Black Ruins Falls

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Black Ruins Falls Page 25

by Karen DuBose

  I release my magic and let it rush to them. Knocking them all down. I don’t stop, I let my compassion and peace spread through them all. I can see they are realizing what they were doing.

  They look up at me with guilt-ridden eyes. “We are not staying in this Source forbidden castle one more second. Grab your things and head out back where Kiernan has set up camp.”

  I turn away from them and walk back outside. I don’t stop until I see the pyre’s where Mikel and Tobin rest upon. I walk in between them and place a hand on each of them.

  “I’m sorry I let you both down. I vow to keep your memory alive for as long as I live. I know you are both telling me I didn’t let you down. Deep down I feel I have. Your families will be here soon and I promise they will be taken care of. If I could go back and save you I would. May you fly high in those skies and find peace wherever you are. I love and miss you both.”

  I look to the sky and I swear I can see them smiling at me. Before I could really tell they were gone. I look back down and shake my head, I’m either losing it or that just happened.

  I didn’t hear Oceana and my mom walk up behind. They place their hands on me and I can feel their calming powers wash over me. I turn to look at them. “Thank you. Thank you for everything. I know I don’t say that enough. I love both of you.”

  They wrap me up in their arms. Bringing with them peace and love. I hold them tight before I release them. I can hear voices coming this way.

  There are people I’ve never seen before making my guard go up and my defense on the rise. I step in front of my mom and Oceana.

  Oceana places a hand on my shoulder. “It’s their families to say goodbye.”

  I let out the breath I was holding and nodded. I walk towards them. I’m expecting the worse, like them blaming me for their deaths. But it never came. Instead, they all gave me a hug and told me, thank you.

  I had to hold back the sob that’s in my throat as they greet me. Once the last person hugs me, I watch as they surround the pyre with their heads bowed. Kira and Kiernan take one of my hands. I squeeze them tight. Oceana walks to the front of the pyre and holds her hands up in the air.

  “We are gathered here to honor and say farewell to Mikel and Tobin. Two great warriors that died to protect Dariya in her time of need. Their memory and honor will always be remembered. Their lifecycle will live on in our memories and hearts.”

  She glances around until she spots me. She asks me to join her. I start to freak out, I’ve never done a funeral before. I haven’t been to that many to know what to do. My heart pounds in my chest as I walk up to her.

  She leans into me so I can only hear her. “These people would want to hear from you and for you to send them to the sky. I will guide you inside your head.”

  I try not to show my fear. I nod to her and take a deep breath. The words form in my mind without any help from Oceana. “The Source is taking you back now. There is only love and peace where you are going. We may not be able to follow you today, but one day we will rejoin together. We are here to help guide you to your new home. Until we meet again. May you fly high in the sky and find peace and love.”

  I raise my hands letting my words and magic swirl in the air. I bring my hands down and let my magic surround my fallen pack. I give them one last look before I light the fire under them.

  Once the fire is lit, I walk away from it. I couldn’t stay there any longer.

  “Dariya, wait for me,” I hear Kira say in my head. I wait for her to catch up to me. She grabs my hand and we walk away together. We didn’t aim for any place. We just walk.

  “You want to shift? I need to shift.”

  I look at her and smile. I keep forgetting we can shift without fear. I nod and walk away from her and strip. As soon as the last piece of clothing falls, I’m in my dragon form. I beat my wings and take off into the sky.

  Looking down I see Kira right underneath me running free. This feels right. I love the wind blowing in my face and the freedom to roam the skies. I don’t get far when I see the skies filled with dragons and owls. I look down and see bears and lions following me.

  My pack has joined me along with the fallen families. It warms my heart to no end. I flap my wings harder to fly higher in the sky. I circle back to join my pack. I fly next to Kiernan and rub my muzzle against his. I hear his dragon purr. Justice purrs right along with his. This right here is why I’m glad the Elders are gone.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  The day has arrived for me to be sworn in as the next ruler. The guys have doubled down on security. They don’t want to be surprised if there are people who try to take me out before or after the ceremony.

  We decided to have it outside. Most of us have not stepped a foot back in that castle. Oceana and Pim are the only ones who have authority to check on the prisoners. They both told me only a handful should be let out, the rest have pretty much lost their minds or are almost as evil as the Elders.

  I don’t know what happens to the people who were working for the Elders. They weren’t here when we got here, from what Bruno and Kiernan told me. I’m not surprised one bit. They probably thought if I’m powerful enough to take on the Elders. They had nothing on me and didn’t want to face me.

  “You ready? We need to get to the ceremony. We don’t want to be late.” I look over at my mom and smile.

  “As ready as I will ever be. I just hope I don’t trip or something.”

  She smiles and lets out a small laugh. “I will be right next to you, I promise I won’t let you trip or fall.”

  I hold my hand out and she takes it. We walk to the other side of the castle where people have gathered. I can say I’m more nervous than I was facing the Elders.

  I look up at Asher who is going to perform my ceremony and next to him on his left is Kiernan and the right is Bruno. I decided they would be sworn in as my commanders.

  I see the pride in both of their eyes as they smile at me. Hope blooms in my chest that everything will be ok. Not today or tomorrow but someday everything will be the way it was meant to be.

  I walk up to them and bow my head to Asher. He places a hand on my shoulder. I can feel the strength within them. “Please kneel!” he shouts so everyone can hear him. I didn’t even look to see who is all here. I was too nervous to take a look around.

  “By the power of the Source and my own. I ask you to swear to take the rulers position, into your heart and to guide us in a rightful way. Do you swear?”

  “I swear!”

  “Do you swear to keep this world together as a whole?”

  “I swear.”

  “Do you swear to protect the lives of this world that need protecting?”

  “I swear.”

  “I pronounce you as the new ruler. You may stand.”

  The power that washes over me almost knocks me back down to my knees. It swirls inside me like a twister. I hold my head up high to not show weakness. Once the power subsides, I take a step forward to address the crowd.

  “I know many of you have come to see the ceremony while others came to see the competition.” I hear a few gasps come from the crowd. I let it sink in before I continue. “For those who have come in peace, I welcome you to help celebrate with us. For those who wish to cause trouble, know this, you will not walk out of here unharmed. I will not tolerate it, I want us all to start fresh. I want peace among us all. To live in a world where you are not constantly in fear of your lifecycle. Unless you break the one rule that will cause your death. Which is breaking the peace.”

  A few in the back gave me dirty looks, while others cheered and clapped their hands.

  “Please join us on the other side of the castle by the woods.”

  They are all in for a big surprise when they see what I have planned. I’m sure some will fear me after this while others will love me. Either way, my plan will let me know who is with me and who is still with the dead Elders.

  As we walk to the other side, my pack surrounds me as well as Asher. I hav
e gotten to know him a little these last few days. He would show up for a few hours a day before he would have to take off to do Source knows what.

  He and my dad were best friends growing up. My mom still looks at him like she is seeing a ghost most of the time. I’ve asked her about him and she had little to say about him. Which worried me the most. I just wish I could talk to my dad and ask him about Asher. But he hasn’t visited me in a while and I miss him terribly.

  “Why the long face Love?”

  I give Kiernan a small smile. “Just missing my dad.”

  He tucks me into his side and squeezes me. “I know. I wish I could bring him back to you.”

  I try not to cry at his words. He has no idea how much I wish that was true. I clear my throat and nod. Once we reach the other side. I wait until everyone is lined up.

  “As you all know, I’m not going to be like the Elders. I’m not going to kill for sport or make you fear me. Unless you come after me or my family or you break the rules. You kill someone and your punishment is death. No trial, no nothing. Do I make myself clear?”

  There was a brief second you could hear a pin drop. Then the echo of yes’s came.

  “To help us all celebrate my becoming the new ruler. I want you to witness what is to come. There are over five hundred men and woman in this dungeon who have murdered in cold blood. On their own accord. Not because the Elders made them.”

  I walk over to the torch Desean is holding and take it from him. I light the fuse that surrounds the castle. I watch for a second as it snakes it way closer to the castle.

  I step back and turn to the crowd. Who look shocked, scared, or pissed. “I will only tell you one last time. You murder anyone this will be your fate too.” With that, the castle lights up the night sky. You can hear the screams coming from the castle. It twists my stomach to where I’m about to be sick.

  Within a few seconds, the whole castle explodes. I told my pack I would not make those people suffer. That I wanted their deaths to be quick and they were. The screams were because of the smoke right before the explosion. I wanted to make an example of them, not make them suffer any more than they already have.

  As much as it kills me to do this; Bruno, Kiernan, and Pim are right. If you don’t do something to show them, I mean business right off the bat they will do it anyway just to see. I can’t have that. I don’t want anyone else to die to see if I’m bluffing or not.

  I look back to everyone and I can see the fear in most of their eyes. There are some who look at me with malice in their eyes. Those are the ones I wanted to spot out. We will be keeping an eye on them from here on out.

  “I did not show you this to put fear in your hearts. I did this to show you what will happen to anyone who dares murder someone ever again. I am not a cold-blooded murderer as the Elders, but I will make sure this world is safe for you to live in again.”

  The tears of relief I see in most makes me know this is the right choice. A few have already left either in fear or the ones who won’t follow that one rule. We definitely have our hands full for a while and I’m willing to bet we will be dealing with a lot of resistance in the near future.

  “I want to let you know. If you come to me, I’m not going to turn my back on you. I will not keep you away from your family. We need to work together to make this world right, again. I ask you to join me in making this happen.”

  At first there is silence after a few moments there is shouts and cheers again. The relief rushes through me and I smile.

  “Join us in the real celebration.”

  They follow us to where Kira, Gracen, and Bexley set up the party area inside the woods. As soon as we walk into the woods the music starts up. It’s an upbeat tempo. Something that you can easily sway your hips to.

  I reach Kira and hug her. “Thank you for getting this up and ready so soon.”

  “You know I live for this kind of stuff. I can’t wait to start going to the clubs again.”

  I laugh at her. “Oh, I know. But you are going to be going to those clubs alone. I will stay home with the babies.”

  “It’s a deal,” she squeals.

  I laugh at her as she dashes away to be with Bruno. I spot my mom a little ways away. I walk over to her. I really haven’t had a chance to talk to her.

  “How are you holding up?”

  She gives me a tired smile. “I’m managing. Have I told you lately how proud I am of you?”

  I put my arm over her shoulders. “Not in a while. I want to ask you, where did Pim take you guys while we were dealing with the demons?”

  She shutters under my arm. “Earth.”

  Did she just say Earth? My heart beats faster in my chest. “Why did he take you to Earth and how?”

  She shrugs her shoulder not meeting my eyes. “Gracen said it was the safest place to be.”

  “What was it like?”

  “It was weird. Don’t get me wrong most of the people were nice and all, but they kept staring at us. It gave me the creeps. The food wasn’t all that bad. We slept at a boarding house in a town called Shady Oaks. That was really nice. There are others there, kind of like us.”

  I’m still in shock. “Wow!”

  I’ve always wanted to visit Earth. Here my daughter and mother have been there before me. I will have to change that. I would like to see it for myself.

  She takes my arm off her shoulder. “Go have some fun. You deserve it. I will keep an eye on things.”

  “Are you sure? I’m happy to stay with you.”

  She gives me a grin. “I think your mate and daughter are waiting for you to dance with them.” She points out where the crowd is dancing.

  I follow her finger and see that they are indeed waiting for me. I smile at them both. “If you need me don’t hesitate to come to get me.”

  I don’t wait for a reply. I walk over to the two most important people in my lifecycle.

  “Is this dance for me?”

  Kiernan opens his empty arm and I step up to him. I look at Runes. She is wearing the cutest smile in the world. We dance and giggle at all her expressions for a while. Once she falls asleep, we leave the dance floor.

  We step to the side and watch as people laugh and dance. This is what we saved. To have a lifecycle of happiness.

  Only the strong survive and I’m stronger than my enemy.


  Five Years Later

  “Runes, if you don’t put Kanin down. You’re going to wake him up.”

  “But, mama. He is already awake. Why can’t I play with him?”

  I take a deep breath in. I just got him to sleep. I’m going to go insane here in a few. I love my younglings, I love my younglings.

  “Why is he awake. I just got him to sleep?”

  She looks at me with her mismatched eyes and pouts at me. “Because I wanted to play with him. Kiyana doesn’t like to play with me anymore.”

  I lean down so I’m eye level with her. “Why don’t we go make something for lunch and let Kanin sleep. Ok?”

  She lets out a sigh and nods her head. I know she is excited to have her brother and sister here. But mommy needs a break. I swear when their eyes are open, they need to be latched onto my boobs.

  I take her into the kitchen and pick her up so she is on the counter next to me. I hear the back door open. I turn to see who it is when I hear Bria squeal with delight. Runes jumps down and run to her best friend. They run out of the kitchen.

  “Don’t wake your brother or sister up. Please.”

  I don’t look in Kira’s direction. Not when I have a knife in my hand cutting sandwiches. “I was wondering if you were going to come over soon.”

  She plops down next to me on the stool with Kirno in her arms fast asleep. “Who in their right minds said it was a great idea to have younglings? I forgot what sleep is.”

  I laugh at her because I know what she means. “Let’s face it. We are better taking down evil than we are taking down these younglings.”

  “You ain’t
even lying. First Kirno didn’t want to wake up and just before I can roll over, he didn’t want to take a nap with his cranky self.”

  She stands up and walks out of the kitchen into the bedroom right off of it and lays Kirno down. I watch her as she tucks him in and gives his forehead a kiss before she comes back out here.

  “You know neither one of us would turn back time.”

  “You’re right I wouldn’t. They keep us on our toes. That’s for sure. When are the guys going to be back?”

  “They said around dinner time.”

  “Did they say where they were going this time?”

  “Sebound. Said they have been getting calls about a few of their people tormenting others.”

  “When are these people ever going to learn? Why don’t they want peace? And why is it so hard not to be evil?”

  I’m done making lunch and I turn to her. I can see she is worn out. I know I look the same as she does. “I don’t know the answer to those questions. You know we haven’t had a chance to go out since the twins were born. How about when the guys get home, we grab the ladies and go to a spa or something?”

  She perks up with my words. “Have I told you how much I love you right now.”

  I laugh at her again and place the plates on the table. “Girls, your lunch is ready.”

  “Thanks, Mama.”

  “Thanks, Aunt Dariya.”

  I smile at them as they get up on the chairs. “You’re both welcome. Now eat so you can grow strong like your mama’s.”

  Life was good for once.


  Things haven’t been as bad as we thought it would be. Yes, there was a lot of fights and death these last five years. Nothing we couldn’t handle as a pack. Which has grown big time.

  There are more children than we could ever dream of. There is Runes and the twins Kiyana and Kanin. Who are five years old and nine months. Those two have been keeping us on our toes here lately. They love getting into things. Their power emerged at six months old. They are telekinesis. Fun for us when we are chasing down things, we don’t want broke. Little stinkers.


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