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DocuMental Page 5

by Quintin Fortune

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  A concentrated explosion from Alpha sent Deadguy flying into a few tables. His body healed from the attack, and he was back on his feet in no time. The building was ablaze as the Twins set about blowing up various stores. Our Hero grabbed a chair and chucked it at Alpha, only to have Beta turn and destroy the projectile with another explosion.

  "You cannot stop us," they both growled. "Why are you even trying?"

  "You know how it is," DG replied. "when you can't die, you tend to become a little stubborn." He pulled off his trench coat and tossed it to the side. "Besides, I think you're doing more harm than good to your message." He charged at them again, jumping off a chair to make a flying punch. The Twins both held up a hand to him and sent him flying back with another explosion. He crashed into the condiment stand, packets flying everywhere. "Jill and Valk can get here any moment now," he muttered.

  "Only you to stop us," the Twins asked. "Have you been abandoned by your friends?"

  Deadguy stood up and stretched, trying to get the kink out of his back and push some spinal disk back in. "Have you to ever considered peaceful protests? You know. Signs. Picketing. Writing angry letters. Would be a lot easier way to get your point across than this." Beta snapped his finger, and a mini explosion went off in Deadguy's face. He sputtered as he covered his face. He removed his hand just as the last of the burned flesh healed. "I'm trying to help out and you're being rude. Okay then."

  "Anya and Boris Xaocy," Jill's voice called out through the burning madness. The Twins turned to see her and Valkadaidan standing at the other end of the food court. "We know who you two really are and what you've done. Either come peacefully or I'll have no choice but to use Valkadaidan."

  The Twins both sucked air through their teeth at the same time. They pointed their fingers like guns at the Heroes, when Beta suddenly was yanked from the table and thrown into one of the open trash cans. Alpha turned to see Deadguy dusting his hands off. She tried to say something, but found herself speechless.

  "What, can't talk without your brother," DG asked. She sputtered, stammered, but nothing came out. Our Hero looked at her with concern. "You really can't talk without him." He heard two finger snap behind him, and flew forward from two mini explosions. He fell onto the table that Alpha was standing on. He looked up to see the devious grin of Alpha. A blade suddenly shot out from her abdomen, changing the grin to a look of shock and horror. She collapsed into Deadguy's arms. "Valk, what the hell's your problem," he yelled.

  Beta clawed at Our Hero. He turned and laid Alpha on the ground. Her brother knelt beside her, tears in his eyes. Beta held one hand tight and Deadguy held the other as Alpha's breath started to slow. "Ya tebe lyublyu i meni shkoda," Alpha whispered. Beta started shaking his head and crying.

  "He," he said through his tears. "He he he he!" He leaned in to hold her. Deadguy let Alpha's hand go and tried to comfort Beta. He slapped his hand away. "Tse vasha vyna," he yelled, cradling his dying sister.

  "Calm down," Deadguy said. "I have know idea what you're saying." Beta started humming. As he was humming, they both began to glow. Deadguy started backing up. "I have a feeling something very bad's about to happen. Everyone clear out." Jill and Valk started for the exit. "Georgie Boy, let's go!"

  "George is already running ahead of us," Jill called out.

  "Not surprised," he sighed. As he started to follow the rest of the team, several sections of the ceiling caved in, cutting him off from the others. "Oh come on," he yelled.

  "Deadguy," he heard Jill yell from the other side.

  "I'm fine," he yelled back. "Just get to safety. I'll be fine." He turned back to the twins. They were glowing pure white now. "Hopefully," he said to himself. A silent explosion ripped from them, causing everything to disappear. It was a blinding light, causing Deadguy to shield his eyes just before he was thrown around like a rag doll.

  He came to just in time to hear footsteps. It sounded like four people, and one was very large. He opened his eyes to see a man in a gray three-piece suit standing next to a muscular man. The man had one of the twins one each of his shoulders. The building was in flames, rolling across the ceiling and climbing the walls.

  "D-did the p-p-plan w-w-WORK," the muscular man asked.

  "Well enough, I suppose," the gray-suited man replied. He saw someone step over him and walk up to the men. It was an Asian girl dressed in Gothic attire.

  "The Hero lives," she declared. "Shall we try to end him once again?"

  "That won't be necessary, Despair," he answered. "We will use him to get a message across, though." He turned, and Deadguy noticed that it was the same guy he saw at the bombing of Dover. "Pandemonium, if you be so kind."

  Deadguy felt his body being rolled over. He was facing the ceiling now. A pale woman with pitch black hair and what appeared to be a velvet purple top looked over him. Her thin face made her wide grin even creepier. "With pleasure," she said, then plunged a knife straight into his heart.

  "Not getting away with this," he sputtered before he blacked out again.

  He snapped back to life and took in a huge breath. He blinked a few times, then looked over to see Jill holding the knife. She was wearing a rubber glove. "Here you go," she said, slipping the knife into a plastic evidence bag and handing it to a cop. Our Hero sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Just relax," she ordered.

  "Where did they go," he asked.

  "Where did who go," she asked.

  "There was four people here. A guy in a gray suit, a muscle man, an Asian goth chick, and some crazed woman in purple," he explained. "They just came and grabbed the Twins."

  "Deadguy, no one's been in here for three days," Jill said. They were only able to get back into here last night."

  "I've been dead for three days," DG asked, in a bit of shock. "Did I miss anything?"

  Jill chuckled. "No. Not really," she answered.



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