they all turn to me. “The only way we can promise her safety is to make sure you do what we say. You can’t hesitate or overthink anything we say.”

  I feel defeated. “What will happen if I do?” I need to know everything.

  “Then you all die and so does this world.”

  No pressure or anything. “I will talk to my pack. I can’t tell you anything until I do.”

  She nods her head. “We will see you soon. You will be completely healed when you wake up. My brother Spyros’s soul was fully healed when we brought you here. It was the reason you couldn’t heal on your own.”

  “If you don’t mind, I would like to go back and talk with my family. How will I get in touch with you when the decision is made?”

  “We will know. Spyros will let us know the moment it happens. We will see you soon whatever your decision is.”

  With that, I’m back in the darkness. I stay there for a while longer pondering on their words. Why is it the light always has to sacrifice while the dark does whatever they want to do and no one can stop them without sacrificing something in return?

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  There is no point in waiting any longer. My family needs to know what needs to be done. I’m not looking forward to this conversation. Opening my eyes, I see night has fallen. The moon is casting odd shadows along the walls.

  I turn to my left to see Kiernan and Runes both asleep. I stare at her for a moment before I wake Kiernan and everyone else up.

  I shake him awake. He pops his eyes open and sits up alarmed. He looks around the room searching for the person who has shaken him awake. “Kiernan, we need a family meeting now.”

  He focuses on me. “How are you able to move? Why do we need a family meeting? Every time you say that something bad is about to be said.”

  I exhale with a sigh. “This is not going to be easy to hear. Trust me on this. Please go gather everyone. Let me know when you have. I want to hold our little one for a moment.”

  He gives me a confused look but does as I ask. I pick Runes up, as soon as I do, I let all my fears, grief, anger and sadness out. I sobbed until I couldn’t breathe. I just held her tighter. Slowly all of it was gone. The tears, the overwhelming feelings just leave me.

  I look down and see Runes looking at me. “You are the most precious little girl in the world. I see why the first Elder attached himself to you. I wish I could keep you in a bubble and keep you from not see the evil in this world. I hope one day you will get to see just how much goodness there is….”

  “We are all in the living room and kitchen. You can come down when you are ready.”

  “I will be down in a little bit.”

  “Well, Runes it’s time to tell them what I have learned. We will make a decision together.”

  Kicking the covers off me, I swing my legs over the side of the bed and stand. I look at the door trying not to freak out. I know this is going to be hard. But in the end, it’s the only way. If someone gives me another choice and the outcome is the same, I will take it.

  I slowly walk to the door and open it. I can hear the hushed voices from downstairs. My heart starts to beat faster. I know there is going to be a huge fight. I need us all to be on the same page or we will all die.

  I take a deep breath and walk down the stairs. Taking the last step, I freeze in place. Everyone’s eyes are on me, like they know I have something bad to say. I wish I could give them better news. Hell, I wish I got better news.

  “It’s bad,” was all I say to them before I tell them what was told to me.

  Rome and Kiernan roar. “You’re not serious!”

  Kira stands up and starts pacing. “Who are these so-called guides? Where the hell have they been?”

  Mom and Oceana look at each other having a silent discussion no doubt. The rest are either too stunned to move or say anything. While others are on the verge of killing the guide for even suggesting it, I stand there and let them do their thing. I know better than to speak to them while they are like this.

  After a good twenty minutes, they have started to calm down. Giving me the floor again. “I know most of you are against this. Hell, I was too. Until they told me it’s the only way. I know deep down you don’t want the world to go dark. If that happens, we will either get killed or wish we did.”r />
  Oceana steps up to the side of me and looks out at our family. “I know who the guides are and they are telling her the truth. The Elders didn’t want anyone telling them what to do or when to step down. They can see the future not even I can. I know having Runes in the middle of all this is unthinkable; I agree. But what other option do we have? Do you want her to live in fear wishing she was dead because we had a chance to stop this and we didn’t?”

  Oceana always tells it like it is. I’m thankful for that. She has been a blessing to us all. Placing my hand on hers, I gave her a sad smile. I can see how terrified she is. “Thank you. Thank you for being here with us and helping us.”

  I turn back to my family. “We all have to be on the same page on this or we all die. There is no way around it. I need to know you are willing to do whatever it takes to end this. I can’t go against them knowing you won’t help me and Runes to stop this. She was born with a part of the first Elders soul for a reason. I was given one of the guides life force for a reason. So please let me know now if you are with me.”

  Kiernan's face is blank. I know he is having a real hard time. He doesn’t want his little girl in all of this. I don’t either but we need to see the bigger picture here. We can’t run and hide anymore. I can’t sit back and watch this world die. I just can’t.

  I glance at each of them and hold their gaze for a few seconds before I move to the next. When I get to the last one, Naya taps me on the shoulder. “I have a plan. It’s not the greatest plan, but I think I know how to protect you both.”

  I nod telling her to explain. “With eight witches here, we can cast a spell over the two of you. It won’t last once you release both of your powers. It will give you time to get them where you need them to be.”

  “I’m still trying to figure out how to get them in a twenty-foot circle. There are six of them and I’m pretty sure they don’t like each other, so I doubt they will be standing that close.”

  Asher walks out of the darkness just then. I almost forgot he is even here.

  “I will come up with a plan for that. You worry about making the circle and figuring out what it is you need to do to kill them once they are there.”

  I give Oceana a sideways glance then back to Asher. “I will need to know the plan before we leave here. I don’t like taking unnecessary steps. I like to know everything before we do something stupid. Not saying this isn’t but hey, it is what it is.”

  “I will make sure they are where you need them. I give you my word.”

  Cryptic much. “Ok, if you can’t I need to know. I will have a backup plan just in case. I really hate not knowing all the details. How much time do you need?”

  “Give me a day to get everything I need.”

  I nod my head. Now I just have to figure out how to harness my magic and Runes. Also trying to keep us safe, I don’t know if eight witches will be enough to hold off the Elders, even if two of them are sorcerers.

  “Alright. Do I have you all on board with this?”

  Kiernan steps beside me with his head held high. I know he doesn’t like this any more than I do, but he is showing me he is with me.

  Desean steps out of the crowd. “I just have one question. Why are they back now? How can we trust them?”

  “The only thing I can think of is they are back to make sure this world goes back to being balanced. I don’t trust easily and you know that. But what other choice do we have? It almost killed me taking out the demons. I know I won’t survive taking six Elders on. Runes is special. We all know that. I hate putting her out there and it pisses me off to no end. We have to try everything.” I turn to Oceana and Pim. “You know who these Guides are. Would they go back on their word?”

  Pim shakes his head, no. “They would never do that. They are bound by their words. They can’t lie nor can they guide you in the wrong direction on purpose. Their word is law.”

  That makes me feel a little better knowing they can’t screw me over. Desean nods then and goes back to his spot.

  I sigh and look at the ground. “I don’t know about the rest of you, but I need food and a shower.”

  Just like that, they were all back to my normal family. I still can’t believe they all are bonded to me. Sometimes I’m still scared by it. I’m leading them into a war, we don’t even know if we can win. Here they are willing to take that chance with me.

  Kira glares at me while she is stalking over to me. “We need to talk. Now!”

  She pushes past me and takes the stairs two at a time. I can’t remember her ever being this pissed at me and I didn’t even do anything this time. I give Kiernan a help me look. All he did was hold out his hands for Runes.

  “I told you she is pissed. Good luck.”

  I give him a dirty look and head for the stairs. I might as well get this over with. I take the first step and look up. I take a tentative breath before I go the rest of the way. As mad as she is I’m sure everyone will hear what she has to say anyway.

  I get to the top of the stairs leading to my bedroom. I can hear her sobbing, I rush into the room and bring her into my arms. I rock her until she is able to talk.

  “I thought I lost you. Everything in me died when I saw you laying there not breathing. I never want to feel that way again. Why did you use your life force? Why couldn’t you figure out another way? Why are you being so selfish?”

  The last one caught me off guard. How was I being selfish when I was saving my family?

  “I don’t get where you think I was being selfish. I saved my family from being killed.”

  “Almost killing yourself in the process. You are the next ruler. You are the only one who can take those bastards out. Here you are trying to kill yourself, so we wouldn’t die. Let me tell you something. You are not allowed to do that!”

  I gape at her. Is she really telling me she would rather be dead and not save them? Oh, hell no! “You listen to me. I will do whatever it takes to get the job done. I will always protect what is mine. No amount of yelling or screaming at me is going to change my mind. You of all people should know this already. If that is how you feel, I’m sorry. It’s not going to change the outcome.”

  I get up and walk away. I’m livid with her. How dare she tell me to let my family die so I can be the next ruler. I don’t know what has gotten into her, but this, this is not her.

  I’m almost out the door when she yells to me. “Dariya!”

  I don’t even know if I want to hear what else she has to say. I stop but I don’t turn around. “What!”

  “I do know you and that’s what scares me the most.”

  I turn around to face her. “Then why yell at me for something you already know?”

  She lets out a sigh of defeat. “Because you are my only sister. I can’t stand the thought of you not being here anymore. My dad hasn’t even woken up yet. I don’t know if he ever will. I don’t know where the rest of my family is or if there even alive. I can’t lose the last person in my family,” she sobs.

  It breaks my heart to see her like this. I go back over to her and hold her. “I can’t promise we will all make it out of this alive. We will all be broken after this and it’s going to take a while to get ourselves back to normal. I can’t live in a world where I don’t know if my family will live long enough to enjoy life. I want to see our younglings grow up together without fear. I know you want that too.”

  She nods her head sniffing. I pull her away to look at her. “I know pregnancy hormones suck. We have a war to win and I need you to stay positive. Ok?”

  She nods again wiping her eyes and cheeks with her sleeve. “I hate this. I hate not having control.”

  I laugh at her. “Remember when you said you wouldn’t be emotional?”

  She hits my arm and lets out a small laugh. “No, I don’t remember having that said conversation.”

  I get up and hold my hand out to her to help her up. “Come on let’s go eat. I know that youngling is hungry and so is her aunt Dariya.”

uno walks in at that second. His jaw is slack. “You-you’re pregnant?”

  I give her a look of oh shit. I thought by now he would know. “I’m going to let you two have some privacy.”

  Kira grabs my arm and yanks me back to her. I look at her confused. Why doesn’t she want to be alone with him?

  Bruno takes a step toward us. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  Kira lets out a strangled sigh. “Because I knew you would tell me I couldn’t be in the fight. I won’t stand here and let you tell me I’m not going to.”

  He takes the last few steps to her. She releases my arm and holds her head up high.

  “I know you better than that. I would suggest you stay out of it. But I know you never would. Why fight over something I would lose on?”

  With that, I walk out of the room. They need to talk and I need food. I rush down the stairs and run into the kitchen. I spot Kiernan and Runes. Taking the last few steps to get to them I scoop her out of Kiernan’s arms and into mine. She squeals with delight. I can’t believe she is not even a month old and she is so big. It’s like she is growing at super speed. Making us all worried about her and what it all means.

  Kiernan moves his legs so I can sit on his lap. “How did it go?”

  “She called me selfish.”

  He turns me so he can see my face. “How are you selfish?”

  “She said I needed to stop trying to kill myself to save everyone else. That I’m the next ruler and if I die, she couldn’t live in a world I wasn’t.” That pretty much sums it up.

  “I don’t think you’re selfish. She is just scared.”

  I didn’t want anyone else to hear what I had to say next so I spoke into his mind.

  “She’s pregnant as well. You know how I was with my emotions.”

  “She’s what?”

  “If I wanted everyone to know what I just told you, I would have spoken out loud. Hush it.”

  “I’m sorry. That caught me off guard. Why didn’t Bruno tell me?”

  “He just found out before I came down here.”


  Pim and Oceana come over to us. “We think we have a plan. We don’t think eight of us will be able to hold them back for as long as we need, so we are going to recruit a few more.”


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